Do pollsters really think they are going to fool people again?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?
No one wants to talk to them when they call. They need to make 25,000 calls to get 500 people polled, so what kind of demographic is that? Total bullshit.
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No one want to talk to them when they call. They need to make 25,000 calls to get 500 people polled, so what kind of demographic is that? Total bullshit.
True. I have gotten ONE call in my 34 years and it was in the summer of 2015...
That shit stain Nate Silver gave Cankles a 92% chance of winning...he now gives the dems 80% to win the House

That made me smile and more confident

I wasn't buying the polls in 2016 and I'm not now, Trump has 13,000 in freaking Ft Wayne Indiana tonight while Ears and Biden can't fill a HS gym. Where is the enthusiasm at?
I remember on the night of the 2016 Election - November 8, 2016 - they had Hillary Clinton winning the election. It was at 8pm that same evening that the odds of her winning was at 700 for $100.

Trump obviously won - at 3 o'clock in the morning of November 9th.
I remember on the night of the 2016 Election - November 8, 2016 - they had Hillary Clinton winning the election. It was at 8pm that same evening that the odds of her winning was at 700 for $100.

Trump obviously won - at 3 o'clock in the morning of November 9th.

Nov 9, 2016 was an unbelievable night...watching the left melt down was something I will never forget in my entire life
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?
Um,,, hey genius... didn't you just start a thread not minutes ago touting a poll that, surprise surprise, gives results you like? Montana GOP senate candidate takes lead over Tester

Do you have short term memory problems?
If you don’t want to believe the polls don’t have to

Right now they predict Dems taking the House by ten seats
Republicans pick up a seat in the Senate
Democrats picking up Governorships to draw within 24-26

If polls are worthless
Let’s see how close they come
If you don’t want to believe the polls don’t have to

Right now they predict Dems taking the House by ten seats
Republicans pick up a seat in the Senate
Democrats picking up Governorships to draw within 24-26

If polls are worthless
Let’s see how close they come
They have been off time and time again..........Heard they predict the landfalls of Hurricanes too..........every once and a while they get that right too...............LOL
Heard there was a rash of Flat tires in California.........Just the ones with Obama stickers.......

If you don’t want to believe the polls don’t have to

Right now they predict Dems taking the House by ten seats
Republicans pick up a seat in the Senate
Democrats picking up Governorships to draw within 24-26

If polls are worthless
Let’s see how close they come

I remember how confident they were because polls showed that Kerry was going to beat Bush for his second term.
First - Rasmussen was the ONLY polster in 2016 to pick Trump, and today they are saying the Republicans will get 46% of the vote tomorrow vs 45% for the democrats ( +1 republicans).

Second - Even Nate Silver has already said he is not confident in the blue wave in a tweet.

This is Nate Silver's problems - he bases his own polls on different things but one main thing is his theory that the best funded races win. BUT, the Dems may have a lot more money in ads this year, including the highest funded democrat running, Beto, who is now behind in all polls 51% for (Cruz) to 45% (Beto). So the money means nothing.

Second - Nate is basing his prediction on the fact that democrats have won more midterms since 1924 than Republicans - BUT, Republicans have won 10 out of 12 of the last midterms since 1998. 10 out of 12 - that is a TREND, my friend. What happened before 1990 has NO BEARING on today - most of the voters he is measuring are long dead - Nate Silver is just a guy who had a good run, but who blew it badly in 2016, and is about to blow it again, I believe and hope.

Remember, most polls are run by the media, who cannot help their own bias. It is so deep they can't even see the bottom, they believe what they see is "fact" not just their own Point Of View. That is the problem with American media - they actually believe most Americans think the same way they do.

I also have not been polled politically for decades. And if I was I would probably lie - why would I want to tell the libs they need to work harder to get out the vote?
First - Rasmussen was the ONLY polster in 2016 to pick Trump, and today they are saying the Republicans will get 46% of the vote tomorrow vs 45% for the democrats ( +1 republicans).

Second - Even Nate Silver has already said he is not confident in the blue wave in a tweet.

This is Nate Silver's problems - he bases his own polls on different things but one main thing is his theory that the best funded races win. BUT, the Dems may have a lot more money in ads this year, including the highest funded democrat running, Beto, who is now behind in all polls 51% for (Cruz) to 45% (Beto). But the money means nothing.

Second - Nate is basing his prediction on the fact that democrats have won more midterms since 1924 than Republicans - BUT, Republicans have won 10 out of 12 of the last midterms since 1998. 10 out of 12 - that is a TREND, my friend. What happened before 1990 has NO BEARING on today - most of the voters he is measuring are long dead - Nate Silver is just a guy who had a good run, but who blew it badly in 2016, and is about to blow it again, I believe and hope.

Remember, most polls are run by the media, who cannot help their own bias. It is so deep they can't even see the bottom, they believe what they see is "fact" not just their own Point Of View. That is the problem with American media - they actually believe most Americans think the same way they do.

I also have not been polled politically for decades. And if I was I would probably lie - why would I want to tell the libs they need to work harder to get out the vote?

Wrong, IBD (Investor Business Daily) was the only poll that got Trump right in 2016
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