Do Trump supporters still love him?

Do Trump supporters still love him?

I don't know about love... I am very careful who I give my love to, but I believe he is a damn fine POTUS...
If you can't admit that those 12 Russians were hacking under the last administration your no more than a partisan hack, now run along.

Ah the new defense for the criminal Hillary.....'12 Russians'....deflection at its best. TDSers are so gullible.
Hearing a tRumpkin accuses someone of deflecting might be dangerous. That much irony could unbalance the cosmos.

Oh look another crying butthurt TDSer...go away troll.
Who's trolling? You and I both know that's the doG's honest truth.

Uh....Your truth is all lies poor little TDSer. Your posts all reek of hatred towards our President.
Well deserved derision and disgust. More truth for ya kid.
Why didn’t obamastop Putin?
Lol again! "But...but...but... Obama!"

This is just pathetic.
Well, who was in office with daily intelligence briefings? Doyathink?
This has been discussed ad infinitum and the answer is well known. President Obama made the mistaken decision to keep quiet about it to avoid the appearance of trying to wieght the election in one candidates favor. He was wrong.
He knew Russia was interfering but did nothing so as not to make waves? Really! Well, there’s where ewe lay the charge of treason. Right on his sleazy backside!
You lost all credibility with the "ewe" comment.

Fuck off.
I shall not fuck off batboy!
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities by taking the word of a murdering dictator and former KGB operative over his own intel. people with a mountain of evidence to backup their claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Will this finally be what it takes for his followers to begin to lose faith in "The Donald?" Will this finally move the needle?....or do they still love him? I'd put the odds at 1 chance in 3 they'll waver. Any other guess's?
Why didn’t obamastop Putin?
Lol again! "But...but...but... Obama!"

This is just pathetic.
Well, who was in office with daily intelligence briefings? Doyathink?
This has been discussed ad infinitum and the answer is well known. President Obama made the mistaken decision to keep quiet about it to avoid the appearance of trying to wieght the election in one candidates favor. He was wrong.
He knew Russia was interfering but did nothing so as not to make waves? Really! Well, there’s where ewe lay the charge of treason. Right on his sleazy backside!

You gotta forgive Obama.....Heck it was a 'mistake.' You know, like the 'mistake' Hillary made in passing classified documents. Like the 'mistake' Hillary made in White Water because 'she didn't know better'......Both determined by none other than Comey.

Seriously......I expected Obama to cover for Hillary but then to say it was a 'mistake' after the fact is just.........Well...... 3rd world stuff..... and, what one expects from Socialist run "shit hole' countries.
Ah the new defense for the criminal Hillary.....'12 Russians'....deflection at its best. TDSers are so gullible.
Hearing a tRumpkin accuses someone of deflecting might be dangerous. That much irony could unbalance the cosmos.

Oh look another crying butthurt TDSer...go away troll.
Who's trolling? You and I both know that's the doG's honest truth.

Uh....Your truth is all lies poor little TDSer. Your posts all reek of hatred towards our President.
Well deserved derision and disgust. More truth for ya kid.

As I said your 'truth' is based on hysterical, emotional hatred of another human being you have personally decided is deserved. That is a mental illness son.
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities by taking the word of a murdering dictator and former KGB operative over his own intel. people with a mountain of evidence to backup their claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Will this finally be what it takes for his followers to begin to lose faith in "The Donald?" Will this finally move the needle?....or do they still love him? I'd put the odds at 1 chance in 3 they'll waver. Any other guess's?
I never loved him in the first place. But...he is POTUS and he is saying things that NEED SAID, doing things the NEED DOING and I believe him over corrupt FBI. And nope...the needle won't move any more than the one you use for Hillary and her lies.

Beep, try again.
I feel this person's post is grounds for being arrested for treason.
Feel free to make an ass of yourself and turn me in to the FBI, lol.
Maybe the FBI is following you on this site and will be knocking on your door, soon. Watch out, traitor.
The ONLY traitors I have seen since Trump WON as Potus are you and your ilk. YOU side with our enemies because your fucking hag didn't win. Balloons, riots, INSULTS galore against OUR sitting and your fellow fuckwits are the traitors. Trump is POTUS. Period. He stands for the USA. You stand against him. YOU are the treasonous traitors.
Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities

Trump did not say anything negative about either one. He just does not believe the lying intelligence agencies about Russia and I dont either.

They have too many chicken-hawk neocons who desperately want us to invade someone, hell ANYONE.

but until these jack asses start sending their own sons and daughters to fight overseas, mother fuck every god damned one of them.
Wow I remember back in the day when every self respecting rightwinger on this site was full of praise for neocons and the war on terror. They called themselves republicans and patriots. I told them they were leading America to disaster and got plenty of libtard/dummocrat abuse for it. Now these same people are saying exactly the same as I was then and call themselves Trump supporters. I am telling you that you and him are leading America to disaster and you will call me a libtard again. The difference this time is that George W and his supporters could never have been labelled "traitor".
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Now that our beloved President Donald J Trump has stood on the world stage in Helsinki and flipped the middle finger to America's law enforcement and intelligence communities by taking the word of a murdering dictator and former KGB operative over his own intel. people with a mountain of evidence to backup their claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Will this finally be what it takes for his followers to begin to lose faith in "The Donald?" Will this finally move the needle?....or do they still love him? I'd put the odds at 1 chance in 3 they'll waver. Any other guess's?
I never loved him in the first place. But...he is POTUS and he is saying things that NEED SAID, doing things the NEED DOING and I believe him over corrupt FBI. And nope...the needle won't move any more than the one you use for Hillary and her lies.

Beep, try again.
I feel this person's post is grounds for being arrested for treason.

well that settles it. Call the police because you feel something is a crime
AND..just to clarify....If Hillary had won and was POTUS, I might not have liked it, but I would support her against OUR ENEMIES and other countries fucking us without vaseline. Because she is POTUS and represent OUR COUNTRY. That is what Americans are supposed to do. SUPPORT WHO IS POTUS. PERIOD.

Y'all are fucking traitors to the max. So is the MSM and any other corrupt asshole organization that sides with you and will do ANYTHING to fuck up this country even more than it already is.
Shouldn't you be out finding an unarmed black kid to shoot about now?

Uh....Just to let you know, my Avatar name: LEO does not stand for 'Law Enforcement Officer'.......It is my dog's name who probably is smarter than you.
When Trump said that he could stand in Times square and shoot someone and his flock would still follow, he was not wrong.

There is literally nothing he could to that would turn the faithful away from him.

Wait till after the 2018 mid-terms and he starts to push for universal healthcare, his followers will all of a sudden think it is the best idea ever.
The guy Trump shot in the middle of Fifth Avenue turns out to be Uncle Sam.
Shouldn't you be out finding an unarmed black kid to shoot about now?

It's Just to let you know, my Avatar name: LEO does not stand for 'Law Enforcement Officer'.......It is my dog's name who probably is smarter than you.
Let the dog post, I bet he has more sense than you do.

And definitely more sense than you....TDS, butthurt, hating moron.
Sorry, unlike most tRumpkins I'm smarter than the average dog.
When Trump said that he could stand in Times square and shoot someone and his flock would still follow, he was not wrong.

There is literally nothing he could to that would turn the faithful away from him.

Wait till after the 2018 mid-terms and he starts to push for universal healthcare, his followers will all of a sudden think it is the best idea ever.
The guy Trump shot in the middle of Fifth Avenue turns out to be Uncle Sam.

Hysterical crying TDSer. :206: Have a nice time in your 'Pretend Land'......

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