Do Republicans think all crime is committed by Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and Gays?

Elizabeth Warren was right. Trump gets more support from David Duke, the KKK, the Alt Right and White Supremacists than he does from the GOP leadership.

David DUke does NOT support Trump.

You are a moron.

White nationalist David Duke praises Trump's candidacy -

Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald Trump

Shut the fuck up you stupid shit. You don't even know what you are talking about.

See what I mean about Trump supporters?

David Duke knows that he is toxic.

If he really supported Trump he would keep his mouth shut.

By speaking out supposedly supporting Trump, he is in fact making an offer of alliance with the Dems.

You give him attention and status, pretending that he matters, thus giving him exposure and a chance to attract new supporters, perhaps dozens of them.

In exchange you lefties get a weapon to smite your enemies.

You and him are working together, to the mutual benefit of each other.

YOu are the stupid shit here, who does not only not know what he is taking about, but does not even understand the implications of his actions.
You are such a dumb shit. Making up unprovable conspiracies.

For many of your kind, David Duke is very popular.

The only people paying attention to David Duke is the lib media. And the only time they pay attention to him is when he says something that the lefties can use against their enemies.

David Duke gets much needed exposure to advance his fringe agenda.

YOu lefties get a to smear your enemies to advance your agenda.

Mutual benefit.

David Duke is not popular with Republicans. When he managed to lie enough to get nominated for the Republican Candidate for the Governorship of La, the GOP mobilized against him. GHWBuhs himself spoke out against him.

There are many more David Dukes & a couple of dozen who are regular posters on this board. Trump supporters for the most part are bigots (count the number of "libtard" expressions and other childish pejoratives used every day by them); Many of Trump supporters are racist, sexists, misogynists, single issue voters and fools; they dominate many threads by echoing each other and are intolerant of any idea, opinion or suggestion that opposes the dogma they have been fed to believe:
  • Many have been told to hate the Clinton's ("Crooked Hillary" is one Big Lie repeated over and over and thus in the simple mind of simple minded people it must be true. But no evidence exists of any crime committed by HRC, nor the presence of Mens rea.)
  • Trump supporters yell lock her up, an unreasonable bit of mob behavior based on guilty until proved innocent (Stalin, Hitler, et al would be pleased)
  • Tax and spend Democrats, another Big Lie
  • Big Tent, a lie
  • Guns don't kill people, people kill people
  • Democrats are the Racists (times changed & the Dixiecrats are now all Republikans)
  • Gay and Lesbian Marriage threatens 'real' marriage which is only between a man and a women
  • Obama is a Muslim
  • Obama was not born in the US
On and on the bullshit flows, and too many of the self proclaimed and biddable conservatives echo it as it God had handed it down to Trump personally.
When I hear Republicans and especially Trump, talk about crime, it seems they always include one of those four groups.

Blacks shoot everyone

Hispanics are rapist drug dealers

Muslims set off bombs

Gays molest children

And yet, the majority perpetrators of all those crimes are whites. But when are they ever mentioned by Trump and the Republicans.

You get the feeling that when Trump talks about coming down hard on criminals, he doesn't mean whites. Because none of his examples are white.

And you wonder about white collar crime. One Trump stiffing hundreds of people can tear apart hundreds of lives. One Trump scamming hundreds of elderly and veterans can ruin many, many lives without a single shot.
stop trying to separate Americans voters by race. they/we are voters, the only crime is this thread.
I don't need to separate voters by race.

Republicans have already done that. Being 90% white starts it.
Voter suppression finishes it.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters

The GOP Is Now Bragging About Voter Suppression

GOP Voter-Suppression Efforts Are Shifting to the Local Level

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

The GOP being mostly white is not a product of blacks being barred from the party.

YOu are a liar.
Who said they were barred?

They are just unwelcome.
So who do Republicans hate more?

Blacks, Muslims, Gays or Hispanics.

I think it goes like this from most to least:

1. Gays

2. Muslims

3. Blacks

4. Hispanics.

Republicans only want Muslims gone. They want gays dead.

Hillary is the one that wants to import more Muslims. THat will end up with more dead gays than anything the GOP wants to do.

Indeed, the GOP wants to STOP importing Muslims which will save gay American lives.

Vote TRump, if you are gay and don't want to be killed.
David DUke does NOT support Trump.

You are a moron.

White nationalist David Duke praises Trump's candidacy -

Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald Trump

Shut the fuck up you stupid shit. You don't even know what you are talking about.

See what I mean about Trump supporters?

David Duke knows that he is toxic.

If he really supported Trump he would keep his mouth shut.

By speaking out supposedly supporting Trump, he is in fact making an offer of alliance with the Dems.

