Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

No where in your "link" is there any proof that "twice as many companies"!
Now there is a statement in this article Twice as many companies paying zero taxes under Trump tax bill
BUT dummies like you seem to forget and I'm going to shout because you evidently don't know this!
These same companies have hired more people for whom THESE companies pay in FICA/SS taxes the same as the employees!
So dummy... which is better... FICA/SS tax revenue

Under Obama FICA/SS grew from $890 billion to $1.160 Trillion. while Obama grew at less than 3% a year in 8 years
BUT under Trump..$1.160 Trillion to .$1.28 trillion a 10% increase in just two years
Wonder why? Oh I know... More people working and employers/employees paying MORE Federal employee taxes!
Federal Tax Revenue by Source, 1934 - 2018 | Tax Foundation

. View attachment 305871
Fundamentally shifting the tax burden more onto people and less on to corporations and the rich. I fully understand.

The point it, remember when you guys pretended to be bothered that GE paid no taxes? You only cared because you thought you could blame it on Obama. Well now you don't seem to care that DOUBLE the companies now pay zero taxes. In other words, Trump made the problem worse.

You republicans want corporations to pay zero taxes. I'm ok with it if voters keep voting Republicans into office, do it.

Because the vast majority of people like you... NEVER heard of "Double TAXATION"!
A) Without profits a business will go broke. Can't depend on government hand out.
B) With profit, (AFTER paying taxes like FICA at 6.2% of all employees salaries... ) if there are any, companies FORCED by
IRS to pay dividends.
C) Guess what dummy! Dividends are TAXED by IRS to the person receiving the dividends! (Double taxation)!
D) Guess what dummy... who hires people... mostly businesses and most businesses are corporations that with the
hired employees NOT only pay 6.2% in Fica taxes BUT pay salaries which employees use to guess what buy more things!

Geez people like you amaze me. Go to China, Russia, Venezuela and see how well you do!

See, back in the day the corporations paid their fair share of taxes and still turned a profit. They also paid their employees better and still turned a profit. But that wasn't enough. You know how corporations are. Always looking to make more. So whatever gains we made with unions, we've lost since corporations started breaking the unions around 1970. You don't think class warfare exists? Oh it does.

Not to mention today companies can make shit cheaper overseas, hire illegals at home or have computers do the work.

Today our infrastructure is crumbling and YOU have to pay for the roads Pepsi trucks tore up because Pepsi pays no taxes. You have to pay more now dummbo.

Nobles Need Not Pay Taxes

And Guess what dummy! The labor unions forced companies to go overseas with jobs.
Seriously ... I worked during the summer in a factory. I was happy with what I was doing repairing pallets.
One day I received a load of NEW pallets and started finishing putting on one more piece when the Shop steward told
me to stop. Why? Because under union rules ONLY carpenters could work on NEW lumber. All part of the Union dismantling of
companies! After college I worked as an industrial engineer in a factory and one day had to load a truck as it was there after hours.
After using the tow motor to load the truck, shop steward came by and informed that I was in violation of union rules that ONLY
tow motor drivers could drive! Yup... as a result a tow motor driver was paid two hours overtime. YEA labor unions were really
helpful in driving manufacturers off shore.
Tell me is this sound like a way a company can make "profits" with US workers?
"Take grass cutting. As defined by the current United Auto Worker contract negotiated with the "Big Five" (GM, Ford, Chrysler, and top parts makers Delphi and Visteon), an auto "production worker" is a job description that covers anything from mowing grass to cleaning the toilets.
In the real world, these jobs would be outsourced to $8 an hour, no-benefit wage earners,
but on Planet Big Five, these jobs get the same wages as any auto line-worker:
an average $26 an hour ($60,000 a year) plus benefits that bring the company's
total cost per worker to a staggering $65 an hour."
what is the average hourly wage of a UAW auto worker? | Yahoo Answers
$65/hour to mow a lawn! Thanks to Union contract and another reason for closing factories in the USA!!!

I remember the war on unions. I remember how the right wing demonized workers. You're still doing it.

