Do republicans still think that raising taxes does NOT lower the deficit?

lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

lol I love when libtards talk about the deficit. Obama raised the deficit more than all other Presidents combined.

There are 2 schools. IL raising of taxes actually decreased revenues because so many people left. However at turn fed level that is less likely.

However the tax decreases will spur the economy. More economic activity will cause create more organic revenue.

However for the level of cuts that Trump is proposing will not lead to more revenue.

So the plan should be 2 step. Cut the taxes and then cut spending. You could easily cut $1 trim from the budget is useless and redundant agencies, projects, programs, studies and gov jobs. I say it would be easy because it would be! Military spending should be on the table also. Increasing the complain about China's increased military budget, but it is still less than half of ours.

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Tell me where I went wrong?

Cutting a rich dude's taxes does NOT make poor people richer, but the reverse is DEMONSTRABLY TRUE!!!

So, 'splain your position to me. I think you're just jelly of rich people. :dunno:

I'll be fine either way, so meh

I love when mental midgets post memes like they are the truth. Yet there isn't even a fabric of truth in them.

Even for you Old School that is low.

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I'm guessing that if they ever get to a final bill, the tax cuts will be there, but most of the loophole closings will have been removed by the special interests.

IOW, we'll get another budget buster.
The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low.

Extortionists would label you an easy target with THAT kind of "rationale".......
Are you then implying that wealthy people (like Trump) would move their businesses to friendly tax venues like Russia???

Wealthy people will invest where they can get the best return on their money. That isn't "extortion"...that's common sense!

What's with you liberals and "Russia"? There are scores of countries that have more favorable climates for business investment than the US. Raise taxes high enough and you'll force investment to those countries. This isn't rocket science, Nat! It's simple common sense.
Trump yesterday said the corporate tax was going to be lowered to 20%. He said he had wanted 15%, BUT,

they decided 15% wouldn't produce enough revenue.

Now think about that.

The biggest problem I've ever had with Trump is that he keeps regurgitating left-wing talking points. He simply doesn't know what he's talking about here. We should completely eliminate corporate taxes! We would experience an economic boon the likes of which have never been seen before in America. Every global corporate entity would be knocking our door down to come open shop here. Millions upon millions of new jobs would be created.. all new taxpayers.

As for the OP... It's true that whenever we increase tax rates, the following year we'll realize an increase in tax revenue. That has little to do with the deficit, which is the amount we're spending subtracted from the tax revenue collected. We run a deficit every year and have been doing that since Andrew Jackson's days. That's why we have a $20 trillion national debt.

Like I said, it's true we'll increase tax revenues for the current year. The top wage earners are already locked in for the fiscal year and they have to swallow the increase. What that does is eliminate investment, which include plans for expansion or new hiring, investment in new equipment or technology. Also, when boards of directors meet, salaries are restructured for CEOs and such, so as to avoid the new tax rates... So, subsequent years to follow, we see a precipitous decline in tax revenue due to the increase.

Someone hit the nail on the head earlier... this is not about tax revenues or deficits for the left... it's about power and control, wealth redistribution and outright Socialism. You fucktards would be tickled if we taxed the wealthy and corporations at 90% Until all the Capitalism is brought under your control, you're not going to be happy. You're all like a bunch of little Communist dictators who can't be reasoned with.
Trump yesterday said the corporate tax was going to be lowered to 20%. He said he had wanted 15%, BUT,

they decided 15% wouldn't produce enough revenue.

Now think about that.

The biggest problem I've ever had with Trump is that he keeps regurgitating left-wing talking points. He simply doesn't know what he's talking about here. We should completely eliminate corporate taxes! We would experience an economic boon the likes of which have never been seen before in America. Every global corporate entity would be knocking our door down to come open shop here. Millions upon millions of new jobs would be created.. all new taxpayers.

As for the OP... It's true that whenever we increase tax rates, the following year we'll realize an increase in tax revenue. That has little to do with the deficit, which is the amount we're spending subtracted from the tax revenue collected. We run a deficit every year and have been doing that since Andrew Jackson's days. That's why we have a $20 trillion national debt.

Like I said, it's true we'll increase tax revenues for the current year. The top wage earners are already locked in for the fiscal year and they have to swallow the increase. What that does is eliminate investment, which include plans for expansion or new hiring, investment in new equipment or technology. Also, when boards of directors meet, salaries are restructured for CEOs and such, so as to avoid the new tax rates... So, subsequent years to follow, we see a precipitous decline in tax revenue due to the increase.