You give him attention and status, pretending that he matters, thus giving him exposure and a chance to attract new supporters, perhaps dozens of them.

In exchange you lefties get a weapon to smite your enemies.

You and him are working together, to the mutual benefit of each other.

YOu are the stupid shit here, who does not only not know what he is taking about, but does not even understand the implications of his actions.
You are such a dumb shit. Making up unprovable conspiracies.

For many of your kind, David Duke is very popular.

The only people paying attention to David Duke is the lib media. And the only time they pay attention to him is when he says something that the lefties can use against their enemies.

David Duke gets much needed exposure to advance his fringe agenda.

YOu lefties get a to smear your enemies to advance your agenda.

Mutual benefit.

David Duke is not popular with Republicans. When he managed to lie enough to get nominated for the Republican Candidate for the Governorship of La, the GOP mobilized against him. GHWBuhs himself spoke out against him.

There are many more David Dukes & a couple of dozen who are regular posters on this board. Trump supporters for the most part are bigots (count the number of "libtard" expressions and other childish pejoratives used every day by them); Many of Trump supporters are racist, sexists, misogynists, single issue voters and fools; they dominate many threads by echoing each other and are intolerant of any idea, opinion or suggestion that opposes the dogma they have been fed to believe:
  • Many have been told to hate the Clinton's ("Crooked Hillary" is one Big Lie repeated over and over and thus in the simple mind of simple minded people it must be true. But no evidence exists of any crime committed by HRC, nor the presence of Mens rea.)
  • Trump supporters yell lock her up, an unreasonable bit of mob behavior based on guilty until proved innocent (Stalin, Hitler, et al would be pleased)
  • Tax and spend Democrats, another Big Lie
  • Big Tent, a lie
  • Guns don't kill people, people kill people
  • Democrats are the Racists (times changed & the Dixiecrats are now all Republikans)
  • Gay and Lesbian Marriage threatens 'real' marriage which is only between a man and a women
  • Obama is a Muslim
  • Obama was not born in the US
On and on the bullshit flows, and too many of the self proclaimed and biddable conservatives echo it as it God had handed it down to Trump personally.
Sorry, I can't help getting a perverse satisfaction by watching a Beast supporter having meltdowns. :)
One would think Trump was a rock star the way he totally occupies rdean's every thought. I'm surprised rdean isn't suffering from dehydration and malnutrition since he spends his waking moments attempting to smear the Donald. Rdean has made himself out to be the forum idiot all at his own hand.

There you go again, attacking someone's intelligence (using an ad hominem) and ignoring a persons opinion and argument. If you have a rebuttal, or know what one is, you might have some credibility.
David DUke does NOT support Trump.

You are a moron.

White nationalist David Duke praises Trump's candidacy -

Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald Trump

Shut the fuck up you stupid shit. You don't even know what you are talking about.

See what I mean about Trump supporters?

David Duke knows that he is toxic.

If he really supported Trump he would keep his mouth shut.

By speaking out supposedly supporting Trump, he is in fact making an offer of alliance with the Dems.

You give him attention and status, pretending that he matters, thus giving him exposure and a chance to attract new supporters, perhaps dozens of them.

In exchange you lefties get a weapon to smite your enemies.

You and him are working together, to the mutual benefit of each other.

YOu are the stupid shit here, who does not only not know what he is taking about, but does not even understand the implications of his actions.
You are such a dumb shit. Making up unprovable conspiracies.

For many of your kind, David Duke is very popular.

The only people paying attention to David Duke is the lib media. And the only time they pay attention to him is when he says something that the lefties can use against their enemies.

David Duke gets much needed exposure to advance his fringe agenda.

YOu lefties get a to smear your enemies to advance your agenda.

Mutual benefit.

David Duke is not popular with Republicans. When he managed to lie enough to get nominated for the Republican Candidate for the Governorship of La, the GOP mobilized against him. GHWBuhs himself spoke out against him.

There are many more David Dukes & a couple of dozen who are regular posters on this board. Trump supporters for the most part are bigots (count the number of "libtard" expressions and other childish pejoratives used every day by them); Many of Trump supporters are racist, sexists, misogynists, single issue voters and fools; they dominate many threads by echoing each other and are intolerant of any idea, opinion or suggestion that opposes the dogma they have been fed to believe:
  • Many have been told to hate the Clinton's ("Crooked Hillary" is one Big Lie repeated over and over and thus in the simple mind of simple minded people it must be true. But no evidence exists of any crime committed by HRC, nor the presence of Mens rea.)
  • Trump supporters yell lock her up, an unreasonable bit of mob behavior based on guilty until proved innocent (Stalin, Hitler, et al would be pleased)
  • Tax and spend Democrats, another Big Lie
  • Big Tent, a lie
  • Guns don't kill people, people kill people
  • Democrats are the Racists (times changed & the Dixiecrats are now all Republikans)
  • Gay and Lesbian Marriage threatens 'real' marriage which is only between a man and a women
  • Obama is a Muslim
  • Obama was not born in the US
On and on the bullshit flows, and too many of the self proclaimed and biddable conservatives echo it as it God had handed it down to Trump personally.