Even if unions were great and fair and honest, they force companies to pay workers more. Companies would have sent jobs overseas no matter what.

Clinton put worker and environmental protections into NAFTA and GW Bush removed them.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

So,what happened was that the media put forth the republics that had a complaint at that time against Obama,

and now put forth the ones that DON'T have a problem with it occurring under Trump.

Me? I have always considered the double taxation that Corporations/share holders pay to be a dubious idea at best.
Just know that then you will have to pay more. When we need to fix our roads or schools, you'll need to pay more. And so the gap between us and them keeps getting wider.
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.[/QUOTE
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.

No, corporations are not people. They only care about profits. They don't care about clean air

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

Then why do you work for a corporation? Why are you contributing to lining their pockets and keeping them in business so they can pollute more? Seems like you are supporting the very thing you claim is ruining America.

I've worked for companies where I was one of the 80% being paid shitty. Today I'm part of the 20% who are handsomely paid. The 80% should organize, or something.

And this fundamental shift of wealth doesn't bother me as much as it should other people who are first time home buyers, have kids going to school, have student debts.

I have no debt so fuck it. I'll survive even after they cut my social security 20%. Most of you will have to go back to work. I won't.

So others need to do it but not you. Corporations are evil except the one you work for. You work to make yourself a profit, you are no different than the corporations you hate.
I’m far from a Republican but I don’t think corporations should pay taxes. They just find ways to get out of paying taxes anyway. Just get rid of them.

But, make capital gains and dividends regular income. Don’t tax the corporation. Tax the people getting money out of the corporation.
Corporations just pass the tax along to the consumers of their products

taxing the people through corporations is not as obvious to the voters
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
First you have to define what you think corporations are?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
I’m far from a Republican but I don’t think corporations should pay taxes. They just find ways to get out of paying taxes anyway. Just get rid of them.

But, make capital gains and dividends regular income. Don’t tax the corporation. Tax the people getting money out of the corporation.
Corporations just pass the tax along to the consumers of their products

taxing the people through corporations is not as obvious to the voters

I don’t think so. Prices are set by what the market will bear, not by what the cost of the business.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

So,what happened was that the media put forth the republics that had a complaint at that time against Obama,

and now put forth the ones that DON'T have a problem with it occurring under Trump.

Me? I have always considered the double taxation that Corporations/share holders pay to be a dubious idea at best.
Just know that then you will have to pay more. When we need to fix our roads or schools, you'll need to pay more. And so the gap between us and them keeps getting wider.

Yes, any cut back in tax revenue from any one source, would have to be made up else where.

But how many times do you want to tax the same fucking MONEY?

Oil companies are taxed...those taxes are rolled into the price of gasoline.

Phone companies are taxed...those taxes are added to your monthly bill (look at your bill if you don't believe me).

DON'T VOTE FOR ANYBODY WHO WANT TO TAX CORPORATIONS!!! You will be voting for more taxes on yourself!
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.[/QUOTE
Corporations are us. The fact that lefties use the word "corporations" as a cliche is indicative of their ignorance.

No, corporations are not people. They only care about profits. They don't care about clean air

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

Then why do you work for a corporation? Why are you contributing to lining their pockets and keeping them in business so they can pollute more? Seems like you are supporting the very thing you claim is ruining America.

I've worked for companies where I was one of the 80% being paid shitty. Today I'm part of the 20% who are handsomely paid. The 80% should organize, or something.

And this fundamental shift of wealth doesn't bother me as much as it should other people who are first time home buyers, have kids going to school, have student debts.

I have no debt so fuck it. I'll survive even after they cut my social security 20%. Most of you will have to go back to work. I won't.

So others need to do it but not you. Corporations are evil except the one you work for. You work to make yourself a profit, you are no different than the corporations you hate.
You see everything black and white? Like I'm going to sit here and explain why what you are saying is nonsense.

I didn't say I work for the 1 good company. Most company treat their employees like shit. It's their business model. My brother is running one now. Trying to change the culture. It's hard since Reagan corporations like GE have been practicing how to best keep workers down.

