Do republicans still think that raising taxes does NOT lower the deficit?

When you liberals attempt to tax the income of the wealthy...they simply put their capital into tax free investments...which by and large do not create jobs.

You just blew a huge hole in your own inane argument......We are NOT taxing the income of the wealthy and reducing the tax rate is a worthless argument since the wealthy are NOT currently paying those taxes anyway.

Income of wealthy Americans isn't being taxed? Really! I hate to break this to you, Nat but the wealthy pay the majority of taxes in this country.
I believe that the top 1% of the most wealthy people in the US pay 50% of the income taxes collected in the US.
Income of wealthy Americans isn't being taxed? Really! I hate to break this to you, Nat but the wealthy pay the majority of taxes in this country.

Yes.....and how many of these "wealthy" are currently on the unemployment lines because of too much taxes???

Why do these wealthy sit on billions of dollars and have done NOTHING to improve the economy?

What makes any of you "defenders" of the wealthy (which I'm sure you're not among them) "think" that lowering their taxes will kick off a surge in our economy?

Hasn't the last 3 decades of trickle down economics taught you anything?
I believe that the top 1% of the most wealthy people in the US pay 50% of the income taxes collected in the US.

....and,"obviously" they are bitching that they cannot afford a new Lear jets every year???
Now if what you're truly looking for is "fairness"...then you should be calling for a consumption tax not an income tax. But you're not really looking to be fair...are you, Nat?
Income of wealthy Americans isn't being taxed? Really! I hate to break this to you, Nat but the wealthy pay the majority of taxes in this country.

Yes.....and how many of these "wealthy" are currently on the unemployment lines because of too much taxes???

Why do these wealthy sit on billions of dollars and have done NOTHING to improve the economy?

What makes any of you "defenders" of the wealthy (which I'm sure you're not among them) "think" that lowering their taxes will kick off a surge in our economy?

Hasn't the last 3 decades of trickle down economics taught you anything?

For about the thousandth time, Nat..."trickle down economics" doesn't exist and anyone who's ever owned a business can tell you that's a fact. Profits in business "trickle" up...not down! People with wealth are induced to invest their capital because of the anticipation of profit. If you raise lower profits and if you lower reduce the incentive for investment! JFK understood that back in the 60's. Why is the modern day liberal so unable to grasp this very simple concept?
I believe that the top 1% of the most wealthy people in the US pay 50% of the income taxes collected in the US.

....and,"obviously" they are bitching that they cannot afford a new Lear jets every year???

If you work at the Lear plant...people having the capital to buy a new plane is what puts food on your table! Another thing you on the left can't seem to understand! You see jets and yachts as something evil that needs to be stomped out! To you they're a symbol.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

Livable wages for American workers will go far to reduce the deficit.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

Gee, Billy! Let's raise taxes on Millionaires. It worked so well for States like New Jersey!
One Top Taxpayer Moved, and New Jersey Shuddered

And that's just ONE guy moving out of the State!

Do you feel that millionaires should pay the same percentage of their income as the working class?
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.
California has one of if not the highest tax burdens, and is also the most broke.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

Gee, Billy! Let's raise taxes on Millionaires. It worked so well for States like New Jersey!
One Top Taxpayer Moved, and New Jersey Shuddered

And that's just ONE guy moving out of the State!

Do you feel that millionaires should pay the same percentage of their income as the working class?
1% of 10,000 is a tad different than 1% on 10M
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

Gee, Billy! Let's raise taxes on Millionaires. It worked so well for States like New Jersey!
One Top Taxpayer Moved, and New Jersey Shuddered

And that's just ONE guy moving out of the State!

Do you feel that millionaires should pay the same percentage of their income as the working class?
1% of 10,000 is a tad different than 1% on 10M

Congrats, you're a math genius! If you continue on your quest you may be able to accomplish Artificial Intelligence and become the first trillionaire!

But in reality, 1% of 10M is more affordable than 1% of 10k.
lol I have to know this is still true. Do you people actually believe that raising taxes would NOT pay down a government budget?

