Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Corporations aren't paying taxes now.

Consumers pay them.

Who didn't know this?
If you are making and saving enough vote for trump. I can’t but you can.

And most of the blue collar struggling don’t vote so I think they deserve to be ignored by republicans who represent corporations not labor.

And democrats have to be corporate sellouts because idiot Americans don’t show up for midterms. It’s the cons secret weapon. That and gerrymandering
The Republican secret weapon that Democrats are stupid losers?

If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Corporations aren't paying taxes now.

Consumers pay them.

Who didn't know this?
If you are making and saving enough vote for trump. I can’t but you can.

And most of the blue collar struggling don’t vote so I think they deserve to be ignored by republicans who represent corporations not labor.

And democrats have to be corporate sellouts because idiot Americans don’t show up for midterms. It’s the cons secret weapon. That and gerrymandering
The Republican secret weapon that Democrats are stupid losers?

Yes, you are stupid losers. I hear my stupid loser friends tell me why they like Trump. Ignorant fuckers. I give up.
You left an option out.

It doesn't matter

That's what I would have selected. The taxes are paid by the consumer. You either pay more for the product or you pay more taxes in some other form such as income or sales tax.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

No where in your "link" is there any proof that "twice as many companies"!
Now there is a statement in this article Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax bill
BUT dummies like you seem to forget and I'm going to shout because you evidently don't know this!
These same companies have hired more people for whom THESE companies pay in FICA/SS taxes the same as the employees!
So dummy... which is better... FICA/SS tax revenue

Under Obama FICA/SS grew from $890 billion to $1.160 Trillion. while Obama grew at less than 3% a year in 8 years
BUT under Trump..$1.160 Trillion to .$1.28 trillion a 10% increase in just two years
Wonder why? Oh I know... More people working and employers/employees paying MORE Federal employee taxes!
Federal Tax Revenue by Source, 1934 - 2018 | Tax Foundation

Screen Shot 2020-02-10 at 9.45.15 AM.png
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

No where in your "link" is there any proof that "twice as many companies"!
Now there is a statement in this article Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax bill
BUT dummies like you seem to forget and I'm going to shout because you evidently don't know this!
These same companies have hired more people for whom THESE companies pay in FICA/SS taxes the same as the employees!
So dummy... which is better... FICA/SS tax revenue

Under Obama FICA/SS grew from $890 billion to $1.160 Trillion. while Obama grew at less than 3% a year in 8 years
BUT under Trump..$1.160 Trillion to .$1.28 trillion a 10% increase in just two years
Wonder why? Oh I know... More people working and employers/employees paying MORE Federal employee taxes!
Federal Tax Revenue by Source, 1934 - 2018 | Tax Foundation

. View attachment 305871
Fundamentally shifting the tax burden more onto people and less on to corporations and the rich. I fully understand.

The point it, remember when you guys pretended to be bothered that GE paid no taxes? You only cared because you thought you could blame it on Obama. Well now you don't seem to care that DOUBLE the companies now pay zero taxes. In other words, Trump made the problem worse.

You republicans want corporations to pay zero taxes. I'm ok with it if voters keep voting Republicans into office, do it.
I’m far from a Republican but I don’t think corporations should pay taxes. They just find ways to get out of paying taxes anyway. Just get rid of them.

But, make capital gains and dividends regular income. Don’t tax the corporation. Tax the people getting money out of the corporation.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

No where in your "link" is there any proof that "twice as many companies"!
Now there is a statement in this article Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax bill
BUT dummies like you seem to forget and I'm going to shout because you evidently don't know this!
These same companies have hired more people for whom THESE companies pay in FICA/SS taxes the same as the employees!
So dummy... which is better... FICA/SS tax revenue

Under Obama FICA/SS grew from $890 billion to $1.160 Trillion. while Obama grew at less than 3% a year in 8 years
BUT under Trump..$1.160 Trillion to .$1.28 trillion a 10% increase in just two years
Wonder why? Oh I know... More people working and employers/employees paying MORE Federal employee taxes!
Federal Tax Revenue by Source, 1934 - 2018 | Tax Foundation

. View attachment 305871
Fundamentally shifting the tax burden more onto people and less on to corporations and the rich. I fully understand.

The point it, remember when you guys pretended to be bothered that GE paid no taxes? You only cared because you thought you could blame it on Obama. Well now you don't seem to care that DOUBLE the companies now pay zero taxes. In other words, Trump made the problem worse.

You republicans want corporations to pay zero taxes. I'm ok with it if voters keep voting Republicans into office, do it.

Because the vast majority of people like you... NEVER heard of "Double TAXATION"!
A) Without profits a business will go broke. Can't depend on government hand out.
B) With profit, (AFTER paying taxes like FICA at 6.2% of all employees salaries... ) if there are any, companies FORCED by
IRS to pay dividends.
C) Guess what dummy! Dividends are TAXED by IRS to the person receiving the dividends! (Double taxation)!
D) Guess what dummy... who hires people... mostly businesses and most businesses are corporations that with the
hired employees NOT only pay 6.2% in Fica taxes BUT pay salaries which employees use to guess what buy more things!