"evil"? I didn't say they are all evil. But they do not care about anything but profit. Even when they do something good, its a PR move. Corporations are not people.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

So,what happened was that the media put forth the republics that had a complaint at that time against Obama,

and now put forth the ones that DON'T have a problem with it occurring under Trump.

Me? I have always considered the double taxation that Corporations/share holders pay to be a dubious idea at best.
Just know that then you will have to pay more. When we need to fix our roads or schools, you'll need to pay more. And so the gap between us and them keeps getting wider.

Yes, any cut back in tax revenue from any one source, would have to be made up else where.

But how many times do you want to tax the same fucking MONEY?

Hey I know, I feel it too. I feel like I'm quadruple taxed too. Just don't let them use that to lower their taxes because then 5 years down the road when a Democratic governor says she has to raise your taxes to fix the roads, don't blame her. Blame yourself. But I already know you won't.

Oil companies are taxed...those taxes are rolled into the price of gasoline.

Phone companies are taxed...those taxes are added to your monthly bill (look at your bill if you don't believe me).

DON'T VOTE FOR ANYBODY WHO WANT TO TAX CORPORATIONS!!! You will be voting for more taxes on yourself!

One problem.

Trump and Republicans passed large tax cuts to corporations. Did prices go down?

no. No they did not.
RepubliKans don't think, they emote.

With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

So,what happened was that the media put forth the republics that had a complaint at that time against Obama,

and now put forth the ones that DON'T have a problem with it occurring under Trump.

Me? I have always considered the double taxation that Corporations/share holders pay to be a dubious idea at best.
Just know that then you will have to pay more. When we need to fix our roads or schools, you'll need to pay more. And so the gap between us and them keeps getting wider.

Yes, any cut back in tax revenue from any one source, would have to be made up else where.

But how many times do you want to tax the same fucking MONEY?

Hey I know, I feel it too. I feel like I'm quadruple taxed too. Just don't let them use that to lower their taxes because then 5 years down the road when a Democratic governor says she has to raise your taxes to fix the roads, don't blame her. Blame yourself. But I already know you won't.

I fully support the use of taxes to maintain infrastructure and certain government services and functions.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
First you have to define what you think corporations are?

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
Ah, I can see that in the past few years as i wasn't looking they've seemed to change all the definitions to include and say that corporations are people. I guess since the Supreme Court agrees with you, the are people. You win. I mean they win. You are just a worker bee probably. Or maybe you own a corporation?

But on the issues of blocking corporations from gaining monopolistic control over industries, Jefferson was getting resistance. And the Federalists who were in power - a party largely made up of what Jefferson called “the rich and the well born” - were opposed to government constraints on business activities.

To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

During this same period, because everybody understood Paine and Jefferson’s argument that human-made institutions must be subordinate to humans themselves; virtually every state had laws on the books that regulated the behavior of corporations.

Thus, states made it illegal for corporations to participate in the political process: politicians were doing the voters’ business, and corporations couldn’t vote, so it didn’t make sense they should be allowed to try to influence votes. States made it illegal for corporations to lie about their products, and required that their books and processes always be open and available to government regulators. States and the Federal government claimed the right to inspect companies and investigate them when they caused pollution, harmed workers, or created hazards for human communities, even if in the early years that right was unevenly used.

These constraints and oversights had been a thorn in the side of the barons of trade and industry from the earliest days of the new American republic. But what to do about it?

With the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, the owners of the what were then America’s largest and most powerful corporations - the railroads - figured they’d finally found a way to reverse Paine’s logic and no longer have to answer to “we, the people.” They would claim that the corporation is a person. They would claim that for legal purposes, the certificate of incorporation declares the legal birth of a new person, who should therefore have the full protections the voters have under the Bill of Rights.

It was an amazing irony, given that one of Jefferson’s original proposed Amendments was an explicit ban on corporations becoming so large as to gain monopoly power and be able to easily crush or stifle small, local entrepreneurs. But, setting the irony aside, the railroads threw massive resources into their new campaign to be given full human rights. Acting on behalf of the railroad barons, attorneys for the railroads repeatedly filed suits against local and state governments that had passed laws regulating railroad corporations. They rebelled against restrictions, and most of all they rebelled against being taxed.

