Do republicans still think that raising taxes does NOT lower the deficit?

Spending more money than we take in increases the deficit and the cumulative debt.

The answer is not to try to figure out some stupid oppressive way to tax people more. The only sane thing to do is to stop spending so much money for the cost of government.

That worthless dumbshit greedy asshole Obama put the cumulative debt so astronomically high nothing is ever going to pay it off.
Yes, obviously cutting bloated spending matters, but that doesn't mean cutting taxes wouldn't hurt the deficit. You are only exasperating the problem by cutting taxes.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

If you can possibly apply some critical thought, under what economic instances is it okay to raise taxes and in turn pay down the debt?
Spending more money than we take in increases the deficit and the cumulative debt.

The answer is not to try to figure out some stupid oppressive way to tax people more. The only sane thing to do is to stop spending so much money for the cost of government.

That worthless dumbshit greedy asshole Obama put the cumulative debt so astronomically high nothing is ever going to pay it off.
Yes, obviously cutting bloated spending matters, but that doesn't mean cutting taxes wouldn't hurt the deficit. You are only exasperating the problem by cutting taxes.

It is always amazing to me how you stupid Moon Bats get all concerned with deficits when the Republicans are in power and don't give a damn when the filthy ass Democrats are in control. I didn't hear you asshole Libtards bitching about Obama's enormous debt.

We don't need a revenue neutral tax plan. All that does is change the mix of winners and losers. This government spends too much money and it is insane. According to the CIA Fact Book the combined federal. state and local government spends more money than the GDP of all but two other countries in the world. The filthy ass Federal government by itself spends more money than all but the GDP of four other countries on earth and just barely missed the number four country.

What we need to do is stop spending so much money on the cost of government. Once we do that then we can negotiate the rate in which we reduce taxes as we pay off existing debt.
Spending more money than we take in increases the deficit and the cumulative debt.

The answer is not to try to figure out some stupid oppressive way to tax people more. The only sane thing to do is to stop spending so much money for the cost of government.

That worthless dumbshit greedy asshole Obama put the cumulative debt so astronomically high nothing is ever going to pay it off.
Yes, obviously cutting bloated spending matters, but that doesn't mean cutting taxes wouldn't hurt the deficit. You are only exasperating the problem by cutting taxes.

lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

If you can possibly apply some critical thought, under what economic instances is it okay to raise taxes and in turn pay down the debt?

Spending more money than we take in increases the deficit and the cumulative debt.

The answer is not to try to figure out some stupid oppressive way to tax people more. The only sane thing to do is to stop spending so much money for the cost of government.

That worthless dumbshit greedy asshole Obama put the cumulative debt so astronomically high nothing is ever going to pay it off.
Yes, obviously cutting bloated spending matters, but that doesn't mean cutting taxes wouldn't hurt the deficit. You are only exasperating the problem by cutting taxes.

It is always amazing to me how you stupid Moon Bats get all concerned with deficits when the Republicans are in power and don't give a damn when the filthy ass Democrats are in control. I didn't hear you asshole Libtards bitching about Obama's enormous debt.

We don't need a revenue neutral tax plan. All that does is change the mix of winners and losers. This government spends too much money and it is insane. According to the CIA Fact Book the combined federal. state and local government spends more money than the GDP of all but two other countries in the world. The filthy ass Federal government by itself spends more money than all but the GDP of four other countries on earth and just barely missed the number four country.

What we need to do is stop spending so much money on the cost of government. Once we do that then we can negotiate the rate in which we reduce taxes as we pay off existing debt.

Forget what Billy (full of) Baloney said! All of the very LARGE tax CUTS have increased the money flowing into the treasury. That is all anyone needs know!

Coolidge tax cuts while cutting spending? YES!

Kennedy tax cuts? YES!

Reagan tax cuts? YES!

Even the hated GW tax cuts, really? YES!

Don't believe me? Check it out by using Google, you leftist, so called science lovers, lol.

So then Whosure, if this is true, why do leftists want tax hikes? ANSWER---------> Because for leftists, it is NOT about the amount of money in actual dollars they take in, it is rather about raising as high as possible the PERCENTAGE of total economic activity they control. WHY? Easy peezy----------->The bigger percentage that you can LAUNDER through the federal government, the larger percentage of the TOTAL economy you can REDISTRIBUTE, thus buy votes!

My friends, being nice, it is called SOCIALISM. Being a little more honest, it borders on MARXISM. Take healthcare for example---------> it is basically 1/6th of our total economy. What is the premise of Obysmalcare if everyone is being honest? To TAKE money from some through higher premiums or charging them MORE if they are young, and TRANSFER the wealth to buy insurance for those who can not, or will NOT pay for it. And what if YOU refuse to buy Obamacare? Well, they make you pay a FINE, and then TRANSFER it to someone else.

