Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?

Conservative supply trickle down economics always harms or destroys economies. It never benefits anyone beyond the already filthy rich.

It always explodes the deficit and debt.

The only result of their economics of little or no regulation on business is monopolies, oligarchs and a destroyed environment .

Without proper regulation and taxation on business and the rich, capitalism destroys itself along with the economy.

Anyone who has taken an economics 101 class knows this.

There is no honest and logical way to justify conservative economic policy. It's the most irresponsible economic policy.

You are about half right.
1. Agree "trickle down" doesn't work, and the top tax rate cut was a bad idea because it exploded the deficit and $23T Debt.
2. Agree that the top 10% benefit more than the lower 90% from tax cuts
3. Disagree about monopolies, oligarchs, and destroyed environment. The US is only 15% of the global warming problem.
4. Disagree that capitalism is destroying itself, but socialism did kill Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, etc.

I can justify conservative economic policies by pointing to the stock market, and everyone's 401Ks.
Why didn't the democrat House try to fix the deficit instead of making the deficit worse? (they control the Budget)

We do not operate under Capitalism. Our economy crashed every bit as much as Venezuela. The difference is that right now we have the huge socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.

What the Federal Reserve is doing has NOTHING to do with Capitalism.

Monetary policy is what it is. The Fed is there to keep inflation under control and has generally done a good job. The Fed does not provide guaranteed income, or use wage and price controls, or other socialist policies. They just set interest rates to promote 2% target inflation and a healthy economy. Years ago the M1 money supply was a metric, not so much today. Socialism means the economy is nationalized, and Bernie wants that, but most of us do not.

Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?

You made my counter argument when you said “we are a consumer-driven economy” if your alternative to a supply side economy requires income earners to take home less pay, incur higher energy costs, and a spike in healthcare costs.
Conservative supply trickle down economics always harms or destroys economies. It never benefits anyone beyond the already filthy rich.

It always explodes the deficit and debt.

The only result of their economics of little or no regulation on business is monopolies, oligarchs and a destroyed environment .

Without proper regulation and taxation on business and the rich, capitalism destroys itself along with the economy.

Anyone who has taken an economics 101 class knows this.

There is no honest and logical way to justify conservative economic policy. It's the most irresponsible economic policy.

You are about half right.
1. Agree "trickle down" doesn't work, and the top tax rate cut was a bad idea because it exploded the deficit and $23T Debt.
2. Agree that the top 10% benefit more than the lower 90% from tax cuts
3. Disagree about monopolies, oligarchs, and destroyed environment. The US is only 15% of the global warming problem.
4. Disagree that capitalism is destroying itself, but socialism did kill Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, etc.

I can justify conservative economic policies by pointing to the stock market, and everyone's 401Ks.
Why didn't the democrat House try to fix the deficit instead of making the deficit worse? (they control the Budget)

We do not operate under Capitalism. Our economy crashed every bit as much as Venezuela. The difference is that right now we have the huge socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.

What the Federal Reserve is doing has NOTHING to do with Capitalism.

Monetary policy is what it is. The Fed is there to keep inflation under control and has generally done a good job. The Fed does not provide guaranteed income, or use wage and price controls, or other socialist policies. They just set interest rates to promote 2% target inflation and a healthy economy. Years ago the M1 money supply was a metric, not so much today. Socialism means the economy is nationalized, and Bernie wants that, but most of us do not.

Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.
Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

Meanwhile the Mexicrat Party remains steadfast in recruiting, importing and pitting disgusting wetbacks against American middleclassers...Look to the filthy shithole of Mexifornia for a fine example...There is no have dirty wetbacks, homeless blacks, poor, weird, faggot white trash and the rich. Thanks Mexicrats.
Why can’t you even attempt to defend republicans?
Trump isn't really a Republican.

