Do republican voters think the GOP actually gives a shit about them?

Open Borders, Post-birth abortions, illegally spying on citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, & USSC Justices, helping Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - get their own country, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner invading Syria, giving Vlad uranium & crimea, knowing about Russian interference back in 2014 yet doing nothing to stop it for 2 years, telling Americans if they like their health care plans and doctors they can keep them...

...and ignorant, easily manipulated snowflake sheep just can't get enough of Barry and the America-loving Democrats....

I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

The GOP doesn't need victims like the Democrat party does. Your first sentence in this post set's up victimology. Did you know that? Democrats are interested in a victim class so they can garner votes to take power from We The People. The wealthy provides jobs for the middle class. When you unfairly tax them, jobs disappear. Trump eased those taxes so now, we have more jobs available. Democrats don't like this because a person supporting their self cuts out their government mandated tax stipend and lets them think for themselves.

There is no such thing as 'higher education' the Ivy League Universities have proven just how ignorant they are as evidenced by the mal-educated students they belch out.

Raising the minimum wage is a Marxist pipe dream. Someone STILL has to PAY those wages!!! If the 'minimum wage' is set using an arbitrary standard, employers will lay off and not hire.

I notice you refrain from defining just what 'climate change' means. Nice trick....Use a vague term an claim it means something it doesn't.

The government welfare system has made healthcare unaffordable. The government needs to stop regulating where we can purchase health insurance.

Scientific research is much more successful in private enterprise because, private research is generally not subject to governmental, leftist, environmental bullshit 'regulations.'

Child care should be shouldered by the fucking MOTHERS!!! Unless raped (which is a heinous crime) they chose to get pregnant!!!!
Lol oh so there are literally thousands of kids being detained right now and thousands more will detained until this policy stops and that doesn’t matter because? I mean even if doing this was a deterrent, we are still having thousands of them live here INDEFINITELY either way. Are you even listening to yourself? Your knee jerk reaction to defend Trump no matter what is so pathetic.
Yup, Barry started the sticking kids in cages...instead of opposing it snowflakes said nothing and held onto the photos of Barry's caged kids until they tried to pass them off as Trump's...and ignorant, easily manipulated snowflake sheep like you bought it.

That's a concept which I fear you will never be able to grasp.

I don't want politicos of either stripe to give a shite about me.

Politicos are interested in people in exactly the same way that fleas are interested in dogs.
1) Investing in infrastructure

Why should this be a federal issue and not a state issue?

2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost

The fallacy of "college for everyone" has been proven a failure. There are a finite number of high skilled jobs available which is why we have kids rolling out of college with nonsense degrees that don't mean fuck all in the real world.

3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.

A government mandated minimum wage does nothing but subvert the free market and stifle competition. Try and wrap your mind around this:
There's a McDonalds and a Burger King across the street from eachother. Both are in need of a fry cook. It's an entry level job, both offering $7.50/hr. There's no incentive to choose one over the other, so both will pick whoever mozies on through he door.

Now imagine there's no minimum wage. McDonald's offers $7.50, but Burger King offers $8.00. Guess who gets the position filled first? Guess what the other one has to do to remain competitive?

4) Making healthcare more affordable

You wanna make healthcare more affordable? Allow health insurance to be sold across state lines without all the goddamn red tape. Competition breeds efficiency and cost reduction. Why would I pay $1,000 month in premiums to a Illinois health insurance agency if I can get the same coverage from an Iowa health insurance agency for $800/month?

5) Funding scientific research and development.

Once again, why is this the federal governments responsibility? Their job is to GOVERN. The greatest ingenuity comes from the private sector. You want more R&D? Get the fuck out of their way!

6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.

No. I am not responsible for YOUR children. Be an adult.

7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Oh fuck off already. The climate has been changing since time began. How arrogant and ignorant are you to think that you can control the goddamn weather? Furthermore, explain to the class why the Obama's, the self-proclaimed climate champions that they were, just bought a $15 million mansion that's a mere 3 FUCKING FEET above sea level?
Lol oh so there are literally thousands of kids being detained right now and thousands more will detained until this policy stops and that doesn’t matter because? I mean even if doing this was a deterrent, we are still having thousands of them live here INDEFINITELY either way. Are you even listening to yourself? Your knee jerk reaction to defend Trump no matter what is so pathetic.
Yup, Barry started the sticking kids in cages...instead of opposing it snowflakes said nothing and held onto the photos of Barry's caged kids until they tried to pass them off as Trump's...and ignorant, easily manipulated snowflake sheep like you bought it.

