Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?
So why didn’t prices drop after the huge corporate tax cuts?
That's a stupid ass question and you know it.
Based on your claim its the perfect question. You have no answer eh? You might want to think about your claim.

Price hikes happen fasts. Price drops always happen slow. And the reason for this should be obvious to everyone.

If your company is needs money for a project, and you increase taxes... you can't just hold off. You can't wait until you are in bankruptcy. You have to pass on the cost immediately.

However, price drops, happen slowly over time. There is no rush to drop prices.

There is however, another reason prices have not fallen. Namely the increasing costs of required benefits.
By slowly you mean never when it comes to a decrease in taxes.

No, typically when costs do decrease, eventually it shakes out in lower prices, unless there are other cost effects... in which case you tend to see a slower increase in price, because lower taxes offsets the cost effects.

But typically, yes, all things being equal, the result is lower price.

Honestly, it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

Eventually someone is going to determine they can undercut the competition, by passing on lower prices. When that happens, the rest of the market has no choice by to lower prices as well.

Now if you keep the tax there, then that is impossible.

This is business 101 dude. It's not like it has not been practiced for thousands of years.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Corporate taxes are a thinly veiled Federal sales tax. Do you actually think businesses won't pass that cost off to to the consumer ?

Isn't it true that your employer indirectly pays all of your taxes?
My employer compensates me for my work.

Does he/she indirectly pay your taxes? The answer is yes.


Similarly, if I look at my profits at the end of the year, and I have $100,000. I need $30,000 set aside for maintenance on the building. I need $30,000 for marketing to keep the sales coming in. And I need $20,000 for R&D on new products.

That leaves $20,000. I could use that to give out pay raises. But say you have 20% corporate income tax, that means that the $20,000 I could use to give out pay raises to employees that merit them.... I instead give to the government.

Given that all of those expenses are considered operating costs, that means you didn't actually have $100,000 net income (profits), you had $20,000 in profits. And considering that most small business corporations are not retailers/restaurants, but providers of services of one type or another that are set up as sub chapter S corporations, those profits are most often taken as salary by the business owners who defer substantial salaries since most US corps operate on razor thin margins, and/or paid as year-end bonuses (like you mentioned), both of which are ultimately taxed as personal income and paid to the IRS.

The suggestion that most US corporations are stocking away huge sums of cash each year, with that money completely evading the IRS, is a false myth that perpetuates despite the abundance of easily accessible data that conclusively disproves it (not saying you're suggesting otherwise, just reinforcing the point). Quite the contrary -- corporations do not want cash on the books at fiscal year-end.

Yes, which is very unfortunate. Companies that have cash on hand, tend to do better in the long run. Apple Computer for example, had tons of cash reserves. That is exactly why during the 1990s, when the company was a mess, they never went bankrupt.

But thanks to bad policy, and bad IRS tax code, the incentive is to get rid of cash as much as possible. This simply makes those corporations more susceptible to crashing when there is an economic bump.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

Let me ask you....... when you need to change the oil in your car, do you go to the most expensive place? Or the cheapest? Do you use a coupon?

When you need to buy something, do you go to the place where it's the most expensive?

The irony with people like you, is that while you decry others paying out the lowest price, you do it yourself constantly.

When you bought the computer you have, did you get the most expensive? Or the lowest priced for the same specs?

Even if it was the absolute lowest price, I wager it was one of the cheaper stores. I wager it wasn't the $3,000 model.

Because whether you realize it or not, what you are paying for, is mostly labor. And when you buy the cheaper model, you are paying out less for labor.

The corporation is merely a reflection of the consumers choices. Namely, your choices.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Do corporations really pay taxes, or is it people who pay the taxes in the form of higher prices so that desired corporate profit margins are realized? I have mixed feelings on the subject. They should but do they?
Yes. And they can pass it on to their consumers. I'm fine with that. I don't have to consume their shit. I don't think consumers would know if a blender costs $65 or $75. As long as the economy is working for everyone. That means the middle class too not just the corporations and 20% of the workers.

