Do We Really Need Guns?

Passing a law that says it is legal to carry a firearm in a bar does not help society.

cobbling together "gun free zones" certainly has not helped society
Most of the civilized world is a gun free zone. You should get out and experience the civilized world.

I'm sure most of the citizens of those "gun free zones" wish to hell they hadn't given up their guns.

I know I won't be giving up mine. You however, can do as you please.

the anti liberty left has gone so far

as to indicate that they would go door to door

to take away your guns if push came to shove

Link, please.

You all like to pretend that it is not your ultimate goal, but I think it is obvious that a lot of the anti-gun crowd would love it if citizens' weapons were confiscated. Of course, most are too dishonest to admit to that.
cobbling together "gun free zones" certainly has not helped society
Most of the civilized world is a gun free zone. You should get out and experience the civilized world.

I'm sure most of the citizens of those "gun free zones" wish to hell they hadn't given up their guns.

I know I won't be giving up mine. You however, can do as you please.

the anti liberty left has gone so far

as to indicate that they would go door to door

to take away your guns if push came to shove

Link, please.

You all like to pretend that it is not your ultimate goal, but I think it is obvious that a lot of the anti-gun crowd would love it if citizens' weapons were confiscated. Of course, most are too dishonest to admit to that.

Passing a law that says it is legal to carry a firearm in a bar does not help society.

cobbling together "gun free zones" certainly has not helped society
Most of the civilized world is a gun free zone. You should get out and experience the civilized world.

I'm sure most of the citizens of those "gun free zones" wish to hell they hadn't given up their guns.

I know I won't be giving up mine. You however, can do as you please.

the anti liberty left has gone so far

as to indicate that they would go door to door

to take away your guns if push came to shove

Link, please.

there are plenty of links

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I totally agree with you, and congratulations on having the cojones to raise this issue.

Countries with less guns are almost always safer than the US, and that is simply a cold, hard truth that few gun rights fanatics are willing to admit.

I totally support peoples' right to own a gun for hunting or target shooting, but all of countries should have safety-based gun laws aimed at protecting life first and foremost. No one needs an assault rifle at home.

I have two AR-15 models. If you think I don't need it, come get them.

Yet another demonstration that gun wacks can only argue from emotional diaper rash, threats of violence and infantile fetishism about one's toys.

You disappoint me Pogo. You used to have some decent arguments. Now though, you merely resort to infantile insults.

Seems like Pogo has a problem with someone exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Interesting something the Constitution says I can do is somehow an emotional diaper rash argument and that guns are considered toys.

Indeed. Guns are tools, thus they are no better than those who use them. However, the Founders realized that they were such an essential tool in the maintenance of Liberty, that they memorialized their importance in the Bill of Rights.

How unsurprising that those who advocate for maximum government control (thus limiting LIBERTY for the individual, a founding concept of THIS country) also advocate for the control of firearms, up to and including an outright ban on the very weapons the 2nd Amendment specifically refers too, i.e. MILITARY TYPE FIREARMS.

oddly the people they are loudly complaining about

as being too brutal on the general public (the police)

are the only people they want to have firearms
I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

I totally agree with you, and congratulations on having the cojones to raise this issue.

Countries with less guns are almost always safer than the US, and that is simply a cold, hard truth that few gun rights fanatics are willing to admit.

I totally support peoples' right to own a gun for hunting or target shooting, but all of countries should have safety-based gun laws aimed at protecting life first and foremost. No one needs an assault rifle at home.

And it doesn't seem to have been noted here, but the key word in the thread premise is "need". Once we figure that out we might go somewhere.

We? Who's "we", jackwagon? Last time I checked, you weren't contributing anything to my existence, so I fail to see where you figure you suddenly joined the steering committee for my life. You don't get a vote on what I do and don't need.

Perhaps Santa will bring you a reading comprehension course for Christmas. "Need" is the operative word in the title of this thread.


Cheeses, how do you even feed yourself?

