Do we need to impose age limits for the supreme court?

Would you support age restrictions/forced retirement for SCOTUS?

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Do we need to create an amendment to force retirement for positions with lifetime appointments such as the supreme court?
This amendment would obviously take time to frame and pass so it would have no impact on Ginsburg so get that out of your head.
Other than using her as an example for her age and medical problems this topic is not directly about her.
There comes a point when missing oral arguments and other important duties required to serve as a justice becomes a problem. Many issues that come before the court deserve & maybe even demand the full attention of ALL of the justices. Votes should never come down to "going with the status quo" because you missed too much work to be properly informed on all aspects of the subject.
Then we have to face the possibility of judges having diminished mental capacities that impact their decisions.

Personally I think we need age restrictions on ALL positions that have power over any aspect of American politics and law.

I agree...for judges, people in Congress and the POTUS.

I think 70 is a good age to use, but could maybe go for 75.

I am less on board with the term limits mentioned above.

I disagree with Congress and POTUS having age limits
They have to go before the voters to take office. If voters want to select someone who is in their 80s, it is the will of the people
Going before "the people" is not a good safety net. A perfect example is that idiot who thought an island could TIP OVER if over populated. That moron plays a role in forming the laws ALL OF US must follow and his constituents were clearly as dumb as him. All Americans need protection from idiots like him.

The will of the people has been accepted for centuries
That is how we got Trump
We got so many before Trump though. Ginsberg is a perfect example. An ACLU graduate who was disqualified just for that. She won't even leave with dignity. The Progs are forcing her to not retire. To bad she doesn't have the medical care of the regular people.
He uses Trump as an example. Asinine argument. EVERYONE had a say in Trumps victory/loss. Only a handful of morons voted in Mr Island Tips Over. We need protection from them. Term limits is the only viable answer. People like him and Maxine Waters should never be allowed to remain in DC this long.
I could see creating a requirement to re-confirm every Justice every 10 years. They could retire in lieu of that process if they so choose. It would no doubt become highly politicized, but it would work both ways. What goes around comes around. Hopefully wiser heads would make a deal, we help you re-confirm this person and you do the same for this other one. Or WTH, maybe we put it up for a vote, every 2 years the voters themselves re-confirm (or not) somebody who will reach the 10 year point before the next election. If not, then the President nominates a replacement and the Senate does it's thing .
Abolish it....It isn't even listed in the Constitution.....It is a creation of congress and can be done away with by them.

Are you ever not wrong?

Article III - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

View attachment 291405
Yes, it was authorized...I stand corrected.....But the USSC didn't even exist until an act of congress.

Although the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court, it permits Congress to decide how to organize it. Congress first exercised this power in the Judiciary Act of 1789. This Act created a Supreme Court with six justices. It also established the lower federal court system.

About the Supreme Court

What congress creates, it can abolish.....The USSC has exceeded its authority of ruling on judicial matters into ruling on the political...There's no fixing it, so fuck it.
Do we need to create an amendment to force retirement for positions with lifetime appointments such as the supreme court?
This amendment would obviously take time to frame and pass so it would have no impact on Ginsburg so get that out of your head.
Other than using her as an example for her age and medical problems this topic is not directly about her.
There comes a point when missing oral arguments and other important duties required to serve as a justice becomes a problem. Many issues that come before the court deserve & maybe even demand the full attention of ALL of the justices. Votes should never come down to "going with the status quo" because you missed too much work to be properly informed on all aspects of the subject.
Then we have to face the possibility of judges having diminished mental capacities that impact their decisions.

Personally I think we need age restrictions on ALL positions that have power over any aspect of American politics and law.

I agree...for judges, people in Congress and the POTUS.

I think 70 is a good age to use, but could maybe go for 75.

I am less on board with the term limits mentioned above.

I disagree with Congress and POTUS having age limits
They have to go before the voters to take office. If voters want to select someone who is in their 80s, it is the will of the people
Congressmen should have term limits. I term for Senate and 3 terms for the House. There's no good reason to retain these criminals any longer than that.
They do have term limits

2 years for a Congressman
6 years for Senators
No they don't, numskull. Those are terms, not term limits.