I'm very much impressed with the belief system you lefties have where if you say something enough times, and confidently enough, that it will become true.

Your self image must be incredible.

Me? I don't believe that I have the Power to bend Reality to my Will.


There is nothing racist about Trump's platform or agenda.

The rest of your post is off topic and provided to create the Logical Fallacy of Shotgun argument. This your argument is invalid.
One would think Trump was a rock star the way he totally occupies rdean's every thought. I'm surprised rdean isn't suffering from dehydration and malnutrition since he spends his waking moments attempting to smear the Donald. Rdean has made himself out to be the forum idiot all at his own hand.

There you go again, attacking someone's intelligence (using an ad hominem) and ignoring a persons opinion and argument. If you have a rebuttal, or know what one is, you might have some credibility.


YOu just attacked EVERYTHING about Trump supporters as part of the Logical Fallacy Shotgun Argument without supporting a single one of your attacks.
One would think Trump was a rock star the way he totally occupies rdean's every thought. I'm surprised rdean isn't suffering from dehydration and malnutrition since he spends his waking moments attempting to smear the Donald. Rdean has made himself out to be the forum idiot all at his own hand.

There you go again, attacking someone's intelligence (using an ad hominem) and ignoring a persons opinion and argument. If you have a rebuttal, or know what one is, you might have some credibility.

Where's the credibility necessary when one makes post after post each and every day in an ongoing and never ending smear campaign instead of addressing his own candidate's proposed policies? None of you Liberals will actually address any of Hillary's policies. All you do is take cheap shots at a candidate who is about to whip Hillary's ass.
David DUke does NOT support Trump.

You are a moron.

White nationalist David Duke praises Trump's candidacy -

Former Ku Klux Klan leader declares support for Donald Trump

Shut the fuck up you stupid shit. You don't even know what you are talking about.

See what I mean about Trump supporters?

David Duke knows that he is toxic.

If he really supported Trump he would keep his mouth shut.

By speaking out supposedly supporting Trump, he is in fact making an offer of alliance with the Dems.

You give him attention and status, pretending that he matters, thus giving him exposure and a chance to attract new supporters, perhaps dozens of them.

In exchange you lefties get a weapon to smite your enemies.

You and him are working together, to the mutual benefit of each other.

YOu are the stupid shit here, who does not only not know what he is taking about, but does not even understand the implications of his actions.
You are such a dumb shit. Making up unprovable conspiracies.

For many of your kind, David Duke is very popular.

The only people paying attention to David Duke is the lib media. And the only time they pay attention to him is when he says something that the lefties can use against their enemies.

David Duke gets much needed exposure to advance his fringe agenda.

YOu lefties get a to smear your enemies to advance your agenda.

Mutual benefit.

David Duke is not popular with Republicans. When he managed to lie enough to get nominated for the Republican Candidate for the Governorship of La, the GOP mobilized against him. GHWBuhs himself spoke out against him.

There are many more David Dukes & a couple of dozen who are regular posters on this board. Trump supporters for the most part are bigots (count the number of "libtard" expressions and other childish pejoratives used every day by them); Many of Trump supporters are racist, sexists, misogynists, single issue voters and fools; they dominate many threads by echoing each other and are intolerant of any idea, opinion or suggestion that opposes the dogma they have been fed to believe:
  • Many have been told to hate the Clinton's ("Crooked Hillary" is one Big Lie repeated over and over and thus in the simple mind of simple minded people it must be true. But no evidence exists of any crime committed by HRC, nor the presence of Mens rea.)
  • Trump supporters yell lock her up, an unreasonable bit of mob behavior based on guilty until proved innocent (Stalin, Hitler, et al would be pleased)
  • Tax and spend Democrats, another Big Lie
  • Big Tent, a lie
  • Guns don't kill people, people kill people
  • Democrats are the Racists (times changed & the Dixiecrats are now all Republikans)
  • Gay and Lesbian Marriage threatens 'real' marriage which is only between a man and a women
  • Obama is a Muslim
  • Obama was not born in the US
On and on the bullshit flows, and too many of the self proclaimed and biddable conservatives echo it as it God had handed it down to Trump personally.