Huh?? Please enlighten me on that one.
Trump cut taxes, is pro-life, appoints conservative judges, protects us from illegal immigrants, supports the military, is for less government regulation, and on and on, please see the link below.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Trump never had the support of the Republicans in congress.
Some of them claim they support him....but they're usually the quickest to criticize him if he does something they don't agree with...which is quite often.
Bernie is as far left as you can far left that his party has been undermining him for 4 years.
Trump is in the same boat....bucking the system and getting stabbed in the back by the establishment.

OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.
Trump isn't really a Republican.

Huh?? Please enlighten me on that one.
Trump cut taxes, is pro-life, appoints conservative judges, protects us from illegal immigrants, supports the military, is for less government regulation, and on and on, please see the link below.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Trump never had the support of the Republicans in congress.
Some of them claim they support him....but they're usually the quickest to criticize him if he does something they don't agree with...which is quite often.
Bernie is as far left as you can far left that his party has been undermining him for 4 years.
Trump is in the same boat....bucking the system and getting stabbed in the back by the establishment.

OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely balckmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.
You are about half right.
1. Agree "trickle down" doesn't work, and the top tax rate cut was a bad idea because it exploded the deficit and $23T Debt.
2. Agree that the top 10% benefit more than the lower 90% from tax cuts
3. Disagree about monopolies, oligarchs, and destroyed environment. The US is only 15% of the global warming problem.
4. Disagree that capitalism is destroying itself, but socialism did kill Venezuela, Cuba, the USSR, etc.

I can justify conservative economic policies by pointing to the stock market, and everyone's 401Ks.
Why didn't the democrat House try to fix the deficit instead of making the deficit worse? (they control the Budget)

We do not operate under Capitalism. Our economy crashed every bit as much as Venezuela. The difference is that right now we have the huge socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.

What the Federal Reserve is doing has NOTHING to do with Capitalism.

Monetary policy is what it is. The Fed is there to keep inflation under control and has generally done a good job. The Fed does not provide guaranteed income, or use wage and price controls, or other socialist policies. They just set interest rates to promote 2% target inflation and a healthy economy. Years ago the M1 money supply was a metric, not so much today. Socialism means the economy is nationalized, and Bernie wants that, but most of us do not.

Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Every other "first world" country doesn't spend as much on its military as the next 10 do, nor have a $23T Debt. They do have much higher taxes, and I agree US tax rates need to increase. The US also needs to fund Medicare and Social Security currently going bankrupt in 2026 and 2032 respectively. The other 1st world countries do not have everything nationalized like Bernie wants to do. 2020 will be Armageddon because its socialism vs capitalism.
We do not operate under Capitalism. Our economy crashed every bit as much as Venezuela. The difference is that right now we have the huge socialist actions of the Federal Reserve.

What the Federal Reserve is doing has NOTHING to do with Capitalism.

Monetary policy is what it is. The Fed is there to keep inflation under control and has generally done a good job. The Fed does not provide guaranteed income, or use wage and price controls, or other socialist policies. They just set interest rates to promote 2% target inflation and a healthy economy. Years ago the M1 money supply was a metric, not so much today. Socialism means the economy is nationalized, and Bernie wants that, but most of us do not.

Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Every other "first world" country doesn't spend as much on its military as the next 10 do, nor have a $23T Debt. They do have much higher taxes, and I agree US tax rates need to increase. The US also needs to fund Medicare and Social Security currently going bankrupt in 2026 and 2032 respectively. The other 1st world countries do not have everything nationalized like Bernie wants to do. 2020 will be Armageddon because its socialism vs capitalism.

Bernie doesn't want everything nationalized. Sheesh.

Yes, we need to cut back on what we spend on the military big time.

2020 will be Socialism vs Socialism. The only difference is one being for Socialism that excludes all but the top percentage of the country while the other including everyone.
Huh?? Please enlighten me on that one.
Trump cut taxes, is pro-life, appoints conservative judges, protects us from illegal immigrants, supports the military, is for less government regulation, and on and on, please see the link below.

