Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

You have a history of exaggerated preening and posing as smarter than the rest of the world. You can even write correctly.
Best ignored
Substitute Intelligent for the term you employ to denote smarter humans whom you are not able to understand, and you have your answer .
and in a debate or a Logic or Rhetoric class you would be laughed at since you took "America' to be a univocal term.
One wonders why you didn't do your usual wink at the culterati on here and write "AmeriKa"

I have your number and I'm sure the educated and the thinkers do too

Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?​

They probably like the ideals of the "Old, Traditional" America.
Few probably like the now "Woke" Murika.

But a better question might be....Do Left Wingers actually like LIFE ?
It would appear that if they do, they are not smart enough to hold on to it.
Money and personal gratification seem to be their general life goals.

Yet another Democrat Hard Left City guarantees Death to it's citizens!
Denver cuts funding to Police to pay for illegal immigrant services.
I thought it was fake news, until I searched the Far Left news as well and it was confirmed.

Yep...A LOT OF DEMOCRATS GONNA DIE (I correctly predicted several years ago after Biden was elected.)
The voice of sanity would probably say it's likely one of the only ways for society to self correct it's bad ways.

You know, the death rate among Lefties is soaring like never before. And they are killing themselves and each other.
Tissue please.

View attachment 933215
Violent crime is lower under Biden. You have created a world in your head that doesn’t exist. Question is, why? Why do you chose to parrot things that are easily proved false and then ignore the proof? Weird.

I am chalking you up as another that doesn’t love it here. I mean, why else would you lie about the condition of crime if you just didn’t want to disparage a place you don’t love?
You have a history of exaggerated preening and posing as smarter than the rest of the world. You can even write correctly.
Best ignored
What a school girl blunder to citygator .
You low IQs really hate your betters .

Your complete inability to see dark humour and banter underlines your lack of General Comprehension skill .

Either grow up fast or hit your head hard to wake up your funny bone .
Substitute Intelligent for the term you employ to denote smarter humans whom you are not able to understand, and you have your answer .
You must be really smart because I have no clue what you are trying to say.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

The latest in flip the narrative, brought to you by an American hating commie.
You have a history of exaggerated preening and posing as smarter than the rest of the world. You can even write correctly.
Thank you for liking my writing. I always try to “write correctly” as you put it.
Fuck Diversity
Fuck you people
Cities suck
Art is gay
Industry is for geeks
Parks are for faggots
Go find God, secular faggot
The legal system is lopsided
Fuck Joe Biden

So I have you down as a “NO” as well. Ok.

By the way I am a Christian that attends weekly and serves in Church leadership roles. I usually am asked to lead prayers In group settings cuz I do it well. Christianity is fine if it weren’t for most Christians.
Maybe you’ll be the first. What do you love about America?
Well, I love the fact that America is one of the only places where you can succeed through hard work, a perseverance….

I love that America is the land where you can have your own beliefs and opinions…

I love that America is the most innovative country in the world…

I love that America is free (for now)….

plus much more I don’t have time to post…

Look, I took the oath and served my country for 6 years…You?

the question is why don’t YOU love America? Someone who loves this country wouldn’t be trying so hard to demonize fellow Americans, and change the system in this country to communism….
So I have you down as a “NO” as well. Ok.

By the way I am a Christian that attends weekly and serves in Church leadership roles. I usually am asked to lead prayers In group settings cuz I do it well. Christianity is fine if it weren’t for most Christians.
Not for you to judge.
Well, I love the fact that America is one of the only places where you can succeed through hard work, a perseverance….

I love that America is the land where you can have your own beliefs and opinions…

I love that America is the most innovative country in the world…

I love that America is free (for now)….

plus much more I don’t have time to post…

Look, I took the oath and served my country for 6 years…You?

the question is why don’t YOU love America? Someone who loves this country wouldn’t be trying so hard to demonize fellow Americans, and change the system in this country to communism….
All really good things about this place for sure.

I honor this place by working my ass off and producing some really amazing economic engines that employ thousands and dutifully paid my taxes that apparently paid for your service and since you are on here, likely Im paying for your social security. I dont care I pay more than my fair share as I have plenty and get plenty of benefit from this country. That is not communism.

I dont demonize others and I love this country. But I respect all the people who live here not just the ones who want to live the life I approve of and that Norman Rockwell painted. I am aligned and an ally with the minorities in this country who are not afforded that respect. Not sure why that burns the rights ass.
What a school girl blunder to citygator .
You low IQs really hate your betters .

Your complete inability to see dark humour and banter underlines your lack of General Comprehension skill .

Either grow up fast or hit your head hard to wake up your funny bone .
We all grew up with stupid kids like you. When you catch them out they say 'Just kiddin"
So I have you down as a “NO” as well. Ok.

By the way I am a Christian that attends weekly and serves in Church leadership roles. I usually am asked to lead prayers In group settings cuz I do it well. Christianity is fine if it weren’t for most Christians.
Christianity cannot exist in the Progressive Socialist America. The direction of that party will prove that out and the persecutions will increase, and imprisonment and worse will be the result.
They love America. Many of them are good, decent people who just want what's best for the country.

They've just been so terribly manipulated over the years/decades by voices they trust, that they're dealing from a position of paranoia and mal-information. Their fundamental human curiosity has been stripped away, and they've been trained to see the world in binary, hyperbolic terms, either/or, Good vs. Evil.

To me, most of them are just this side of victims. They're responsible for their words and actions, but they've been used by people who know how to pull their strings. And now they're in the process of bringing down the very country they love because they've bought what these voices are selling.
Very kind of you. I think I would still argue they have been conditioned to dislike America. In 12 pages there have been one or two posts of loving America that I had to prompt, most of them have delved into the trenches of complaints about fake issues that do not exist so they can construct an America that is unworthy.

I can see the victim angle, but at some point they became, or are becoming, an accomplice.
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