1) Kids were only separated if their parents had committed separate crimes which was rare.

2) This practice didn’t start under Obama

3) The kids weren’t held here INDEFINITELY.

Your “but Obama!” response is so childish and stupid.
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.

You should understand that all the things you want to commies to do are not the constitutional responsibility of the federal government, those responsibilities belong to the States, if they chose to do them.

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -James Madison Federalist 45

Okay your amateur interpretation of the constitution really means jack shit. Your own bold text is so vague and open to interpretation that you basically just sound really ignorant. By your logic, basically any of Trump’s policies violate the constitution. I mean think about this for a moment. The democrat push to invest in infrastructure spending is unconstitutional yet putting migrant kids into cages without due process is constitutional.

it is impossible to take you people seriously.

Poor little dumb fuck, I quoted the guy that wrote most of the Constitution, that's his explanation to the people at the time. They said it was written so the simplest farmer of the time could understand it, sorry you can't even make that grade. Perhaps you should go find that 6 year old now. LMAO

Absolutely none of this explains why democratic policies are unconstitutional but republican ones aren’t but you already knew that. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't see anything unconstitutional about getting uncle sugar out of tax payer pockets, staying out of State business and protecting our country and its borders. Do you?


State business cannot violate the Constitution of the United States. The individuals who make up the government of a state may not interfere with the rights of a citizen under the Constitution.
Hey OP, if you're not getting paid for posting this bullshit you are wasting your time.
1) Kids were only separated if their parents had committed separate crimes which was rare.

News Flash: Crossing the border without permission is a CRIME.
2) This practice didn’t start under Obama

Correct, it actually started under Bush - with Democrat approval, including prominent leftist poster childs such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Dianne Feinstein.

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 107th Congress - 2nd Session


3) The kids weren’t held here INDEFINITELY.

They still aren't. They are held while maternity/paternity is determined to prevent human trafficking.


“If there's no documentation to confirm the claimed relationship between an adult and a child, we [separate] if the parent is a national security, public or safety risk, including when there are criminal charges at issue and it may not be appropriate to maintain the family in detention together,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at the White House Monday.

We also separate a parent and child if the adult is suspected of human trafficking. There have been cases where minors have been used and trafficked by unrelated adults in an effort to avoid detention,” she continued. “And I'd stop here to say, in the last five months, we have a 314 percent increase in adults and children arriving at the border, fraudulently claiming to be a family unit. This is, obviously, of concern.”

The Fraudulent Parent Problem on the Border

Morons like you think we should just let everyone through, no questions asked. Why do you support the trafficking of children?
Last edited:
1) Kids were only separated if their parents had committed separate crimes which was rare.

News Flash: Crossing the border without permission is a CRIME.
2) This practice didn’t start under Obama

Correct, it actually started under Bush - with Democrat approval, including prominent leftist poster childs such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Dianne Feinstein.

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 107th Congress - 2nd Session

View attachment 295898

3) The kids weren’t held here INDEFINITELY.

They still aren't. They are held while maternity/paternity is determined to prevent human trafficking.


“If there's no documentation to confirm the claimed relationship between an adult and a child, we [separate] if the parent is a national security, public or safety risk, including when there are criminal charges at issue and it may not be appropriate to maintain the family in detention together,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at the White House Monday.

We also separate a parent and child if the adult is suspected of human trafficking. There have been cases where minors have been used and trafficked by unrelated adults in an effort to avoid detention,” she continued. “And I'd stop here to say, in the last five months, we have a 314 percent increase in adults and children arriving at the border, fraudulently claiming to be a family unit. This is, obviously, of concern.”

The Fraudulent Parent Problem on the Border

Morons like you think we should just let everyone through, no questions asked. Why do you support the trafficking of children?
I said a separate crime you disingenuous moron.

