Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
It might hurt profits, employee wages, bonus', expansion, hiring more employees, the economy, etc but you gotta pay your taxes.

I'd be OK with everyone paying 15% if it would work. Democrats aren't trying to over tax but it seems Republicans want to under tax and then wonder why we are broke
Not saying we shouldn't pay taxes, but I do expect that when taxed, those taxes are spent wisely and not wasted frivolously.

We are broke and in debt because those who are in charge can't control themselves.
Clinton had a surplus.

5trillion in debt is not a surplus

Budget surplus.
Sounds like algores math... Dip shit

Sounds like real words that you choose to neither acknowledge nor understand.
A percentage proportional to what others pay. The actual dollar amount is meaningless. Don't you believe their rate should be at least what you pay?
Do you believe that whatever they pay will be passed on to the consumer and the rest written off?
It might hurt profits, employee wages, bonus', expansion, hiring more employees, the economy, etc but you gotta pay your taxes.

I'd be OK with everyone paying 15% if it would work. Democrats aren't trying to over tax but it seems Republicans want to under tax and then wonder why we are broke
Not saying we shouldn't pay taxes, but I do expect that when taxed, those taxes are spent wisely and not wasted frivolously.

We are broke and in debt because those who are in charge can't control themselves.
Clinton had a surplus.

5trillion in debt is not a surplus
You just proved you are one of the stupid voters who doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. Thank you for exposing your ignorance.

Did you really think I meant Clinton paid off the debt and had extra money? Man you must be stupid
Do you believe that whatever they pay will be passed on to the consumer and the rest written off?
It might hurt profits, employee wages, bonus', expansion, hiring more employees, the economy, etc but you gotta pay your taxes.

I'd be OK with everyone paying 15% if it would work. Democrats aren't trying to over tax but it seems Republicans want to under tax and then wonder why we are broke
Not saying we shouldn't pay taxes, but I do expect that when taxed, those taxes are spent wisely and not wasted frivolously.

We are broke and in debt because those who are in charge can't control themselves.
Clinton had a surplus.

5trillion in debt is not a surplus
You just proved you are one of the stupid voters who doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. Thank you for exposing your ignorance.

Did you really think I meant Clinton paid off the debt and had extra money? Man you must be stupid
Whatever budget surplus was eliminated the next few years as tax write-offs from the $8 trillion bust, and then 9/11 Counting the value of lives lost as well as property damage and lost production of goods and services, losses already exceed $100 billion. Including the loss in stock market wealth -- the market's own estimate arising from expectations of lower corporate profits and higher discount rates for economic volatility -- the price tag approaches $2 trillion.
So I'd say between those two the surplus was quickly gone!
It might hurt profits, employee wages, bonus', expansion, hiring more employees, the economy, etc but you gotta pay your taxes.

I'd be OK with everyone paying 15% if it would work. Democrats aren't trying to over tax but it seems Republicans want to under tax and then wonder why we are broke
Not saying we shouldn't pay taxes, but I do expect that when taxed, those taxes are spent wisely and not wasted frivolously.

We are broke and in debt because those who are in charge can't control themselves.
Clinton had a surplus.

5trillion in debt is not a surplus
You just proved you are one of the stupid voters who doesn't know the difference between debt and deficit. Thank you for exposing your ignorance.

Did you really think I meant Clinton paid off the debt and had extra money? Man you must be stupid
Whatever budget surplus was eliminated the next few years as tax write-offs from the $8 trillion bust, and then 9/11 Counting the value of lives lost as well as property damage and lost production of goods and services, losses already exceed $100 billion. Including the loss in stock market wealth -- the market's own estimate arising from expectations of lower corporate profits and higher discount rates for economic volatility -- the price tag approaches $2 trillion.
So I'd say between those two the surplus was quickly gone!
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

It is a difficult question.

A corporation is not a real person. lt's legal personhood is a legal FICTION that serves a purpose.

BUT, it does not enjoy the profits from it's businesses.

That profit is, eventually distributed to the SHAREHOLDERS, who then pay taxes on it.

By taxing the corporation and then taxing the shareholder also, it is in effect DOUBLE TAXATION.

On the other hand, the ideal National Sales tax mentioned else where would hit the corporation as it operated and then the shareholder as he spent the money he received.
Does the OP think Corporations actually pay taxes ? No, they just add that on to the goods and or services they provide like any other cost. Its a thinly veiled Federal sales tax that mostly affects the middle class and poor. You know those people Democrats claim to champion.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

It is a difficult question.

A corporation is not a real person. lt's legal personhood is a legal FICTION that serves a purpose.

