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Do Republicans really believe children, the disabled and the elderly are "leeches"??


We all know that taking care of children, the disabled and the elderly is more than just feeding them. Those that take care of two of the three know how much a hundred dollars of food stamps means.

All this GOP ranting about food stamps. Do they believe children, the disabled and the elderly don't deserve help? Do Republicans think they should just quietly go away?

I'm curious, R-Derp...do you get up and Google "Republicans are terrible people because..." every morning to come up with these mind numbing strings of yours or do you religiously read Huffpo and Think Progress every day?

Quite frankly I don't know which would be more pathetic...

Who needs 'Google'...all you have to do is READ the replies of right wingers on the board.

We all know that taking care of children, the disabled and the elderly is more than just feeding them. Those that take care of two of the three know how much a hundred dollars of food stamps means.

All this GOP ranting about food stamps. Do they believe children, the disabled and the elderly don't deserve help? Do Republicans think they should just quietly go away?

Why that is like referring to getting pregnant as a punishment. No one would ever say that in America.
Welfare was never meant to be a lifestyle or career, it's designed to be a stepping stone for those that are able to work. The left uses it to get votes and a tool for fear mongering
Welfare was never meant to be a lifestyle or career, it's designed to be a stepping stone for those that are able to work. The left uses it to get votes and a tool for fear mongering


That adults is a pretty big piece of the pie, let's start looking at them, see how long they've been on welfare and why

Disabled vets make up a large percentage but RWs say they don't deserve help any more than children do.

The evidence that the Paul Ryan budgets in the news in past years intended for 60% of the cuts to come from programs for low income Americans.

Are they cuts or are they merely less than desired increases?

And really we need to address the requirements for going on the dole and the indisputable fact that it has been made easier and easier to suck on the taxpayer tit

Obama made ZERO changes to eligibility requirements...

YOU need to provide proof for your indisputable LIES

What do you think happened with the new health care law?
More are going on Medicaid because of it.
13ADM-03 -Medicaid Eligibility Changes under the Affordable Care Act ACA of 2010

The Obama administration changed the eligibility requirements for food stamps also.
Obama Administration Pushes to Expand Food Stamp Eligibility The Fiscal Times
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Do Republicans really believe children, the disabled and the elderly are "leeches"??

Do Republicans think they should just quietly go away?
why do demoscum FEEEEL tax paying citizens must support the lazy dirtbags able to work but FEEEEEL their demoscum politicians will feed, clothe and support their worthless lifestyle forever. :up:

The evidence that the Paul Ryan budgets in the news in past years intended for 60% of the cuts to come from programs for low income Americans.

Are they cuts or are they merely less than desired increases?

And really we need to address the requirements for going on the dole and the indisputable fact that it has been made easier and easier to suck on the taxpayer tit

Obama made ZERO changes to eligibility requirements...

YOU need to provide proof for your indisputable LIES

He made significant changes. the ability to get around the welfare work requirements for example

Obama Guts Welfare Reform
'Do Republicans really believe children, the disabled and the elderly are "leeches"??'

Unfortunately many do.

Indeed, one of our own USMB rightists believes the disabled should have their right to vote taken from them to prevent them from further 'leeching' off the rest of us.
I live in a small small one stop light town in South Carolina , I Personaly know four people Scamming Disability , my last roomate was also doing it, but I Don't care because they have a poor ass miserable life doing it.
It's like giving someone the death penalty, don't do it, give them life in jail. Don't take away there piss Ass $800 bucks a month, let them suffer

The joke is on them
He made significant changes. the ability to get around the welfare work requirements for example

Fact Check .org
Providing Flexibility … or Gutting Welfare?

It was against this backdrop that the Obama administration acted.

On Feb. 28, 2011, the president broadly directed his administration to work with state, local and tribal officials to find ways to provide more flexibility in complying with federal regulations. As a result, the Administration for Children and Families within the Department of Health and Human Services solicited recommendations from state officials on how to improve its programs.

One of the responses ACF received was from Kristen Cox, executive director of the Utah Department of Workforce Services. “Utah is especially interested in the development of a waiver authority in the TANF grant,” the Aug. 1, 2011, letter said.

