Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely blackmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

LOL!! AOC wanted the "NYC tax incentive amount" given to her people!! DUH! Tax incentives is how you attract corporations to spend money to rebuild blighted areas and provide good jobs. Then the cities get repaid for the tax incentives. The system requires people to work and be productive, not to sit on their asses and whine for free stuff.

I get it. You support Socialism for corporations. Are you saying that Amazon would close their doors if we quit offering them billions in socialism?
You tell me how cities bidding with tax incentives to attract corporate growth is "socialism".
I call bullshit. Democrats promising free shit instead of good jobs is socialism.

They aren't taking money from some to give to others? You also didn't answer my question. Why?

This is the fallacy in your thinking, no one is taking money from anyone, the money doesn't exist yet, it needs to be made first.
Put your thinking cap on.
1. Amazon wouldn't close their doors in NYC without $billions in tax incentives, they would NEVER BE OPENED. Amazon would build their HQ where they get the best financial deal, like in VA.

Yes the taxpayers in Virginia would be on the hook for the socialist programs. It needs to stop everywhere. More importantly, others need to stop with the hypocrisy that they do not support socialism when they do.

2. Using "Tax Incentives" is not corporate socialism, it is how business works, maximize profits to expand and grow. The corporation is willing to spend $billions, but needs to minimize expenses, so tax incentives are used to evaluate options. Why build in NYC where its twice as expensive as building in VA? NYC needs to factor in how much it will make over time from 25,000 new jobs and future property taxes to compute a reasonable tax incentive. Look at the Amazon deal in the link below

First Amazon wanted MORE than just tax incentives. They wanted tax payers money.

My question still wasn't answered. Why not?
Bernie doesn't want everything nationalized. Sheesh.

Yes, we need to cut back on what we spend on the military big time.

2020 will be Socialism vs Socialism. The only difference is one being for Socialism that excludes all but the top percentage of the country while the other including everyone.
yes bernie wants to nationalize, google it
Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production

We already have government owned utilities.
What % of utilities are owned by the Federal government?

Does it make a difference if it's federal, state or local government?

Yes it does, don't dodge the question. What percent of utilities in the US are owned by the Federal government? hint: its minimal.
Do you want Bernie to control all utilities? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to control all healthcare? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to give free healthcare to all illegals? Y/N?
Do you want all hospitals to close if Medicare for all happens? Y/N?
Socialism is a system that never works, even if Bernie claims it does, see link below

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

Bernie isn't going to control anything. I can't answer bogus questions.
LOL!! AOC wanted the "NYC tax incentive amount" given to her people!! DUH! Tax incentives is how you attract corporations to spend money to rebuild blighted areas and provide good jobs. Then the cities get repaid for the tax incentives. The system requires people to work and be productive, not to sit on their asses and whine for free stuff.

I get it. You support Socialism for corporations. Are you saying that Amazon would close their doors if we quit offering them billions in socialism?
You tell me how cities bidding with tax incentives to attract corporate growth is "socialism".
I call bullshit. Democrats promising free shit instead of good jobs is socialism.

They aren't taking money from some to give to others? You also didn't answer my question. Why?

This is the fallacy in your thinking, no one is taking money from anyone, the money doesn't exist yet, it needs to be made first.
Put your thinking cap on.
1. Amazon wouldn't close their doors in NYC without $billions in tax incentives, they would NEVER BE OPENED. Amazon would build their HQ where they get the best financial deal, like in VA.

Yes the taxpayers in Virginia would be on the hook for the socialist programs. It needs to stop everywhere. More importantly, others need to stop with the hypocrisy that they do not support socialism when they do.

2. Using "Tax Incentives" is not corporate socialism, it is how business works, maximize profits to expand and grow. The corporation is willing to spend $billions, but needs to minimize expenses, so tax incentives are used to evaluate options. Why build in NYC where its twice as expensive as building in VA? NYC needs to factor in how much it will make over time from 25,000 new jobs and future property taxes to compute a reasonable tax incentive. Look at the Amazon deal in the link below

First Amazon wanted MORE than just tax incentives. They wanted tax payers money.

