Do whites care about their survival? I say no!

Because most are BRAINWASHED with COMPASSION for other races instead of their own!!! :cuckoo:

YouTube - Will the White Race Survive?

They do not.

That does not mean, however, that we can't rally.

Needless to say, we SHOULD care about our race's survival.

Whites care, for instance, about the survival of every obscure animal species alive. BUT NOT THEIR OWN. Whites care about the "human rights" of blacks, Hispanics, Jews... you name it. BUT NOT THEIR OWN.

For some whites, it's a sign of their moral superiority that they don't care about themselves, only others.

But this isn't morality. It's misplaced altruism. When a mother sacrifices for her children, she's doing a good thing. When she sacrifices for her neighbor's children to the detriment of her own, she's done a bad thing.

Whites need to be convinced that caring about their own survival as a people is pretty much the most important thing, period.
Well, well, well...If it isn't William Joyce! Hi, Bill, remember me? I'm the guy that got you to admit you hate Jews, then banned you from CU.

This little .gif used to piss you off no end. You HATE seeing Der Führer mocked! :lol:

It's a hate crime for whites to care about their survival.
Why do so many whites spends millions of dollars per year on tanning beds?

Why do they go to pools, lakes, oceans trying to get a tan?

Because they are ASHAMED of their white skin, that's why!

They know color is better! :eusa_shhh:
Why do so many whites spends millions of dollars per year on tanning beds?

Why do they go to pools, lakes, oceans trying to get a tan?

Because they are ASHAMED of their white skin, that's why!

They know color is better! :eusa_shhh:
Ya, tan not black.

If people became black from being in the sun, no one would go outside.
Wow racist mother fuckers abound. Luckily educated people know racism is negatively correlated to IQ.
They do not.

That does not mean, however, that we can't rally.

Needless to say, we SHOULD care about our race's survival.

Whites care, for instance, about the survival of every obscure animal species alive. BUT NOT THEIR OWN. Whites care about the "human rights" of blacks, Hispanics, Jews... you name it. BUT NOT THEIR OWN.

For some whites, it's a sign of their moral superiority that they don't care about themselves, only others.

But this isn't morality. It's misplaced altruism. When a mother sacrifices for her children, she's doing a good thing. When she sacrifices for her neighbor's children to the detriment of her own, she's done a bad thing.

Whites need to be convinced that caring about their own survival as a people is pretty much the most important thing, period.
Well, well, well...If it isn't William Joyce! Hi, Bill, remember me? I'm the guy that got you to admit you hate Jews, then banned you from CU.

"daveman." Gayest poster name ever.
"CU", btw, is "Conservative Underground." "daveman" never had any conservative opinions, but he sure was eager to bash white people as the source of all the world's problems. If you were against illegal immigration, he banned you. If you criticized affirmative action, he banned you. If you suggested that maybe not all blacks' problems were "whitey's" fault, he banned you.

He was the Political Correctness Nazi of the board.

Anyone who had anything un-PC to say, he'd post that little dancing Hitler.

And I always won any debate I had with him.

That was why he banned me.
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"CU", btw, is "Conservative Underground." "daveman" never had any conservative opinions, but he sure was eager to bash white people as the source of all the world's problems. If you were against illegal immigration, he banned you. If you criticized affirmative action, he banned you. If you suggested that maybe not all blacks' problems were "whitey's" fault, he banned you.

He was the Political Correctness Nazi of the board.

Anyone who had anything un-PC to say, he'd post that little dancing Hitler.

And I always won any debate I had with him.

That was why he banned me.

Thank goodness the USMB lets racists of all kinds post here then, eh?
And I am not brainwashed and I have compassion for everybody.

If you have compassion for everybody, you are in fact brainwashed.

There is a saying:

"If the whole world be my brother, then I have no brother."

I did not say that the whole world is my brother. I said I have compassion for everybody, and I do. Believe me, I am not brainwashed.

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