The Utah letter said the federal work-participation rules focused too much on process and not enough on outcome. “The lack of focus on outcomes makes the program less about the need to help parents find and retain work and more about the need to assure that parents are active in prescribed [work] activities,” the letter said.

Utah expressly said it would not use a federal waiver to avoid work requirements. “The expectation to participate fully in specific [work] activities leading to employment is not the issue,” the letter stated. Instead, Utah was seeking the flexibility to overcome the “narrow definitions of what counts [toward work participation] and the burdensome documentation and verification process.”

The Obama administration cited the Utah letter when it announced its new policy on July 12. The policy provides exactly the kind of flexibility Utah was seeking.

skully, You should try Google sometime for a more rounded look at some of the bullshit you seem to believe.
Seems there might be a lot more to the stories you and your kind cling to.
I Personaly know four people Scamming Disability , my last roomate was also doing it, but I Don't care because they have a poor ass miserable life doing it.

Hey dude. guess what. You are just as big a piece of shit for not reporting the SSDI scam as the pieces of shit you know who are scamming the Social Security program.

I fucking can't believe you admitted knowing people fraudulently getting SSDI and admit you have done nothing about it. Fucking amazing.

In your next posts you will be going on and on about all the government waste, government spending and shit, while you stand by and let it happen fraudulently.. POS is what you are dude.
I Personaly know four people Scamming Disability , my last roomate was also doing it, but I Don't care because they have a poor ass miserable life doing it.

Hey dude. guess what. You are just as big a piece of shit for not reporting the SSDI scam as the pieces of shit you know who are scamming the Social Security program.

I fucking can't believe you admitted knowing people fraudulently getting SSDI and admit you have done nothing about it. Fucking amazing.

In your next posts you will be going on and on about all the government waste, government spending and shit, while you stand by and let it happen fraudulently.. POS is what you are dude.
Why would I care? I Don't judge people I know Personally.
It Don't bother me , I take it case by case.
I know how they are living, not on the gravey train just a miserable life. If they think they are scamming someone only Themselves,
All I know I am going to France this summer and they are having a 3 year vacation ~ 30 year vacation in hell :)

We all know that taking care of children, the disabled and the elderly is more than just feeding them. Those that take care of two of the three know how much a hundred dollars of food stamps means.

All this GOP ranting about food stamps. Do they believe children, the disabled and the elderly don't deserve help? Do Republicans think they should just quietly go away?
No not at all,but what should be the question is,why you keep posting nonsense like this?
Are you inf act feeling guilty about your own thoughts,sure sounds like it,repeatedly posting the same old lie,day after day,and getting your ass handed to you over them.
We just went through this with Mitten Romney 47% BULLSHIT...

We don't have a 'gargantuan welfare state'. America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Federal Spending by the Numbers 2014 Government Spending Trends in Graphics Tables

The bull here is strictly from people like this poster. Almost 70 percent of the us budget is entitlements and income support, that comes to two trillion dollars in one year which is probably more than the next 20 countries combined spend on such things. Just like Mexico eh? Well I guess that is why all the Mexicans are trying to get into this country. You can't argue with people who will not acknowledge the facts. Yes we do have a gargantuan welfare state to the tune of over two trillion dollars. Wake the f up.

Social Security and Medicare have added ZERO dollars to the national debt...

Of course they have. You don't believe that nonsense about the "Trust Fund," do you?

I believe in facts, not myths and propaganda from right wing social Darwinists who are try to take down the safety net.


Social Security: Fears vs. Facts
What Social Security critics keep getting wrong

Myth #2: The Social Security trust fund assets are worthless.

Any surplus payroll taxes not used for current benefits are used to purchase special-issue, interest-paying Treasury bonds. In other words, the surplus in the Social Security trust fund has been loaned to the federal government for its general use — the reserve of $2.6 trillion is not a heap of cash sitting in a vault. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government, just as they are for other Treasury bondholders. However, Treasury will soon need to pay back these bonds. This will put pressure on the federal budget, according to Social Security's board of trustees. Even without any changes, Social Security can continue paying full benefits through 2033. After that, the revenue from payroll taxes will still cover about 75 percent of promised benefits.

So you're the kind of idiot who believes the government can loan money to itself?
The wealthier receive more in housing subsidies, mostly coming from the mortgage interest deduction,

than the poorer receive in housing subsidies.

