Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

Not if all cities say no, but there are many cities that would LOVE to have 25,000 high paying jobs come to their community.

And my position is we need to demand that our elected politicians start saying no.

The 25k jobs was all smoke and mirrors at that.
Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

Not if all cities say no, but there are many cities that would LOVE to have 25,000 high paying jobs come to their community.

And my position is we need to demand that our elected politicians start saying no.

The 25k jobs was all smoke and mirrors at that.

Politicians are NOT going to start saying no to bringing thousands of jobs to their communities, that makes no sense.

How do you, and no one else, know that the 25,000 jobs were all "smoke and mirrors"?
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Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely balckmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.


Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?

Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?
It matters not to the right as they will still blame the left for it no matter what. And then they'll criticize the left for taking too long to clean up their mess.
Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

Not if all cities say no, but there are many cities that would LOVE to have 25,000 high paying jobs come to their community.

And my position is we need to demand that our elected politicians start saying no.

The 25k jobs was all smoke and mirrors at that.

Politicians are NOT going to start saying not to bringing thousands of jobs to their communities, that makes no sense.

How do you, and no one else, know that the 25,000 jobs were all "smoke and mirrors"?

It was about getting the millions to build their building for them. Cities should emphasis the positives of their cities. It just shouldnt include millions in taxpayers funds.

All the same, the bigger point is you support socialism for corporations so your complaints over socialism rings hollow.
I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely balckmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.


Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.
You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.


Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.


Not to get the half billion to build the offices.

Again, the point is you support socialism for corporations.
You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.


Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

How do you know what no one else did? Show us the source for your allegations. If not, you are making things up, aren't you?

How is enticing a giant business come to your area Socialism? You have no clue, do you?


  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
  2. policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
  3. (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.
Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Which is why my question about whether or not a business would close their doors if taxpayers said no to subsidizing their costs was avoided. Amazon was told no but they moved there anyway.
Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.


Not to get the half billion to build the offices.

Again, the point is you support socialism for corporations.

Actually I think a State or local government can spend their money as they chose, after all, constitutionally, it's their job to take care of their own people.

Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.


Not to get the half billion to build the offices.

Again, the point is you support socialism for corporations.

Actually I think a State or local government can spend their money as they chose, after all, constitutionally, it's their job to take care of their own people.


Obviously they can. I'm not sure why you support public dollars going to support private business but that's on you.
Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.

Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.


Less than a year after abandoning HQ2 in New York City, Amazon says it's opening a new 1,500-employee office in NYC
So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.


Not to get the half billion to build the offices.

Again, the point is you support socialism for corporations.

Actually I think a State or local government can spend their money as they chose, after all, constitutionally, it's their job to take care of their own people.


Obviously they can. I'm not sure why you support public dollars going to support private business but that's on you.

It's done all the time, taxpayers build new stadiums for sports teams, and States and localities compete to get companies to move there. You're free to vote for folks that won't do that, but damn, stop your whining.

Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?

are you purposely this stupid or is your brain simply unable to function properly?
Which is why my question about whether or not a business would close their doors if taxpayers said no to subsidizing their costs was avoided. Amazon was told no but they moved there anyway.

Initially, they were moving to New York with 50,000 jobs, then I've seen 25,000 jobs.

This is their latest announcement which was in December of last year.

"Amazon announced that it would nevertheless expand operations in New York, adding 1,500 jobs and 335,000 square feet of office space."

For New York, that's a drop in the bucket.
So tell the class, how much it will cost NY for not having those 25,000 new high paying jobs?


There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.

If I recall correctly, Amazon is expanding in NYC anyway. Turns out they really wanted access to their talented and educated population.

Now they decided to go to northern VA, NY gets little or nothing.


Less than a year after abandoning HQ2 in New York City, Amazon says it's opening a new 1,500-employee office in NYC

That's not 25,000 jobs like before, is it?

There was no 25 thousand jobs. All the same, see above. The point is you support socialism for corporations.

If that's the case, which you have yet to prove, the company wouldn't have gotten all the incentives. The creation of 25,000 net new jobs, by 2028, were part of the conditions.


Not to get the half billion to build the offices.

Again, the point is you support socialism for corporations.

Actually I think a State or local government can spend their money as they chose, after all, constitutionally, it's their job to take care of their own people.


Obviously they can. I'm not sure why you support public dollars going to support private business but that's on you.

It's done all the time, taxpayers build new stadiums for sports teams, and States and localities compete to get companies to move there. You're free to vote for folks that won't do that, but damn, stop your whining.


I am voting to do that. You are the one whining about socialism while fully supporting it for corporations.

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