My question still wasn't answered. Why not?
I answered your question in post #159 item #1.

If Amazon wanted taxpayer cash please provide a link proving it. If they did, NYC needs to factor in the net tax revenue from HQ2 including 25,000 new jobs, and $billions in new construction. Its not "socialism" its business. If NYC doesn't want it VA does.

We already have government owned utilities.
What % of utilities are owned by the Federal government?

Does it make a difference if it's federal, state or local government?

Yes it does, don't dodge the question. What percent of utilities in the US are owned by the Federal government? hint: its minimal.
Do you want Bernie to control all utilities? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to control all healthcare? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to give free healthcare to all illegals? Y/N?
Do you want all hospitals to close if Medicare for all happens? Y/N?
Socialism is a system that never works, even if Bernie claims it does, see link below

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

Bernie isn't going to control anything. I can't answer bogus questions.

Try again. Whether its "Bernie" or "Lois Lerner" or you, it won't be stakeholders and boards of directors. The questions aren't bogus.
Yes it does, don't dodge the question. What percent of utilities in the US are owned by the Federal government? hint: its minimal.
Do you want Bernie to control all utilities? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to control all healthcare? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to give free healthcare to all illegals? Y/N?
Do you want all hospitals to close if Medicare for all happens? Y/N?
Socialism is a system that never works, even if Bernie claims it does, see link below

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
You are about half right.
1. Agree "trickle down" doesn't work, and the top tax rate cut was a bad idea because it exploded the deficit and $23T Debt.
2. Agree that the top 10% benefit more than the lower 90% from tax cuts
3. Disagree about monopolies, oligarchs, and destroyed environment. The US is only 15% of the global warming problem.
4. Disagree that capitalism is destroying itself, but socialism did kill Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, etc.

I can justify conservative economic policies by pointing to the stock market, and everyone's 401Ks.
Why didn't the democrat House try to fix the deficit instead of making the deficit worse? (they control the Budget)

We do not operate under Capitalism. Our economy crashed every bit as much as Venezuela. The difference is that right now we have the huge socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.

What the Federal Reserve is doing has NOTHING to do with Capitalism.

Monetary policy is what it is. The Fed is there to keep inflation under control and has generally done a good job. The Fed does not provide guaranteed income, or use wage and price controls, or other socialist policies. They just set interest rates to promote 2% target inflation and a healthy economy. Years ago the M1 money supply was a metric, not so much today. Socialism means the economy is nationalized, and Bernie wants that, but most of us do not.

Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Sanders has never said he wants to nationalize any part of our economy.

All he has said is he wants medicare for all and to lower drug prices. That's not nationalizing anything.

Plus I don't know where that person lives but the electricity in my area is still owned by the public. PUD, which is an acronym for Public Utilty District. We didn't privatize thus we have the second lowest rates for electricity in the nation.

When anything is privatized, it costs more. A profit has to be made.

The states that did privatize sold off their electric infrastructure to private business. Infrastructure that the public built and paid for. I am glad that my area didn't do that. We control that electricity not some private company. No private company can just jack up our rates because of their greed.

There are some parts of the economy that should be and remain public owned.

They general welfare clause in our constitution gives everyone the right to health care. It's just the conservatives don't believe that's so and believe that they have the right to deny millions of Americans proper health care so that those conservatives can have cheap health care. They don't understand that if we have medicare for all that they will have inexpensive health care and so will the rest of the people in our nation. Which is the way it should be. No one should have the right to deny anyone proper health care.

The bush boy and republicans made it illegal for the government to negotiate lower drug prices and import drugs from other nations with their prescription drug program for medicare. Remove that law and we will see the price of drugs go down. Making it illegal to negotiate lower drug prices isn't capitalism. Patents on drugs also causes prices to be much higher and removes competition.