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
Trump never had the support of the Republicans in congress.
Some of them claim they support him....but they're usually the quickest to criticize him if he does something they don't agree with...which is quite often.
Bernie is as far left as you can far left that his party has been undermining him for 4 years.
Trump is in the same boat....bucking the system and getting stabbed in the back by the establishment.

OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely blackmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

LOL!! AOC wanted the "NYC tax incentive amount" given to her people!! DUH! Tax incentives is how you attract corporations to spend money to rebuild blighted areas and provide good jobs. Then the cities get repaid for the tax incentives. The system requires people to work and be productive, not to sit on their asses and whine for free stuff.
Trump never had the support of the Republicans in congress.
Some of them claim they support him....but they're usually the quickest to criticize him if he does something they don't agree with...which is quite often.
Bernie is as far left as you can far left that his party has been undermining him for 4 years.
Trump is in the same boat....bucking the system and getting stabbed in the back by the establishment.

OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely blackmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

LOL!! AOC wanted the "NYC tax incentive amount" given to her people!! DUH! Tax incentives is how you attract corporations to spend money to rebuild blighted areas and provide good jobs. Then the cities get repaid for the tax incentives. The system requires people to work and be productive, not to sit on their asses and whine for free stuff.

I get it. You support Socialism for corporations. Are you saying that Amazon would close their doors if we quit offering them billions in socialism?
Monetary policy is what it is. The Fed is there to keep inflation under control and has generally done a good job. The Fed does not provide guaranteed income, or use wage and price controls, or other socialist policies. They just set interest rates to promote 2% target inflation and a healthy economy. Years ago the M1 money supply was a metric, not so much today. Socialism means the economy is nationalized, and Bernie wants that, but most of us do not.

Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Every other "first world" country doesn't spend as much on its military as the next 10 do, nor have a $23T Debt. They do have much higher taxes, and I agree US tax rates need to increase. The US also needs to fund Medicare and Social Security currently going bankrupt in 2026 and 2032 respectively. The other 1st world countries do not have everything nationalized like Bernie wants to do. 2020 will be Armageddon because its socialism vs capitalism.

Bernie doesn't want everything nationalized. Sheesh.

Yes, we need to cut back on what we spend on the military big time.

2020 will be Socialism vs Socialism. The only difference is one being for Socialism that excludes all but the top percentage of the country while the other including everyone.
yes bernie wants to nationalize, google it
Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production
Of course they are providing a guaranteed income. It's just that it only goes to the rich for the most part. Bernie has only argued to further socialize the parts of the economy already socialized to help the lower classes offset the huge gains the Federal Reserve and other socialist programs have done for the upper classes.

We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Every other "first world" country doesn't spend as much on its military as the next 10 do, nor have a $23T Debt. They do have much higher taxes, and I agree US tax rates need to increase. The US also needs to fund Medicare and Social Security currently going bankrupt in 2026 and 2032 respectively. The other 1st world countries do not have everything nationalized like Bernie wants to do. 2020 will be Armageddon because its socialism vs capitalism.

Bernie doesn't want everything nationalized. Sheesh.

Yes, we need to cut back on what we spend on the military big time.

2020 will be Socialism vs Socialism. The only difference is one being for Socialism that excludes all but the top percentage of the country while the other including everyone.
yes bernie wants to nationalize, google it
Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production

We already have government owned utilities.
OK, we're on the same page. Ryan and his globalist RINOs were opposed to Trump's populism, promoting the US economy, and Tariffs, over easy profits moving factories overseas and using cheap Mexican labor, like Mitt and his Bain Capital as an example. Big donors balked at Trump's "populist" policies. Fuck them.
The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital

Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely blackmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

LOL!! AOC wanted the "NYC tax incentive amount" given to her people!! DUH! Tax incentives is how you attract corporations to spend money to rebuild blighted areas and provide good jobs. Then the cities get repaid for the tax incentives. The system requires people to work and be productive, not to sit on their asses and whine for free stuff.

