Do you agree with Joe Biden? (Covid-19)

'I would shut America down again': Joe Biden says he would start second lockdown to fight coronavirus pandemic if scientists recommend as he slams Trump for not working to 'fix the virus'

Of course you refuse to use a link to prove what you are saying is a half truth of the matter because your Trumpettes have a hard time with the truth..
Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.

I'm very happy you signed off this comment [ Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.
] with your nom de plume, "Idiot"; since that describes your post.

The hundreds of thousand nurses and doctors are not in the business of politics. They're in the business of saving lives, and protecting their family and themselves. You are playing Donald Trump's game, and he is definitely not concerned with the health and welfare of We the People.

Don't believe so, look at the crowd sitting side by side without masks at this moment on the WH lawn seeking to hear your president lie.
I see your 'word salad', Rye. So typical of you.
It really does depend on the politics of the 'scientists', no matter what you say.

I glad you see it, my post graduate work was in human relations and included a comprehensive examination in a course on Abnormal Psychology, going through each chapter in the then current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Donald Trump is not mentally and emotionally fit to be POTUS.
What university did you get your Doctorates Degree, Freud? You haven't a clue on Trumps mental or emotional state, so quit trying
to baffle us with your bullshit. You would be considered a nut case going by your own standards, so let's be real.

By the way, your arrogance has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, so try and stay on topic. It must be sad for you that
you're no longer relevant outside of your family.
Biden will listen to the scientists who agree with him and he will ignore the scientists who don't agree with him.

Got it, you seek to censor me. Calling me arrogant isn't on topic, is it?
Rye, your word salad is nothing more than you trying to cancel what your opposition is saying...always.
You just don't like it when it's thrown back in your face. Reality bites, dude.
If you look at what I typed in bold, you will see I was on topic, more than what you can say.

Biden's response is overblown for what the numbers of the China virus warrant.
Also, I really doubt he has the authority to implement what he would want.
It's up to the states.

I hope this is not off topic: The Vietnam Conflict lasted over a decade, we lost 58,000 KIA; Corona-19 has killed three times the # of deaths in the Vietnam Conflict. I don't believe Biden's response to follow the advice of epidemiologists is overblown; Trump's gut feeling that Covid would disappear during the summer hasn't yet been proved to be correct. If it does in the next month I will issue my mea culpa.
'I would shut America down again': Joe Biden says he would start second lockdown to fight coronavirus pandemic if scientists recommend as he slams Trump for not working to 'fix the virus'

Of course you refuse to use a link to prove what you are saying is a half truth of the matter because your Trumpettes have a hard time with the truth..
Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.

I'm very happy you signed off this comment [ Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.
] with your nom de plume, "Idiot"; since that describes your post.

The hundreds of thousand nurses and doctors are not in the business of politics. They're in the business of saving lives, and protecting their family and themselves. You are playing Donald Trump's game, and he is definitely not concerned with the health and welfare of We the People.

Don't believe so, look at the crowd sitting side by side without masks at this moment on the WH lawn seeking to hear your president lie.
I see your 'word salad', Rye. So typical of you.
It really does depend on the politics of the 'scientists', no matter what you say.

I glad you see it, my post graduate work was in human relations and included a comprehensive examination in a course on Abnormal Psychology, going through each chapter in the then current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Donald Trump is not mentally and emotionally fit to be POTUS.
You got this prognosis from listening to his critics badmouth him, I'm willing to bet.
Joe Biden has gone on record as saying that if he is elected he will "immediately" call for a 90-day lockdown, in which we will all, basically, hunker down in our basements, and on the occasions when we absolutely MUST go outside, wear masks ALL THE TIME, even if we are out in a field harvesting our marijuana crop. No exceptions.

Well, if you plan to vote for Joe Biden, and if you believe he is honest in saying this, then WHY WOULD YOU WAIT UNTIL JANUARY to follow his guidance? Will his prescription be smarter in January than it is now? Are we not relinquishing the opportunity to do a Great Good for no good reason?

And when you think about it, why would a Biden voter not do that REGARDLESS OF WHO WINS THE ELECTION? If it is the wise thing to do, what difference does it make who is President?

If, as the Leftists believe, a "majority" of Americans support Joe Biden, the masses of people following his sage advice will be greatly beneficial even if the Trumpsters ignore it.