And uh yeah they are. They’ve been here for over a year with no plan to release them. Are you really this stupid?

And no you sack of garbage, I never once said we should let people in no questions asked. You just believe the left believes that because you’re all too stupid to understand the nuance of an issue. Obviously we should control illegal immigration. Holding them here indefinitely isn’t somehow a solution is it? In fact, it’s the complete opposite. You noticed that right?
1) Kids were only separated if their parents had committed separate crimes which was rare.

News Flash: Crossing the border without permission is a CRIME.
2) This practice didn’t start under Obama

Correct, it actually started under Bush - with Democrat approval, including prominent leftist poster childs such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Dianne Feinstein.

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 107th Congress - 2nd Session

View attachment 295898

3) The kids weren’t held here INDEFINITELY.

They still aren't. They are held while maternity/paternity is determined to prevent human trafficking.


“If there's no documentation to confirm the claimed relationship between an adult and a child, we [separate] if the parent is a national security, public or safety risk, including when there are criminal charges at issue and it may not be appropriate to maintain the family in detention together,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at the White House Monday.

We also separate a parent and child if the adult is suspected of human trafficking. There have been cases where minors have been used and trafficked by unrelated adults in an effort to avoid detention,” she continued. “And I'd stop here to say, in the last five months, we have a 314 percent increase in adults and children arriving at the border, fraudulently claiming to be a family unit. This is, obviously, of concern.”

The Fraudulent Parent Problem on the Border

Morons like you think we should just let everyone through, no questions asked. Why do you support the trafficking of children?
I said a separate crime you disingenuous moron.

And uh yeah they are. They’ve been here for over a year with no plan to release them. Are you really this stupid?

And no you sack of garbage, I never once said we should let people in no questions asked. You just believe the left believes that because you’re all too stupid to understand the nuance of an issue. Obviously we should control illegal immigration. Holding them here indefinitely isn’t somehow a solution is it? In fact, it’s the complete opposite. You noticed that right?

Crime is crime, dipshit.

How would you have us release them with nobody to release them to, genius? Should we just throw them on the street, or back across the border, with a $20 bill and a pat on the back?
1) Investing in infrastructure

Why should this be a federal issue and not a state issue?

2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost

The fallacy of "college for everyone" has been proven a failure. There are a finite number of high skilled jobs available which is why we have kids rolling out of college with nonsense degrees that don't mean fuck all in the real world.

3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.

A government mandated minimum wage does nothing but subvert the free market and stifle competition. Try and wrap your mind around this:
There's a McDonalds and a Burger King across the street from eachother. Both are in need of a fry cook. It's an entry level job, both offering $7.50/hr. There's no incentive to choose one over the other, so both will pick whoever mozies on through he door.

Now imagine there's no minimum wage. McDonald's offers $7.50, but Burger King offers $8.00. Guess who gets the position filled first? Guess what the other one has to do to remain competitive?

4) Making healthcare more affordable

You wanna make healthcare more affordable? Allow health insurance to be sold across state lines without all the goddamn red tape. Competition breeds efficiency and cost reduction. Why would I pay $1,000 month in premiums to a Illinois health insurance agency if I can get the same coverage from an Iowa health insurance agency for $800/month?

5) Funding scientific research and development.

Once again, why is this the federal governments responsibility? Their job is to GOVERN. The greatest ingenuity comes from the private sector. You want more R&D? Get the fuck out of their way!

6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.

No. I am not responsible for YOUR children. Be an adult.

7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Oh fuck off already. The climate has been changing since time began. How arrogant and ignorant are you to think that you can control the goddamn weather? Furthermore, explain to the class why the Obama's, the self-proclaimed climate champions that they were, just bought a $15 million mansion that's a mere 3 FUCKING FEET above sea level?
Our infrastructure is interconnected you fucking dope, especially our electrical grid.

A proven failure huh? So why do they do it all over the world?

What the fuck are you talking about? Minimum wage or not, businesses can pay any wage that’s higher. That’s where the competition occurs. If there was no minimum wage, McDonald’s would gladly pay $4 per hour. Burger King then would then pay $5 per hour. You see how that works?

