Do The Righties

she said she heard it from her secretary after I told her I had watched Rachel too. then she asked why I watched so much MSNBC and no,, I guess her little red face is not really relevant, it's just a counter to all the "FAUX news" bullshit that get tossed around here.. so deal with it as best you can.

Yikes, game, set, match to Willow. :clap2:

:lol: Your perpetual confusion is amusing, but really you have no point...

You're right unlike some on the left there's no point on my head.
she said she heard it from her secretary after I told her I had watched Rachel too. then she asked why I watched so much MSNBC and no,, I guess her little red face is not really relevant, it's just a counter to all the "FAUX news" bullshit that get tossed around here.. so deal with it as best you can.

Yikes, game, set, match to Willow. :clap2:

:lol: Your perpetual confusion is amusing, but really you have no point...

MiesterSinger has made some wonderful observations about "points" ^^^^^:D
Kerry would be fine with me. I don't particularly care for him but he couldn't do any worse than Hillary.

And I don't like the idea of a female anyway, no matter which party's president appoints them. But I don't come to that as a sexist. It's more the practical reality of the world our Secretary has to deal with these days with leaders from cultural/religious backgrounds that have zero respect for women in the first place.
John Kerry gave false testimony about the military back in the 60s. He really made some military folks mad when he stabbed them in the back with exaggerations and falsehoods.

I hope Obama has better sense than to insert him where he could be giving an opportunity to someone who's spent their lives helping the military being all that it can be, not to someone who lied about them in front of Congress and making false rape allegations, etc. He really poisoned the well. That's not a good thing.
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want to see John Kerry as Secretary of State so Scott Brown can have a senate seat again?

i've heard that said...

it sounds about right.

so much for the fauxrage about Susan Rice.

Obama is reportedly considering Kerry as Secretary of Defense. In other words, all the righties have to do is let Obama appoint Rice to State and Kerry to defense and they will get the same results as if they fight tooth and nail against Rice, get accused of being sexists and racists, and, according to idiots on the left, end up looking completely out of touch.

So much for jillian logic.

i haven't heard that... i have, however, heard a lot of rightwingers talk about how kerry can't be secretary of defense b/c of his "history"

i was actually always under the impression that kerry was going to take over for hillary. but i suspect that was when they thought brown would win and the senate seat would go to a dem.

It's called an indirect reference and as such is often the cause for confusion...

Beretta pretending to have won something here is just beyond dunce-tastic!
Obama is reportedly considering Kerry as Secretary of Defense. In other words, all the righties have to do is let Obama appoint Rice to State and Kerry to defense and they will get the same results as if they fight tooth and nail against Rice, get accused of being sexists and racists, and, according to idiots on the left, end up looking completely out of touch.

So much for jillian logic.

i haven't heard that... i have, however, heard a lot of rightwingers talk about how kerry can't be secretary of defense b/c of his "history"

i was actually always under the impression that kerry was going to take over for hillary. but i suspect that was when they thought brown would win and the senate seat would go to a dem.

It's called an indirect reference and as such is often the cause for confusion...

Beretta pretending to have won something here is just beyond dunce-tastic!

You will feel a little better after your Nap Valarie.
Obama is reportedly considering Kerry as Secretary of Defense. In other words, all the righties have to do is let Obama appoint Rice to State and Kerry to defense and they will get the same results as if they fight tooth and nail against Rice, get accused of being sexists and racists, and, according to idiots on the left, end up looking completely out of touch.

So much for jillian logic.

i haven't heard that... i have, however, heard a lot of rightwingers talk about how kerry can't be secretary of defense b/c of his "history"

i was actually always under the impression that kerry was going to take over for hillary. but i suspect that was when they thought brown would win and the senate seat would go to a dem.

It's called an indirect reference and as such is often the cause for confusion...

Beretta pretending to have won something here is just beyond dunce-tastic!

You might want to wear that hat yourself. I didn't say "I" won anything. I said, game, set, match to Willow.

See what happens when your fingers get ahead of your brain.

Let's review post # 86, shall we?

Apology accepted.
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i haven't heard that... i have, however, heard a lot of rightwingers talk about how kerry can't be secretary of defense b/c of his "history"

i was actually always under the impression that kerry was going to take over for hillary. but i suspect that was when they thought brown would win and the senate seat would go to a dem.

It's called an indirect reference and as such is often the cause for confusion...

Beretta pretending to have won something here is just beyond dunce-tastic!

You might want to wear that hat yourself. I didn't say "I" won anything. I said, game, set match to Willow.

See what happens when your fingers get ahead of your brain.

I don't feel like I am competing in a game or a set or a match, but you do...