And I'm ok when Republicans change it so that corporations pay no taxes and we all pay more. Just remember this is one of the ways or reasons the gap between rich and middle class is getting wider. It's flat tax policies that Republicans pass. And then the cuts to social security and medicare to make up for their spending and lack of revenue. Wider Wider!!!

You are going to pay more tax, no matter how much the corporations pay.

Again... look at Europe. If your system worked, why are all the lower and middle class paying more tax?

If the theory that "if corporations pay more tax.... well.... then the rest of us will pay less tax!"... if that theory was true, then why hasn't a single country over in Europe, ever done that?

In fact, why has it not worked anywhere in the world?

You are screaming and yelling about Republicans, as if your system would work if not for Republicans. Open your eyes. Your system hasn't worked anywhere on the entire planet.

Not once has your system worked. Not even once.

So if you want more social security, and medicare and medicaid, and food stamps, and welfare, and education, and public housing, and free needles in San Fransico.... and on and on and on....

if you want all of that, then you need to except the fact, that you are going to pay for it whether republicans even exist or not.

If Republicans magically disappeared (likely taking their jobs and wealth with them) off the face of the Earth.... so there are no republicans anywhere in the US, and the US was run by the a one-party system of Democrats

YOU are still going to be the ones paying the taxes for all these programs. YOU. The lower and the middle class. The BS nonsense of "Corporations will pay for it!" and "The wealthy will pay for it!"... has never worked. If you want free health care, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want free education, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want public pensions, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes.

You, the lower and middle class, the working people, are the ones who will lose 60% of your income in taxes, and be forced to live a more austere life, to pay for all these programs. That's how it is all throughout Europe, and how it is in Canada, and how it will be in the US, if we adopt your system.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.
Huh? Should they hire more people than they need? I don't think you quite got all your groceries bagged...
Point is, you act like they are doing some noble deed. Most people are underpaid and the corporation profits greatly from their efforts.

The point you missed is they need those employees to make a profit. So they aren't doing us a favor or being noble when they hire people.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Do corporations really pay taxes, or is it people who pay the taxes in the form of higher prices so that desired corporate profit margins are realized? I have mixed feelings on the subject. They should but do they?
Yes. And they can pass it on to their consumers. I'm fine with that. I don't have to consume their shit. I don't think consumers would know if a blender costs $65 or $75. As long as the economy is working for everyone. That means the middle class too not just the corporations and 20% of the workers.

And I'm ok when Republicans change it so that corporations pay no taxes and we all pay more. Just remember this is one of the ways or reasons the gap between rich and middle class is getting wider. It's flat tax policies that Republicans pass. And then the cuts to social security and medicare to make up for their spending and lack of revenue. Wider Wider!!!

You are going to pay more tax, no matter how much the corporations pay.

Again... look at Europe. If your system worked, why are all the lower and middle class paying more tax?

If the theory that "if corporations pay more tax.... well.... then the rest of us will pay less tax!"... if that theory was true, then why hasn't a single country over in Europe, ever done that?

In fact, why has it not worked anywhere in the world?

You are screaming and yelling about Republicans, as if your system would work if not for Republicans. Open your eyes. Your system hasn't worked anywhere on the entire planet.

Not once has your system worked. Not even once.

So if you want more social security, and medicare and medicaid, and food stamps, and welfare, and education, and public housing, and free needles in San Fransico.... and on and on and on....

if you want all of that, then you need to except the fact, that you are going to pay for it whether republicans even exist or not.

If Republicans magically disappeared (likely taking their jobs and wealth with them) off the face of the Earth.... so there are no republicans anywhere in the US, and the US was run by the a one-party system of Democrats

YOU are still going to be the ones paying the taxes for all these programs. YOU. The lower and the middle class. The BS nonsense of "Corporations will pay for it!" and "The wealthy will pay for it!"... has never worked. If you want free health care, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want free education, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want public pensions, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes.

