Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
Why do righties constantly float these shell game tax plans that screw over the working class .

Because we don't believe that the working class has a right to other people's property.
Well, a long time ago before the rich people you defend were even born, we had a progressive tax system that allowed middle class people to become rich and allowed poor people to get out of poverty. WE agreed this was the best approach. AND IT WORKED! Then the people who got rich under that formula decided they could get even richer if they changed the tax code to what they consider "fair".

"Fair" means changing the system so that it isn't as easy for the next generation to become middle class or rich. The rich greedy republicans want to change the rules so things are "fair" for them.

That was a time when the world was in ruins, we didn't have all these regulations and so many tax loop holes you could drive a truck through.

It is really getting boring explaining history to a dumb liberal.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Do you actually think corporations incur the cost of taxes now? Funny. I bet you think a food stamp recipient is providing his/her own food, too.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Well, I'm a registered Republican and I favor a sales tax instead of an income tax. I don't see taxing corporations as a good thing myself. Corporation create jobs. Were corporations not taxed and regulated so harshly, they might create more jobs from which personal income taxes could be gained. Corporation are also the source for many of the investments paying the retirement expenses of many of our elderly. A more friendly tax structure would tend to keep corporations from moving abroad and encourage their own reinvestment into capital equipment and expansion.
In today's world where automation has replaced an incredible amount of labor your trickle down ideas are antiquated. What happens when a company uses their tax breaks to replace people with robots? It's a permanent tax loss for the government. The future looks bleak in this regard as automation stands to decimate the service sector as well.

Does taxing the corporation somehow stop the progress of automation?
Not at all, the argument that increased jobs and the income taxes offset corporate tax cuts can no longer be used because we are losing more jobs to automation than any possible trickle down effect could create.

When automation can do the job better than some low skilled person demanding $15/hour, what do you expect businesses to do?
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Well, I'm a registered Republican and I favor a sales tax instead of an income tax. I don't see taxing corporations as a good thing myself. Corporation create jobs. Were corporations not taxed and regulated so harshly, they might create more jobs from which personal income taxes could be gained. Corporation are also the source for many of the investments paying the retirement expenses of many of our elderly. A more friendly tax structure would tend to keep corporations from moving abroad and encourage their own reinvestment into capital equipment and expansion.

A sales tax is detrimental to consumption. That's not helpful to corporations.

Everyone pays them. How is that not fair?

Are you saying people choose not to buy something because of the sales tax?
Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

^^^ classic liberal stupidity, frame the question as a choice between some far fetch extreme position nobody is advocating vs liberal tax and spend policy. Its not rocket science you stupid morons, we have the highest corporate taxes in the world, result corporations are fleeing the USA and setting up business in countries like Ireland where corporate taxes are much lower. You have to be dumb as a box of rocks not to understand the cause and effect of that.

Nobody is advocating "no taxes". The problem with these liberal traitors is they see businesses as their personal spending slush fund.
They already pay no taxes.... all taxes are built into pricing.

You're welcome.

Anyone that believe corporations actually incur the cost of taxes they pay likely believes a food stamp recipient is buying his/her own food.

Let me ask this . Do you have an example were a company moved to a tax haven and then lowered their prices to pass the savings to the consumer ?
They already pay no taxes.... all taxes are built into pricing.

You're welcome.

Anyone that believe corporations actually incur the cost of taxes they pay likely believes a food stamp recipient is buying his/her own food.

Let me ask this . Do you have an example were a company moved to a tax haven and then lowered their prices to pass the savings to the consumer ?

What does this have to do with anything? Typically companies move bank accounts offshore.... it has nothing to do with operating profits. God you liberals are dumb.
They already pay no taxes.... all taxes are built into pricing.

You're welcome.

Anyone that believe corporations actually incur the cost of taxes they pay likely believes a food stamp recipient is buying his/her own food.

Let me ask this . Do you have an example were a company moved to a tax haven and then lowered their prices to pass the savings to the consumer ?

Do you consider a company moving to a "tax haven" then shipping what they produced here and it being cheaper as the same? Aren't those prices lower?
They already pay no taxes.... all taxes are built into pricing.

You're welcome.

Anyone that believe corporations actually incur the cost of taxes they pay likely believes a food stamp recipient is buying his/her own food.

Let me ask this . Do you have an example were a company moved to a tax haven and then lowered their prices to pass the savings to the consumer ?

What does this have to do with anything? Typically companies move bank accounts offshore.... it has nothing to do with operating profits. God you liberals are dumb.

I approached Timmy's question differently. If a company moves to what he called a tax haven then ships what they produce back here for a lower price, doesn't that meet what he asked about lowering the prices?
Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

^^^ classic liberal stupidity, frame the question as a choice between some far fetch extreme position nobody is advocating vs liberal tax and spend policy. Its not rocket science you stupid morons, we have the highest corporate taxes in the world, result corporations are fleeing the USA and setting up business in countries like Ireland where corporate taxes are much lower. You have to be dumb as a box of rocks not to understand the cause and effect of that.