Making that shit across state lines wouldn’t do jack shit. How would that magically stop Kaiser from charging whatever fucking deductible they want for the sake of PROFIT?

No one cares what your selfish ass thinks. The point is, it’s for the benefit of the kids themselves if their parents can’t afford it for whatever reason.

Uh well it’s the climate, not the weather for one. This is seriously a scientific phenomenon that you know nothing about. Stop pretending you understand it.
1) Kids were only separated if their parents had committed separate crimes which was rare.

News Flash: Crossing the border without permission is a CRIME.
2) This practice didn’t start under Obama

Correct, it actually started under Bush - with Democrat approval, including prominent leftist poster childs such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and Dianne Feinstein.

U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 107th Congress - 2nd Session

View attachment 295898

3) The kids weren’t held here INDEFINITELY.

They still aren't. They are held while maternity/paternity is determined to prevent human trafficking.


“If there's no documentation to confirm the claimed relationship between an adult and a child, we [separate] if the parent is a national security, public or safety risk, including when there are criminal charges at issue and it may not be appropriate to maintain the family in detention together,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said at the White House Monday.

We also separate a parent and child if the adult is suspected of human trafficking. There have been cases where minors have been used and trafficked by unrelated adults in an effort to avoid detention,” she continued. “And I'd stop here to say, in the last five months, we have a 314 percent increase in adults and children arriving at the border, fraudulently claiming to be a family unit. This is, obviously, of concern.”

The Fraudulent Parent Problem on the Border

Morons like you think we should just let everyone through, no questions asked. Why do you support the trafficking of children?
I said a separate crime you disingenuous moron.

And uh yeah they are. They’ve been here for over a year with no plan to release them. Are you really this stupid?

And no you sack of garbage, I never once said we should let people in no questions asked. You just believe the left believes that because you’re all too stupid to understand the nuance of an issue. Obviously we should control illegal immigration. Holding them here indefinitely isn’t somehow a solution is it? In fact, it’s the complete opposite. You noticed that right?

Crime is crime, dipshit.

How would you have us release them with nobody to release them to, genius? Should we just throw them on the street, or back across the border, with a $20 bill and a pat on the back?
Uh well separating them from their parents shouldn’t have happened to begin with so it’s basic logic you don’t separate them to begin with.
If we want to be honest, we must admit that neither party gives a flying fuck about the people. Let’s take a look at the problems facing Americans today, and what solutions we hear bandied about.

One that I have mentioned before, the Opioid Crisis. Since the CDC, DEA, and FDA have worked together to try and cut the available Opioid’s available for pain patients, we have seen an increase in Suicides due to pain. We have not seen a decrease in Overdose deaths. And we have not seen a reduction of illegal drugs, which is where 95% plus of the overdoses came from.

The Democrats are silent about people suffering from lack of pain medications. Silent about Doctors being locked up for trying to treat their patients. Silent on the entire thing. Why? The Democrats are afraid of being labeled pro drug, or soft on crime. Cowardice does not serve the people.

But there are many other issues, and on none of them do the Democrats give a flying fuck about the people.

I can tell you right now how to get the Presidency, and take control of both houses of Congress, and hold it. I am talking being close to a Supermajority in the Senate, and a comfortable margin in the House. But the Democrats will never do it.

In my district, we have Rick Allen representing us. A positively mediocre representative. The district used to have a Democrat. A Moderate Democrat named John Barrow. John Barrow was by Georgia Standards moderate, and by standards outside of Georgia a Conservative Democrat. But he won elections, and re-elections. So why is he or someone exactly like him not representing Georgia now? The cries from the left that anyone who was not pro everything under the sun approved by the city liberals were DINO’s.

John Barrow warned the Democrats in Washington that he could not win re-election if they went full Liberal. They assured him they would campaign and help him. That was not what the district wanted to hear. The District wanted what most rural districts want, a slow and careful approach to change. Oh, and their Second Amendment Rights protected. Democrats in Washington didn’t care about slow and careful, and damned sure were not about to sign on to Gun Rights.