You, the lower and middle class, the working people, are the ones who will lose 60% of your income in taxes, and be forced to live a more austere life, to pay for all these programs. That's how it is all throughout Europe, and how it is in Canada, and how it will be in the US, if we adopt your system.

The fact is andy if the corporations pay less you are going to pay more.

And the fact is, people in Europe are paying less taxes than they would if corporations weren't paying their fair share. You do realize if they lowered the corporate taxes that would shift the burden more on to the working class and poor?

Common sense.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

Generally women make less because they have a better balance between work and homelife, and rightfully so.

Too many employers have unreasonable expectations of employees. More women say no. And good for them.

I've said no, in similar situations, and I think more people should.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Do corporations really pay taxes, or is it people who pay the taxes in the form of higher prices so that desired corporate profit margins are realized? I have mixed feelings on the subject. They should but do they?
Yes. And they can pass it on to their consumers. I'm fine with that. I don't have to consume their shit. I don't think consumers would know if a blender costs $65 or $75. As long as the economy is working for everyone. That means the middle class too not just the corporations and 20% of the workers.

And I'm ok when Republicans change it so that corporations pay no taxes and we all pay more. Just remember this is one of the ways or reasons the gap between rich and middle class is getting wider. It's flat tax policies that Republicans pass. And then the cuts to social security and medicare to make up for their spending and lack of revenue. Wider Wider!!!

You are going to pay more tax, no matter how much the corporations pay.

Again... look at Europe. If your system worked, why are all the lower and middle class paying more tax?

If the theory that "if corporations pay more tax.... well.... then the rest of us will pay less tax!"... if that theory was true, then why hasn't a single country over in Europe, ever done that?

In fact, why has it not worked anywhere in the world?

You are screaming and yelling about Republicans, as if your system would work if not for Republicans. Open your eyes. Your system hasn't worked anywhere on the entire planet.

Not once has your system worked. Not even once.

So if you want more social security, and medicare and medicaid, and food stamps, and welfare, and education, and public housing, and free needles in San Fransico.... and on and on and on....

if you want all of that, then you need to except the fact, that you are going to pay for it whether republicans even exist or not.

If Republicans magically disappeared (likely taking their jobs and wealth with them) off the face of the Earth.... so there are no republicans anywhere in the US, and the US was run by the a one-party system of Democrats

YOU are still going to be the ones paying the taxes for all these programs. YOU. The lower and the middle class. The BS nonsense of "Corporations will pay for it!" and "The wealthy will pay for it!"... has never worked. If you want free health care, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want free education, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want public pensions, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes.

You, the lower and middle class, the working people, are the ones who will lose 60% of your income in taxes, and be forced to live a more austere life, to pay for all these programs. That's how it is all throughout Europe, and how it is in Canada, and how it will be in the US, if we adopt your system.

Why are we going to pay more no matter how much the corporations pay? Explain that one to me andy. Doesn't make sense. If they were paying more we wouldn't have to.

  • Corporate share of federal tax revenue has dropped by two-thirds in 60 years — from 32% in 1952 to 10% in 2013.
  • General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012.
  • Corporations used to pay almost one-third of federal taxes. Now it's one-tenth.

Chart: US corporations' shrinking tax burden

Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship?

I never said I believed everybody should make the same amount......that's you guys.

Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

Yes, I'm going to point out Obama's hypocrisy and LAUGH!!!
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

Generally women make less because they have a better balance between work and homelife, and rightfully so.

Too many employers have unreasonable expectations of employees. More women say no. And good for them.

I've said no, in similar situations, and I think more people should.
Todd doesn't want to admit that yes liberal organizations do pay more. It's obvious just based on Republicans attitudes here.

And when I say a liberal org I mean a union shop where workers get a seat at the table.

