Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?
Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now?
Apparently they care about 'em just as much as the Democrats did when the "D" lemming slice was in power, hyper-partisan hypocrisy at it's best. :cool:

"We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others." -- José Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert & Other Stories
Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now?
Apparently they care about 'em just as much as the Democrats did when the "D" lemming slice was in power, hyper-partisan hypocrisy at it's best. :cool:

"We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others." -- José Emilio Pacheco, Battles in the Desert & Other Stories

You guys have to stop with this everything is like everything else so its ok bullshit
Draining the swamp requires abandoning ethical considerations. I learned that at the Trump university this country is being put through.
Nightfox: Help me Officer someone stole my purse
Police: Well, why werent you complaining when you stole purses
Nightfox: What? I never stole purses
Police: Yeah you did, you're a purse thief hater. Hypocrite!
The more fierce the partisanship, the less concern there is for conflict of interest.

Hillary made herself fabulously wealthy through politics and the peddling of political influence. The Donald presents conflicts of interest galore.

They are both problematical yet the hyper-partisans (including the op) who are in the vast majority in this forum can only criticize one or the other. It's then kinda funny when they start pointing fingers at each other's supposed lack of perspective on the subject.
The more fierce the partisanship, the less concern there is for conflict of interest.

Hillary made herself fabulously wealthy through politics and the peddling of political influence. The Donald presents conflicts of interest galore.

They are both problematical yet the hyper-partisans (including the op) who are in the vast majority in this forum can only criticize one or the other. It's then kinda funny when they start pointing fingers at each other's supposed lack of perspective on the subject.

What Trump is doing and what Hilary has done are nothing alike. Using this logic is like saying a Porsche and a skateboard are the same because they both have wheels. When the Porsche is doing 180
The more fierce the partisanship, the less concern there is for conflict of interest.

Hillary made herself fabulously wealthy through politics and the peddling of political influence. The Donald presents conflicts of interest galore.

They are both problematical yet the hyper-partisans (including the op) who are in the vast majority in this forum can only criticize one or the other. It's then kinda funny when they start pointing fingers at each other's supposed lack of perspective on the subject.

What Trump is doing and what Hilary has done are nothing alike. Using this logic is like saying a Porsche and a skateboard are the same because they both have wheels. When the Porsche is doing 180

Thanks for making my point for me.

Conflict of interest is cool cause it's your team. It's icky poo when it's the other team.

Rah, rah, sis boom Bah!
The more fierce the partisanship, the less concern there is for conflict of interest.

Hillary made herself fabulously wealthy through politics and the peddling of political influence. The Donald presents conflicts of interest galore.

They are both problematical yet the hyper-partisans (including the op) who are in the vast majority in this forum can only criticize one or the other. It's then kinda funny when they start pointing fingers at each other's supposed lack of perspective on the subject.

What Trump is doing and what Hilary has done are nothing alike. Using this logic is like saying a Porsche and a skateboard are the same because they both have wheels. When the Porsche is doing 180

Thanks for making my point for me.

Conflict of interest is cool cause it's your team. It's icky poo when it's the other team.

Rah, rah, sis boom Bah!

Again, why do you think that accusing someone of liking something is cover for you yourself liking it?
The more fierce the partisanship, the less concern there is for conflict of interest.

Hillary made herself fabulously wealthy through politics and the peddling of political influence. The Donald presents conflicts of interest galore.

They are both problematical yet the hyper-partisans (including the op) who are in the vast majority in this forum can only criticize one or the other. It's then kinda funny when they start pointing fingers at each other's supposed lack of perspective on the subject.

What Trump is doing and what Hilary has done are nothing alike. Using this logic is like saying a Porsche and a skateboard are the same because they both have wheels. When the Porsche is doing 180

Thanks for making my point for me.

Conflict of interest is cool cause it's your team. It's icky poo when it's the other team.

Rah, rah, sis boom Bah!

Again, why do you think that accusing someone of liking something is cover for you yourself liking it?

I realize you suffer from intelligence deficit disorder, CC, but I said quite clearly that I see both as problems.
The more fierce the partisanship, the less concern there is for conflict of interest.

Hillary made herself fabulously wealthy through politics and the peddling of political influence. The Donald presents conflicts of interest galore.

They are both problematical yet the hyper-partisans (including the op) who are in the vast majority in this forum can only criticize one or the other. It's then kinda funny when they start pointing fingers at each other's supposed lack of perspective on the subject.

What Trump is doing and what Hilary has done are nothing alike. Using this logic is like saying a Porsche and a skateboard are the same because they both have wheels. When the Porsche is doing 180

Thanks for making my point for me.

Conflict of interest is cool cause it's your team. It's icky poo when it's the other team.

Rah, rah, sis boom Bah!

Again, why do you think that accusing someone of liking something is cover for you yourself liking it?

I realize you suffer from intelligence deficit disorder, CC, but I said quite clearly that I see both as problems.
The gummit bought the muslim's terrorists ghost written "autobiography." That's an apt comparison and makes everything President Trump does OK, because he puts America first.
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

I think you'd have to give a little more than your own possibly biased opinion on some things...For instance, What do you have in proof that he has NOT distanced himself from his business affairs? OR your claim of Wall St. being unleashed, in what possibly bad ways are you speaking of...? etc...