In this most recent election, we watched as Democrats with Washington Approved Campaigns, failed. Francys Johnson had a chance. A Civil Rights lawyer with a decent campaign staff. Lost on election night because he was campaigning for Gun Control in Rural Georgia. Where Hunting and shooting are done every day. If they aren’t hunting, or fishing, they’re fixing things to go hunt, or fish, or shoot.

So to win in this district, a Democrat has to be pro second Amendment. But that is not all. You’re not just getting a DINO. The Democrat can be in favor of a Woman’s right to Choose. But it must be uncomfortable with the thing. And they have to be opposed to Late Term Abortion. Say that last trimester.

Now, why do I say that we know the Democrats don’t give a fuck about the people either? Because this truth is well known in Georgia. It is well known in every rural community. Democrats can win, but not Liberals. They can be Liberalish by local standards, but not national standards. So instead of going slow, and careful, and even noncommittal on those issues, and getting a majority, and making the small changes to get the nation better. What do the Democrats do? They campaign in Georgia, as anti gun, anti Christian, pro abortion up to ten seconds after the baby is born, and punish the rich.

Then they claim it is because of the purging of dead voters in Georgia, that they lost.

What is worse when Democrats do manage a win, they get to Washington, and are immediately forced to support, or watch the party do something very liberal, which makes re-election impossible. The Democrats lose the majority, because those candidates lose reelection, and all we hear from those same Washington Democrats is good riddance you fucking DINO.

They vote for Republicans because as bad as the Republicans are, they more closely represent the ideals and values of the people. So instead of campaigning and governing as a more liberal option, you idiots campaign as a full liberal and lose.

People don’t want massive change. People don’t want extreme change. They want a little at a time. Like adjusting a stew to taste. You don’t pour in massive amounts of salt. You add it a little at a time, stir a bit, let it simmer, and taste it to see if it might need more. But Democrats being so fucking smart, haven’t figured out that if they did this, they would win elections. A little change at a time, small doses, careful, to see if the change is heading us in the right direction, is too slow for the impatient and instant gratification morons running the party.
I’m of course referring to the voters in the poor and middle class because the GOP does absolutely nothing for them in terms of policy. I mean it is straight up laughable anyone keeps voting for the GOP especially when it comes to Trump. I mean that is one powerful moron that has his base fooled he gives a shit about their interests.

Now the understandable reaction to this narrative is to compare how democrats feel about their constituents but I liken that to comparing an elephant to a deer. Are democrats bought by corporate special interests like the GOP is? Of course they are. The difference is that democrats, bought or not, actually push policies that benefit the poor and middle class. Let’s compare platforms of both parties:


1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you.

That about covers it doesn’t it? Now let’s look at the Democrat platform. Now I do realize that there plenty of democrats who don’t actually care about the American people, but one cannot deny their collective political interests.

1) Investing in infrastructure
2) Making higher education either more affordable or at no cost
3) Raising the minimum wage which is WAY behind on the cost of living.
4) Making healthcare more affordable
5) Funding scientific research and development.
6) Socializing child care to make it more affordable to impoverished parents or single parents.
7) Recognizing that climate change is a real threat to the survival of the human race in the coming decades.

Now the knee jerk reaction from republicans is that ALL of these policies will fail, but even if that were true, there would be no denying that democrats at least make an attempt to better the lives of everyday Americans.
“1) Cut taxes on the wealthy
2) Deregulate basically anything including policies that ensure clean drinking water for the sake of corporate America making an extra buck.
3) Put migrant children into cages indefinitely while the American tax payer handles the bill. Completely pointless but that’s the GOP for you”:206::206::206:
Why can’t the Republicans see that they’re are victims too:206::206::206:
Republicans create jobs for Americans. Democrats just sit around and bitch about how unfair life is. Waaaaaaaaaa:206:
I don't give a shit what politicians feel.

I care about what they do.

Do they destroy the terrorists Caliphate, or fund terrorism?

Do they try to make America great, or try to make America into a Socialist shithole?

Do they attempt a coup using Fascist tactics or not?

Fo they spy on opposition campaigns or not?
Nothing in that screed does anything for the average American





Oh judges...

Yea...the GOP wants right wing corporarists judges

Judges who would roll back women's rights

workers rights

voting rights

civil rights

gay rights


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