Do Republicans know they control both houses? Apparently not.

The majority is not big enough yet. A SIMPLE majority vote could but under the rules started by democrats they cannot.
not big enough yet? :rofl:

its the largest its been in generations. Stop "makin' stuff up" Skippy.

The reason is they have rebels within their own party dummy DarkFury

And you have the gall to say others are making things up. The majority was large a scant 7 years ago. That is one hell of a short 'generation.'
ummm..... whatever you say GOP Gains Largest House Majority Since Truman Administration
And the house now has the ability to overcome the presidential veto?

Here, let me help you since you seem to misunderstand the government entirely:
iCitizen: Civic Literacy for Young Americans
If you want jobs you need to cut government spending. What does that even mean? What jobs? Why won't they say? Why won't Republicans say what kind of jobs are they expecting to grow? Anyone?

Republicans, liars that they are, claim the that market will tell you what they are.

While I agree to a point, what I do know is that we don't need more government fact we need less and less of them.

I keep hearing that we have less.

Why is our budget getting larger ?
The greatest Country in the world still has to abide by Constitutional law. Republicans hold a slim majority in the senate but hardly a veto proof majority since angry democrats are under orders by the minority leader not to cooperate with republicans no matter what the issue. What did democrats accomplish during the first two years of the Hussein administration when they controlled the entire government? Cash for clunkers?

They ram Obamacare up our asses!! They gave billions to banks. They expanded unemployment benefits and gave out tax cuts.

Too damn much, thank you.
Dear Taxpayer: Your Auto Bailout Loan Is Repaid, With Interest

This has triggered another round of griping from critics who say the rescue of GM and Chrysler from liquidation was a waste of taxpayer money and a giveaway to President Obama’s union friends.

To these unhappy taxpayers I say: Relax, your $80 billion auto bailout loan is paid in full and you also have received handsome interest and dividends.

It is sad many Americans are so blinded by ideology they no longer can recognize success when they see it.


If Republicans could get passed this determined ignorance, they could actually debate instead of getting angry over insane delusions.

What is so funny is that you don't seem to understand that that isn't the job of the U.S. Government. They've stupidly outspent themselves on every front.

If GM had been allowed to fail, you'd have fewer 1%ers and likely more 3,4 & 5 %'ers. That's what everyone wants.

But you idiots on the far left and far right use government to screw everyone in the middle.
If the auto industry had failed, that would have impacted steel, textiles, plastics, rubber, restaurants, food trucks, uniform manufacturers. Then that would have trickled down to the housing industry, lumber, and on and on and on.

Don't be so damn ignorant. As an American, ignorant Americans who have no idea how the economy is interconnected drive me nuts with their fucking determined ignorance.
If you want jobs you need to cut government spending. What does that even mean? What jobs? Why won't they say? Why won't Republicans say what kind of jobs are they expecting to grow? Anyone?

Republicans, liars that they are, claim the that market will tell you what they are.

While I agree to a point, what I do know is that we don't need more government fact we need less and less of them.

I keep hearing that we have less.

Why is our budget getting larger ?
Because that's what happens when you have fewer jobs. Duh!
"Do Republicans know they control both houses? Apparently not."

They know next year is a GE; they also know if they engage in their usual partisan ignorance and stupidity they'll lose that election.
Just watching Crispie at the GOP debates. He said Democrats want to raise your taxes to 80%. No kidding. He just said that.

Then he said Washington isn't working. We need to defeat Democrats because they are giving everything away. Free health care. Free college education. Free lunch. Free money.

Only, it's Republicans who control both houses. Do they understand that?

If you want jobs you need to cut government spending. What does that even mean? What jobs? Why won't they say? Why won't Republicans say what kind of jobs are they expecting to grow? Anyone?
So explain again how Obama did not have control of the Senate with less then 60 votes but now according to you the republicans do with less then 60 votes?
The majority is not big enough yet. A SIMPLE majority vote could but under the rules started by democrats they cannot.
not big enough yet? :rofl:

its the largest its been in generations. Stop "makin' stuff up" Skippy.

The reason is they have rebels within their own party dummy DarkFury
Remind me again how the dems never controlled the Senate with 59 senators and when they had 60 the didn't because of blue dogs? Ohh wait that was different right?
Just watching Crispie at the GOP debates. He said Democrats want to raise your taxes to 80%. No kidding. He just said that.

Then he said Washington isn't working. We need to defeat Democrats because they are giving everything away. Free health care. Free college education. Free lunch. Free money.

Only, it's Republicans who control both houses. Do they understand that?

If you want jobs you need to cut government spending. What does that even mean? What jobs? Why won't they say? Why won't Republicans say what kind of jobs are they expecting to grow? Anyone?
So explain again how Obama did not have control of the Senate with less then 60 votes but now according to you the republicans do with less then 60 votes?
They have enough control to stop the country from doing anything.
Just watching Crispie at the GOP debates. He said Democrats want to raise your taxes to 80%. No kidding. He just said that.

Then he said Washington isn't working. We need to defeat Democrats because they are giving everything away. Free health care. Free college education. Free lunch. Free money.

Only, it's Republicans who control both houses. Do they understand that?

If you want jobs you need to cut government spending. What does that even mean? What jobs? Why won't they say? Why won't Republicans say what kind of jobs are they expecting to grow? Anyone?
So explain again how Obama did not have control of the Senate with less then 60 votes but now according to you the republicans do with less then 60 votes?
They have enough control to stop the country from doing anything.

When the Democrats controlled both houses, why didn't they do all these things you say need to be done?

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