See, trying to win those that voted for Trump over to your side with an opening tirade of leftist slurs, and claims without fact, is really nothing more than continued liberal whining about losing the election. Something I am sure that most rational people, are over and have moved on from....
Everything is legal. But I get your point.
Some of his appointments made me sick.
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

I think you'd have to give a little more than your own possibly biased opinion on some things...For instance, What do you have in proof that he has NOT distanced himself from his business affairs? OR your claim of Wall St. being unleashed, in what possibly bad ways are you speaking of...? etc...

See, trying to win those that voted for Trump over to your side with an opening tirade of leftist slurs, and claims without fact, is really nothing more than continued liberal whining about losing the election. Something I am sure that most rational people, are over and have moved on from....

Well, that would assume that you have an opinion either way. But I've found that when people defend things by asking for proof, they will usually not accept the proof or will call every action "ok". For example: Trump hasnt distanced himself according to his own paperwork. But since you dont care about the proof at all you now defend it on other terms.

He railed against wall street then put them all in his cabinet. Good or bad isnt the issue because you would never ever call it bad. But he said he would look out for the little guy and Wall Street was evil now he's buddies with them. Are they both evil and good friends?

You can look up Trump's business ties and how he still controls them. When you find the info feel free to come back and tell everyone how all the proof are lies.
Q. Do Republicans care about Conflicts of Interest or is it Good Government now

A. Conflicts of Interest are what Plutocracy is all about, thus, the answer is yes - Conflicts of Interest are what makes good government in the minds of Trump&Co.

The Republican Party under Trump&Co, is a coalition of his children, K Street, Wall Street, cronies, sycophants and the power elite (aka Congress critters who owe their job to the donations provided under the law***), all are serving without any liability for any problem which exists today, tomorrow and lasting until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November 2020; any liability, any problem or concern of the public between now and then will be broadcast by Bannon's connections to the alt. Right propaganda machine, making the claim any and all liabilities and problems are and have been the fault of Obama, Democrats, liberals and progressives.

The new unpublished creed of Trump&Co. is: "We've got ours, fuck the rest of you!". Of course the usual amount of false pathos will assuage the biddable and Steve Bannon will keep give daily affirmations to Trump, keeping Bannon safely ensconced in the First Chair.

"We the People of the United States" ... are fucked, at least and until the Republican Party's adults awaken to what has been unleashed on the world.
Now that you know that Trump will never release his taxes. Not that he has too but he said he wouldnt because of an audit. Now he's just saying "Ok I lied, and you liked its your fault"

Now that Trump promised to look out for the little guy, of course the appointment of Wall Street guys looked shifty but we were told to wait. Now they are looking at not only letting the shark out of the cage...but this time with lasers on their backs saying "Many of my friends are happy"

Trump also said he would distance himself from his business to take away from the pay to play cloud. When really he only told you he distanced himself but still is the sole beneficiary of his money making schemes.

So have republicans given up on the whole Govt Corrumption angle?

I think you'd have to give a little more than your own possibly biased opinion on some things...For instance, What do you have in proof that he has NOT distanced himself from his business affairs? OR your claim of Wall St. being unleashed, in what possibly bad ways are you speaking of...? etc...

See, trying to win those that voted for Trump over to your side with an opening tirade of leftist slurs, and claims without fact, is really nothing more than continued liberal whining about losing the election. Something I am sure that most rational people, are over and have moved on from....
So, you feel when a sitting president publicly states he won't release his tax returns,refuses to divest himself from his business and quite blatantly gets protected by congress, the left has no case against him? We know everything about Clinton's possible conflicts of interests both through voluntary released and deliberately hacked material. Trump didn't just refuse to release even a fraction of the information we have on Clinton, but congress and I suspect you make it very clear that you are not at all interested to hold this president to the standards of those preceding him, and then when you get called out, you call it whining. There is a reason presidents are expected to release their tax returns, there's a reason presidents are supposed to put as much distance between themselfs and their business interests. It's not just the ethics themselves but it's also to stop the PERCEPTION of being corrupt, something Trump hasn't done because you and yours have decided that you don't mind a corrupt president as long as he is on the Republican ticket.
Well, that would assume that you have an opinion either way. But I've found that when people defend things by asking for proof, they will usually not accept the proof or will call every action "ok". For example: Trump hasnt distanced himself according to his own paperwork. But since you dont care about the proof at all you now defend it on other terms.

Oh, I have opinions, is that what your opening tirade was about, little more than your opinion? As far as accepting proof, of course these days you have to be skeptical of partisan outlets pushing their opinions and those that just regurgitate those opinions as some sort of fact, but I can assure you if you truly have something other than your loathful driven opinion, I'd give it a look...

He railed against wall street then put them all in his cabinet. Good or bad isnt the issue because you would never ever call it bad. But he said he would look out for the little guy and Wall Street was evil now he's buddies with them. Are they both evil and good friends?

It is my understanding that President Trump picked from people he believes would be best for the job. And true enough many, even some from the liberal left are saying that his picks are impressive....But, that lends a larger question. Do you believe that a President, any President should be allowed to have his own people around him? or is that only reserved for Presidents you agree with? Now, I have NO problem with Senatorial consent, but the games being played are a little much...I mean, the demo's lost, they don't get to choose his cabinet for him...That you don't like the President's picks is noted...I doubt anything short of allowing YOU to pick for him would satisfy you.

You can look up Trump's business ties and how he still controls them. When you find the info feel free to come back and tell everyone how all the proof are lies.

It isn't up to me to prove your case for you...You made the claims, now either back them up, or admit you lost from post 1

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