Do We Really Need 18% of the Fed Gov?

The agencies furloughed "non-essential employees".

Um, no. No besides you or Rabbi have called these employees non essential. You're living in a fantasy land.

You're a fucking ignorant dumb ass, but you're a Democrat so that's to be expected.

An estimated 800,000 of the more than 2 million government employees were deemed "non-essential" and furloughed when the federal fiscal year began Oct. 1

Number of furloughed workers shrinks as shutdown drags on
Where is this "non-essential" crap coming from? Who is saying this?

That's how these departments determine who they furlough. If the employee is non-essential, they aren't required to operate the main functions of the agency. Hence, non-essential.

In the private sector, this is a routine undertaking when scaling back due to a loss of revenue or a tax increaase. Federal workers aren't demi-gods because they work for taxpayers.

These agencies could probably trima lot more fat to decrease taxpayer burden.

You are just making shit up. You obviously have no idea what this shut down means and what it affects. Yeah essential employees are on furlough. That is what happens when radicals close our government. This isn't standard procedure.

Umm. This is the procedure...
Admit you just do not know.
You're just pissed off.
[ame=]Jim Mora You Will Never Know - YouTube[/ame]
Coach Mora is talking to YOU..
Were those furloughed considered non-essential?

Most of the dept of energy were. As well as...


Housing and Urban dept

Interior dept.

Should I keep going?

Oh...Federal departments that should be eliminated..
Housing and Urban development..State matter
Education. State County and Municipal business.

Highway Authority....There is already a National Transportation Safety Board. Redundant services.
Department of labor...State matter. Another example of redundant services.

So, if we were to eliminate those departments you mentioned (plus ever how many more you want to entertain in this fantasy) how many dollars would it save? How many unemployed would it create and how many dollars would it take out of the economy?

Simple stuff for the right wing genusis on here.

Then, what will be the offsetting benefit to me for the government not spending all this money? What do I get beside higher state taxes?
Did you guys miss the 300 or so people hospitalized because of a salmonella outbreak at Foster Farms?

Is that supposed to be an argument?
Because 127 people got sick from salmonella in mangoes in 2012.
The presence or absence of gov't inspectors is obviously irrelevant to salmonella outbreaks.
Most of the dept of energy were. As well as...


Housing and Urban dept

Interior dept.

Should I keep going?

Oh...Federal departments that should be eliminated..
Housing and Urban development..State matter
Education. State County and Municipal business.

Highway Authority....There is already a National Transportation Safety Board. Redundant services.
Department of labor...State matter. Another example of redundant services.

So, if we were to eliminate those departments you mentioned (plus ever how many more you want to entertain in this fantasy) how many dollars would it save? How many unemployed would it create and how many dollars would it take out of the economy?

Simple stuff for the right wing genusis on here.

Then, what will be the offsetting benefit to me for the government not spending all this money? What do I get beside higher state taxes?

So the answer is to hire all the unemployed adn print money to pay them, right?
Did you guys miss the 300 or so people hospitalized because of a salmonella outbreak at Foster Farms?

Is that supposed to be an argument?
Because 127 people got sick from salmonella in mangoes in 2012.
The presence or absence of gov't inspectors is obviously irrelevant to salmonella outbreaks.

Did you forget your own OP?

...How many reports of bacteria-laced food have you seen, with the absence of food inspectors? Yeah, none...
Did you guys miss the 300 or so people hospitalized because of a salmonella outbreak at Foster Farms?

Is that supposed to be an argument?
Because 127 people got sick from salmonella in mangoes in 2012.
The presence or absence of gov't inspectors is obviously irrelevant to salmonella outbreaks.

Did you forget your own OP?

...How many reports of bacteria-laced food have you seen, with the absence of food inspectors? Yeah, none...