Hey, I just found out today I'm upper class.

About one-fifth of American households, 19%, are considered upper class.

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

I live alone and made over $78,281 last year. I'm upper class. Why would an upper class guy like me not be voting GOP? Because I know they are going to fuck me just like they are going to fuck you soon.

Social Security: Trump budget aims cuts at disabled workers in program

While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed that he wouldn’t touch Social Security. But as the 2020 general election nears, his administration is signaling changes that could undermine his pledge.

But that does not mean Social Security will be gone by 2035. Instead, retirees at that point will see a 20% cut in their benefits, the trustees say.

That’s why politicians have proposed reforming Social Security. Fixes could include boosting the full retirement age – effectively, a cut to your benefits since you’d have fewer years to claim them

While Trump hasn’t proposed any changes for Social Security’s mainstay of providing retirement benefits, taxpayers may want to keep an eye on the issue if he’s elected to a second term. That’s because presidents traditionally tackle Social Security in their second term, such as President George Bush’s attempt to partially privatize the program in 2005.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Do corporations really pay taxes, or is it people who pay the taxes in the form of higher prices so that desired corporate profit margins are realized? I have mixed feelings on the subject. They should but do they?
Yes. And they can pass it on to their consumers. I'm fine with that. I don't have to consume their shit. I don't think consumers would know if a blender costs $65 or $75. As long as the economy is working for everyone. That means the middle class too not just the corporations and 20% of the workers.

And I'm ok when Republicans change it so that corporations pay no taxes and we all pay more. Just remember this is one of the ways or reasons the gap between rich and middle class is getting wider. It's flat tax policies that Republicans pass. And then the cuts to social security and medicare to make up for their spending and lack of revenue. Wider Wider!!!

You are going to pay more tax, no matter how much the corporations pay.

Again... look at Europe. If your system worked, why are all the lower and middle class paying more tax?

If the theory that "if corporations pay more tax.... well.... then the rest of us will pay less tax!"... if that theory was true, then why hasn't a single country over in Europe, ever done that?

In fact, why has it not worked anywhere in the world?

You are screaming and yelling about Republicans, as if your system would work if not for Republicans. Open your eyes. Your system hasn't worked anywhere on the entire planet.

Not once has your system worked. Not even once.

So if you want more social security, and medicare and medicaid, and food stamps, and welfare, and education, and public housing, and free needles in San Fransico.... and on and on and on....

if you want all of that, then you need to except the fact, that you are going to pay for it whether republicans even exist or not.

If Republicans magically disappeared (likely taking their jobs and wealth with them) off the face of the Earth.... so there are no republicans anywhere in the US, and the US was run by the a one-party system of Democrats

YOU are still going to be the ones paying the taxes for all these programs. YOU. The lower and the middle class. The BS nonsense of "Corporations will pay for it!" and "The wealthy will pay for it!"... has never worked. If you want free health care, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want free education, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want public pensions, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes.

You, the lower and middle class, the working people, are the ones who will lose 60% of your income in taxes, and be forced to live a more austere life, to pay for all these programs. That's how it is all throughout Europe, and how it is in Canada, and how it will be in the US, if we adopt your system.

Why are we going to pay more no matter how much the corporations pay? Explain that one to me andy. Doesn't make sense. If they were paying more we wouldn't have to.

  • Corporate share of federal tax revenue has dropped by two-thirds in 60 years — from 32% in 1952 to 10% in 2013.
  • General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012.
  • Corporations used to pay almost one-third of federal taxes. Now it's one-tenth.

Chart: US corporations' shrinking tax burden

Again... look at Europe. If your system worked, then why has there not been one single example of it?

You want to know why people in Europe are paid less money for the same jobs? Can't be taxes, right? Or could it?

You can post all the stuff you want... that's fine. Show me an example where your system worked. Where is it?