Using this argument for their base, the railroads repeatedly sued various states, counties, and towns claiming that they shouldn’t have to pay local taxes because different railroad properties were taxed in different ways in different places and this constituted the creation of different “classes of persons” and was, thus, illegal discrimination under the Fourteenth Amendment. For almost twenty years, these arguments did not succeed. For twenty years corporate personhood was debated. Across America, politicians were elected repeatedly on platforms that included the regulation of corporations, particularly the railroads. But the legal fight continued - and in 1886 the railroad hit paydirt.

A few of the world’s largest corporations referenced Santa Clara and successfully claimed the protection of the First Amendment, then lobbied Congress and the FCC to relax local ownership rules so they could take control of our media. Once that was done, they claimed First Amendment free speech rights to tell us whatever serves their interest and call it “news” without consideration of its truthfulness or having to worry about giving fair and equal time to other viewpoints. They claim the protection of the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure) so they can prevent the EPA and OSHA from inspecting factories for environmental or labor violations without first obtaining the corporation’s permission - which they say can be withheld for any reason. They now have the protection of the Fifth Amendment so they are protected from double jeopardy and don’t have to answer questions about their own crimes. They now have the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment so they can sue local towns or counties or states that try to pass laws to protect local small businesses against their predations.

And elected officials across the nation are discovering that meaningful campaign finance reform, effective environmental protections, and human-friendly health-care will only happen when corporations can no longer use the extraordinary power of the Bill of Rights to insinuate themselves into politics and legislation.

But the first step, as always, is awakening people to the root cause of the problems we face - the use of corporate personhood by a handful of the world’s largest enterprises to insinuate themselves into governments and seize control of legislative and regulatory agendas. As enough voters learn the history and realize the consequences of this, the solution - ending corporate personhood - will become more and more possible, and Paine’s and Jefferson’s original idea of democracy representing “we, the people” will come back to life.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

No...I don't believe they should pay no taxes.

There should be a flat tax....10% of income.....that's it...private or corporate with a 40-50 thousand dollar exemption for each individual before that 10% starts..............that way, people who don't make a lot don't pay a lot....and everyone pays the same rate.........
With Trump in office twice as many companies now pay zero corporate taxes. Republicans cried about GE not paying any taxes and blamed Obama but now twice as many companies pay zero taxes.

So we will see Republicans never minded that GE paid zero taxes. They were showing us fake rage about it because Obama was president.

We're In A Golden Age Of White Collar Crime

So,what happened was that the media put forth the republics that had a complaint at that time against Obama,

and now put forth the ones that DON'T have a problem with it occurring under Trump.

Me? I have always considered the double taxation that Corporations/share holders pay to be a dubious idea at best.
Just know that then you will have to pay more. When we need to fix our roads or schools, you'll need to pay more. And so the gap between us and them keeps getting wider.

Yes, any cut back in tax revenue from any one source, would have to be made up else where.

But how many times do you want to tax the same fucking MONEY?

Hey I know, I feel it too. I feel like I'm quadruple taxed too. Just don't let them use that to lower their taxes because then 5 years down the road when a Democratic governor says she has to raise your taxes to fix the roads, don't blame her. Blame yourself. But I already know you won't.

I fully support the use of taxes to maintain infrastructure and certain government services and functions.

I think you know what I mean. In the past, corporations paid their fair share of taxes. Today, they don't pay their fair share and that means your taxes are going to go up. So while we make America a business friendly place, you're going to find that America is going to become a very expensive place to live. Most of you will not ever save enough to retire. Partially because you aren't being paid fairly but partially because of taxes and cost of living. Think California. If you're rich it's a great place to live.

In fact, America is a great place to live if you have money. Only people who are struggling financially should be bitching. I should shut my mouth unfortunately I know I could lose my job tomorrow and don't want to see my social security get cut 20%. I may be doing better than most but I'm not so arrogant to think I'm one of them. Or to think that "they" actually care about the middle class.