So which is it? Is he making a good and vital suggestion, or is he just making noise, knowing that it will never happen anyway?
'I would shut America down again': Joe Biden says he would start second lockdown to fight coronavirus pandemic if scientists recommend as he slams Trump for not working to 'fix the virus'

Of course you refuse to use a link to prove what you are saying is a half truth of the matter because your Trumpettes have a hard time with the truth..
Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.

I'm very happy you signed off this comment [ Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.
] with your nom de plume, "Idiot"; since that describes your post.

The hundreds of thousand nurses and doctors are not in the business of politics. They're in the business of saving lives, and protecting their family and themselves. You are playing Donald Trump's game, and he is definitely not concerned with the health and welfare of We the People.

Don't believe so, look at the crowd sitting side by side without masks at this moment on the WH lawn seeking to hear your president lie.
I see your 'word salad', Rye. So typical of you.
It really does depend on the politics of the 'scientists', no matter what you say.

I glad you see it, my post graduate work was in human relations and included a comprehensive examination in a course on Abnormal Psychology, going through each chapter in the then current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Donald Trump is not mentally and emotionally fit to be POTUS.
What university did you get your Doctorates Degree, Freud? You haven't a clue on Trumps mental or emotional state, so quit trying
to baffle us with your bullshit. You would be considered a nut case going by your own standards, so let's be real.

By the way, your arrogance has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, so try and stay on topic. It must be sad for you that
you're no longer relevant outside of your family.
Biden will listen to the scientists who agree with him and he will ignore the scientists who don't agree with him.

Got it, you seek to censor me. Calling me arrogant isn't on topic, is it?
Rye, your word salad is nothing more than you trying to cancel what your opposition is saying...always.
You just don't like it when it's thrown back in your face. Reality bites, dude.
If you look at what I typed in bold, you will see I was on topic, more than what you can say.

Biden's response is overblown for what the numbers of the China virus warrant.
Also, I really doubt he has the authority to implement what he would want.
It's up to the states.

I hope this is not off topic: The Vietnam Conflict lasted over a decade, we lost 58,000 KIA; Corona-19 has killed three times the # of deaths in the Vietnam Conflict. I don't believe Biden's response to follow the advice of epidemiologists is overblown; Trump's gut feeling that Covid would disappear during the summer hasn't yet been proved to be correct. If it does in the next month I will issue my mea culpa.
Well he wasn't far off.
The virus has been losing so much steam that the MSM had to move the goalposts to sensationalising positive tests like they are deaths.
Any plan sure would have been better than what we got. We have the most death and the economy was crushed. Would be hard to do worse if we tried.
The Trump campaign has a policy of let's be optimistic and say trump will make the right step tomorrow while ignoring the litany of wrong steps he made in the past.

Truth is the Trump Administration have been one of the worst country leadership in the developed world despite the natural advantages it got. US was one of the last to get it, they have the ability to implement war production act, some of the prepared infection control units in the world and previous administrations having developed plans for this such scenario...

Trump could have easily sown up the election. All he had to do is give 'our time of need ' speech and say this is opur war for our generation. Then introduce Fauci and Birx and shut up... You're a legend and approval rating at high 60s... End of story, game over.... What we got was a series denials and posturing, followed by bunch of incoherent rants...
Trump Failed, his want to everyone to ignore his failure but the plain facts are that more people have died since March to this virus than WW1 and Vietnam war combined... That is in less than 6 months. Trump said this would be over in a week in March...

Trump's statement about it going in a week will go down with Neville Chamberlains ' Peace in our time ' mistakes... Trump made horrific mistakes and lets be clear there is more of these viruses to come... What did Trump do to defend America? A very half arsed travel ban from China... Even his own staff knew that was only going to slow it by a couple of weeks...

Trump's main problem is the quality of his staff... They are generally C or D listers in the GOP party... There is no A listers... He burnt through any A/B listers he got and they left in such a way that no serious operator is going near Trump... Serious operators don't do baby sitting... It turns out the inside White House books are right, this White House is a mess...
'I would shut America down again': Joe Biden says he would start second lockdown to fight coronavirus pandemic if scientists recommend as he slams Trump for not working to 'fix the virus'

Of course you refuse to use a link to prove what you are saying is a half truth of the matter because your Trumpettes have a hard time with the truth..
Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.

I'm very happy you signed off this comment [ Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.
] with your nom de plume, "Idiot"; since that describes your post.

The hundreds of thousand nurses and doctors are not in the business of politics. They're in the business of saving lives, and protecting their family and themselves. You are playing Donald Trump's game, and he is definitely not concerned with the health and welfare of We the People.

