Do pollsters really think they are going to fool people again?

Pollsters still can't fathom that Trump won, they are discombobulated.

Ha Ha. Lot of truth there. Even *after* the election they insisted that Trump didnt really win. Talk about a disconnect from reality. :)
We will find out tomorrow how accurate the polls were
It is more than “you got lucky this time” since they are predicting the results of hundreds of separate elections in 50 states

And what would you consider accurate? What the polls say tomorrow or what they said two weeks ago?

Whatever the polls say today
Two weeks ago was two weeks ago

So in other words, even you admit that polls are designed to try and convince people rather than report what people actually think.
What a ridiculous conclusion

The polls reflect what people at THAT TIME were thinking

Right......they just happen to be thinking a whole different way just before an election compared to what they thought three weeks ago.

I knew who I was going to vote for three months ago; most people do. The reason the polls tighten up near the election is so they don't have their name tarnished for next election. They knew all along how close these races were but reported just the opposite to get people to think their candidate isn't worth the time to go out and vote for.
That is where the “undecided” votes factor in

Right before the election
And what would you consider accurate? What the polls say tomorrow or what they said two weeks ago?

Whatever the polls say today
Two weeks ago was two weeks ago

So in other words, even you admit that polls are designed to try and convince people rather than report what people actually think.
What a ridiculous conclusion

The polls reflect what people at THAT TIME were thinking

Right......they just happen to be thinking a whole different way just before an election compared to what they thought three weeks ago.

I knew who I was going to vote for three months ago; most people do. The reason the polls tighten up near the election is so they don't have their name tarnished for next election. They knew all along how close these races were but reported just the opposite to get people to think their candidate isn't worth the time to go out and vote for.
That is where the “undecided” votes factor in

Right before the election

Is that so? Then why do those undecided voters always seem to drift right before an election instead of drifting left? Very seldom do you see a Democrat gaining in the polls just before an election.
I predict a purple puddle for tomorrow.

Whatever the polls say today
Two weeks ago was two weeks ago

So in other words, even you admit that polls are designed to try and convince people rather than report what people actually think.
What a ridiculous conclusion

The polls reflect what people at THAT TIME were thinking

Right......they just happen to be thinking a whole different way just before an election compared to what they thought three weeks ago.

I knew who I was going to vote for three months ago; most people do. The reason the polls tighten up near the election is so they don't have their name tarnished for next election. They knew all along how close these races were but reported just the opposite to get people to think their candidate isn't worth the time to go out and vote for.
That is where the “undecided” votes factor in

Right before the election

Is that so? Then why do those undecided voters always seem to drift right before an election instead of drifting left? Very seldom do you see a Democrat gaining in the polls just before an election.
You are going to have to provide data on that one

Not my experience, I have seen elections swing in both directions right before an election
So in other words, even you admit that polls are designed to try and convince people rather than report what people actually think.
What a ridiculous conclusion

The polls reflect what people at THAT TIME were thinking

Right......they just happen to be thinking a whole different way just before an election compared to what they thought three weeks ago.

I knew who I was going to vote for three months ago; most people do. The reason the polls tighten up near the election is so they don't have their name tarnished for next election. They knew all along how close these races were but reported just the opposite to get people to think their candidate isn't worth the time to go out and vote for.
That is where the “undecided” votes factor in

Right before the election

Is that so? Then why do those undecided voters always seem to drift right before an election instead of drifting left? Very seldom do you see a Democrat gaining in the polls just before an election.
You are going to have to provide data on that one

Not my experience, I have seen elections swing in both directions right before an election

Since there is no study or data on the subject, watch what happens this election.
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?

Your premise is bullshit. Polls did not "fail miserably" in 2016. They had Clinton getting more votes, and she did. The fact that the Electoral College perverted that into a different result is no reflection on polls that were polling voters, not Electors.

It's like somebody said not too long ago --- "more votes equals a loss? We should have a revolution in this country!" Remember who that was? I do. Here's a hint: he paints himself orange.
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They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?
evidently they do think that and no matter how many times they are wrong people still parrot their results like the gospel.
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?