Someone hit the nail on the head earlier... this is not about tax revenues or deficits for the left... it's about power and control, wealth redistribution and outright Socialism. You fucktards would be tickled if we taxed the wealthy and corporations at 90% Until all the Capitalism is brought under your control, you're not going to be happy. You're all like a bunch of little Communist dictators who can't be reasoned with.

Corporations are taxed on profits, not on revenue they reinvest in jobs, capital equipment, research, etc.

Let's say the corporate tax goes to zero. With Trump's tax plan you also will have half of American households paying no federal income tax.

That leaves the entire federal income tax burden on the wealthier half of American individuals/households.

Is that what you want?
Corporations are taxed on profits, not on revenue they reinvest in jobs, capital equipment, research, etc.

Let's say the corporate tax goes to zero. With Trump's tax plan you also will have half of American households paying no federal income tax.

That leaves the entire federal income tax burden on the wealthier half of American individuals/households.

Is that what you want?

You're loony if you think Trump and the Republicans would shift the tax burden from the middle-class to the rich. They want to rise the taxes on the middle class. Their plan includes massive tax cuts for the rich (elimination of the upper tax bracket, elimination of estate taxes) and some tax increases for the working class (a 20% rate increase for the lowest bracket). Even if the they're cutting taxes for "everyone", their massive spending increases means deficit spending, which means hidden and future taxes on working people.
Wealthy people will invest where they can get the best return on their money. That isn't "extortion"...that's common sense!

WRONG.........Rich folks ALREADY have plenty of expendable money to invest, if they wanted.......but few do. As stated above, the ONE percenters of the richest Americans own almost 40% of the wealth in this nation....and they are either "investing" that wealth to subsidize this country's debt....or shipping that wealth to other venues.
Even if the they're cutting taxes for "everyone", their massive spending increases means deficit spending, which means hidden and future taxes on working people.

....and bear in mind that Mother Nature has just given us a hefty dose of deficit spending to fix the recent hurricane messes.......and then Trump also wants a wall, infrastructure stimuli (a good thing) and huge increases in military spending.....
Corporations are taxed on profits, not on revenue they reinvest in jobs, capital equipment, research, etc.

Let's say the corporate tax goes to zero. With Trump's tax plan you also will have half of American households paying no federal income tax.

That leaves the entire federal income tax burden on the wealthier half of American individuals/households.

Is that what you want?

You're loony if you think Trump and the Republicans would shift the tax burden from the middle-class to the rich. They want to rise the taxes on the middle class. Their plan includes massive tax cuts for the rich (elimination of the upper tax bracket, elimination of estate taxes) and some tax increases for the working class (a 20% rate increase for the lowest bracket). Even if the they're cutting taxes for "everyone", their massive spending increases means deficit spending, which means hidden and future taxes on working people.

They are doing what Republicans always do. They desperately want to pay off the rich supporters of the GOP with tax cuts,
but they know that to do that alone would be politically insane. So they give 'everyone' a tax cut supposedly, so they can make big tax cuts for the rich while placating the not rich at the same time.

The problem for them is they are running out of tax cut opportunities for the not rich, short of just letting them pay NO income tax...

...something we already see happening to vast numbers in that lower income group.
Trump yesterday said the corporate tax was going to be lowered to 20%. He said he had wanted 15%, BUT,

they decided 15% wouldn't produce enough revenue.

Now think about that.

The biggest problem I've ever had with Trump is that he keeps regurgitating left-wing talking points. He simply doesn't know what he's talking about here. We should completely eliminate corporate taxes! We would experience an economic boon the likes of which have never been seen before in America. Every global corporate entity would be knocking our door down to come open shop here. Millions upon millions of new jobs would be created.. all new taxpayers.

As for the OP... It's true that whenever we increase tax rates, the following year we'll realize an increase in tax revenue. That has little to do with the deficit, which is the amount we're spending subtracted from the tax revenue collected. We run a deficit every year and have been doing that since Andrew Jackson's days. That's why we have a $20 trillion national debt.

Like I said, it's true we'll increase tax revenues for the current year. The top wage earners are already locked in for the fiscal year and they have to swallow the increase. What that does is eliminate investment, which include plans for expansion or new hiring, investment in new equipment or technology. Also, when boards of directors meet, salaries are restructured for CEOs and such, so as to avoid the new tax rates... So, subsequent years to follow, we see a precipitous decline in tax revenue due to the increase.

