Do voters understand that GOP economics is a catastrophe in the making?

Are you really that stupid? 90% of illegals are now seeking asylum.

No they aren't. If they get asylum they lose their jobs to new illegals.

That's way too stupid for anyone to understand.

You understand what I said.

Yep, I understand it was way too stupid to make any sense.

There are somewhere around 20 million here not seeking asylum.

And those 20 million got here before you idiots decided to abuse asylum.
So just so we are clear, you think that democrats want to end border security altogether? That’s just stupid lol. No democrat is saying that.
lol No, they're not saying they want to end border security, they're just opposed to anything that might provide border security.
Because it’s not needed. Migration from Mexico - legal or illegal - has been declining since 2008.

Border security is needed. The CBP numbers are way higher than the source you're quoting.
Uh you do know that detainments are up because of Trump’s cruel and pointless policy of detaining kids here INDEFINITELY right?

Uh, you obviously don't know how to read a graph. Hint: its the red 2020 line
Apprehensions are way down due to the wall and Mexico's new policy of stopping illegals before they reach the US.
No they aren't. If they get asylum they lose their jobs to new illegals.

That's way too stupid for anyone to understand.

You understand what I said.

Yep, I understand it was way too stupid to make any sense.

There are somewhere around 20 million here not seeking asylum.

And those 20 million got here before you idiots decided to abuse asylum.

I've never had anything to do with asylum.
You heard Nancy Pelosi say building the wall is immoral, so it's a dead issue now, right?

I asked you what you thought.
I think with some modifications, it is a good idea and President Trump detailed those modifications in his 2018 SOTU address/

I don't recall a path to citizenship.
There was a path to citizenship for 1,800,000 who came here as children, but not for those who came here illegally as adults. That's fair and just.

Trump is trying to end that. There never was a real path because Obama like with everything else didn't live up to his word.
No, the DACA children comprise only about 800,000 people, but President Trump wanted to add another 1,000,000 to them and provide a path to citizenship for all of them as a part of his immigration reform, which is very much like the immigration reform the Democrats championed in Schumer's 2013 bill. President Trump's proposal and Schumer's proposal were alike in many ways. Both wanted merit based immigration, both wanted a border fence, but Schumer wanted a path to citizenship for all illegals and the Republicans in Congress would not go for that. Trump's proposal was a solid basis for negotiations and compromise, but the Democrats had no interest in having anything substantial passed while Trump was in office, so now they just back open borders and noone has a path to citizenship.
I asked you what you thought.
I think with some modifications, it is a good idea and President Trump detailed those modifications in his 2018 SOTU address/

I don't recall a path to citizenship.
There was a path to citizenship for 1,800,000 who came here as children, but not for those who came here illegally as adults. That's fair and just.

Trump is trying to end that. There never was a real path because Obama like with everything else didn't live up to his word.
No, the DACA children comprise only about 800,000 people, but President Trump wanted to add another 1,000,000 to them and provide a path to citizenship for all of them as a part of his immigration reform, which is very much like the immigration reform the Democrats championed in Schumer's 2013 bill. President Trump's proposal and Schumer's proposal were alike in many ways. Both wanted merit based immigration, both wanted a border fence, but Schumer wanted a path to citizenship for all illegals and the Republicans in Congress would not go for that. Trump's proposal was a solid basis for negotiations and compromise, but the Democrats had no interest in having anything substantial passed while Trump was in office, so now they just back open borders and noone has a path to citizenship.

Of course they are not for making the millions here legal. If they did that and nothing else millions more would come to take their jobs.
That's way too stupid for anyone to understand.

You understand what I said.

Yep, I understand it was way too stupid to make any sense.

There are somewhere around 20 million here not seeking asylum.

And those 20 million got here before you idiots decided to abuse asylum.

I've never had anything to do with asylum.

Steve Cowder of all people has debunked the leftist myth about the economy

And yet you couldn’t defend republican economics if your life depended on it.

You dumb ass, lower level wages are increasing faster than mid and upper level management. Very low unemployment forces wages higher as companies compete for labor. You just keep ignoring reality and displaying your ignorance.

Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?

Conservative supply trickle down economics always harms or destroys economies. It never benefits anyone beyond the already filthy rich.

It always explodes the deficit and debt.

The only result of their economics of little or no regulation on business is monopolies, oligarchs and a destroyed environment .

Without proper regulation and taxation on business and the rich, capitalism destroys itself along with the economy.

Anyone who has taken an economics 101 class knows this.

There is no honest and logical way to justify conservative economic policy. It's the most irresponsible economic policy.
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?
One can’t.
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?
The policy of both parties to inundate our borders with cheap labor is deleterious to our economy.
If you support every policy the Ds vote for in this respect, you are an idiot.
So just so we are clear, you think that democrats want to end border security altogether? That’s just stupid lol. No democrat is saying that.
lol No, they're not saying they want to end border security, they're just opposed to anything that might provide border security.
Because it’s not needed. Migration from Mexico - legal or illegal - has been declining since 2008.

Border security is needed. The CBP numbers are way higher than the source you're quoting.

Uh you do know that detainments are up because of Trump’s cruel and pointless policy of detaining kids here INDEFINITELY right?

I would like to point out that you have allowed the far right radical extremists to change the subject of this thread.

It's not about a wall, immigration or the border.

It's about conservative economic policy.

Don't let them derail the thread.
So just so we are clear, you think that democrats want to end border security altogether? That’s just stupid lol. No democrat is saying that.
lol No, they're not saying they want to end border security, they're just opposed to anything that might provide border security.
Because it’s not needed. Migration from Mexico - legal or illegal - has been declining since 2008.

Border security is needed. The CBP numbers are way higher than the source you're quoting.

Uh you do know that detainments are up because of Trump’s cruel and pointless policy of detaining kids here INDEFINITELY right?

I would like to point out that you have allowed the far right radical extremists to change the subject of this thread.

It's not about a wall, immigration or the border.

It's about conservative economic policy.

Don't let them derail the thread.
You have an accounting degree, supposedly. What exactly is wrong with a free markets economy?
What you're forgetting are all the illegals to get free healthcare because of open borders.
Then you're forgetting that the hospitals would all close, so who would get any healthcare?

Fact check: Delaney’s debate claim that ‘Medicare For All’ will shutter hospitals goes overboard
Who, exactly, wants “open borders?” That’s just some non sense you say because someone tells you how stupid the wall idea is.

For Christ sake, you need to pay attention.
2020 Democrats all have the same immigration position: Open borders
So just so we are clear, you think that democrats want to end border security altogether? That’s just stupid lol. No democrat is saying that.

I see, so apparently clicking on the link is too much work. They may not be "saying" it but Democrats never put forth any policy that would prevent the hundreds of thousands of unknown people streaming into the U.S.
If they aren’t saying it, why would I bother with the link of some rightwing bullshit blog? Migration from Mexico has been declining since 2008. In fact, just as many Mexicans have LEFT the US. Just because illegal immigration still happens, it doesn’t mean it is some crisis you need to shit your pants about.
Apparently, you don’t live in Florida or NY.
Let’s put aside the merits of leftwing American politics. We’ll just agree to disagree on that for now. Let’s just discuss the viability of GOP economics which is the fantasy of trickledown/supply side economics. Sure that shit sounds good until - you know - one thinks about it from a logical standpoint. Giving corporations more capital to sell products doesn’t somehow translate into more demand from the consumers. That isn’t how economics work. Our economy is a CONSUMER driven economy. It depends on people spending money. That is how it has ALWAYS worked. Corporations in this day age are wealthier than ever before. That means that when they get big tax breaks, they don’t invest the money they save. Why? Because it’s easier to just keep it. Why invest in labor if they are already wealthier than ever before?

Doesn’t it bother republicans that the GOP does NOTHING for the middle class? A strong middle class is how you keep this economy viable because they are the biggest CONSUMERS. A time will come when this economy will fail because of GOP economics. Rich people can’t stay rich if the wages of the middle class and poor remain way behind on inflation.