And Willow, I'm not an old lady so I don't DO "naps". ;)
It's called an indirect reference and as such is often the cause for confusion...

Beretta pretending to have won something here is just beyond dunce-tastic!

You might want to wear that hat yourself. I didn't say "I" won anything. I said, game, set match to Willow.

See what happens when your fingers get ahead of your brain.

I don't feel like I am competing in a game or a set or a match, but you do...

And Willow, I'm not an old lady so I don't DO "naps". ;)

Obtuseness now? It's a figure of speech. But you knew that now didn't you. :D See, civil sarcasm can work.
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It's called an indirect reference and as such is often the cause for confusion...

Beretta pretending to have won something here is just beyond dunce-tastic!

You might want to wear that hat yourself. I didn't say "I" won anything. I said, game, set match to Willow.

See what happens when your fingers get ahead of your brain.

I don't feel like I am competing in a game or a set or a match, but you do...

And Willow, I'm not an old lady so I don't DO "naps". ;)

well you should listen to an old lady,, naps will make a young lady stay younger longer, don't burn out yer candles at both ends. I love me naps. so I can stay up and night and monitor the Rachel Maddow bullshit.
:D See, civil sarcasm can work.

:rolleyes: Let me know when you plan on starting with the civility...


Listen dolt, spit out jilly's tits and keep quiet. When I want your 2 cents I'll ask for it.

No one cared the first time you posted it and it seems less care now. :badgrin:

Do you stutter? Or couldn't you make your point in one reply? It's still the same link. Try again, Val. Jillian is so much better at this than you. You're just a lapdog, nodding and bobbing your head in agreement with anything said against Republicans/Conservatives.
:D See, civil sarcasm can work.

:rolleyes: Let me know when you plan on starting with the civility...


Listen dolt, spit out jilly's tits and keep quiet. When I want your 2 cents I'll ask for it.

No one cared the first time you posted it and it seems less care now. :badgrin:

Do you stutter? Or couldn't you make your point in one reply? It's still the same link. Try again, Val. Jillian is so much better at this than you. You're just a lapdog, nodding and bobbing your head in agreement with anything said against Republicans/Conservatives.

You go first! :D I too could do a "Greatest Hits List" but I really don't want to be bothered.
I couldn't care less if a RINO like Scott Brown becomes a U.S. senator again, and I hate John Kerry and I don't feel he should be SOS. As far as Susan Rice, all I know is she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack and continued to play up this false narrative about a movie.
I couldn't care less if a RINO like Scott Brown becomes a U.S. senator again, and I hate John Kerry and I don't feel he should be SOS. As far as Susan Rice, all I know is she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack and continued to play up this false narrative about a movie.

You don't care if RINO Brown becomes a Senator, you hate Kerry, and you can't see the connection between the two.



I've never watched that show... The only time I've seen RM speak is on YouTube clips.

yes, but the point is Jillian does and that link is exactly where she "heard that from somewhere." :D Maddow goes on and on and on and on Ta da!

Rachel Maddow Show

and she's way smarter than most. or do we want to say the rhodes scholar and stanford grad isn't smart? but i don't ALWAYS watch her. And I didn't see the discussion you did... which is kind of funny. I did, however, think it was an interesting discussion when I heard about it.

you disagree with her. unsurprising. but she's very, very smart. i also watch joe rightwing crush. :D

he's smart, too... and a bruce fan... although he's mostly wrong. :razz:
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I couldn't care less if a RINO like Scott Brown becomes a U.S. senator again, and I hate John Kerry and I don't feel he should be SOS. As far as Susan Rice, all I know is she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack and continued to play up this false narrative about a movie.

You don't care if RINO Brown becomes a Senator, you hate Kerry, and you can't see the connection between the two.



Who said I can't see the connection?
I couldn't care less if a RINO like Scott Brown becomes a U.S. senator again, and I hate John Kerry and I don't feel he should be SOS. As far as Susan Rice, all I know is she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack and continued to play up this false narrative about a movie.

You don't care if RINO Brown becomes a Senator, you hate Kerry, and you can't see the connection between the two.



Who said I can't see the connection?

Brown isn't the RINO... the radical right are. Republicans used to be the smart business guys in the room.
I couldn't care less if a RINO like Scott Brown becomes a U.S. senator again, and I hate John Kerry and I don't feel he should be SOS. As far as Susan Rice, all I know is she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack and continued to play up this false narrative about a movie.

You don't care if RINO Brown becomes a Senator, you hate Kerry, and you can't see the connection between the two.



Who said I can't see the connection?

Oh, so you think its better to have a liberal Democrat as a Senator than a moderate Republican.

Got it.
I guess you have a point- Brown would be better than Kerry, it's just hard to get excited about Brown.

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