The poor and middle class are to blame for their situation. They either don't vote or vote Republicans. So you get what you deserve.
I’m far from a Republican but I don’t think corporations should pay taxes. They just find ways to get out of paying taxes anyway. Just get rid of them.

But, make capital gains and dividends regular income. Don’t tax the corporation. Tax the people getting money out of the corporation.
Corporations just pass the tax along to the consumers of their products

taxing the people through corporations is not as obvious to the voters

I don’t think so. Prices are set by what the market will bear, not by what the cost of the business.
If all the corporations making widgets are all taxed the same rate then they can and will pass that along as a cost of doing business
So,what happened was that the media put forth the republics that had a complaint at that time against Obama,

and now put forth the ones that DON'T have a problem with it occurring under Trump.

Me? I have always considered the double taxation that Corporations/share holders pay to be a dubious idea at best.
Just know that then you will have to pay more. When we need to fix our roads or schools, you'll need to pay more. And so the gap between us and them keeps getting wider.

Yes, any cut back in tax revenue from any one source, would have to be made up else where.

But how many times do you want to tax the same fucking MONEY?

Hey I know, I feel it too. I feel like I'm quadruple taxed too. Just don't let them use that to lower their taxes because then 5 years down the road when a Democratic governor says she has to raise your taxes to fix the roads, don't blame her. Blame yourself. But I already know you won't.

I fully support the use of taxes to maintain infrastructure and certain government services and functions.

I think you know what I mean. In the past, corporations paid their fair share of taxes. Today, they don't pay their fair share and that means your taxes are going to go up. So while we make America a business friendly place, you're going to find that America is going to become a very expensive place to live. Most of you will not ever save enough to retire. Partially because you aren't being paid fairly but partially because of taxes and cost of living. Think California. If you're rich it's a great place to live.

In fact, America is a great place to live if you have money. Only people who are struggling financially should be bitching. I should shut my mouth unfortunately I know I could lose my job tomorrow and don't want to see my social security get cut 20%. I may be doing better than most but I'm not so arrogant to think I'm one of them. Or to think that "they" actually care about the middle class.

The poor and middle class are to blame for their situation. They either don't vote or vote Republicans. So you get what you deserve.
Corporations dont pay taxes

the consumers pay all the taxes
I’m far from a Republican but I don’t think corporations should pay taxes. They just find ways to get out of paying taxes anyway. Just get rid of them.

But, make capital gains and dividends regular income. Don’t tax the corporation. Tax the people getting money out of the corporation.
Corporations just pass the tax along to the consumers of their products

taxing the people through corporations is not as obvious to the voters

I don’t think so. Prices are set by what the market will bear, not by what the cost of the business.
If all the corporations making widgets are all taxed the same rate then they can and will pass that along as a cost of doing business
Then why don’t prices go down when taxes are cut?

The answer is that prices are set to maximize revenue, not recuperate taxes.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

No...I don't believe they should pay no taxes.

There should be a flat tax....10% of income.....that's it...private or corporate with a 40-50 thousand dollar exemption for each individual before that 10% starts..............that way, people who don't make a lot don't pay a lot....and everyone pays the same rate.........
No one likes the flat tax idea but I bet in the next 20 years Republicans will implement it. Why do I think that? Because ever bat shit crazy thing I've heard on USMB, Republican politicians are now pushing those nut job ideas.

Or course all the experts say a flat tax will benefit the rich the most so here is yet another idea your side is pushing that further widens the gap between them and us.

CONSERVATIVE politicians support tax increases. Not for their wealthy donors, but for the poor and middle-class Americans who would pay more under the so-called "flat tax" proposals that were touted by Dick Army and Steve Forbes in the 1990s and are gaining currency again.
America has a progressive personal income tax, meaning it applies higher tax rates to the well-off and lower tax rates to the less well-off. Any proposal to adopt a single tax rate somewhere in between the existing highest and lowest rates would result in tax cuts for the rich and tax increases for the poor.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Its the correct argument.

100% of corporate taxes are passed down to the consumer.

It's like a tarrif that makes American businesses hire fewer people and makes foreign companies richer.

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