BUT, it does not enjoy the profits from it's businesses.

That profit is, eventually distributed to the SHAREHOLDERS, who then pay taxes on it.

By taxing the corporation and then taxing the shareholder also, it is in effect DOUBLE TAXATION.

On the other hand, the ideal National Sales tax mentioned else where would hit the corporation as it operated and then the shareholder as he spent the money he received.
Yea, I hate getting my paycheck and then going out and buying something and they tax me 6%. Mother fuckers! Double taxation. Hell, then they tax my profits on my investments, triple tax. Then they tax my death, quadruple taxation! Those bitches!

Hard not to pay anything when


If you want expensive toys you have to pay for them. I'd rather spend more on healthcare or space travel.
Does the OP think Corporations actually pay taxes ? No, they just add that on to the goods and or services they provide like any other cost. Its a thinly veiled Federal sales tax that mostly affects the middle class and poor. You know those people Democrats claim to champion.
Bullshit stupid parrot. And so what? If they have to add on the cost of doing business, so fucking be it! It's the cost of fucking doing business. And if they can successfully pass on the costs to consumers, GREAT! It's not like the product you are talking about is a necessity, is it? So then I guess people will have to save up a little longer to pay for that washing machine when the company passes on the tax to them. So what you crying little bitch? I'm so sick of having this conversation. How many times have you repeated that montra? It's like your fucking new toy at Xmas. Hopefully you'll get sick of it and put it away soon. Yes you dumb monther fucker, they will pass on the costs to consumers.

But if they can't because no one will buy it, then it will just hit the CEO's bonus. Maybe instead of $10 million he will only get a $5 million dollar bonus. Boo hoo for him.
Does the OP think Corporations actually pay taxes ? No, they just add that on to the goods and or services they provide like any other cost. Its a thinly veiled Federal sales tax that mostly affects the middle class and poor. You know those people Democrats claim to champion.
Bullshit stupid parrot. And so what? If they have to add on the cost of doing business, so fucking be it! It's the cost of fucking doing business. And if they can successfully pass on the costs to consumers, GREAT! It's not like the product you are talking about is a necessity, is it? So then I guess people will have to save up a little longer to pay for that washing machine when the company passes on the tax to them. So what you crying little bitch? I'm so sick of having this conversation. How many times have you repeated that montra? It's like your fucking new toy at Xmas. Hopefully you'll get sick of it and put it away soon. Yes you dumb monther fucker, they will pass on the costs to consumers.

But if they can't because no one will buy it, then it will just hit the CEO's bonus. Maybe instead of $10 million he will only get a $5 million dollar bonus. Boo hoo for him.
So if they pass the price on to the consumer its not a tax on the Corporation. Food, shelter, clothing are very necessary. The attempted insults very entertaining.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

It is a difficult question.

A corporation is not a real person. lt's legal personhood is a legal FICTION that serves a purpose.

BUT, it does not enjoy the profits from it's businesses.

That profit is, eventually distributed to the SHAREHOLDERS, who then pay taxes on it.

By taxing the corporation and then taxing the shareholder also, it is in effect DOUBLE TAXATION.

On the other hand, the ideal National Sales tax mentioned else where would hit the corporation as it operated and then the shareholder as he spent the money he received.
Yea, I hate getting my paycheck and then going out and buying something and they tax me 6%. Mother fuckers! Double taxation. Hell, then they tax my profits on my investments, triple tax. Then they tax my death, quadruple taxation! Those bitches!

Hard not to pay anything when


If you want expensive toys you have to pay for them. I'd rather spend more on healthcare or space travel.

1. Cold War is over, I'd be happy to see reduced military spending.

2. Comparing budgets with nations that A. are vastly smaller than US, B. have lower spending because they are defended by US, and C. have lower spending because they know that they cannot defeat US, just shows how stupid Obama is.

We get taxed a lot. My point about double taxation was a serious answer to your question.

Could you restate your response with more clarity and less snarkiness?
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

It is a difficult question.

A corporation is not a real person. lt's legal personhood is a legal FICTION that serves a purpose.

BUT, it does not enjoy the profits from it's businesses.

That profit is, eventually distributed to the SHAREHOLDERS, who then pay taxes on it.

By taxing the corporation and then taxing the shareholder also, it is in effect DOUBLE TAXATION.

On the other hand, the ideal National Sales tax mentioned else where would hit the corporation as it operated and then the shareholder as he spent the money he received.
Yea, I hate getting my paycheck and then going out and buying something and they tax me 6%. Mother fuckers! Double taxation. Hell, then they tax my profits on my investments, triple tax. Then they tax my death, quadruple taxation! Those bitches!