Perhaps Santa will bring you a mind your own business course for Christmas to teach you that there isn't but one person that can determine my needs. The course will teach you one thing and that it isn't you or anyone else. You don't think you have a need for guns, don't buy one. Don't think you have any say in determining what my needs are.
I have two AR-15 models. If you think I don't need it, come get them.

Yet another demonstration that gun wacks can only argue from emotional diaper rash, threats of violence and infantile fetishism about one's toys.

You disappoint me Pogo. You used to have some decent arguments. Now though, you merely resort to infantile insults.

Seems like Pogo has a problem with someone exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Interesting something the Constitution says I can do is somehow an emotional diaper rash argument and that guns are considered toys.

Indeed. Guns are tools, thus they are no better than those who use them. However, the Founders realized that they were such an essential tool in the maintenance of Liberty, that they memorialized their importance in the Bill of Rights.

How unsurprising that those who advocate for maximum government control (thus limiting LIBERTY for the individual, a founding concept of THIS country) also advocate for the control of firearms, up to and including an outright ban on the very weapons the 2nd Amendment specifically refers too, i.e. MILITARY TYPE FIREARMS.

oddly the people they are loudly complaining about

as being too brutal on the general public (the police)

are the only people they want to have firearms

Ironic, isn't it? I wonder if they realize how ridiculous they are? :lol:
I would prefer those the employees address do what they are asked when they are asked to do it. Michael Brown wasn't shot because Darren Wilson decided he was simply going to do so. There was a confrontation brought on by Brown when the employee asked him to do something. Brown, apparently, didn't want to do it and took offense that a police officer asked him to not do something he shoulnd't have been doing to start with. When it escalates, is the employee supposed to let the customer run all over them?
I would prefer those the employees address do what they are asked when they are asked to do it. Michael Brown wasn't shot because Darren Wilson decided he was simply going to do so. There was a confrontation brought on by Brown when the employee asked him to do something. Brown, apparently, didn't want to do it and took offense that a police officer asked him to not do something he shoulnd't have been doing to start with. When it escalates, is the employee supposed to let the customer run all over them?
I would prefer those the employees address do what they are asked when they are asked to do it. Michael Brown wasn't shot because Darren Wilson decided he was simply going to do so. There was a confrontation brought on by Brown when the employee asked him to do something. Brown, apparently, didn't want to do it and took offense that a police officer asked him to not do something he shoulnd't have been doing to start with. When it escalates, is the employee supposed to let the customer run all over them?
Yet another demonstration that gun wacks can only argue from emotional diaper rash, threats of violence and infantile fetishism about one's toys.

You disappoint me Pogo. You used to have some decent arguments. Now though, you merely resort to infantile insults.

Seems like Pogo has a problem with someone exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Interesting something the Constitution says I can do is somehow an emotional diaper rash argument and that guns are considered toys.

Indeed. Guns are tools, thus they are no better than those who use them. However, the Founders realized that they were such an essential tool in the maintenance of Liberty, that they memorialized their importance in the Bill of Rights.

How unsurprising that those who advocate for maximum government control (thus limiting LIBERTY for the individual, a founding concept of THIS country) also advocate for the control of firearms, up to and including an outright ban on the very weapons the 2nd Amendment specifically refers too, i.e. MILITARY TYPE FIREARMS.

oddly the people they are loudly complaining about

as being too brutal on the general public (the police)

are the only people they want to have firearms

Ironic, isn't it? I wonder if they realize how ridiculous they are? :lol:

not a chance of it
You disappoint me Pogo. You used to have some decent arguments. Now though, you merely resort to infantile insults.

Seems like Pogo has a problem with someone exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Interesting something the Constitution says I can do is somehow an emotional diaper rash argument and that guns are considered toys.

Indeed. Guns are tools, thus they are no better than those who use them. However, the Founders realized that they were such an essential tool in the maintenance of Liberty, that they memorialized their importance in the Bill of Rights.