Nobody is advocating "no taxes". The problem with these liberal traitors is they see businesses as their personal spending slush fund.

That's like asking someone "do you still beat your wife". It's a trick question designed to trap.
Hey lets dump 10 million third world migrants, refugees, illiterates, criminals, and their offspring here....
To help the lower class !!!!! Lol
They already pay no taxes.... all taxes are built into pricing.

You're welcome.

Anyone that believe corporations actually incur the cost of taxes they pay likely believes a food stamp recipient is buying his/her own food.

Let me ask this . Do you have an example were a company moved to a tax haven and then lowered their prices to pass the savings to the consumer ?

Do you consider a company moving to a "tax haven" then shipping what they produced here and it being cheaper as the same? Aren't those prices lower?

I'm thinking of companies moving HQs . Like Burger King .
They already pay no taxes.... all taxes are built into pricing.

You're welcome.

Anyone that believe corporations actually incur the cost of taxes they pay likely believes a food stamp recipient is buying his/her own food.

Let me ask this . Do you have an example were a company moved to a tax haven and then lowered their prices to pass the savings to the consumer ?

Do you consider a company moving to a "tax haven" then shipping what they produced here and it being cheaper as the same? Aren't those prices lower?

I'm thinking of companies moving HQs . Like Burger King .

That's called cutting costs which is good business.
When automation can do the job better than some low skilled person demanding $15/hour, what do you expect businesses to do?

Exactly. It's not rational for profit-driven systems to pay one cent more than they have to for anything, including labor or environmental regulations. This is why capitalism shifted production to freedom-hating tyrannies in the third world, where they could pay oppressed shoeless peasants 75 cents/HR and dump toxins in rivers that supply drinking water.

This is also why Reaganomics busted up labor unions and opened trade so that big business could shop the globe for cheaper labor costs.

This is why the American working class has lived with stagnant wages and disappearing jobs since the 70s (because we investors want higher returns, and we consumers want lower prices. Me included. And this is why we praise capitalism, because it gets incentives right. Me included. Indeed, I'm not going to risk the capital required to create life-saving technologies if government is going to chain my production system to above market production costs. I get it.)

But friend - you're missing something. When Reaganomics drove down wages (in order to harness self-interest and repair incentives) he infected our production system with a debt based crisis mode. How? Because workers are also consumers, and when workers don't get paid enough to buy what they produce, no only does our system create generations of debt slaves, but the failure of demand creates terrible recessions and capital destruction.

Now, I'm not saying that the answer is to destroy incentives by imposing punitive production costs on suppliers, I'm just suggesting that the inability of Reaganomics to account for demand (without recourse to debt) has created problems every bit as serious as the asshole who demands 15$/HR.
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When automation can do the job better than some low skilled person demanding $15/hour, what do you expect businesses to do?

Exactly. It's not rational for profit-driven systems to pay one cent more than they have to for anything, including labor or environmental regulations. This is why capitalism shifted production to freedom-hating tyrannies in the third world, where they could pay oppressed shoeless peasants 75 cents/HR and dump toxins in rivers that supply drinking water.

This is also why Reaganomics busted up labor unions and opened trade so that big business could shop the globe for cheaper labor costs.

This is why the American working class has lived with stagnant wages and disappearing jobs since the 70s (because we investors want higher returns, and we consumers want lower prices. Me included. And this is why we praise capitalism, because it gets incentives right. Me included. Indeed, I'm not going to risk the capital required to create life-saving technologies if government is going to chain my production system to above market production costs. I get it.)

But friend - you're missing something. When Reaganomics drove down wages (in order to harness self-interest and repair incentives) he impregnated our production system with a debt based crisis mode. How? Because workers are also consumers, and when workers don't get paid enough to buy what they produce, no only does our system create generations of debt slaves, but the failure of demand creates terrible recessions and capital destruction.

Now, I'm not saying that the answer is to destroy incentives by imposing punitive production costs on suppliers, I'm just suggesting that the inability of Reaganomics to account for demand (without recourse to debt) has created problems every bit as serious as the asshole who demands 15$/HR.

Since only the person taking on debt can make the decision to take it on, blaming someone else is an invalid argument. If someone is a debt slave it's because they chose to be one. No one forced them to buy things they couldn't afford on credit.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Your first mistake is painting with too board a brush. Most conservatives believe the number should be lowered. I mean do you really think it should be 35%+ state Corp taxes? The degree on which it should be lowered varies? If we pass the fair tax then I say bring it to 0%, without a fair tax, then low to 15-20% and the loopholes removed.

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