Geez people like you amaze me. Go to China, Russia, Venezuela and see how well you do!
I'm a Conservative not a Republican however I believe all should have a stake in the game of paying taxes. That said, we need to cut spending across the board and keep the taxes until the debt is retired and then cut taxes for all.
I’m far from a Republican but I don’t think corporations should pay taxes. They just find ways to get out of paying taxes anyway. Just get rid of them.

But, make capital gains and dividends regular income. Don’t tax the corporation. Tax the people getting money out of the corporation.

ARE you that dumb???
A) Capital gains come ONLY when an asset is sold for more than what was paid for...that's why they are called "capital gains"!
The entity that owns the asset, (most like a person but can be a corporation( pays the taxes! GEEZ.
B)After expenses deduction, federal taxes paid if there are dividends, the dividends taxes are PAID by the entity (most likely a person) NOT the entity paying the dividends. GEEZ!
So your uninformed statement "tax the people" is how the taxes are paid! GEEZ!!!
I'm a Conservative not a Republican however I believe all should have a stake in the game of paying taxes. That said, we need to cut spending across the board and keep the taxes until the debt is retired and then cut taxes for all.

And with 60% of the Federal budget for "Mandatory spending"... i.e. Medicare/SS/ etc.. how do you propose cutting the
Mandatory spending is estimated to be $2.841 trillion for FY 2020. The two largest mandatory programs are Social Security and Medicare. That's 60% of all federal spending. It's almost three times more than the military budget.
The Mandatory Federal Programs That Are Eating the Budget Alive

Where do you propose cutting that?
Then ...
The interest on the national debt is how much the federal government must pay on outstanding public debt each year.
The interest on the debt is $479 billion. (About 10% of the budget.)
That's from the federal budget for fiscal year 2020 that runs from October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2020.
4 Ways to Reduce the Interest on the National Debt

So where do you propose cutting the remaining 30% of Federal Budget?

Come on genius... tell me where you'd cut if 60% for Mandatory spending, 10% for debt interest... LEAVES 30% where to cut!!!
Facts really have a way of being a downer!
I’m far from a Republican but I don’t think corporations should pay taxes. They just find ways to get out of paying taxes anyway. Just get rid of them.

But, make capital gains and dividends regular income. Don’t tax the corporation. Tax the people getting money out of the corporation.

ARE you that dumb???
A) Capital gains come ONLY when an asset is sold for more than what was paid for...that's why they are called "capital gains"!
The entity that owns the asset, (most like a person but can be a corporation( pays the taxes! GEEZ.
B)After expenses deduction, federal taxes paid if there are dividends, the dividends taxes are PAID by the entity (most likely a person) NOT the entity paying the dividends. GEEZ!
So your uninformed statement "tax the people" is how the taxes are paid! GEEZ!!!

Yes, I know what defines capital gains. I know who pays taxes on dividends.

I never claimed that either weren’t taxed, but they’re taxed at different rates (by and large) than ordinary income. I’d tax capital gains and all dividends as ordinary income.

Don’t be so rude.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair?

Corporations would love a tax on only profits. Government is RAPING corporations and businesses today with taxes on gross receipts. That means you pay a tax on every sales dollar. If you sell an item for $100 you pay tax on $100 not just the $5 in profit. This government scheme robs most or all the profits from many businesses. Even if a company loses money one year they still get nailed with this tax.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

No where in your "link" is there any proof that "twice as many companies"!
Now there is a statement in this article Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax bill
BUT dummies like you seem to forget and I'm going to shout because you evidently don't know this!
These same companies have hired more people for whom THESE companies pay in FICA/SS taxes the same as the employees!
So dummy... which is better... FICA/SS tax revenue

Under Obama FICA/SS grew from $890 billion to $1.160 Trillion. while Obama grew at less than 3% a year in 8 years
BUT under Trump..$1.160 Trillion to .$1.28 trillion a 10% increase in just two years
Wonder why? Oh I know... More people working and employers/employees paying MORE Federal employee taxes!
Federal Tax Revenue by Source, 1934 - 2018 | Tax Foundation

. View attachment 305871
Fundamentally shifting the tax burden more onto people and less on to corporations and the rich. I fully understand.

The point it, remember when you guys pretended to be bothered that GE paid no taxes? You only cared because you thought you could blame it on Obama. Well now you don't seem to care that DOUBLE the companies now pay zero taxes. In other words, Trump made the problem worse.

You republicans want corporations to pay zero taxes. I'm ok with it if voters keep voting Republicans into office, do it.

Because the vast majority of people like you... NEVER heard of "Double TAXATION"!
A) Without profits a business will go broke. Can't depend on government hand out.
B) With profit, (AFTER paying taxes like FICA at 6.2% of all employees salaries... ) if there are any, companies FORCED by
IRS to pay dividends.
C) Guess what dummy! Dividends are TAXED by IRS to the person receiving the dividends! (Double taxation)!
D) Guess what dummy... who hires people... mostly businesses and most businesses are corporations that with the
hired employees NOT only pay 6.2% in Fica taxes BUT pay salaries which employees use to guess what buy more things!