How unsurprising that those who advocate for maximum government control (thus limiting LIBERTY for the individual, a founding concept of THIS country) also advocate for the control of firearms, up to and including an outright ban on the very weapons the 2nd Amendment specifically refers too, i.e. MILITARY TYPE FIREARMS.

oddly the people they are loudly complaining about

as being too brutal on the general public (the police)

are the only people they want to have firearms

Ironic, isn't it? I wonder if they realize how ridiculous they are? :lol:

not a chance of it

Or won't admit to it anyway.
Seems like Pogo has a problem with someone exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Interesting something the Constitution says I can do is somehow an emotional diaper rash argument and that guns are considered toys.

Indeed. Guns are tools, thus they are no better than those who use them. However, the Founders realized that they were such an essential tool in the maintenance of Liberty, that they memorialized their importance in the Bill of Rights.

How unsurprising that those who advocate for maximum government control (thus limiting LIBERTY for the individual, a founding concept of THIS country) also advocate for the control of firearms, up to and including an outright ban on the very weapons the 2nd Amendment specifically refers too, i.e. MILITARY TYPE FIREARMS.

oddly the people they are loudly complaining about

as being too brutal on the general public (the police)

are the only people they want to have firearms

Ironic, isn't it? I wonder if they realize how ridiculous they are? :lol:

not a chance of it

Or won't admit to it anyway.

no chance of that either

I would prefer those the employees address do what they are asked when they are asked to do it. Michael Brown wasn't shot because Darren Wilson decided he was simply going to do so. There was a confrontation brought on by Brown when the employee asked him to do something. Brown, apparently, didn't want to do it and took offense that a police officer asked him to not do something he shoulnd't have been doing to start with. When it escalates, is the employee supposed to let the customer run all over them?
The thing is, that America has far too many guns and not enough measures to keep them out of the wrong hands. Do you know, that gun violence has claimed more than 4,350 lives since January 1st (and killed or injured 475 children), a fact that is as mundane as it is grim. That's really horrible.

Who are you to determine how much is too much? If I want to own 1000 guns, I have that right and you have no say in the amount. People like you tell me that a woman having an abortion isn't my business because it's her body and her right. They also tell me that two people desiring a same sex marriage isn't my business and they have a right to do so. Apply that same principle to this.
Not enough measures to keep them out of the wrong hands? I had a gun stolen out of the glove box of my car. The car was locked. There are laws in my State that say it’s illegal for someone to break into my car where I can legally have a gun and steal it from me. In fact, there are laws in my State that say someone can’t steal from me regardless of what it is. Did those laws stop the criminal that did it from stealing? No, nor will stricter laws keep criminals from getting guns no matter how strict those laws are. I owned my gun legally through the proper laws, I kept it in my car under the guidelines of the laws, and I had my car locked while sitting in my driveway. I did everything the law and good common sense says I should do. The gun that was stolen by the person that could care less about the laws could be used to commit a crime and no law, regardless of how strict it is, would have kept that gun out of the hands of the person that STOLE it.
It’s interesting that you mention the number of lives lost to gun violence. How many of them were lost in locations (i.e. – Chicago) where strict gun laws exist. The fact is you don’t like guns so you don’t think anyone else should like owning them.
As for your use of the word “need”, you should learn something quickly. I don’t know how old you are but something you should learn is that there isn’t but one person that determines my needs. It isn’t you nor will it ever be you.
The thing is, that America has far too many guns and not enough measures to keep them out of the wrong hands. Do you know, that gun violence has claimed more than 4,350 lives since January 1st (and killed or injured 475 children), a fact that is as mundane as it is grim. That's really horrible.

Sorry, you'll have to show where you get those stats....the gun murder rate is about 8-9,000, and accidental deaths with guns is about, maybe, 6-700 each year with fewer than 100 children included in that total...

But if your stats for the year are still faces more good reasons to have guns than bad...for example....

310 million guns in the country....only 8-9,000 murders each year....80% are committed by gang members in inner cities putting the non gang gun murder rate at about 1,800, again, out of 310 million guns....