Polls getting to you? Desperate much? Don't worry, it will soon be all over.
When I hear Republicans and especially Trump, talk about crime, it seems they always include one of those four groups.

Blacks shoot everyone

Hispanics are rapist drug dealers

Muslims set off bombs

Gays molest children

And yet, the majority perpetrators of all those crimes are whites. But when are they ever mentioned by Trump and the Republicans.

You get the feeling that when Trump talks about coming down hard on criminals, he doesn't mean whites. Because none of his examples are white.

And you wonder about white collar crime. One Trump stiffing hundreds of people can tear apart hundreds of lives. One Trump scamming hundreds of elderly and veterans can ruin many, many lives without a single shot.
You know - asshole - that if you had a job, you wouldn't have the time to be sitting around your mommy's house thinking up these rediculously ignorant, mind-numbing, stupid threads.
I don't need a job. I'm retired and living good. That comes from education and hard work. You should try it. You'ld be amazed at what education and hard work bring.
You are an idiot. You have no critical thinking skills, so your education only served to make you a drone somewhere. I wouldn't brag about it. Probably some flunky union gig.
When I hear Republicans and especially Trump, talk about crime, it seems they always include one of those four groups.

Blacks shoot everyone

Hispanics are rapist drug dealers

Muslims set off bombs

Gays molest children

And yet, the majority perpetrators of all those crimes are whites. But when are they ever mentioned by Trump and the Republicans.

You get the feeling that when Trump talks about coming down hard on criminals, he doesn't mean whites. Because none of his examples are white.

And you wonder about white collar crime. One Trump stiffing hundreds of people can tear apart hundreds of lives. One Trump scamming hundreds of elderly and veterans can ruin many, many lives without a single shot.
You know - asshole - that if you had a job, you wouldn't have the time to be sitting around your mommy's house thinking up these rediculously ignorant, mind-numbing, stupid threads.
I don't need a job. I'm retired and living good. That comes from education and hard work. You should try it. You'ld be amazed at what education and hard work bring.

Not bad, it took 3 sentences for you to tell a lie.
Elizabeth Warren was right. Trump gets more support from David Duke, the KKK, the Alt Right and White Supremacists than he does from the GOP leadership.
Because poor Whites don't get free homes, smart phones and Large Screen TVs like poor Blacks.
Liberals and DemoRATS do probably 80+% of it...but NO JOURNALIST would ever report on that!
When I hear Republicans and especially Trump, talk about crime, it seems they always include one of those four groups.

Blacks shoot everyone

Hispanics are rapist drug dealers

Muslims set off bombs

Gays molest children

And yet, the majority perpetrators of all those crimes are whites. But when are they ever mentioned by Trump and the Republicans.

You get the feeling that when Trump talks about coming down hard on criminals, he doesn't mean whites. Because none of his examples are white.

And you wonder about white collar crime. One Trump stiffing hundreds of people can tear apart hundreds of lives. One Trump scamming hundreds of elderly and veterans can ruin many, many lives without a single shot.

If medical technology ever gets to the point where they could put you in somebody else's head, I think I would want to be in a liberal head just to see what goes on in there.

I know that they can't be hearing the same words the rest of us hear when somebody talks. I know they can't be reading the same words as the rest of us do when we read something--particularly about race. I would just be curious as to the transformation process.

When somebody says "Obama's foreign affairs policies are a disaster" a liberal hears "That rotten N in the White House is polluting out country." I would just love to know how that works. Don't you libs even question how the mouth is not matching to the words that you're hearing? Or do you actually hear the words, and then redefine all of them in your head?

Just curious.
When I hear Republicans and especially Trump, talk about crime, it seems they always include one of those four groups.

Blacks shoot everyone

Hispanics are rapist drug dealers

Muslims set off bombs

Gays molest children

And yet, the majority perpetrators of all those crimes are whites. But when are they ever mentioned by Trump and the Republicans.

You get the feeling that when Trump talks about coming down hard on criminals, he doesn't mean whites. Because none of his examples are white.

And you wonder about white collar crime. One Trump stiffing hundreds of people can tear apart hundreds of lives. One Trump scamming hundreds of elderly and veterans can ruin many, many lives without a single shot.

If medical technology ever gets to the point where they could put you in somebody else's head, I think I would want to be in a liberal head just to see what goes on in there.

I know that they can't be hearing the same words the rest of us hear when somebody talks. I know they can't be reading the same words as the rest of us do when we read something--particularly about race. I would just be curious as to the transformation process.