Hard not to pay anything when


If you want expensive toys you have to pay for them. I'd rather spend more on healthcare or space travel.

1. Cold War is over, I'd be happy to see reduced military spending.

2. Comparing budgets with nations that A. are vastly smaller than US, B. have lower spending because they are defended by US, and C. have lower spending because they know that they cannot defeat US, just shows how stupid Obama is.

We get taxed a lot. My point about double taxation was a serious answer to your question.

Could you restate your response with more clarity and less snarkiness?
I'm sick of you guys trying to get us to gamble on the GOP again. I know you think trumps the leader of the new revolution but he's not.

And I've told you if he ran and won the democratic party ID be his biggest fan just like you now but youd be supporting Cruz and the Republicans.

There's a lot I agree with you on but you got to clean the GOP house before I give them any power
Does the OP think Corporations actually pay taxes ? No, they just add that on to the goods and or services they provide like any other cost. Its a thinly veiled Federal sales tax that mostly affects the middle class and poor. You know those people Democrats claim to champion.
Bullshit stupid parrot. And so what? If they have to add on the cost of doing business, so fucking be it! It's the cost of fucking doing business. And if they can successfully pass on the costs to consumers, GREAT! It's not like the product you are talking about is a necessity, is it? So then I guess people will have to save up a little longer to pay for that washing machine when the company passes on the tax to them. So what you crying little bitch? I'm so sick of having this conversation. How many times have you repeated that montra? It's like your fucking new toy at Xmas. Hopefully you'll get sick of it and put it away soon. Yes you dumb monther fucker, they will pass on the costs to consumers.

But if they can't because no one will buy it, then it will just hit the CEO's bonus. Maybe instead of $10 million he will only get a $5 million dollar bonus. Boo hoo for him.
So if they pass the price on to the consumer its not a tax on the Corporation. Food, shelter, clothing are very necessary. The attempted insults very entertaining.
Less people will buy their product. They may drop the price and just the CEO and all his vp's won't take home as big a bonus.

And if the economy is good because we tariff imports then they have to pay their employees a decent wage because they can go work somewhere else.

Yes, we know how a well regulated free market capitalist economy works
Why do righties constantly float these shell game tax plans that screw over the working class .
Why do righties constantly float these shell game tax plans that screw over the working class .
Well if you pay close attention a lot of the crazy ideas right wingers floated yesterday wind up becoming policy tomorrow via alec
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

It is a difficult question.

A corporation is not a real person. lt's legal personhood is a legal FICTION that serves a purpose.

BUT, it does not enjoy the profits from it's businesses.

That profit is, eventually distributed to the SHAREHOLDERS, who then pay taxes on it.

By taxing the corporation and then taxing the shareholder also, it is in effect DOUBLE TAXATION.

On the other hand, the ideal National Sales tax mentioned else where would hit the corporation as it operated and then the shareholder as he spent the money he received.
Yea, I hate getting my paycheck and then going out and buying something and they tax me 6%. Mother fuckers! Double taxation. Hell, then they tax my profits on my investments, triple tax. Then they tax my death, quadruple taxation! Those bitches!

Hard not to pay anything when


If you want expensive toys you have to pay for them. I'd rather spend more on healthcare or space travel.

1. Cold War is over, I'd be happy to see reduced military spending.

2. Comparing budgets with nations that A. are vastly smaller than US, B. have lower spending because they are defended by US, and C. have lower spending because they know that they cannot defeat US, just shows how stupid Obama is.

We get taxed a lot. My point about double taxation was a serious answer to your question.

Could you restate your response with more clarity and less snarkiness?
I'm sick of you guys trying to get us to gamble on the GOP again. I know you think trumps the leader of the new revolution but he's not.

And I've told you if he ran and won the democratic party ID be his biggest fan just like you now but youd be supporting Cruz and the Republicans.

There's a lot I agree with you on but you got to clean the GOP house before I give them any power

I was just responding to your question.
Why do righties constantly float these shell game tax plans that screw over the working class .

Because we don't believe that the working class has a right to other people's property.
Well, a long time ago before the rich people you defend were even born, we had a progressive tax system that allowed middle class people to become rich and allowed poor people to get out of poverty. WE agreed this was the best approach. AND IT WORKED! Then the people who got rich under that formula decided they could get even richer if they changed the tax code to what they consider "fair".

"Fair" means changing the system so that it isn't as easy for the next generation to become middle class or rich. The rich greedy republicans want to change the rules so things are "fair" for them.

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