Who are you trying to fool?
The voters apply term limits

They do it often
I agree...for judges, people in Congress and the POTUS.

I think 70 is a good age to use, but could maybe go for 75.

I am less on board with the term limits mentioned above.

I disagree with Congress and POTUS having age limits
They have to go before the voters to take office. If voters want to select someone who is in their 80s, it is the will of the people
Going before "the people" is not a good safety net. A perfect example is that idiot who thought an island could TIP OVER if over populated. That moron plays a role in forming the laws ALL OF US must follow and his constituents were clearly as dumb as him. All Americans need protection from idiots like him.

The will of the people has been accepted for centuries
That is how we got Trump
We got so many before Trump though. Ginsberg is a perfect example. An ACLU graduate who was disqualified just for that. She won't even leave with dignity. The Progs are forcing her to not retire. To bad she doesn't have the medical care of the regular people.
He uses Trump as an example. Asinine argument. EVERYONE had a say in Trumps victory/loss. Only a handful of morons voted in Mr Island Tips Over. We need protection from them. Term limits is the only viable answer. People like him and Maxine Waters should never be allowed to remain in DC this long.
Same applies to Trump

May not be suited for the job, but it is the will of the people
Let them bear the consequences
I disagree with Congress and POTUS having age limits
They have to go before the voters to take office. If voters want to select someone who is in their 80s, it is the will of the people
Going before "the people" is not a good safety net. A perfect example is that idiot who thought an island could TIP OVER if over populated. That moron plays a role in forming the laws ALL OF US must follow and his constituents were clearly as dumb as him. All Americans need protection from idiots like him.

The will of the people has been accepted for centuries
That is how we got Trump
We got so many before Trump though. Ginsberg is a perfect example. An ACLU graduate who was disqualified just for that. She won't even leave with dignity. The Progs are forcing her to not retire. To bad she doesn't have the medical care of the regular people.
He uses Trump as an example. Asinine argument. EVERYONE had a say in Trumps victory/loss. Only a handful of morons voted in Mr Island Tips Over. We need protection from them. Term limits is the only viable answer. People like him and Maxine Waters should never be allowed to remain in DC this long.
Same applies to Trump

May not be suited for the job, but it is the will of the people
Let them bear the consequences
Term limits apply to Trump
I agree...for judges, people in Congress and the POTUS.

I think 70 is a good age to use, but could maybe go for 75.

I am less on board with the term limits mentioned above.

I disagree with Congress and POTUS having age limits
They have to go before the voters to take office. If voters want to select someone who is in their 80s, it is the will of the people
Congressmen should have term limits. I term for Senate and 3 terms for the House. There's no good reason to retain these criminals any longer than that.
They do have term limits

2 years for a Congressman
6 years for Senators
No they don't, numskull. Those are terms, not term limits.

Who are you trying to fool?
The voters apply term limits

They do it often
No they don't, dumb fuck. Term limits protect me from your Congressman, not from mine.
I disagree with Congress and POTUS having age limits
They have to go before the voters to take office. If voters want to select someone who is in their 80s, it is the will of the people
Going before "the people" is not a good safety net. A perfect example is that idiot who thought an island could TIP OVER if over populated. That moron plays a role in forming the laws ALL OF US must follow and his constituents were clearly as dumb as him. All Americans need protection from idiots like him.

The will of the people has been accepted for centuries
That is how we got Trump
We got so many before Trump though. Ginsberg is a perfect example. An ACLU graduate who was disqualified just for that. She won't even leave with dignity. The Progs are forcing her to not retire. To bad she doesn't have the medical care of the regular people.
He uses Trump as an example. Asinine argument. EVERYONE had a say in Trumps victory/loss. Only a handful of morons voted in Mr Island Tips Over. We need protection from them. Term limits is the only viable answer. People like him and Maxine Waters should never be allowed to remain in DC this long.
Same applies to Trump

May not be suited for the job, but it is the will of the people
Let them bear the consequences
Trump has term limits, moron.
Abolish it....It isn't even listed in the Constitution.....It is a creation of congress and can be done away with by them.