Someone hit the nail on the head earlier... this is not about tax revenues or deficits for the left... it's about power and control, wealth redistribution and outright Socialism. You fucktards would be tickled if we taxed the wealthy and corporations at 90% Until all the Capitalism is brought under your control, you're not going to be happy. You're all like a bunch of little Communist dictators who can't be reasoned with.

Corporations are taxed on profits, not on revenue they reinvest in jobs, capital equipment, research, etc.

Let's say the corporate tax goes to zero. With Trump's tax plan you also will have half of American households paying no federal income tax.

That leaves the entire federal income tax burden on the wealthier half of American individuals/households.

Is that what you want?

Actually, I would rather have a tax system based on consumption as opposed to income. I think we would be markedly better off under such a plan. The biggest consumers would bear the biggest tax burden and income would no longer be a tool used in class warfare.

Corporations ARE taxed on profits but where do you think revenue comes from for reinvestment in jobs, equipment, research, etc.? And let's clarify, the Corporate taxes have nothing to do with individual income tax rates of CEOs and high wage earners. It's a completely different tax code. Those individuals who you want to tax out the wazoo, could be putting that money into investments where others can borrow it to start up new businesses and such.

BEFORE Trump's tax plan, most Americans pay no Federal Income Tax! We've continuously cut out more and more from the bottom end through the years and it's largely only the wealthiest who pay the bulk of the taxes now. Or I should say, the highest wage earners because "wealthy" people may or may not pay income taxes... it depends. I know some super-duper uber-wealthy people who pay ZERO income tax because they no longer earn incomes... they're WEALTHY!
The Federal government already collects, borrows, and spends $4 trillion a year, that's over $52,000 a year for EVERY family of 4 in the country. Isn't that enough to govern a country?
but the wealthy don't pay their fair share. what ever the fk that is supposed to mean. BTW, I still haven't gotten a definition on what fair taxes are.
Trump yesterday said the corporate tax was going to be lowered to 20%. He said he had wanted 15%, BUT,

they decided 15% wouldn't produce enough revenue.

Now think about that.

The biggest problem I've ever had with Trump is that he keeps regurgitating left-wing talking points. He simply doesn't know what he's talking about here. We should completely eliminate corporate taxes! We would experience an economic boon the likes of which have never been seen before in America. Every global corporate entity would be knocking our door down to come open shop here. Millions upon millions of new jobs would be created.. all new taxpayers.

As for the OP... It's true that whenever we increase tax rates, the following year we'll realize an increase in tax revenue. That has little to do with the deficit, which is the amount we're spending subtracted from the tax revenue collected. We run a deficit every year and have been doing that since Andrew Jackson's days. That's why we have a $20 trillion national debt.

Like I said, it's true we'll increase tax revenues for the current year. The top wage earners are already locked in for the fiscal year and they have to swallow the increase. What that does is eliminate investment, which include plans for expansion or new hiring, investment in new equipment or technology. Also, when boards of directors meet, salaries are restructured for CEOs and such, so as to avoid the new tax rates... So, subsequent years to follow, we see a precipitous decline in tax revenue due to the increase.

Someone hit the nail on the head earlier... this is not about tax revenues or deficits for the left... it's about power and control, wealth redistribution and outright Socialism. You fucktards would be tickled if we taxed the wealthy and corporations at 90% Until all the Capitalism is brought under your control, you're not going to be happy. You're all like a bunch of little Communist dictators who can't be reasoned with.

Corporations are taxed on profits, not on revenue they reinvest in jobs, capital equipment, research, etc.

Let's say the corporate tax goes to zero. With Trump's tax plan you also will have half of American households paying no federal income tax.

That leaves the entire federal income tax burden on the wealthier half of American individuals/households.

Is that what you want?

Actually, I would rather have a tax system based on consumption as opposed to income. I think we would be markedly better off under such a plan. The biggest consumers would bear the biggest tax burden and income would no longer be a tool used in class warfare.

Corporations ARE taxed on profits but where do you think revenue comes from for reinvestment in jobs, equipment, research, etc.? And let's clarify, the Corporate taxes have nothing to do with individual income tax rates of CEOs and high wage earners. It's a completely different tax code. Those individuals who you want to tax out the wazoo, could be putting that money into investments where others can borrow it to start up new businesses and such.

