Do republicans still think that raising taxes does NOT lower the deficit?

lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.
While I'm not a card carrying republican, I do firmly believe that for every new dollar you send to Washington they will spend 3.
While I'm not a card carrying republican, I do firmly believe that for every new dollar you send to Washington they will spend 3.

No one can argue that the federal government spends and spends and spends....

What we are arguing against is the MORONIC assertion that our $20 Trillion debt can be rectified by cutting down on revenue.
While I'm not a card carrying republican, I do firmly believe that for every new dollar you send to Washington they will spend 3.

No one can argue that the federal government spends and spends and spends....

What we are arguing against is the MORONIC assertion that our $20 Trillion debt can be rectified by cutting down on revenue.
In the past I would have argued that taxes being cut had the potential to increase tax revenue through increased economic activity. While it's been a long time since I looked into it, Reagan's tax cuts did increase revenues. At this point it's a moot point 20T is never going to be repaid.

Also, I watched as my father ran a small manufacturing company in the Reagan era. He would never have survived without those cuts. He went from teetering on the brink of giving up to tripling his staff within 5 years of those cuts. I don't think many people understand how bad the tax situation was before Reagan.
Calif had the 6th highest GDP in the world, #1 in jobs, #1 in schools, #1 in opportunities.
When the State was run by Republicans.

There are many different ways to assess the consensus of economists on policy issues. Much of the public believes that economists tend to be libertarian and to favor laissez faire economic policy. That idea- that economic wisdom favors leaving all things to the free market- is actually dead wrong. Economists generally tend to support policies at least as liberal as the policies the Democratic Party supports. Some examples:

• 71% of economists favor using government to redistribute wealth and only 8% strongly oppose it. In fact, the concept of the diminishing marginal utility of wealth is a very well established and non-controversial economic principle. Even Adam Smith expressed the view that the government should redistribute wealth.

• Only 12% of economists take the view that the costs of the stimulus outweighed the benefits- a view passionately held by nearly all Republicans.

• 75% of economists favor government tuning the economy with monetary policy- an idea often vehemently rejected by the Republican Party- while only 4% of economists strongly oppose it.

• Zero percent- not a single economist in the entire sample- of economists agree with the central tenant of Republican fiscal policy that cutting tax rates would boost the economy enough to cause revenues to increase.

Which Party Is Better for the Economy?

I don't really care if 10,000% of economist agree or disagree in some left-wing radical propaganda poll. ALL anyone has to do is go look up US tax revenues reported by the Treasury Dept. If you do the research, you'll see that every time we've lowered the top marginal income tax rates, it has resulted in increased tax revenue. It happened under Coolidge, JFK, Reagan, Clinton and Bush.

This is simply not a matter of what people think might happen, we have the actual results... five out of five times, lowering top marginal rates produced more tax revenue. This is what we call a "fact of life" and you can certainly lie, distort, manipulate the data, change the argument to debts and deficits, or cite stupid polls.... whatever. Facts don't change.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

The DEFICIT is an artificial, paper figure dependent on an estimate based on STATIC ECONOMICS as opposed to realistic DYNAMIC ECONOMICS.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

Due to the FACT that the government uses an antiquated form of estimating future costs, called static. Using that method certainly, you can double the tax rate which, on paper, would double the revenue and pay down the BUDGET.

That doubling of the tax rate would do just the opposite with the DEBT, doubling the tax rate would reduce actual revenues. Progressives would act dismayed when that doubling of revenues did not happen. Revenues would plunge.

Using dynamic economics, we would actually have a realistic expectation of what the results would be of tax increases or tax decreases.

Billy000, all things being equal, you need to fill up your car with gas. One station has gas at $2.49 per gallon. If you cross the intersection that station has gas at $2.69 per gallon. Which station would you use to fill up your tank?

Why do you believe that it is a grand idea to punish the people who are successful?

Perhaps you have children. If you gave them rewards for fighting and punished them for playing well together, what would be the result?
Tell me where I went wrong?

Cutting a rich dude's taxes does NOT make poor people richer, but the reverse is DEMONSTRABLY TRUE!!!

So, 'splain your position to me. I think you're just jelly of rich people. :dunno:

I'll be fine either way, so meh

Do you believe a person or a household remains in the same income bracket all their life or do they move up and down through those brackets?

In 1979 the median income, adjusted for inflation $50,089.

In 2009, prior to petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama taking office that year, the median income, adjusted for inflation was $54,925.

In 2014, the median income during the Obama administration remained stagnant with the median income, adjusted for inflation was $53,657.

Median Household Income in the United States

Please explain why someone whose worth to their employer does not change over a decade, should have their income rise at a rate greater than inflation?

It is already well known that the Obama recovery was the slowest in history since the Great Depression.

For 2015 that income level increased $55,575.

The median income for 2016 will be released sometime this month.

US Household Income | Department of Numbers
We should cut military spending in half, drastically reduce federal medical spending, and freeze entitlements.


When petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama pulled all our troops out of Iraq, who filled the vacuum? Just as Conservatives said would happen, who filled that vacuum?

All me to assist you. That would be ISIS, with massive new training areas and Russia. Also as we said would happen, former President Obama returned troops to Iraq where we have them today and are being forced to add more to Afghanistan as well.
And that's why there are no wealthy in NY, NJ, CT, MA, CA. They all took their money and went to live with the rest of the wealthy in MS, AL, and LA .

As you know, and know well, thousands of households and companies have left the states you cite and are moving to both adjoining states plus Texas and Florida are huge benefactors due to their exorbitant state and city taxes.
So you think poor Americans are better off today because of the long succession of tax cuts for the rich we've had for the past 60 years?

What happened to all your grand successes during the eight years of the policies of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama? Why did the number of people living below the poverty line increase so drastically?
The latest stats have the ONE percent of the wealthiest Americans owning almost 40% of ALL of this nation's wealth......

So what?

The size of the pie, unlike what you believe, is unlimited and it grows.

If Bill Gates makes $1 billion more in 2016 than he did in 2015, specifically how much of that came from each citizen of the state of Washington?
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.
The federal government is all about waste fraud and abuse
Corporations are taxed on profits, not on revenue they reinvest in jobs, capital equipment, research, etc.

Let's say the corporate tax goes to zero. With Trump's tax plan you also will have half of American households paying no federal income tax.

That leaves the entire federal income tax burden on the wealthier half of American individuals/households.

Is that what you want?

We already have that situation. Half of our households pay no income tax.

Taxpayers pay all corporate taxes. The company pays nothing.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic. isn't how much you take is how much the politicians spend.....and they aren't going to pay down the deficit no matter how much money you give stupid are you if you believe that?

Again...none of you morons ever answer the question....

If you had a manager who handled all of your money, and they told you you were now in debt to the point you couldn't get out of debt because of the way they managed your money....would you give them more of your money to manage?

Cause...that is what you morons are doing when you send money to Washington.....
California has one of if not the highest tax burdens, and is also the most broke.

BULLSHIT !!!!.....California's GDP is the same.....if not bigger......than France's.
If California were a single country, it would be the SEVENTH largest GDP in the world........the state's GDP is more than $2.6 TRILLION.

That may be true but they do have the highest tax burden and is deep, deeply in debt. EVEN YOU cannot dispute those facts.

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