Are you ever not wrong?

Article III - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw

View attachment 291405

he’s not wrong this time. He’ll be wrong again soon enough
Oddball is right a hell of a lot more often than Golfing Gator. For one thing, he's actually a real libertarian.
My bad.

I thought he was responding to Grumps. Oddball is still around?
Other than using her as an example for her age and medical problems this topic is not directly about her.
There comes a point when missing oral arguments and other important duties required to serve as a justice becomes a problem. Many issues that come before the court deserve & maybe even demand the full attention of ALL of the justices. Votes should never come down to "going with the status quo" because you missed too much work to be properly informed on all aspects of the subject.
Then we have to face the possibility of judges having diminished mental capacities that impact their decisions.

Personally I think we need age restrictions on ALL positions that have power over any aspect of American politics and law.

I think that we need to do physicals on office holders to see if they are still fit to hold office.

This should be a regular thing.

I would also make the term of a SCOTUS Justice only 10 years. That would eliminate everyone currently on the court except the last four.

We should also require a 2/3 majority in the Senate to approve appointments to SCOTUS. That would eliminate this shit of putting ideologues on the bench.
I disagree with Congress and POTUS having age limits
They have to go before the voters to take office. If voters want to select someone who is in their 80s, it is the will of the people
Congressmen should have term limits. I term for Senate and 3 terms for the House. There's no good reason to retain these criminals any longer than that.
They do have term limits

2 years for a Congressman
6 years for Senators
No they don't, numskull. Those are terms, not term limits.

Who are you trying to fool?
The voters apply term limits

They do it often
No they don't, dumb fuck. Term limits protect me from your Congressman, not from mine.
So you wish to restrict how others are allowed to vote

How libertarian of you
Other than using her as an example for her age and medical problems this topic is not directly about her.
There comes a point when missing oral arguments and other important duties required to serve as a justice becomes a problem. Many issues that come before the court deserve & maybe even demand the full attention of ALL of the justices. Votes should never come down to "going with the status quo" because you missed too much work to be properly informed on all aspects of the subject.
Then we have to face the possibility of judges having diminished mental capacities that impact their decisions.

Personally I think we need age restrictions on ALL positions that have power over any aspect of American politics and law.

I think that we need to do physicals on office holders to see if they are still fit to hold office.

This should be a regular thing.

I would also make the term of a SCOTUS Justice only 10 years. That would eliminate everyone currently on the court except the last four.

We should also require a 2/3 majority in the Senate to approve appointments to SCOTUS. That would eliminate this shit of putting ideologues on the bench.
It never used to be necessary. A Presidents selection of a Supreme Court Justice used to be almost unanimous unless there were specific concerns

Now, it is strictly political
I think SCOTUS Justices should be appointed for 20 year terms. Presidents should be able to appoint two Justices ( or the Chief Justice) every four years. That would minimize the issues of age and packing the Court.
Do we need to create an amendment to force retirement for positions with lifetime appointments such as the supreme court?
This amendment would obviously take time to frame and pass so it would have no impact on Ginsburg so get that out of your head.
Other than using her as an example for her age and medical problems this topic is not directly about her.
There comes a point when missing oral arguments and other important duties required to serve as a justice becomes a problem. Many issues that come before the court deserve & maybe even demand the full attention of ALL of the justices. Votes should never come down to "going with the status quo" because you missed too much work to be properly informed on all aspects of the subject.
Then we have to face the possibility of judges having diminished mental capacities that impact their decisions.

Personally I think we need age restrictions on ALL positions that have power over any aspect of American politics and law.

I agree...for judges, people in Congress and the POTUS.

I think 70 is a good age to use, but could maybe go for 75.

I am less on board with the term limits mentioned above.
You are at odds with the vast majority of libertarians once again.

do you have a link to the libertarian position on this topic?


Though I did find this...

Term Limits Poll Results for Libertarians

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