Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
So why didn’t prices drop after the huge corporate tax cuts?
It's really stupid for business to pay taxes. It's not like they bury money in a coffee can in the backyard.
They put money to work hiring people, buying goods and building on the economy.
The only place it makes any sense to tax is personal income and at a flat rate at that. This way the true cost of government can't be obscured and otherwise hidden from the american people as it is today.
Any fool who thinks that businesses at every level don't pass the taxes they pay along to the public buried in the cost of goods they buy is just that, a fool. And they're only fooling themselves at that.

Everytime I mention a fool one shows up, right on cue. And here he is. Right down here VVV
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If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
So why didn’t prices drop after the huge corporate tax cuts?
That's a stupid ass question and you know it.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?

Isn't it true that your employer indirectly pays all of your taxes?
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
So why didn’t prices drop after the huge corporate tax cuts?
That's a stupid ass question and you know it.

I see you had an answer for the question and not just bloviating.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?

Isn't it true that your employer indirectly pays all of your taxes?
My employer compensates me for my work.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
So why didn’t prices drop after the huge corporate tax cuts?
That's a stupid ass question and you know it.
Based on your claim its the perfect question. You have no answer eh? You might want to think about your claim.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?

Isn't it true that your employer indirectly pays all of your taxes?
My employer compensates me for my work.

Does he/she indirectly pay your taxes? The answer is yes.
A sales tax is detrimental to consumption. That's not helpful to corporations.

So people don't buy stuff?

Not when the cost is too high because of taxes, no. Look at Greece.

Honestly, it's amazing you would even ask that. Your question implies that cost doesn't affect purchasing. Really? So if you levied a $50 tax on each gallon of milk... would you be on here saying "So people don't buy stuff?"?

Taxes kill the market. Always have.

When has sales taxes deferred the idea of someone buying something in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

This is a dumb question sir.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Forest Gump could figure that out.

You want a real life example? The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Of course sales tax defers purchases. Are you a believer in free-energy or something? Basic math makes it obvious that yes of course you can't buy as much stuff with taxes, as you can without taxes.

You keep saying you are a business owner, but I have never once heard you say anything that indicated any real world experience in running a business. You must be the son of someone who ran a business, and you just inherited it, and thus have no clue what you are talking about.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?

Isn't it true that your employer indirectly pays all of your taxes?
My employer compensates me for my work.

Does he/she indirectly pay your taxes? The answer is yes.

I don't know what your point is.

Employers do not pay any tax. Not really. Technically they do, in that they might 'sign the check' so to speak...

But here is the reality.... What they pay in taxes, they can't pay you in wages. Employers look at the total cost of employment. If they have an "indirect" tax, like say the employer side Social Security tax for example... they pay for that by paying us the employees less money.

If you have $30,000 for a specific position in the company, and the taxes are going to end up $5,000 for employing that person... how much does that employee get in wages? $25,000. I can't pay the employee $30,000, and pay the government $5,000. I don't have $35,000 for that position.

So I have to pay the employee less money, to pay the government more money.

Similarly, if I look at my profits at the end of the year, and I have $100,000. I need $30,000 set aside for maintenance on the building. I need $30,000 for marketing to keep the sales coming in. And I need $20,000 for R&D on new products.

That leaves $20,000. I could use that to give out pay raises. But say you have 20% corporate income tax, that means that the $20,000 I could use to give out pay raises to employees that merit them.... I instead give to the government.

So no pay raises. You think I'm going to cut R&D, to give a forklift driver more money? Of course not. R&D is the entire future of the company. Without that we'll end up closed.

You think I'm going to cut marketing? Of course not. Without marketing, we'll be closed even faster.

You think I'll cut maintenance? Of course not. Paying a forklift driver more money, when the roof caves in, won't help much.

So where government taxation increases, the result is always either higher prices on goods, or lower wages to employees.

And the same, by the way, is true of benefits. Yeah you can have your massive benefits package, if that is what you really want. Just remember, this is why wages have been stagnant. If you demand $5,000 worth in benefits, where do I get the money to pay you that? From paying you less.

Again, that $30,000 is all I have to pay for that position. Just like with that $5,000 in taxes, I don't have $5,000 for benefits either. I have just $30,000 for this job, not $40,000. So if I have $5,000 in taxes, and $5,000 in benefits, where does that come from? From lower wages. Now I can only pay $20,000 for a job, that is costing me $30,000 to employ someone for.

Again.... all costs, all of them, are passed onto either the consumer or the employee. All of them are. All.

All businesses work this way. All of them do.

BTW..... Bernie Sanders knows this. When his staff started complaining that he didn't pay $15/hour, even though he supposedly supported a fight-for-15 minimum wage..... what did Bernie Sanders do?

He cut back the working hours of his staff, in order to pay them $15/hour.

Again, if you only have $25,000 for a position, and they demand $15/hour.... how do you make that math work? You cut back hours, so that $15/hour multiplied by fewer hours, results in $25,000.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
So why didn’t prices drop after the huge corporate tax cuts?
That's a stupid ass question and you know it.
Based on your claim its the perfect question. You have no answer eh? You might want to think about your claim.

Price hikes happen fasts. Price drops always happen slow. And the reason for this should be obvious to everyone.

If your company is needs money for a project, and you increase taxes... you can't just hold off. You can't wait until you are in bankruptcy. You have to pass on the cost immediately.

However, price drops, happen slowly over time. There is no rush to drop prices.

There is however, another reason prices have not fallen. Namely the increasing costs of required benefits.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
So why didn’t prices drop after the huge corporate tax cuts?
That's a stupid ass question and you know it.
Based on your claim its the perfect question. You have no answer eh? You might want to think about your claim.