BEFORE Trump's tax plan, most Americans pay no Federal Income Tax! We've continuously cut out more and more from the bottom end through the years and it's largely only the wealthiest who pay the bulk of the taxes now. Or I should say, the highest wage earners because "wealthy" people may or may not pay income taxes... it depends. I know some super-duper uber-wealthy people who pay ZERO income tax because they no longer earn incomes... they're WEALTHY!
Corporations are taxed on profits, not on revenue they reinvest in jobs, capital equipment, research, etc.

Let's say the corporate tax goes to zero. With Trump's tax plan you also will have half of American households paying no federal income tax.

That leaves the entire federal income tax burden on the wealthier half of American individuals/households.

Is that what you want?

You're loony if you think Trump and the Republicans would shift the tax burden from the middle-class to the rich. They want to rise the taxes on the middle class. Their plan includes massive tax cuts for the rich (elimination of the upper tax bracket, elimination of estate taxes) and some tax increases for the working class (a 20% rate increase for the lowest bracket). Even if the they're cutting taxes for "everyone", their massive spending increases means deficit spending, which means hidden and future taxes on working people.

They are doing what Republicans always do. They desperately want to pay off the rich supporters of the GOP with tax cuts,
but they know that to do that alone would be politically insane. So they give 'everyone' a tax cut supposedly, so they can make big tax cuts for the rich while placating the not rich at the same time.

The problem for them is they are running out of tax cut opportunities for the not rich, short of just letting them pay NO income tax...

...something we already see happening to vast numbers in that lower income group.
hey dupe, did you know that they are taking out loop holes/ deductions for the rich? do you know that? just curious, cause isn't it the left that cries about loopholes all the time.
Wealthy people will invest where they can get the best return on their money. That isn't "extortion"...that's common sense!

WRONG.........Rich folks ALREADY have plenty of expendable money to invest, if they wanted.......but few do. As stated above, the ONE percenters of the richest Americans own almost 40% of the wealth in this nation....and they are either "investing" that wealth to subsidize this country's debt....or shipping that wealth to other venues.

Do you even understand what gets taxed in this country, Nat? It isn't "wealth"'s "income"! The majority of the wealth that's held in this country is in real estate. The wealthy pay property taxes on real estate but they don't pay income tax until they sell the real estate. When you liberals attempt to tax the income of the wealthy...they simply put their capital into tax free investments...which by and large do not create jobs.
Wealthy people will invest where they can get the best return on their money. That isn't "extortion"...that's common sense!

WRONG.........Rich folks ALREADY have plenty of expendable money to invest, if they wanted.......but few do. As stated above, the ONE percenters of the richest Americans own almost 40% of the wealth in this nation....and they are either "investing" that wealth to subsidize this country's debt....or shipping that wealth to other venues.

Do you even understand what gets taxed in this country, Nat? It isn't "wealth"'s "income"! The majority of the wealth that's held in this country is in real estate. The wealthy pay property taxes on real estate but they don't pay income tax until they sell the real estate. When you liberals attempt to tax the income of the wealthy...they simply put their capital into tax free investments...which by and large do not create jobs.
shhhhhhhh don't give out such facts like that. you will educate these morons.
When you liberals attempt to tax the income of the wealthy...they simply put their capital into tax free investments...which by and large do not create jobs.

You just blew a huge hole in your own inane argument......We are NOT taxing the income of the wealthy and reducing the tax rate is a worthless argument since the wealthy are NOT currently paying those taxes anyway.
Wealthy people will invest where they can get the best return on their money. That isn't "extortion"...that's common sense!

WRONG.........Rich folks ALREADY have plenty of expendable money to invest, if they wanted.......but few do. As stated above, the ONE percenters of the richest Americans own almost 40% of the wealth in this nation....and they are either "investing" that wealth to subsidize this country's debt....or shipping that wealth to other venues.

Do you even understand what gets taxed in this country, Nat? It isn't "wealth"'s "income"! The majority of the wealth that's held in this country is in real estate. The wealthy pay property taxes on real estate but they don't pay income tax until they sell the real estate. When you liberals attempt to tax the income of the wealthy...they simply put their capital into tax free investments...which by and large do not create jobs.
shhhhhhhh don't give out such facts like that. you will educate these morons.

Didn't ANY of them take economics in college? They should know this stuff.

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