To me, this is one of the most hilarious and stupid things republicans believe and I need an update. Because a Neanderthal like Trump is now president, I am not optimistic.

Gee, Billy! Let's raise taxes on Millionaires. It worked so well for States like New Jersey!
One Top Taxpayer Moved, and New Jersey Shuddered

And that's just ONE guy moving out of the State!

Do you feel that millionaires should pay the same percentage of their income as the working class?
1% of 10,000 is a tad different than 1% on 10M

Congrats, you're a math genius! If you continue on your quest you may be able to accomplish Artificial Intelligence and become the first trillionaire!

But in reality, 1% of 10M is more affordable than 1% of 10k.

Congrats, you're a math genius! If you continue on your quest you may be able to accomplish Artificial Intelligence and become the first trillionaire!

Then people should work harder and smarter to make a living they desire instead of buying tattoos and pot.
Will I benefit directly? Yes I will drop from a 28% to a 25% and the $24k general deduction is sweet.

However the big benefits is what it does for corps and small business owners. Only a shrewd businessman would propose this.

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I believe that the top 1% of the most wealthy people in the US pay 50% of the income taxes collected in the US.

Billionaires pay 0% percent in payroll taxes. The working poor pay 15.2%. But, thank you retard, for trying to make us cry because of the hardship and plight of the mega-rich at tax time.
California has one of if not the highest tax burdens, and is also the most broke.

BULLSHIT !!!!.....California's GDP is the same.....if not bigger......than France's.
If California were a single country, it would be the SEVENTH largest GDP in the world........the state's GDP is more than $2.6 TRILLION.
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California has one of if not the highest tax burdens, and is also the most broke.

BULLSHIT !!!!.....California's GDP is the same.....if not bigger......than France.
If California were a single country, it would be the SEVENTH largest GDP in the world........the state's GDP is more than $2.6 TRILLION.
Calif had the 6th highest GDP in the world, #1 in jobs, #1 in schools, #1 in opportunities.
When the State was run by Republicans.

Now under Dem control it is #7 GDP, #49 in schools, #45 in good jobs, #50 in taxes and everyone who earns money is leaving the State along with companies.
California has one of if not the highest tax burdens, and is also the most broke.

BULLSHIT !!!!.....California's GDP is the same.....if not bigger......than France.
If California were a single country, it would be the SEVENTH largest GDP in the world........the state's GDP is more than $2.6 TRILLION.
Calif had the 6th highest GDP in the world, #1 in jobs, #1 in schools, #1 in opportunities.
When the State was run by Republicans.

Now under Dem control it is #7 GDP, #49 in schools, #45 in good jobs, #50 in taxes and everyone who earns money is leaving the State along with companies.
Oh, and Calif is #50 in roads under Dem control.
Calif had the 6th highest GDP in the world, #1 in jobs, #1 in schools, #1 in opportunities.
When the State was run by Republicans.

There are many different ways to assess the consensus of economists on policy issues. Much of the public believes that economists tend to be libertarian and to favor laissez faire economic policy. That idea- that economic wisdom favors leaving all things to the free market- is actually dead wrong. Economists generally tend to support policies at least as liberal as the policies the Democratic Party supports. Some examples:

• 71% of economists favor using government to redistribute wealth and only 8% strongly oppose it. In fact, the concept of the diminishing marginal utility of wealth is a very well established and non-controversial economic principle. Even Adam Smith expressed the view that the government should redistribute wealth.

• Only 12% of economists take the view that the costs of the stimulus outweighed the benefits- a view passionately held by nearly all Republicans.

• 75% of economists favor government tuning the economy with monetary policy- an idea often vehemently rejected by the Republican Party- while only 4% of economists strongly oppose it.

• Zero percent- not a single economist in the entire sample- of economists agree with the central tenant of Republican fiscal policy that cutting tax rates would boost the economy enough to cause revenues to increase.

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