Do we have too much equality in America


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
1) everyone is equal so everyone gets to vote but then we have stupid people deciding elections.

2) the poor are equal so get free healthcare and no incentive to get a good job to buy their own when others are paying

3) the poor are equal so their kids get a free education but have no incentive to pay for their own educations when others are paying

4) the poor are equal so must have housing and on an on with the cradle to grave welfare nanny state liberals offering equality and creating inequality in the process.
1) everyone is equal so everyone gets to vote but then we have stupid people deciding elections.
If this is such a concern of yours then you should stop voting.
2) the poor are equal so get free healthcare and no incentive to get a good job to buy their own when others are paying
Who knew that the ER was free health care. If you want to enter reality go to the ER and ask for some free anti-depressants, or blood pressure pills.
Furthermore people on welfare/unemployment benefits are required to look for jobs and are more likely to get a job then those who are not on those programs
3) the poor are equal so their kids get a free education but have no incentive to pay for their own educations when others are paying
I see so according to you college is free and poor people do not pay property taxes. What world are you living in?
4) the poor are equal so must have housing and on an on with the cradle to grave welfare nanny state liberals offering equality and creating inequality in the process.
Plz source where there are 0 homeless people in the US.
You need to get some pills or deal with your issues.
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1) everyone is equal so everyone gets to vote but then we have stupid people deciding elections.

2) the poor are equal so get free healthcare and no incentive to get a good job to buy their own when others are paying

3) the poor are equal so their kids get a free education but have no incentive to pay for their own educations when others are paying

4) the poor are equal so must have housing and on an on with the cradle to grave welfare nanny state liberals offering equality and creating inequality in the process.

Edward, the inference logically drawn from your comments above would lead the logical America-loving citizen to not let you vote. However, I will always support your right to political speech, petition, assembly, and vote.
the poor are equal so get free healthcare and no incentive to get a good job to buy their own when others are paying

Who knew that the ER was free health care.

perfectly typical and brainless liberal

1) the ER is free if you cant or wont pay for it

2) the poor get medicare
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We don't have too much equality. We have a bizarre and twisted concept of equality. Equality has come to mean equal outcome denying that people are really not at all equal.

Equality is the antithesis of freedom. Equality is freedom's polar opposite. Equality means that no one can succeed or fail as all must be kept equal by force if necessary.
Equal opportunity, not equal outcome.

if people are lazy and or stupid their laziness or stupidity denies them the ability to take advantage of opportunity; so they must be given welfare.. according to liberal theory.
According to wacky far cons theory of liberalism. Grow up, Edward.
1) everyone is equal so everyone gets to vote but then we have stupid people deciding elections.

2) the poor are equal so get free healthcare and no incentive to get a good job to buy their own when others are paying

3) the poor are equal so their kids get a free education but have no incentive to pay for their own educations when others are paying

4) the poor are equal so must have housing and on an on with the cradle to grave welfare nanny state liberals offering equality and creating inequality in the process.

This needs to be bookmarked.

Each and every time conservatives bray about how they "agree" all men are created equal..
1) everyone is equal so everyone gets to vote but then we have stupid people deciding elections.

2) the poor are equal so get free healthcare and no incentive to get a good job to buy their own when others are paying

3) the poor are equal so their kids get a free education but have no incentive to pay for their own educations when others are paying

4) the poor are equal so must have housing and on an on with the cradle to grave welfare nanny state liberals offering equality and creating inequality in the process.

Grading on a curve has ruined America.

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