Each year, on average guns are used to save lives and stop violent criminal attacks 1.6 million times a year...far more than the 8-9,000 gun murders each year....

Using a gun is the most effective way to stop a rape....

If you go to extranosalley they have a counter up from the CDC that lists the deaths by gun in the country...and then they will show deaths by traffic accident, and suffocation and falling...and pools.....

The counter on gun deaths at Extranos alley....

Extrano s Alley a gun blog The history of gun control is perfectly clear. Gun control enables killers.

and deaths by falling....since Jan. 1, 2014...19,314

Deaths by traffice since Jan1 2014....42,196

Deaths by poisoning since Jan 1, 2014....34,564

So gun murder deaths are way below almost all other ways of being killed....

Don't be shocked if one of the gun haters tells you that deaths caused by some nut in a car isn't the same as one caused by someone misusing a gun. When they do, have them explain to you how someone killed by a person misusing a car is less dead than a person killed by a person misusing a gun. When they can't, their argument is invalid.
I do really want you to understand , that solving gun violence in the US in today's insane political climate is a very important issue. And it is very sad that our government seems to be completely helpless.
cobbling together "gun free zones" certainly has not helped society
Most of the civilized world is a gun free zone. You should get out and experience the civilized world.

I'm sure most of the citizens of those "gun free zones" wish to hell they hadn't given up their guns.

I know I won't be giving up mine. You however, can do as you please.

the anti liberty left has gone so far

as to indicate that they would go door to door

to take away your guns if push came to shove

Link, please.

You all like to pretend that it is not your ultimate goal, but I think it is obvious that a lot of the anti-gun crowd would love it if citizens' weapons were confiscated. Of course, most are too dishonest to admit to that.

Ah good, the old "I know what you said but here's what you really think, even if you're not aware of it" argument.

I do really want you to understand , that solving gun violence in the US in today's insane political climate is a very important issue. And it is very sad that our government seems to be completely helpless.

Which is to be expected, because it's not something government has any control over. We live in gun violence because we live in a gun culture. No society that's not involved in a war worships guns like we do. You can't have a value like that without the expected consequences. Laws didn't create that and can't make it better or worse. Psychology does that.
I truly believe, that guns only do harm There is no use for guns in our society. The 2nd amendment was made in a time where guns were necessary because of the British.

I totally agree with you, and congratulations on having the cojones to raise this issue.

Countries with less guns are almost always safer than the US, and that is simply a cold, hard truth that few gun rights fanatics are willing to admit.

I totally support peoples' right to own a gun for hunting or target shooting, but all of countries should have safety-based gun laws aimed at protecting life first and foremost. No one needs an assault rifle at home.

And it doesn't seem to have been noted here, but the key word in the thread premise is "need". Once we figure that out we might go somewhere.

We? Who's "we", jackwagon? Last time I checked, you weren't contributing anything to my existence, so I fail to see where you figure you suddenly joined the steering committee for my life. You don't get a vote on what I do and don't need.

Perhaps Santa will bring you a reading comprehension course for Christmas. "Need" is the operative word in the title of this thread.


Cheeses, how do you even feed yourself?

Perhaps Santa will bring you a mind your own business course for Christmas to teach you that there isn't but one person that can determine my needs. The course will teach you one thing and that it isn't you or anyone else. You don't think you have a need for guns, don't buy one. Don't think you have any say in determining what my needs are.

Again you misread. I don't know or have any place to say what you're "needs" are; I'm mocking your emotional relationship with an inanimate object.
I do really want you to understand , that solving gun violence in the US in today's insane political climate is a very important issue. And it is very sad that our government seems to be completely helpless.
I really want you to understand that you arguments here do not have a leg to stand on.
oddly the people they are loudly complaining about

as being too brutal on the general public (the police)

are the only people they want to have firearms

Remember, they want only the military to have guns....that worked out great in the 20th century, and today in Mexico, the Ukraine, Kenya....

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