Your premise is bullshit. Polls did not "fail miserably" in 2016. They had Clinton getting more votes, and she did. The fact that the Electoral College perverted that into a different result is no reflection on polls that were polling voters, not Electors.

It's like somebody said not too long ago --- "more votes equals a loss? We should have a revolution in this country!" Remember who that was?
No one has ever been elected by the popular vote. No one, and they never will be. Our system works just like it was intended to but sore losing bed wetting cry baby liars have to throw a fit if they can't get their way. They've got the fake media, the fake polls, and fake schools turning out morons as fast as the can and you still can't win.
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?
Pollsters get paid to feed crack to the addicts. It is kind of a mid-stream drug cartel operation.
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?

Your premise is bullshit. Polls did not "fail miserably" in 2016. They had Clinton getting more votes, and she did. The fact that the Electoral College perverted that into a different result is no reflection on polls that were polling voters, not Electors.

It's like somebody said not too long ago --- "more votes equals a loss? We should have a revolution in this country!" Remember who that was?

The same polls also predicted Hil-Liar taking the EC as well.
BUT, Republicans have won 10 out of 12 of the last midterms since 1998. 10 out of 12 - that is a TREND, my friend.

Absolute bullshit. Number one there haven't been but FOUR midterms --- not "twelve" ---- since 1998. That would be 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. Your math isn't even remotely close.

And number two, since the Duopoly has existed which ever party holds the White House almost always loses seats in the midterm -- there have been three exceptions since the 1860s. THERE is your "Trend, my friend".

Your time period above includes both O'bama terms, which followed that pattern, and both W terms, which split. That's not a pattern.
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?

Your premise is bullshit. Polls did not "fail miserably" in 2016. They had Clinton getting more votes, and she did. The fact that the Electoral College perverted that into a different result is no reflection on polls that were polling voters, not Electors.

It's like somebody said not too long ago --- "more votes equals a loss? We should have a revolution in this country!" Remember who that was?

The same polls also predicted Hil-Liar taking the EC as well.

Under the WTA system that's impossible.
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?

Your premise is bullshit. Polls did not "fail miserably" in 2016. They had Clinton getting more votes, and she did. The fact that the Electoral College perverted that into a different result is no reflection on polls that were polling voters, not Electors.

It's like somebody said not too long ago --- "more votes equals a loss? We should have a revolution in this country!" Remember who that was?

The same polls also predicted Hil-Liar taking the EC as well.

Under the WTA system that's impossible.
They still predicted it
They failed MISERABLY in 2016 with very few polls getting it right so why do the SAME pollsters that did such a lousy job in 2016 think people are going to be fooled by them again in 2018? Is it just them trying to regain some relevance and crush the populist wave coming? I personally get a gut feeling of how things are going to go and I think the polls are WAY off like worse than 2016 levels. OBVIOUSLY MILLIONS more people are voting and its mostly GOP voters....if the polls are completely off again what happens? Do polls still try to stay relevant? Do they disappear?

Populism is a euphemism for big government deciding outcomes. The fact is Republicans are in trouble in the House. Republicans bought last minute ads in House districts that were not thought to be in danger. They clearly are seeing movement towards Democrats.
That shit stain Nate Silver gave Cankles a 92% chance of winning...he now gives the dems 80% to win the House

That made me smile and more confident

I wasn't buying the polls in 2016 and I'm not now, Trump has 13,000 in freaking Ft Wayne Indiana tonight while Ears and Biden can't fill a HS gym. Where is the enthusiasm at?

McCain and Palin drew big crowds in 2008 but lost numerous seats in the House and Senate. Trump is splitting the Republican coalition. Suburban voters are leaving the GOP.
No one wants to talk to them when they call. They need to make 25,000 calls to get 500 people polled, so what kind of demographic is that? Total bullshit.

If that’s what will help you sleep tonight

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