Actually they don't because the mortgage interest deduction cuts off at a certain home price.
We just went through this with Mitten Romney 47% BULLSHIT...

We don't have a 'gargantuan welfare state'. America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Federal Spending by the Numbers 2014 Government Spending Trends in Graphics Tables

The bull here is strictly from people like this poster. Almost 70 percent of the us budget is entitlements and income support, that comes to two trillion dollars in one year which is probably more than the next 20 countries combined spend on such things. Just like Mexico eh? Well I guess that is why all the Mexicans are trying to get into this country. You can't argue with people who will not acknowledge the facts. Yes we do have a gargantuan welfare state to the tune of over two trillion dollars. Wake the f up.

Social Security and Medicare have added ZERO dollars to the national debt...

Of course they have. You don't believe that nonsense about the "Trust Fund," do you?

I believe in facts, not myths and propaganda from right wing social Darwinists who are try to take down the safety net.


Social Security: Fears vs. Facts
What Social Security critics keep getting wrong

Myth #2: The Social Security trust fund assets are worthless.

Any surplus payroll taxes not used for current benefits are used to purchase special-issue, interest-paying Treasury bonds. In other words, the surplus in the Social Security trust fund has been loaned to the federal government for its general use — the reserve of $2.6 trillion is not a heap of cash sitting in a vault. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government, just as they are for other Treasury bondholders. However, Treasury will soon need to pay back these bonds. This will put pressure on the federal budget, according to Social Security's board of trustees. Even without any changes, Social Security can continue paying full benefits through 2033. After that, the revenue from payroll taxes will still cover about 75 percent of promised benefits.

The RWnuts refuse to acknowledge your irrefutable facts because their myth is all they have to argue against SS.

It's an irrefutable fact that the bonds in the so called "Trust Fund" are worthless to the taxpayers because the taxpayers are the ones who have to pay them off.
I Personaly know four people Scamming Disability , my last roomate was also doing it, but I Don't care becausie they have a poor ass miserable life doing it.

Hey dude. guess what. You are just as big a piece of shit for not reporting the SSDI scam as the pieces of shit you know who are scamming the Social Security program.

I fucking can't believe you admitted knowing people fraudulently getting SSDI and admit you have done nothing about it. Fucking amazing.
In your next posts you will be going on and on about all the government waste, government spending and shit, while you stand by and let it happen fraudulently.. POS is what you are dude.
again what do I care.if you Dumb ass democrats want to write the rules so easy , that the blue states have to pay for scamers of your own system, why do I care?
We just went through this with Mitten Romney 47% BULLSHIT...

We don't have a 'gargantuan welfare state'. America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Federal Spending by the Numbers 2014 Government Spending Trends in Graphics Tables

The bull here is strictly from people like this poster. Almost 70 percent of the us budget is entitlements and income support, that comes to two trillion dollars in one year which is probably more than the next 20 countries combined spend on such things. Just like Mexico eh? Well I guess that is why all the Mexicans are trying to get into this country. You can't argue with people who will not acknowledge the facts. Yes we do have a gargantuan welfare state to the tune of over two trillion dollars. Wake the f up.

Social Security and Medicare have added ZERO dollars to the national debt...

Of course they have. You don't believe that nonsense about the "Trust Fund," do you?

I believe in facts, not myths and propaganda from right wing social Darwinists who are try to take down the safety net.


Social Security: Fears vs. Facts
What Social Security critics keep getting wrong

Myth #2: The Social Security trust fund assets are worthless.

Any surplus payroll taxes not used for current benefits are used to purchase special-issue, interest-paying Treasury bonds. In other words, the surplus in the Social Security trust fund has been loaned to the federal government for its general use — the reserve of $2.6 trillion is not a heap of cash sitting in a vault. These bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the federal government, just as they are for other Treasury bondholders. However, Treasury will soon need to pay back these bonds. This will put pressure on the federal budget, according to Social Security's board of trustees. Even without any changes, Social Security can continue paying full benefits through 2033. After that, the revenue from payroll taxes will still cover about 75 percent of promised benefits.
The Treasury cannot pay off the bonds without increasing taxes on us, so the bonds are utterly worthless to the taxpayers. They only have propaganda value to fool morons like you.

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