Price hikes happen fasts. Price drops always happen slow. And the reason for this should be obvious to everyone.

If your company is needs money for a project, and you increase taxes... you can't just hold off. You can't wait until you are in bankruptcy. You have to pass on the cost immediately.

However, price drops, happen slowly over time. There is no rush to drop prices.

There is however, another reason prices have not fallen. Namely the increasing costs of required benefits.
By slowly you mean never when it comes to a decrease in taxes.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?

Isn't it true that your employer indirectly pays all of your taxes?
My employer compensates me for my work.

Does he/she indirectly pay your taxes? The answer is yes.


Similarly, if I look at my profits at the end of the year, and I have $100,000. I need $30,000 set aside for maintenance on the building. I need $30,000 for marketing to keep the sales coming in. And I need $20,000 for R&D on new products.

That leaves $20,000. I could use that to give out pay raises. But say you have 20% corporate income tax, that means that the $20,000 I could use to give out pay raises to employees that merit them.... I instead give to the government.

Given that all of those expenses are considered operating costs, that means you didn't actually have $100,000 net income (profits), you had $20,000 in profits. And considering that most small business corporations are not retailers/restaurants, but providers of services of one type or another that are set up as sub chapter S corporations, those profits are most often taken as salary by the business owners who defer substantial salaries since most US corps operate on razor thin margins, and/or paid as year-end bonuses (like you mentioned), both of which are ultimately taxed as personal income and paid to the IRS.

The suggestion that most US corporations are stocking away huge sums of cash each year, with that money completely evading the IRS, is a false myth that perpetuates despite the abundance of easily accessible data that conclusively disproves it (not saying you're suggesting otherwise, just reinforcing the point). Quite the contrary -- corporations do not want cash on the books at fiscal year-end.
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So people don't buy stuff?

Not when the cost is too high because of taxes, no. Look at Greece.

Honestly, it's amazing you would even ask that. Your question implies that cost doesn't affect purchasing. Really? So if you levied a $50 tax on each gallon of milk... would you be on here saying "So people don't buy stuff?"?

Taxes kill the market. Always have.

When has sales taxes deferred the idea of someone buying something in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

This is a dumb question sir.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Forest Gump could figure that out.

You want a real life example? The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Of course sales tax defers purchases. Are you a believer in free-energy or something? Basic math makes it obvious that yes of course you can't buy as much stuff with taxes, as you can without taxes.

You keep saying you are a business owner, but I have never once heard you say anything that indicated any real world experience in running a business. You must be the son of someone who ran a business, and you just inherited it, and thus have no clue what you are talking about.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.
Not when the cost is too high because of taxes, no. Look at Greece.

Honestly, it's amazing you would even ask that. Your question implies that cost doesn't affect purchasing. Really? So if you levied a $50 tax on each gallon of milk... would you be on here saying "So people don't buy stuff?"?

Taxes kill the market. Always have.

When has sales taxes deferred the idea of someone buying something in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

This is a dumb question sir.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Forest Gump could figure that out.

You want a real life example? The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Of course sales tax defers purchases. Are you a believer in free-energy or something? Basic math makes it obvious that yes of course you can't buy as much stuff with taxes, as you can without taxes.

You keep saying you are a business owner, but I have never once heard you say anything that indicated any real world experience in running a business. You must be the son of someone who ran a business, and you just inherited it, and thus have no clue what you are talking about.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

But they did buy from foreign companies. That's the whole reason the entire industry was on the verge of collapse. This was well document. So well documented, that even the people who voted to create the yacht tax to begin with, realized how damaging it was, and repealed it.

Why do you think they repealed it?

By the way... are you really suggesting that you can buy a US product, at a retail outlet, and simply because you are not on the physical shore, that you can avoid all taxes?

If that was true, every major company in the US, would sell to every major company in the US, from a boat sitting 24 miles off shore.

Seriously? Are you actually trying to make that claim? That's insane sir. Do you know absolutely nothing about this topic at all?
I think a reasonable and straight-forward tax is justified, requiring on-going adjustments to serve the economy. You'll never convince me Bezos should go scott-free. For all I care tax him 75% until the feds break-up the monopoly. Problem for DC is Bezos already has far too much power.
Not when the cost is too high because of taxes, no. Look at Greece.

Honestly, it's amazing you would even ask that. Your question implies that cost doesn't affect purchasing. Really? So if you levied a $50 tax on each gallon of milk... would you be on here saying "So people don't buy stuff?"?

Taxes kill the market. Always have.

When has sales taxes deferred the idea of someone buying something in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

This is a dumb question sir.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Forest Gump could figure that out.

You want a real life example? The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Of course sales tax defers purchases. Are you a believer in free-energy or something? Basic math makes it obvious that yes of course you can't buy as much stuff with taxes, as you can without taxes.

You keep saying you are a business owner, but I have never once heard you say anything that indicated any real world experience in running a business. You must be the son of someone who ran a business, and you just inherited it, and thus have no clue what you are talking about.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.

I think a reasonable and straight-forward tax is justified, requiring on-going adjustments to serve the economy. You'll never convince me Bezos should go scott-free. For all I care tax him 75% until the feds break-up the monopoly. Problem for DC is Bezos already has far too much power.

You'll never convince me Bezos should go scott-free.

Scott-free? From what?

For all I care tax him 75% until the feds break-up the monopoly.

Can't just tax somebody at 75% because you don't like them.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Actually, corporations pay lots of taxes, even when they don't pay any income taxes. Property taxes, excise taxes, FICA taxes, workmans comp and unemployment taxes. Were you aware that every employer is required to pay FICA taxes EVEN IF the company is losing money?

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