Do they hear themselves?


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2010
Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?
The magic Faeries of Gubmint make money happen. Or are you so dumb that you really think free stuff needs to be paid for?
unfortunately ,I am afraid, many of our youth have been taught that money appears from a magic tree into our treasury. Either that or that aren't teaching them anything.
Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

So when all these tax credits add up, and the government has to keep borrowing trillions (yes, TRILLIONS) to balance the budget, whos gonna be stuck with the bill
Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

Ok here's one and it directly relates to your story.

I am "paying in to the system" and now that the man in your story has insurance he will be able to see a doctor before the problem he has gets out of control. He will be able to see a general family doctor instead of using the ER as his personal physician. Yes, I am helping to pay for his coverage (just like I already was before), but at least I am doing it for a plan that will allow him to get healthcare at a much cheaper cost than rushing to the ER where the costs he would incur would be passed on to me anyway but at a much higher rate.

So there is your story from someone who is paying in to the system and is seeing benefits from the ACA.
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Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

This mentality infects most Americans. They think their mortgage interest deduction and child tax credit magically appear from nowhere, too. They have no clue other people have to pay for them.

And since no one wants to pay for them, we borrow most of the money. $16 trillion worth.
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Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

Ok here's one and it directly relates to your story.

I am "paying in to the system" and now that the man in your story has insurance he will be able to see a doctor before the problem he has gets out of control. He will be able to see a general family doctor instead of using the ER as his personal physician. Yes, I am helping to pay for his coverage (just like I already was before), but at least I am doing it for a plan that will allow him to get healthcare at a much cheaper cost than rushing to the ER where the costs he would incur would be passed on to me anyway but at a much higher rate.

So there is your story from someone who is paying in to the system and is seeing benefits from the ACA.

excellent answer and one I will not attempt to refute with the exception of one point....

I highly doubt everyone who did not have insurance had to use the ER last year.

Likely, s small minority of those people did.

But now ALL of them are being suibsidized.

Seems to me it will prove to be much more costly.

Just basic logic, math and economics.
The involuntarily uninsured cost about $52 billion in unpaid emergency care. That's far, far, far, far less than what ObamaCare is going to cost us.

ObamaCare does not address all of the actual core causes of rising health care costs. It addressed some, but also more deeply embedded many of the causes of rising health care costs.
Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

I love when they pick and chose single cases like that.

None of them will even mention that, how many... 5 million or 6 million people got their plans cancelled because of ACA.

But this isolated great example of ACA erase all the bad things that ACA brought to the backs of someone else.
But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

The purpose of Obamacare is wealth redistribution. "Health care" is merely the excuse.

And in case you've forgotten, "wealth redistribution" is theft. Whether it's done by a guy with a mask and a gun, or by the government.
I used to volunteer at a drug rehab center. One day, they were holding a NA meeting, and the clean and sober lady chairing the meeting mentioned before the meeting started that whoever installed her cable TV had accidentally turned on all the subscription movie channels and she was not being charged for them.

The NA program requires "rigorous honesty" and so she said she was going to have to notifiy the cable company of this error, even though it was a mistake in her favor.

Pretty amazing integrity right there.

This really ticked off one of the detoxing addicts. He proceeded to enter into a rant against cable companies and concluded with this statement which betrays the entitlment-mindedness of Americans everywhere, "Cable should be free, like the roads!"

Like the roads.

Clearly this man was not a taxpayer.

Gimme, gimme, gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

Gimme tax deductions and make that guy over there pay for it with higher tax rates.

Gimme medical subsidies and make that guy over there pay for it with higher tax rates.

Gimme lower tax rates and borrow the money from China!
But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

The purpose of Obamacare is wealth redistribution. "Health care" is merely the excuse.

And in case you've forgotten, "wealth redistribution" is theft. Whether it's done by a guy with a mask and a gun, or by the government.

Zzzzz, we get it. The poor people in this country are keeping you down.
The involuntarily uninsured cost about $52 billion in unpaid emergency care. That's far, far, far, far less than what ObamaCare is going to cost us.