I get it. You support Socialism for corporations. Are you saying that Amazon would close their doors if we quit offering them billions in socialism?
You tell me how cities bidding with tax incentives to attract corporate growth is "socialism".
I call bullshit. Democrats promising free shit instead of good jobs is socialism.
Trump has done nothing about the jobs sent overseas. Having them move from China to Thailand does not address that issue.

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely blackmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

LOL!! AOC wanted the "NYC tax incentive amount" given to her people!! DUH! Tax incentives is how you attract corporations to spend money to rebuild blighted areas and provide good jobs. Then the cities get repaid for the tax incentives. The system requires people to work and be productive, not to sit on their asses and whine for free stuff.

I get it. You support Socialism for corporations. Are you saying that Amazon would close their doors if we quit offering them billions in socialism?
You tell me how cities bidding with tax incentives to attract corporate growth is "socialism".
I call bullshit. Democrats promising free shit instead of good jobs is socialism.

They aren't taking money from some to give to others? You also didn't answer my question. Why?
We're arguing about tax policy, not the Fed's policies regarding "capitalism".
The top rate needs to be increased and/or a VAT added to cover spending and reduce the $23T Debt.

Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

I disagree that Bernie's plan to nationalize large parts of the economy (utilities, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, etc.) will help anyone. Hospitals will close, open borders will ruin the labor market, and the wealthy will just move. Bernie is a total disaster.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Every other "first world" country doesn't spend as much on its military as the next 10 do, nor have a $23T Debt. They do have much higher taxes, and I agree US tax rates need to increase. The US also needs to fund Medicare and Social Security currently going bankrupt in 2026 and 2032 respectively. The other 1st world countries do not have everything nationalized like Bernie wants to do. 2020 will be Armageddon because its socialism vs capitalism.

Bernie doesn't want everything nationalized. Sheesh.

Yes, we need to cut back on what we spend on the military big time.

2020 will be Socialism vs Socialism. The only difference is one being for Socialism that excludes all but the top percentage of the country while the other including everyone.
yes bernie wants to nationalize, google it
Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production

We already have government owned utilities.
What % of utilities are owned by the Federal government?
Trump will do none of that. Bernie might.

Here is your argument. Every first world country does what Sanders is supporting. Your argument is that even though every other first world country in the world can do these things, "The greatest country in the world" can not.

Every other "first world" country doesn't spend as much on its military as the next 10 do, nor have a $23T Debt. They do have much higher taxes, and I agree US tax rates need to increase. The US also needs to fund Medicare and Social Security currently going bankrupt in 2026 and 2032 respectively. The other 1st world countries do not have everything nationalized like Bernie wants to do. 2020 will be Armageddon because its socialism vs capitalism.

Bernie doesn't want everything nationalized. Sheesh.

Yes, we need to cut back on what we spend on the military big time.

2020 will be Socialism vs Socialism. The only difference is one being for Socialism that excludes all but the top percentage of the country while the other including everyone.
yes bernie wants to nationalize, google it
Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production

We already have government owned utilities.
What % of utilities are owned by the Federal government?

Does it make a difference if it's federal, state or local government?
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?

The same deregulation that caused the meltdown in 2007 us taking place again.

The same tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that lead to the housing bubble are in place.

The same mistakes are being made.

The same deregulation that caused the meltdown in 2007 us taking place again.

Which regulations were removed?
How did they cause the meltdown?

The same tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that lead to the housing bubble are in place.

Rates were lower in 1986, why was there no housing bubble then?

Banks have to keep less money on hand than they did under Obama. Thus more is available to wheel and deal. The meltdown was caused by mortgage backed securities being bought and sold as other investments which was one of the ways they invested their depositor's monies; when people defaulted on their mortgage...the securities that banks bought were worthless. Thus the bailout was needed--that and when they held the loan; that lack of income made the problem more pronounced.

Banks have to keep less money on hand than they did under Obama.