Again... you don't have an example. None of those places that collect a slightly... and by slightly, I mean barely 1% difference in corporation tax revenue between the US and Sweden..... none of them, have a lower burden on their public, than the US. All have a much higher burden. Swedish people pay much more in tax, than we do in the US. Not less tax, with more corporate tax revenue... they pay MORE taxes with more corporate tax revenue.

There is not one... not one single example on the surface of the earth, where your system of more corporate tax revenue resulted in lower personal taxes.

Not one. If you care to list such an example, by all means.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship?

I never said I believed everybody should make the same amount......that's you guys.

Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

Yes, I'm going to point out Obama's hypocrisy and LAUGH!!!
Hey at least we try to champion the cause. We at least say women should be paid fairly. The same pay for the same work. You guys are the ones who fight that.

I just read the White House Gender Gap Pay more than tripled under Trump. Obama paid 89 cents to women for every dollar paid to a man. You and I both know that's probably about as fair as you are going to get.

And Trump has doubled the gap. So if Democrats are bad, Republicans are way worse.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

Generally women make less because they have a better balance between work and homelife, and rightfully so.

Too many employers have unreasonable expectations of employees. More women say no. And good for them.

I've said no, in similar situations, and I think more people should.
Todd doesn't want to admit that yes liberal organizations do pay more. It's obvious just based on Republicans attitudes here.

And when I say a liberal org I mean a union shop where workers get a seat at the table.

Hey, I just found out today I'm upper class.

About one-fifth of American households, 19%, are considered upper class.

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

I live alone and made over $78,281 last year. I'm upper class. Why would an upper class guy like me not be voting GOP? Because I know they are going to fuck me just like they are going to fuck you soon.

Social Security: Trump budget aims cuts at disabled workers in program

While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed that he wouldn’t touch Social Security. But as the 2020 general election nears, his administration is signaling changes that could undermine his pledge.

But that does not mean Social Security will be gone by 2035. Instead, retirees at that point will see a 20% cut in their benefits, the trustees say.

That’s why politicians have proposed reforming Social Security. Fixes could include boosting the full retirement age – effectively, a cut to your benefits since you’d have fewer years to claim them

While Trump hasn’t proposed any changes for Social Security’s mainstay of providing retirement benefits, taxpayers may want to keep an eye on the issue if he’s elected to a second term. That’s because presidents traditionally tackle Social Security in their second term, such as President George Bush’s attempt to partially privatize the program in 2005.

yes liberal organizations do pay more.

Didn't pay women more......
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship?

I never said I believed everybody should make the same amount......that's you guys.

Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

Yes, I'm going to point out Obama's hypocrisy and LAUGH!!!

Obama paid women 89 cents for every $1 paid to a guy. Only 11 cents difference.

Trump White House Pays Women 72 Cents for Every $1 Men Make

They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

Generally women make less because they have a better balance between work and homelife, and rightfully so.

Too many employers have unreasonable expectations of employees. More women say no. And good for them.

I've said no, in similar situations, and I think more people should.
Todd doesn't want to admit that yes liberal organizations do pay more. It's obvious just based on Republicans attitudes here.

And when I say a liberal org I mean a union shop where workers get a seat at the table.

Hey, I just found out today I'm upper class.

About one-fifth of American households, 19%, are considered upper class.

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

I live alone and made over $78,281 last year. I'm upper class. Why would an upper class guy like me not be voting GOP? Because I know they are going to fuck me just like they are going to fuck you soon.

Social Security: Trump budget aims cuts at disabled workers in program

While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed that he wouldn’t touch Social Security. But as the 2020 general election nears, his administration is signaling changes that could undermine his pledge.

But that does not mean Social Security will be gone by 2035. Instead, retirees at that point will see a 20% cut in their benefits, the trustees say.