How can one possibly justify GOP policy?
One can’t.
You can’t because you’re an idiot. Explain what is wrong with a free markets economy?
People need to keep in mind that the geniuses who came up with the term 'trickle down' economics are the same people who are telling us the world will end in 12 years. They also thought it was a great idea to get rid of manufacturing jobs and importing people in poverty. A previous poster said economics isn't left or right, it just is. Choices and competition give people more opportunity and better prices. Huge central governments create poverty, unemployment, and skyrocketing prices. Communists in bow ties keep trying to sell putting the government in charge of everything would somehow lessen the price of goods and services, and that is patently false.
Lol do you notice how only the GOP passes the kind of economic laws they do? You noticed that right? That is GOP economics.

Look up the "Laffer curve"'s quite simple...and pure logic.

There is really no arguing it. It's too pure & simple.

It's not left or just IS.
Republicans do nothing for the middle class but Democrats will tax the shit out of them. How is that helping them.

Why lie? Who has done more for the lower and middle class than President Donald Trump?

Trump signs bill restoring funding for black colleges
By Collin Binkley - Associated Press - Thursday, December 19, 2019

President Donald Trump on Thursday signed a bipartisan bill that will permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities, along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students.

In signing the bill, Trump said historically black schools have “never had better champions in the White House.”

“When I took office, I promised to fight for HBCUs, and my administration continues to deliver,” Trump said. “A few months ago, funding for HBCUs was in jeopardy. But the White House and Congress came together and reached a historic agreement.”


The November hiring surge pushed incomes for Americans higher last month.
20 Dec 2019

Incomes rose by half a percentage point in November, above economists’ forecasts and much better than the soft readings in September and October. This was the strongest gain since July, according to data from the Commerce Department on Friday.

Consumer spending rose at a 0.4 percent annual rate last month, led by a jump in spending on big-ticket durable goods like autos and appliances.

The higher spending is not due to rising prices. Inflation, as measured by the Federal Reserve’s preferred price indicator, is still running well below the Fed’s 2 percent target. It came in at just 1.5 percent for November compared with a year ago.

And despite the rise in consumer spending, Americans are saving more. The saving rate edged up to 7.9 percent of after-tax income in November.


US-China phase 1 trade deal: Beijing agrees to buy $200 billion in US products
By Michelle Toh, CNN Business
11 hrs ago [Jan 16. 2020]

China has agreed to buy hundreds of billions of dollars worth of products from the United States as part of their "phase one" trade deal.

The agreement signed Wednesday will have Beijing purchase an additional $200 billion of US goods and services over the next two years.

The increase in purchases will be compared to 2017, before the trade war started. China imported over $185 billion in total US goods and services that year.

In exchange, Washington has agreed to reduce tariffs on $120 billion in Chinese products from 15% to 7.5%.

Taken together, the phased purchases by China would result in a dramatic surge in US exports. Total exports to China would increase to over $260 billion in 2020, and roughly $310 billion in 2021 if the deal holds



Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories


HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony — But NOT Nancy Pelosi
by Jim Hoft January 29, 2020
President Trump signed the historic USMCA Trade Agreement on Wednesday at the White House.

The trade agreement replaces the disastrous NAFTA agreement signed into law during the Clinton years.

President Trump invited Minnesota Republicans and Minnesota hog farmers to the White House for the signing ceremony today.

HAH! President Trump Invited Minnesota Hog Farmers to USMCA Signing Ceremony -- But NOT Nancy Pelosi


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism
Written by K. Walker on February 6, 2020


Americans feel better about their personal financial situation than they did under Obama, Clinton, or even Reagan. This year-to-year number has been rising since 2018 and has hit a 44-year record high according to Gallup’s “Mood of the Nation” economic survey. Gallup reports that 59% of Americans — nearly six in 10 — say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago, which is up from 50% last year.


There has also been a sharp decline in the percentage of people who say that they are financially worse off than a year ago. Only 20% of Americans are stating that as their financial reality, and that is a record low.


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism

Oh gee how spectacular! Meanwhile, our poverty rate is at an all time high and wages are way behind on the rate of inflation.
Post some links for those claims because the poverty rate has been falling for the last 5 years.

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