I'm not a Bernie supporter but if he gets the nomination I'll vote for him. I believe it's that important to get trump out of our White House. The man is a criminal and belongs in prison. Not our White House.
Last edited:
We do not operate under Capitalism. Our economy crashed every bit as much as Venezuela. The difference is that right now we have the huge socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.

What the Federal Reserve is doing has NOTHING to do with Capitalism.

Monetary policy is what it is. The Fed is there to keep inflation under control and has generally done a good job. The Fed does not provide guaranteed income, or use wage and price controls, or other socialist policies. They just set interest rates to promote 2% target inflation and a healthy economy. Years ago the M1 money supply was a metric, not so much today. Socialism means the economy is nationalized, and Bernie wants that, but most of us do not.

Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Sanders has never said he wants to nationalize any part of our economy.

All he has said is he wants medicare for all and to lower drug prices. That's not nationalizing anything.

Plus I don't know where that person lives but the electricity in my area is still owned by the public. PUD, which is an acronym for Public Utilty District. We didn't privatize thus we have the second lowest rates for electricity in the nation.

When anything is privatized, it costs more. A profit has to be made.

The areas that did privatize sold off their electric infrastructure to private business. Infrastructure that the public built and paid for. I am glad that my area didn't do that. We control that electricity not some private company. No private company can just jack up our rates because of their greed.

There are some parts of the economy that should be and remain public owned.

They general welfare clause in our constitution gives everyone the right to health care. It's just the conservatives don't believe that's so and believe that they have the right to deny millions of Americans proper health care so that those conservatives can have cheap health care. They don't understand that if we have medicare for all that they will have inexpensive health care and so will the rest of the people in our nation. Which is the way it should be. No one should have the right to deny anyone proper health care.

The bush boy and republicans made it illegal for the government to negotiate lower drug prices and import drugs from other nations with their prescription drug program for medicare. Remove that law and we will see the price of drugs go down. Making it illegal to negotiate lower drug prices isn't capitalism. Patents on drugs also causes prices to be much higher and removes competition.

I'm not a Bernie supporter but if he gets the nomination I'll vote for him. I believe it's that important to get trump out of our White House. The man is a criminal and belongs in prison. Not our White House.

When anything is privatized, it costs more. A profit has to be made.

Is that why we have a student loan crisis? No profits?

The bush boy and republicans made it illegal for the government to negotiate lower drug prices and import drugs from other nations with their prescription drug program for medicare.

Do you understand why those other nations get our drugs so cheaply? Why don't you explain?

Making it illegal to negotiate lower drug prices isn't capitalism.

Neither is stealing our IP.

Patents on drugs also causes prices to be much higher and removes competition.

How many drug companies would invest $2 billion in a new drug without a patent?
I get it. You support Socialism for corporations. Are you saying that Amazon would close their doors if we quit offering them billions in socialism?
You tell me how cities bidding with tax incentives to attract corporate growth is "socialism".
I call bullshit. Democrats promising free shit instead of good jobs is socialism.

They aren't taking money from some to give to others? You also didn't answer my question. Why?

This is the fallacy in your thinking, no one is taking money from anyone, the money doesn't exist yet, it needs to be made first.
Put your thinking cap on.
1. Amazon wouldn't close their doors in NYC without $billions in tax incentives, they would NEVER BE OPENED. Amazon would build their HQ where they get the best financial deal, like in VA.

Yes the taxpayers in Virginia would be on the hook for the socialist programs. It needs to stop everywhere. More importantly, others need to stop with the hypocrisy that they do not support socialism when they do.

2. Using "Tax Incentives" is not corporate socialism, it is how business works, maximize profits to expand and grow. The corporation is willing to spend $billions, but needs to minimize expenses, so tax incentives are used to evaluate options. Why build in NYC where its twice as expensive as building in VA? NYC needs to factor in how much it will make over time from 25,000 new jobs and future property taxes to compute a reasonable tax incentive. Look at the Amazon deal in the link below

First Amazon wanted MORE than just tax incentives. They wanted tax payers money.