That’s why politicians have proposed reforming Social Security. Fixes could include boosting the full retirement age – effectively, a cut to your benefits since you’d have fewer years to claim them

While Trump hasn’t proposed any changes for Social Security’s mainstay of providing retirement benefits, taxpayers may want to keep an eye on the issue if he’s elected to a second term. That’s because presidents traditionally tackle Social Security in their second term, such as President George Bush’s attempt to partially privatize the program in 2005.

yes liberal organizations do pay more.

Didn't pay women more......

You've been listening to fake news

Right-Wing Media Commemorate Equal Pay Day By Recycling Misleading Attacks On Progressives
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Do corporations really pay taxes, or is it people who pay the taxes in the form of higher prices so that desired corporate profit margins are realized? I have mixed feelings on the subject. They should but do they?
Yes. And they can pass it on to their consumers. I'm fine with that. I don't have to consume their shit. I don't think consumers would know if a blender costs $65 or $75. As long as the economy is working for everyone. That means the middle class too not just the corporations and 20% of the workers.

And I'm ok when Republicans change it so that corporations pay no taxes and we all pay more. Just remember this is one of the ways or reasons the gap between rich and middle class is getting wider. It's flat tax policies that Republicans pass. And then the cuts to social security and medicare to make up for their spending and lack of revenue. Wider Wider!!!

You are going to pay more tax, no matter how much the corporations pay.

Again... look at Europe. If your system worked, why are all the lower and middle class paying more tax?

If the theory that "if corporations pay more tax.... well.... then the rest of us will pay less tax!"... if that theory was true, then why hasn't a single country over in Europe, ever done that?

In fact, why has it not worked anywhere in the world?

You are screaming and yelling about Republicans, as if your system would work if not for Republicans. Open your eyes. Your system hasn't worked anywhere on the entire planet.

Not once has your system worked. Not even once.

So if you want more social security, and medicare and medicaid, and food stamps, and welfare, and education, and public housing, and free needles in San Fransico.... and on and on and on....

if you want all of that, then you need to except the fact, that you are going to pay for it whether republicans even exist or not.

If Republicans magically disappeared (likely taking their jobs and wealth with them) off the face of the Earth.... so there are no republicans anywhere in the US, and the US was run by the a one-party system of Democrats

YOU are still going to be the ones paying the taxes for all these programs. YOU. The lower and the middle class. The BS nonsense of "Corporations will pay for it!" and "The wealthy will pay for it!"... has never worked. If you want free health care, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want free education, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes. If you want public pensions, it's going to come out of your pocket in taxes.

You, the lower and middle class, the working people, are the ones who will lose 60% of your income in taxes, and be forced to live a more austere life, to pay for all these programs. That's how it is all throughout Europe, and how it is in Canada, and how it will be in the US, if we adopt your system.

Why are we going to pay more no matter how much the corporations pay? Explain that one to me andy. Doesn't make sense. If they were paying more we wouldn't have to.

  • Corporate share of federal tax revenue has dropped by two-thirds in 60 years — from 32% in 1952 to 10% in 2013.
  • General Electric, Boeing, Verizon and 23 other profitable Fortune 500 firms paid no federal income taxes from 2008 to 2012.
  • Corporations used to pay almost one-third of federal taxes. Now it's one-tenth.

Chart: US corporations' shrinking tax burden

Again... look at Europe. If your system worked, then why has there not been one single example of it?

You want to know why people in Europe are paid less money for the same jobs? Can't be taxes, right? Or could it?

You can post all the stuff you want... that's fine. Show me an example where your system worked. Where is it?

Again... you don't have an example. None of those places that collect a slightly... and by slightly, I mean barely 1% difference in corporation tax revenue between the US and Sweden..... none of them, have a lower burden on their public, than the US. All have a much higher burden. Swedish people pay much more in tax, than we do in the US. Not less tax, with more corporate tax revenue... they pay MORE taxes with more corporate tax revenue.

There is not one... not one single example on the surface of the earth, where your system of more corporate tax revenue resulted in lower personal taxes.