It's hardly the wild outbreak some people predicted. It is perfectly in line with what happened before the shutdown.
A non-argument.
This shutdown has proven pretty conclusively that the fed gov is grossly bloated and inefficient. They have laid off 18% of their workers (the "non-essential ones". If they're non essential, why do we need them?). What has been the result? Virtually nothing. If Obama hadn't spend money and man power barrycading open air monuments, no one would have noticed.
How many reports of bacteria-laced food have you seen, with the absence of food inspectors? Yeah, none. Because companies have lots to lose selling spoiled food. So they take steps to make sure it doesn't happen.
How many additional incidences of dangerous things happening have you read about? None. Companies are invested in safety. And generally do a better job than outside regulators, because they knwo the dangers better.
Even the parks could easily be handled well: states can take over responsibilityu for their upkeep. Imagine some company like IBM or Apple stepping forward and agreeing to pick up the tab for maintaining the Lincoln Memorial. If offered the chance, do you really they'd refuse?
Bottom line: we dont' need most of the things the federal gov't does. And what we do need they do badly.

Why would a state take over the upkeep of a park they do not own. National Parks are owned by the federal government. Most states do have their own state parks to maintain. Or do you just suggest we pass the bill on to the states, so that way the states have to raise taxes? As for the food thing; give it time. The main reason food distributors do care about quality control is because they know somebody is watching them. Why do you think we have food inspectors? Do you believe we just put them there despite the fact food distributors were doing such a great job of quality control?

The federal government owns nothing. The taxpayers own those parks. There is no need for a 'national park' system. The only reason why it exists is because when the park system was an idea, it was borne of the notion that these lands needed to be protected and that the states could not be trusted to do so. Those days are over....The states can just as easily take charge of these areas and fund their upkeep.
In fact, the federal government has confiscated far too much land.
Do you really think in this age with the ease at which information travels and at the speed at which it travels that if a food producer has a screw-up the news would virtually put that company out of business.
Remember, There is ALWAYS someone watching.
As a matter of fact, it is the federal government which actually protects companies from public backlash.
I think it is amusing how you people on the political left keep praying for the sky to fall so that you can say "we told you not to fuck with our beloved government"...
Most of the dept of energy were. As well as...


Housing and Urban dept

Interior dept.

Should I keep going?

Oh...Federal departments that should be eliminated..
Housing and Urban development..State matter
Education. State County and Municipal business.

Highway Authority....There is already a National Transportation Safety Board. Redundant services.
Department of labor...State matter. Another example of redundant services.

So, if we were to eliminate those departments you mentioned (plus ever how many more you want to entertain in this fantasy) how many dollars would it save? How many unemployed would it create and how many dollars would it take out of the economy?

Simple stuff for the right wing genusis on here.

Then, what will be the offsetting benefit to me for the government not spending all this money? What do I get beside higher state taxes?

Easy. Because unlike the federal government, the states cannot simply print money to 'pay' for these employees.
Therefore, the states would find more efficient ways of getting the jobs done at a reasonable price. If that means charging user fees, so be it.
I understand your base premise. You are worried about maintaining federal jobs.
Just saw a story on our local news that NC and TN are now funding the Great Smoky Mtns National Park operations...Problem solved.
Quite frankly, I am not concerned with federal employment that is not necessary. Those jobs should not exist in the first place. Those employed in the public sector are according to their bosses 'the best of the best'. So if left to compete in the private sector, they should have no problem finding work.
Tea partiers are truly stupid. Seriously....

Both Taliban and tea party is destructive to our nation.

You are way out of line.
This kind of thing may get you a time out.
On here ,you get to express your opinion.
You do not get to make inflammatory and untrue statements.
of course the OP failed to look into what services these 18% of workers provide.
And actually the shutdown seems to have had no effect on the outbreak or response:
Salmonella | Multistate Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Heidelberg Infections Linked to Foster Farms Brand Chicken | Oct, 2013 | CDC

Another failed argument from a brain-dead lib.

My only "argument" is that your OP was hilariously wrong.

And that hasn't failed at all.

Watching you run in circles is just icing on the cake.

That argument also fails. My OP was not incorrect. You actually just proved it.
if the shutdown isn't a big deal, why is the GOP looking to end it?

why are Conservatives blaming Obama for a shutdown that isn't a bad thing?

if its a good thing, why are Conservatives giving Obama credit for it?

if its a good thing, why are Conservatives whining about NPS sites being closed?

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