ObamaCare does not address all of the actual core causes of rising health care costs. It addressed some, but also more deeply embedded many of the causes of rising health care costs.

We probably could open up "Cadillac Free Clinics" with all the bells and whistles for those without healthcare and save 100's of billions of dollars. But, the downfall would be that it would take the empowerment away from the government that it so desires.
But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

The purpose of Obamacare is wealth redistribution. "Health care" is merely the excuse.

And in case you've forgotten, "wealth redistribution" is theft. Whether it's done by a guy with a mask and a gun, or by the government.

Zzzzz, we get it. The poor people in this country are keeping you down.

That is your retort? Just a half ass slam on the poster? :rolleyes:
Kathy Castor (D) of Florida, during the hearings just touted how a constituent of hers has greatly benefited form the ACA.

She told of a young man who works for a small business who did not have insurance but was thrilled when he found out that he will receive a $2800 tax credit and his premium will be only $28.


No one said it is not a great thing that people can get healthcare for next to nothing. That would be great for anyone.

But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

Bottom line....

I have yet to hear about a wonderful ACA story from a person who is paying INTO the system.

Has anyone?

Ok here's one and it directly relates to your story.

I am "paying in to the system" and now that the man in your story has insurance he will be able to see a doctor before the problem he has gets out of control. He will be able to see a general family doctor instead of using the ER as his personal physician. Yes, I am helping to pay for his coverage (just like I already was before), but at least I am doing it for a plan that will allow him to get healthcare at a much cheaper cost than rushing to the ER where the costs he would incur would be passed on to me anyway but at a much higher rate.

So there is your story from someone who is paying in to the system and is seeing benefits from the ACA.

excellent answer and one I will not attempt to refute with the exception of one point....

I highly doubt everyone who did not have insurance had to use the ER last year.

Likely, s small minority of those people did.

But now ALL of them are being suibsidized.

Seems to me it will prove to be much more costly.

Just basic logic, math and economics.

I don't disagree. Yes, it will be more costly. But in my mind, at the very least I'm glad that everyone can now partake in our shitty system.
The purpose of Obamacare is wealth redistribution. "Health care" is merely the excuse.

And in case you've forgotten, "wealth redistribution" is theft. Whether it's done by a guy with a mask and a gun, or by the government.

Zzzzz, we get it. The poor people in this country are keeping you down.

That is your retort? Just a half ass slam on the poster? :rolleyes:

I've contributed to this thread. His post was tired old rehash of the same crap. You're familiar with those types of posts I'm sure.
But what her constituent doesn't realize is that it is not for nothing. Someone...or a group of people he does not know are the ones paying for him to get it for free...

Yep...he thanks Obama.

But he doesn't even realize that it is someone else paying for his stuff...and he cant thank that person (or group of people) for he doesn't even know who they are.

The purpose of Obamacare is wealth redistribution. "Health care" is merely the excuse.

And in case you've forgotten, "wealth redistribution" is theft. Whether it's done by a guy with a mask and a gun, or by the government.

Healthcare isn't an excuse it is the vehicle which to redistibute the wealth. :eusa_angel:
Ok here's one and it directly relates to your story.

I am "paying in to the system" and now that the man in your story has insurance he will be able to see a doctor before the problem he has gets out of control. He will be able to see a general family doctor instead of using the ER as his personal physician. Yes, I am helping to pay for his coverage (just like I already was before), but at least I am doing it for a plan that will allow him to get healthcare at a much cheaper cost than rushing to the ER where the costs he would incur would be passed on to me anyway but at a much higher rate.

So there is your story from someone who is paying in to the system and is seeing benefits from the ACA.

excellent answer and one I will not attempt to refute with the exception of one point....

I highly doubt everyone who did not have insurance had to use the ER last year.

Likely, s small minority of those people did.

But now ALL of them are being suibsidized.

Seems to me it will prove to be much more costly.

Just basic logic, math and economics.

I don't disagree. Yes, it will be more costly. But in my mind, at the very least I'm glad that everyone can now partake in our shitty system.
I'm assuming that you would go along with my post #13.

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