When somebody says "Obama's foreign affairs policies are a disaster" a liberal hears "That rotten N in the White House is polluting out country." I would just love to know how that works. Don't you libs even question how the mouth is not matching to the words that you're hearing? Or do you actually hear the words, and then redefine all of them in your head?

Just curious.

The effect of emotional bias on perceptions has been researched.

And yes, they do NOT hear the words you actually say.

I learned of it as "Barriers to Communication" in a communications class.
And yes, they do NOT hear the words you actually say.

I learned of it as "Barriers to Communication" in a communications class.
Otherwise known as not letting facts get in the way of firmly held beliefs.
stop trying to separate Americans voters by race. they/we are voters, the only crime is this thread.
I don't need to separate voters by race.

Republicans have already done that. Being 90% white starts it.
Voter suppression finishes it.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters

The GOP Is Now Bragging About Voter Suppression

GOP Voter-Suppression Efforts Are Shifting to the Local Level

Republicans Admit Voter-ID Laws Are Aimed at Democratic Voters

The GOP being mostly white is not a product of blacks being barred from the party.

YOu are a liar.
Who said they were barred?

They are just unwelcome.
So who do Republicans hate more?

Blacks, Muslims, Gays or Hispanics.

I think it goes like this from most to least:

1. Gays

2. Muslims

3. Blacks

4. Hispanics.

Republicans only want Muslims gone. They want gays dead.

Hillary is the one that wants to import more Muslims. THat will end up with more dead gays than anything the GOP wants to do.

Indeed, the GOP wants to STOP importing Muslims which will save gay American lives.

Vote TRump, if you are gay and don't want to be killed.

Not being gay I will not vote for Trump. Oh, and BTW, more people will be killed with a gun today, than a gay person will be killed by a Muslim this year. Thus by your 'reasoning', we should vote for HRC who is more likely to support gun controls than that wacko nominee of the Republikan Party.

The GOP being mostly white is not a product of blacks being barred from the party.

YOu are a liar.
Who said they were barred?

They are just unwelcome.
So who do Republicans hate more?

Blacks, Muslims, Gays or Hispanics.

I think it goes like this from most to least:

1. Gays

2. Muslims

3. Blacks

4. Hispanics.

Republicans only want Muslims gone. They want gays dead.

Hillary is the one that wants to import more Muslims. THat will end up with more dead gays than anything the GOP wants to do.

Indeed, the GOP wants to STOP importing Muslims which will save gay American lives.

Vote TRump, if you are gay and don't want to be killed.

Not being gay I will not vote for Trump. Oh, and BTW, more people will be killed with a gun today, than a gay person will be killed by a Muslim this year. Thus by your 'reasoning', we should vote for HRC who is more likely to support gun controls than that wacko nominee of the Republikan Party.

I like how you equate inanimate objects to humans.

I don't do that.

When I think of our overall crime problems, I think of the ACTUAL cause(s) of crime.

Such as illegitimacy.

And I strongly support policies to address it.

My point stands. Voting for Hillary is voting for dozens or hundreds, at LEAST, avoidable American deaths.

Voting for Trump will save American lives.
When I hear Republicans and especially Trump, talk about crime, it seems they always include one of those four groups.

Blacks shoot everyone

Hispanics are rapist drug dealers

Muslims set off bombs

Gays molest children

And yet, the majority perpetrators of all those crimes are whites. But when are they ever mentioned by Trump and the Republicans.

You get the feeling that when Trump talks about coming down hard on criminals, he doesn't mean whites. Because none of his examples are white.

And you wonder about white collar crime. One Trump stiffing hundreds of people can tear apart hundreds of lives. One Trump scamming hundreds of elderly and veterans can ruin many, many lives without a single shot.

If medical technology ever gets to the point where they could put you in somebody else's head, I think I would want to be in a liberal head just to see what goes on in there.

I know that they can't be hearing the same words the rest of us hear when somebody talks. I know they can't be reading the same words as the rest of us do when we read something--particularly about race. I would just be curious as to the transformation process.

When somebody says "Obama's foreign affairs policies are a disaster" a liberal hears "That rotten N in the White House is polluting out country." I would just love to know how that works. Don't you libs even question how the mouth is not matching to the words that you're hearing? Or do you actually hear the words, and then redefine all of them in your head?

Just curious.

The effect of emotional bias on perceptions has been researched.

And yes, they do NOT hear the words you actually say.

I learned of it as "Barriers to Communication" in a communications class.

Did you pass that class in communications?

But, I digress, the word I coined describes emotional bias, but the receptor actually hears the words, yet dismisses them. This I called Willful Ignorance, and it is a product and function of the propaganda heard daily on AM Radio and Faux News programming.

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