do the left agree with obama on the fort hood shootins was work place violence

Sorry, terrorism was removed from the lefts vocabulary, unfortunately that in itself doesn't make it unreal.
I think the guy should have already faced a military tribual for treason and executed for killing his fellow soldiers in cold blood like that. Fuck him.
Conceivably, one could say that all violence based upon religious belief is terrorism:

George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What exactly was Shelly Shannon's religion? I clicked on the link in your post about Tiller, and it doesn't say it was religiously motivated. Non muslim =/= some other religion. There are plenty of nuts out there who aren't religiously inclined at all. She did join an obscure fringe group while in prison.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shelly Shannon - not reported to be a Christian, did not join the fringe group until she was incarcerated.
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Terrorism. I have no doubt whatsoever that in Hasan's mind he was committing jihad. An act of war.

Considering he gave this speech to fellow physicians a few years before, I don't think there is a gray area whatsoever.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.

He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.

The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.

Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hasan appeared to believe.

It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood, America's largest military installation, on Thursday.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut - Telegraph
Terrorism is anything that can put fear in people.

Some people now in UK will be afraid to walk down the street. I heard the military can't wear their uniforms outside the base anymore.

When A restaurant or bar is bombed by a suicide bomber, people are afraid to go to one again.

When an Embassy is attacked by know other Embassy's are on high alert.

They want us to be afraid of everyday life.

The Ft Hood shooter was a terrorist....besides killing, he scared the shit out of everyone there. They know it could happen again.

The Boston bombers killed...and scared the shit out of people there, because who knows whatever pscyho's are out there that will decide to do the same thing?

And when they scream Alah can be pretty sure! :)
Conceivably, one could say that all violence based upon religious belief is terrorism:

George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What exactly was Shelly Shannon's religion? I clicked on the link in your post about Tiller, and it doesn't say it was religiously motivated. Non muslim =/= some other religion. There are plenty of nuts out there who aren't religiously inclined at all. She did join an obscure fringe group while in prison.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shelly Shannon - not reported to be a Christian, did not join the fringe group until she was incarcerated.

Well, she recounts her motivation for the attacks:

Shelley Shannon Join The Army of AOG
Terrorism is anything that can put fear in people.

Some people now in UK will be afraid to walk down the street. I heard the military can't wear their uniforms outside the base anymore.

When A restaurant or bar is bombed by a suicide bomber, people are afraid to go to one again.

When an Embassy is attacked by know other Embassy's are on high alert.

They want us to be afraid of everyday life.

The Ft Hood shooter was a terrorist....besides killing, he scared the shit out of everyone there. They know it could happen again.

The Boston bombers killed...and scared the shit out of people there, because who knows whatever pscyho's are out there that will decide to do the same thing?

And when they scream Alah can be pretty sure! :)

No guff. Screaming allahu akbar when shooting, beheading or bombing the shit out of people is a dead giveaway that it's really not a "man caused disaster" or "workplace violence".
Terrorism. I have no doubt whatsoever that in Hasan's mind he was committing jihad. An act of war.

Considering he gave this speech to fellow physicians a few years before, I don't think there is a gray area whatsoever.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the gunman who killed 13 at America's Fort Hood military base, once gave a lecture to other doctors in which he said non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.

He also told colleagues at America's top military hospital that non-Muslims were infidels condemned to hell who should be set on fire.

The outburst came during an hour-long talk Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, gave on the Koran in front of dozens of other doctors at Walter Reed Army Medical Centre in Washington DC, where he worked for six years before arriving at Fort Hood in July.

Colleagues had expected a discussion on a medical issue but were instead given an extremist interpretation of the Koran, which Hasan appeared to believe.

It was the latest in a series of "red flags" about his state of mind that have emerged since the massacre at Fort Hood, America's largest military installation, on Thursday.

Fort Hood gunman had told US military colleagues that infidels should have their throats cut - Telegraph

I think the guy was a fruit loop to begin with. After this speech you cited the military should have addressed these issues with the Hassan back then. I believe this was an act of domestic terrorism, he should be punished as such. Unfortunately , the conundrum that the military faces as well as DOJ and any authority that decides this matter is whether classifying this act as a terrorist act at this juncture will prevent Hassan from getting a fair trial which means it could drag out for many years to come.
Terrorism is anything that can put fear in people.

Some people now in UK will be afraid to walk down the street. I heard the military can't wear their uniforms outside the base anymore.

When A restaurant or bar is bombed by a suicide bomber, people are afraid to go to one again.

When an Embassy is attacked by know other Embassy's are on high alert.

They want us to be afraid of everyday life.

The Ft Hood shooter was a terrorist....besides killing, he scared the shit out of everyone there. They know it could happen again.

The Boston bombers killed...and scared the shit out of people there, because who knows whatever pscyho's are out there that will decide to do the same thing?

And when they scream Alah can be pretty sure! :)

No guff. Screaming allahu akbar when shooting, beheading or bombing the shit out of people is a dead giveaway that it's really not a "man caused disaster" or "workplace violence".
i'd argue that religiously motivated violence on its own isn't terrorism.
Conceivably, one could say that all violence based upon religious belief is terrorism:

George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What exactly was Shelly Shannon's religion? I clicked on the link in your post about Tiller, and it doesn't say it was religiously motivated. Non muslim =/= some other religion. There are plenty of nuts out there who aren't religiously inclined at all. She did join an obscure fringe group while in prison.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shelly Shannon - not reported to be a Christian, did not join the fringe group until she was incarcerated.

Well, she recounts her motivation for the attacks:

Shelley Shannon Join The Army of AOG

She was not a member of this fringe group until after the attack.
Do you agree with your dear leader or do you think this was terrorism

It was both.

I dont think it was both at all, he had no grievance about his job that is what work place violence is about . This was all about religion not about his work place at all

Workplace violence is an act of aggression, physical assault, or threatening behavior that occurs in a work setting and causes physical or emotional harm to customers, coworkers, or managers

Workplace Violence Law & Legal Definition

As a nurse working in a high risk locations, I can tell youthat workplace violence can involve many aspects, not just someone upset with the boss. Nurses are injured in thousands of incidents of workplace violence, and some are killed every year.
What exactly was Shelly Shannon's religion? I clicked on the link in your post about Tiller, and it doesn't say it was religiously motivated. Non muslim =/= some other religion. There are plenty of nuts out there who aren't religiously inclined at all. She did join an obscure fringe group while in prison.

Assassination of George Tiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shelly Shannon - not reported to be a Christian, did not join the fringe group until she was incarcerated.

Well, she recounts her motivation for the attacks:

Shelley Shannon Join The Army of AOG

She was not a member of this fringe group until after the attack.

so, you think she changed her past inner dialogue in order to fit that group's agenda? :eusa_eh:

The biggest hurdle was being willing to even consider that God could indeed require this work
of anyone. Christians don't do that kind of thing, do they? But prayer and God cleared that up.
Then I realized that I needed to stop the killing too. I prayed, "God, if you really want me to
do this, you're gonna have to show me how, because I can't even get the fire started in my
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Political Correctness will be the downfall of America.

When Obama the Weak will call a spade a spade????

Political Correctness will be the downfall of America.

When Obama the Weak will call a spade a spade????


Of course if he did call "shootins" acts of terrorism, it would be evidence of his grand design to confiscate America's guns.

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