Geez people like you amaze me. Go to China, Russia, Venezuela and see how well you do!

See, back in the day the corporations paid their fair share of taxes and still turned a profit. They also paid their employees better and still turned a profit. But that wasn't enough. You know how corporations are. Always looking to make more. So whatever gains we made with unions, we've lost since corporations started breaking the unions around 1970. You don't think class warfare exists? Oh it does.

Not to mention today companies can make shit cheaper overseas, hire illegals at home or have computers do the work.

Today our infrastructure is crumbling and YOU have to pay for the roads Pepsi trucks tore up because Pepsi pays no taxes. You have to pay more now dummbo.

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.[/QUOTE
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.

No, corporations are not people. They only care about profits. They don't care about clean air

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

Then why do you work for a corporation? Why are you contributing to lining their pockets and keeping them in business so they can pollute more? Seems like you are supporting the very thing you claim is ruining America.
RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

No where in your "link" is there any proof that "twice as many companies"!
Now there is a statement in this article Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax bill
BUT dummies like you seem to forget and I'm going to shout because you evidently don't know this!
These same companies have hired more people for whom THESE companies pay in FICA/SS taxes the same as the employees!
So dummy... which is better... FICA/SS tax revenue

Under Obama FICA/SS grew from $890 billion to $1.160 Trillion. while Obama grew at less than 3% a year in 8 years
BUT under Trump..$1.160 Trillion to .$1.28 trillion a 10% increase in just two years
Wonder why? Oh I know... More people working and employers/employees paying MORE Federal employee taxes!
Federal Tax Revenue by Source, 1934 - 2018 | Tax Foundation

. View attachment 305871
Fundamentally shifting the tax burden more onto people and less on to corporations and the rich. I fully understand.

The point it, remember when you guys pretended to be bothered that GE paid no taxes? You only cared because you thought you could blame it on Obama. Well now you don't seem to care that DOUBLE the companies now pay zero taxes. In other words, Trump made the problem worse.

You republicans want corporations to pay zero taxes. I'm ok with it if voters keep voting Republicans into office, do it.

Because the vast majority of people like you... NEVER heard of "Double TAXATION"!
A) Without profits a business will go broke. Can't depend on government hand out.
B) With profit, (AFTER paying taxes like FICA at 6.2% of all employees salaries... ) if there are any, companies FORCED by
IRS to pay dividends.
C) Guess what dummy! Dividends are TAXED by IRS to the person receiving the dividends! (Double taxation)!
D) Guess what dummy... who hires people... mostly businesses and most businesses are corporations that with the
hired employees NOT only pay 6.2% in Fica taxes BUT pay salaries which employees use to guess what buy more things!

Geez people like you amaze me. Go to China, Russia, Venezuela and see how well you do!

See, back in the day the corporations paid their fair share of taxes and still turned a profit. They also paid their employees better and still turned a profit. But that wasn't enough. You know how corporations are. Always looking to make more. So whatever gains we made with unions, we've lost since corporations started breaking the unions around 1970. You don't think class warfare exists? Oh it does.

Not to mention today companies can make shit cheaper overseas, hire illegals at home or have computers do the work.

Today our infrastructure is crumbling and YOU have to pay for the roads Pepsi trucks tore up because Pepsi pays no taxes. You have to pay more now dummbo.

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

And Guess what dummy! The labor unions forced companies to go overseas with jobs.
Seriously ... I worked during the summer in a factory. I was happy with what I was doing repairing pallets.
One day I received a load of NEW pallets and started finishing putting on one more piece when the Shop steward told
me to stop. Why? Because under union rules ONLY carpenters could work on NEW lumber. All part of the Union dismantling of
companies! After college I worked as an industrial engineer in a factory and one day had to load a truck as it was there after hours.
After using the tow motor to load the truck, shop steward came by and informed that I was in violation of union rules that ONLY
tow motor drivers could drive! Yup... as a result a tow motor driver was paid two hours overtime. YEA labor unions were really
helpful in driving manufacturers off shore.
Tell me is this sound like a way a company can make "profits" with US workers?
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker? | Yahoo Answers
$65/hour to mow a lawn! Thanks to Union contract and another reason for closing factories in the USA!!!
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.[/QUOTE
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.

No, corporations are not people. They only care about profits. They don't care about clean air

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

Then why do you work for a corporation? Why are you contributing to lining their pockets and keeping them in business so they can pollute more? Seems like you are supporting the very thing you claim is ruining America.

I've worked for companies where I was one of the 80% being paid shitty. Today I'm part of the 20% who are handsomely paid. The 80% should organize, or something.

And this fundamental shift of wealth doesn't bother me as much as it should other people who are first time home buyers, have kids going to school, have student debts.

I have no debt so fuck it. I'll survive even after they cut my social security 20%. Most of you will have to go back to work. I won't.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

So,what happened was that the media put forth the republics that had a complaint at that time against Obama,

and now put forth the ones that DON'T have a problem with it occurring under Trump.

Me? I have always considered the double taxation that Corporations/share holders pay to be a dubious idea at best.

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