My question still wasn't answered. Why not?
I answered your question in post #159 item #1.

If Amazon wanted taxpayer cash please provide a link proving it. If they did, NYC needs to factor in the net tax revenue from HQ2 including 25,000 new jobs, and $billions in new construction. Its not "socialism" its business. If NYC doesn't want it VA does.

It's been covered extensively.
Steve Cowder of all people has debunked the leftist myth about the economy

And yet you couldn’t defend republican economics if your life depended on it.

You dumb ass, lower level wages are increasing faster than mid and upper level management. Very low unemployment forces wages higher as companies compete for labor. You just keep ignoring reality and displaying your ignorance.


Upper level management? Yeah right. The reality is that 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The child poverty is the worst in the developed world.

The reality is Americans aren't taught to budget and buy into instant gratification instead of saving for what they want. People live pay check to pay check because they chose to do so. I was one of those folks at one time, but I made the decision to get off the hamster wheel, if I have a big unexpected expense I have the money in the bank to pay for it. That doesn't happen by accident. It takes planning and discipline.

BTW don't think your ignoring that lower level wages are going up faster than any other went unnoticed. So feel free to keep spewing your propaganda, you're a waste of good oxygen.

Huh?? Please enlighten me on that one.
Trump cut taxes, is pro-life, appoints conservative judges, protects us from illegal immigrants, supports the military, is for less government regulation, and on and on, please see the link below.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Trump never had the support of the Republicans in congress.
Some of them claim they support him....but they're usually the quickest to criticize him if he does something they don't agree with...which is quite often.
Bernie is as far left as you can far left that his party has been undermining him for 4 years.
Trump is in the same boat....bucking the system and getting stabbed in the back by the establishment.

OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely balckmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.

Trump never had the support of the Republicans in congress.
Some of them claim they support him....but they're usually the quickest to criticize him if he does something they don't agree with...which is quite often.
Bernie is as far left as you can far left that his party has been undermining him for 4 years.
Trump is in the same boat....bucking the system and getting stabbed in the back by the establishment.

OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely balckmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.


Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?
Steve Cowder of all people has debunked the leftist myth about the economy

And yet you couldn’t defend republican economics if your life depended on it.

You dumb ass, lower level wages are increasing faster than mid and upper level management. Very low unemployment forces wages higher as companies compete for labor. You just keep ignoring reality and displaying your ignorance.


Upper level management? Yeah right. The reality is that 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The child poverty is the worst in the developed world.

The reality is Americans aren't taught to budget and buy into instant gratification instead of saving for what they want. People live pay check to pay check because they chose to do so. I was one of those folks at one time, but I made the decision to get off the hamster wheel, if I have a big unexpected expense I have the money in the bank to pay for it. That doesn't happen by accident. It takes planning and discipline.

BTW don't think your ignoring that lower level wages are going up faster than any other went unnoticed. So feel free to keep spewing your propaganda, you're a waste of good oxygen.


Uh see that doesn’t explain why that high statistic didn’t exist in decades prior.
Steve Cowder of all people has debunked the leftist myth about the economy

And yet you couldn’t defend republican economics if your life depended on it.

You dumb ass, lower level wages are increasing faster than mid and upper level management. Very low unemployment forces wages higher as companies compete for labor. You just keep ignoring reality and displaying your ignorance.


Upper level management? Yeah right. The reality is that 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The child poverty is the worst in the developed world.

The reality is Americans aren't taught to budget and buy into instant gratification instead of saving for what they want. People live pay check to pay check because they chose to do so. I was one of those folks at one time, but I made the decision to get off the hamster wheel, if I have a big unexpected expense I have the money in the bank to pay for it. That doesn't happen by accident. It takes planning and discipline.

BTW don't think your ignoring that lower level wages are going up faster than any other went unnoticed. So feel free to keep spewing your propaganda, you're a waste of good oxygen.