So in essence, you either pay MORE so others can have it, or you refuse to pay, they then fine you, so others can have it.

So, when the government wants to raise taxes for ANY REASON besides the defense of the country, the only word you need know, is NO, and if you want a two word response so the illiterate can understand it, add the word HELL in front of no-)
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.
If you raise taxes by 10 billion dollars and increase spending by 25 billion, has the deficit gone up or down?

The deficit is about spending, not taxation.
Yeah, no shit that scenario wouldn't lower the deficit, but that isn't what i said is it? If the tax rate is high enough, the spending won't increase the deficit.
The point is, if the spending is low enough, the deficit goes down.
Lets keep it simple for the left, the rich pass your tax increases on down to the poor and middle class. We get it you hate the rich but you can't punish them with tax increases it doesn't work.
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?

Yeah, so we shouldn't tax rich people at all and everything will be OK.

So we should only tax middle and lower class people.

Here's a simple formula for you:

Cutting Taxes + raising spending = more debt.

so you've got a choice. Raise taxes or cut spending.
Let me see if I can explain this to you once again, Billy. I know you progressives are challenged when it comes to economics! The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low. So then who do you think will end up paying for the shortfall in tax revenue?'s the Middle Class who's screwed once again! Don't you guys EVER learn?

Yeah, so we shouldn't tax rich people at all and everything will be OK.

So we should only tax middle and lower class people.

Here's a simple formula for you:

Cutting Taxes + raising spending = more debt.

so you've got a choice. Raise taxes or cut spending.

Or get rid of rampant waste? How about THAT choice, Johann?
Tell me where I went wrong?

Cutting a rich dude's taxes does NOT make poor people richer, but the reverse is DEMONSTRABLY TRUE!!!

So, 'splain your position to me. I think you're just jelly of rich people. :dunno:

So you think poor Americans are better off today because of the long succession of tax cuts for the rich we've had for the past 60 years?
Composite government is the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 company and how did they accomplish this? By skimming of the top ever since the Bretton Woods agreement. It is our labor that has moved their fiat currency and they have used it to buy up majority holdings in every corporation and their subsidiaries that they covet.....whom is it that owns USA.INC? The International Monetary Fund that is simply a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve and the Bank For International Settlements. Dupes like Billyboy actually believe that our illegally obtained federal income taxes funds this corporate entity and that is because Billyboy is a dumb as the proverbial rock.......
The very wealthy don't have to stay where they're being taxed heavily and they won't! They'll move to where taxes are low.

Extortionists would label you an easy target with THAT kind of "rationale".......
Are you then implying that wealthy people (like Trump) would move their businesses to friendly tax venues like Russia???
I think the rich should start paying their taxes and stop cheating the system.....

This is one of many reasons why these bastards can't be trusted with shit.
Tell me where I went wrong?

Cutting a rich dude's taxes does NOT make poor people richer, but the reverse is DEMONSTRABLY TRUE!!!

So, 'splain your position to me. I think you're just jelly of rich people. :dunno:

I'll be fine either way, so meh

The latest stats have the ONE percent of the wealthiest Americans owning almost 40% of ALL of this nation's wealth......

And yet the republicans think this is perfectly fair and that the worker should take it up the ass without question.
And yet the republicans think this is perfectly fair and that the worker should take it up the ass without question.

Absolutely !!!............Wealthy folks rely on ignorant republican/conservatives to actually defend their unabated greed.
Spending less lowers deficits. Same as always. long as you also INCLUDE in that "less spending" the Pentagon, subsidies to big oil and subsidies to mega farmers....

I read an article this morning. OK, here it is. Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils to Help Avoid Collisions at Sea

The Navy has decided that 100 hour work weeks for their sailors might be impacting the ability of the sailors to safely navigate the ships. Oh, and all that computerized crap that cost tens of billions of dollars? Well they’re going to be using paper, pencils, and compass like in the old days. When the men sailed the ships instead of just watching the computers sail the damned things about.

Basic seamanship has been lost to the gods of “Battlespace management” in the computer controlled world we live in.
Trump yesterday said the corporate tax was going to be lowered to 20%. He said he had wanted 15%, BUT,

they decided 15% wouldn't produce enough revenue.

Now think about that.
To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

Let me explain it to you using the analogy of the sales tax here in Massachusetts...

We have a 6.25% sales tax on most goods and services here in MA. Our northern neighbor, New Hampshire has no sales tax. So, many of us here in MA travel to NH wgen we make large, expensive purchases like furniture or home electronics.

So why don't we go up there to buy everything? At a certain point the amount of sales tax saved drops below the investment of our time and gas to travel to NH to make the purchase.

It's a similar situation with the income tax. Wgen the tax is too high, people look for more ways to shelter their money and avoid paying it. At a lower rate, people see more of their income going into their pockets so they're less motivated to find every loophole, or to see those loopholes closed.

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