Not one. If you care to list such an example, by all means.

Show me one country where a flat tax worked. Or where Libertarianism worked.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

Generally women make less because they have a better balance between work and homelife, and rightfully so.

Too many employers have unreasonable expectations of employees. More women say no. And good for them.

I've said no, in similar situations, and I think more people should.
Todd doesn't want to admit that yes liberal organizations do pay more. It's obvious just based on Republicans attitudes here.

And when I say a liberal org I mean a union shop where workers get a seat at the table.

Hey, I just found out today I'm upper class.

About one-fifth of American households, 19%, are considered upper class.

Household of one: Minimum of $78,281 to be upper-class
Household of two: Minimum of $110,706 to be upper-class
Household of three: Minimum of $135,586 to be upper-class
Household of four: Minimum of $156,561 to be upper-class
Household of five: Minimum of $175,041 to be upper-class

I live alone and made over $78,281 last year. I'm upper class. Why would an upper class guy like me not be voting GOP? Because I know they are going to fuck me just like they are going to fuck you soon.

Social Security: Trump budget aims cuts at disabled workers in program

While campaigning for the presidency in 2016, Donald Trump repeatedly vowed that he wouldn’t touch Social Security. But as the 2020 general election nears, his administration is signaling changes that could undermine his pledge.

But that does not mean Social Security will be gone by 2035. Instead, retirees at that point will see a 20% cut in their benefits, the trustees say.

That’s why politicians have proposed reforming Social Security. Fixes could include boosting the full retirement age – effectively, a cut to your benefits since you’d have fewer years to claim them

While Trump hasn’t proposed any changes for Social Security’s mainstay of providing retirement benefits, taxpayers may want to keep an eye on the issue if he’s elected to a second term. That’s because presidents traditionally tackle Social Security in their second term, such as President George Bush’s attempt to partially privatize the program in 2005.

Not sure why you are playing word games instead of just making your point about unions.

Say, are unions DOING anything right now? Best labor market in decades, this is the time to move, for them.

If they cant' make the argument for the role they play now, when workers are finally getting some leverage, when will they?
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship?

I never said I believed everybody should make the same amount......that's you guys.

Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

Yes, I'm going to point out Obama's hypocrisy and LAUGH!!!
Hey at least we try to champion the cause. We at least say women should be paid fairly. The same pay for the same work. You guys are the ones who fight that.

I just read the White House Gender Gap Pay more than tripled under Trump. Obama paid 89 cents to women for every dollar paid to a man. You and I both know that's probably about as fair as you are going to get.

And Trump has doubled the gap. So if Democrats are bad, Republicans are way worse.

Hey at least we try to champion the cause.

Yes, your very vocal hypocrisy is amusing.
Those damn corporations. How dare they hire all them there taxpayers.
They only hired who they needed to get the job done. And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible. Do you think they deserve a metal? They needed the person. They didn't do it out of kindness and the minute they don't need them anymore they are gone.

And if they were conservatives they paid as little as possible.

Liberals pay people extra?

Glass ceiling at the Obama White House? Female staffers earn $8,270 (and 10.75%) less than their male counterparts | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Maybe they just pay the men extra?
What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship? Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

PLEASE tell me you are for paying women more. I bet you are not. I bet except for Obama, you defend the fact that women make less. Ready, go.

What about the glass ceiling at all the corporations you worship?

I never said I believed everybody should make the same amount......that's you guys.

Or are you just going to point to Obama and ignore all the corporations who do this exact same thing.

Yes, I'm going to point out Obama's hypocrisy and LAUGH!!!

Obama paid women 89 cents for every $1 paid to a guy. Only 11 cents difference.

Trump White House Pays Women 72 Cents for Every $1 Men Make


Obama paid women 89 cents for every $1 paid to a guy. Only 11 cents difference.

Yup. Obama is a hypocritical, misogynist bastard!!

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