Uh see that doesn’t explain why that high statistic didn’t exist in decades prior.

As you know, it was failed former President Barack Hussein Obama's policies in place for that decade.
What you're forgetting are all the illegals to get free healthcare because of open borders.
Then you're forgetting that the hospitals would all close, so who would get any healthcare?

Fact check: Delaney’s debate claim that ‘Medicare For All’ will shutter hospitals goes overboard
Who, exactly, wants “open borders?” That’s just some non sense you say because someone tells you how stupid the wall idea is.

For Christ sake, you need to pay attention.
2020 Democrats all have the same immigration position: Open borders
So just so we are clear, you think that democrats want to end border security altogether? That’s just stupid lol. No democrat is saying that.
lol No, they're not saying they want to end border security, they're just opposed to anything that might provide border security.
Because it’s not needed. Migration from Mexico - legal or illegal - has been declining since 2008.
Illegal immigration needs to be "0" not declining. If we need more workers they can be vetted so nobody comes to this country to be on welfare.
OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely balckmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.


Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.

Steve Cowder of all people has debunked the leftist myth about the economy

And yet you couldn’t defend republican economics if your life depended on it.

You dumb ass, lower level wages are increasing faster than mid and upper level management. Very low unemployment forces wages higher as companies compete for labor. You just keep ignoring reality and displaying your ignorance.


Upper level management? Yeah right. The reality is that 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The child poverty is the worst in the developed world.

The reality is Americans aren't taught to budget and buy into instant gratification instead of saving for what they want. People live pay check to pay check because they chose to do so. I was one of those folks at one time, but I made the decision to get off the hamster wheel, if I have a big unexpected expense I have the money in the bank to pay for it. That doesn't happen by accident. It takes planning and discipline.

BTW don't think your ignoring that lower level wages are going up faster than any other went unnoticed. So feel free to keep spewing your propaganda, you're a waste of good oxygen.


Uh see that doesn’t explain why that high statistic didn’t exist in decades prior.

It did exist, your masters just weren't harping about it. How about you provide a link showing it didn't exist.

Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?

Billy? Take your head out of your ass! The economy under Trump is doing great. I know you don't want to hear that. I know you've been told that wouldn't happen but it is happening and I don't think it's going to change anytime soon. People have jobs. People are getting raises. Prices are stable. The economy has always been Kryptonite for you liberals. You don't get never never will...
Steve Cowder of all people has debunked the leftist myth about the economy

And yet you couldn’t defend republican economics if your life depended on it.

Poor Billy people are working good-paying jobs middle-class Americans are making over $5,000.00 a year more since Trump has been President for all 8 years of obama $1,000.00 a year more.Historical low unemployment and people are still be hired.
That was a might big wand Trump had that obama said he would need to bring those jobs back.
Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely balckmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

You seem to be as ignorant as AOC on incentives. A company gets nothing unless they perform as promised and contribute to infrastructure and job creation. NY lost potentially thousands of good paying jobs and billions in taxes over time.


Of course they still get it. Many, don't call me ignorant. They get the money whether they succeed or fail. Are you going to argue that Solyndra met all it's goals for the money they got?

Solyndra wasn't given incentives, it was given cash by the maobama admin, it has nothing to do with how State and local incentives work. Take a peak at Foxcon, they have received nothing from MN because they haven't held up their end of the bargain. The same would have applied with Amazon in NY. So don't try to conflate the two, it's apples and oranges.


Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?
Amazon wanted cash.

New York State had also promised a $505 million capital grant to reimburse Amazon for the costs associated with building its office space.

This is what Amazon’s ‘HQ2’ was going to cost New York taxpayers

Taxpayers should not be on the hook for building a company's offices. Again, you are fine with socialism as long as it is going to billion dollar corporations.

Would Amazon closed their doors if all cities said "No" build your own buildings and pay taxes like everyone else?

Not if all cities say no, but there are many cities that would LOVE to have 25,000 high paying jobs come to their community.

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