How much less? Link?
Capital requirements are much higher now than they were in 2007.
Liquidity requirements too.

The meltdown was caused by mortgage backed securities being bought and sold as other investments which was one of the ways they invested their depositor's monies; when people defaulted on their mortgage...the securities that banks bought were worthless.

Whether banks bought MBS or held the original mortgage, the impact of default was the same.

Thanks to the regulations instituted by Obama. The blob has relaxed them. And we're on the same road as we were under Bush. We all know how that ended.

Thanks for confirming your ignorance by avoiding my questions.
Steve Cowder of all people has debunked the leftist myth about the economy

Trump's tariffs, new trade agreements, tax policies, and repatriated $billions, is making the US more attractive for jobs.
Amazon wanted to build a new HQ in NYC and the idiot socialists like AOC said NO, and the HQ went to VA. Trump's policies helped job growth. But now that the US is at "full employment" the job growth has slowed. Hopefully wages will now grow. Boeing's 737max problem isn't helping either.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

I'm not going to rehash Amazon but they wanted MASSIVE socialist programs to move to NYC and it was largely blackmail for others to give them "incentives". That you support massive socialism for large corporations but not for people struggling is a large part of the problem.

LOL!! AOC wanted the "NYC tax incentive amount" given to her people!! DUH! Tax incentives is how you attract corporations to spend money to rebuild blighted areas and provide good jobs. Then the cities get repaid for the tax incentives. The system requires people to work and be productive, not to sit on their asses and whine for free stuff.

I get it. You support Socialism for corporations. Are you saying that Amazon would close their doors if we quit offering them billions in socialism?
You tell me how cities bidding with tax incentives to attract corporate growth is "socialism".
I call bullshit. Democrats promising free shit instead of good jobs is socialism.

They aren't taking money from some to give to others? You also didn't answer my question. Why?

This is the fallacy in your thinking, no one is taking money from anyone, the money doesn't exist yet, it needs to be made first.
Put your thinking cap on.
1. Amazon wouldn't close their doors in NYC without $billions in tax incentives, they would NEVER BE OPENED. Amazon would build their HQ where they get the best financial deal, like in VA.

2. Using "Tax Incentives" is not corporate socialism, it is how business works, maximize profits to expand and grow. The corporation is willing to spend $billions, but needs to minimize expenses, so tax incentives are used to evaluate options. Why build in NYC where its twice as expensive as building in VA? NYC needs to factor in how much it will make over time from 25,000 new jobs and future property taxes to compute a reasonable tax incentive. Look at the Amazon deal in the link below

See the waterfront site in Long Island City where Amazon will bring its new mixed-use campus | 6sqft
Every other "first world" country doesn't spend as much on its military as the next 10 do, nor have a $23T Debt. They do have much higher taxes, and I agree US tax rates need to increase. The US also needs to fund Medicare and Social Security currently going bankrupt in 2026 and 2032 respectively. The other 1st world countries do not have everything nationalized like Bernie wants to do. 2020 will be Armageddon because its socialism vs capitalism.

Bernie doesn't want everything nationalized. Sheesh.

Yes, we need to cut back on what we spend on the military big time.

2020 will be Socialism vs Socialism. The only difference is one being for Socialism that excludes all but the top percentage of the country while the other including everyone.
yes bernie wants to nationalize, google it
Power to the people: Bernie calls for federal takeover of electricity production

We already have government owned utilities.
What % of utilities are owned by the Federal government?

Does it make a difference if it's federal, state or local government?

Yes it does, don't dodge the question. What percent of utilities in the US are owned by the Federal government? hint: its minimal.
Do you want Bernie to control all utilities? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to control all healthcare? Y/N?
Do you want Bernie to give free healthcare to all illegals? Y/N?
Do you want all hospitals to close if Medicare for all happens? Y/N?
Socialism is a system that never works, even if Bernie claims it does, see link below

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist

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