Don't believe so, look at the crowd sitting side by side without masks at this moment on the WH lawn seeking to hear your president lie.
I see your 'word salad', Rye. So typical of you.
It really does depend on the politics of the 'scientists', no matter what you say.

I glad you see it, my post graduate work was in human relations and included a comprehensive examination in a course on Abnormal Psychology, going through each chapter in the then current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Donald Trump is not mentally and emotionally fit to be POTUS.
What university did you get your Doctorates Degree, Freud? You haven't a clue on Trumps mental or emotional state, so quit trying
to baffle us with your bullshit. You would be considered a nut case going by your own standards, so let's be real.

By the way, your arrogance has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, so try and stay on topic. It must be sad for you that
you're no longer relevant outside of your family.
Biden will listen to the scientists who agree with him and he will ignore the scientists who don't agree with him.

Got it, you seek to censor me. Calling me arrogant isn't on topic, is it?
Rye, your word salad is nothing more than you trying to cancel what your opposition is saying...always.
You just don't like it when it's thrown back in your face. Reality bites, dude.
If you look at what I typed in bold, you will see I was on topic, more than what you can say.

Biden's response is overblown for what the numbers of the China virus warrant.
Also, I really doubt he has the authority to implement what he would want.
It's up to the states.

It is not just up to the states. John Roberts has already said that judges should not substitute their judgement for the judgment of elected officials. Biden should follow the advice of medical experts. If they say we need a shutdown then it should be done.
Biden is surrendering to the virus, not defeating it. Sounds about typically for idiot Dems.
Trump surrendered, he is doing nothing. We have the most death and economy failing.

Why do you lie? The death rate in many other large countries is much higher than in the US fact! As for your economy statement again that's retarded.
I didn't say death rate. I said death. We own the most deaths do we not? You don't believe the economy is failing? Over 10% unemployment and the largest recorded decrease in GDP?
Why do you lie? The death rate in many other large countries is much higher than in the US fact! As for your economy statement again that's retarded.

The death rate in NY is far higher than in Spain or Italy. And people praise Cuomo. Well, Democrats who are anti-life praise Cuomo.
'I would shut America down again': Joe Biden says he would start second lockdown to fight coronavirus pandemic if scientists recommend as he slams Trump for not working to 'fix the virus'

Of course you refuse to use a link to prove what you are saying is a half truth of the matter because your Trumpettes have a hard time with the truth..
Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.

I'm very happy you signed off this comment [ Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.
] with your nom de plume, "Idiot"; since that describes your post.

The hundreds of thousand nurses and doctors are not in the business of politics. They're in the business of saving lives, and protecting their family and themselves. You are playing Donald Trump's game, and he is definitely not concerned with the health and welfare of We the People.

Don't believe so, look at the crowd sitting side by side without masks at this moment on the WH lawn seeking to hear your president lie.
I see your 'word salad', Rye. So typical of you.
It really does depend on the politics of the 'scientists', no matter what you say.

I glad you see it, my post graduate work was in human relations and included a comprehensive examination in a course on Abnormal Psychology, going through each chapter in the then current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Donald Trump is not mentally and emotionally fit to be POTUS.
You got this prognosis from listening to his critics badmouth him, I'm willing to bet.

Nope Mud, I'm comfortable in making an assessment of Donald Trump, based on my life experiences, education and honesty. You'd lose that bet, I've encounter a fair share of Felons, Addicts and Sociopaths in my career. They're easy to spot, once one has my experience. You may think I'm arrogant, but I doubt all those who have posted TDS ad nausea don't have my live experience.
Biden is surrendering to the virus, not defeating it. Sounds about typically for idiot Dems.

Explain how VP Biden is surrendering to the virus? It appears those who sat close together without masks at the South Lawn of the White House last night, are those who surrendered.
Biden is surrendering to the virus, not defeating it. Sounds about typically for idiot Dems.

Explain how VP Biden is surrendering to the virus? It appears those who sat close together without masks at the South Lawn of the White House last night, are those who surrendered.

His brilliant plan is to hide in his basement. SLAM the economy and the people with a total shut down. IGNORING all the people he will kill by doing that. Dude come on, that's just a f'ing retarded plan.
'I would shut America down again': Joe Biden says he would start second lockdown to fight coronavirus pandemic if scientists recommend as he slams Trump for not working to 'fix the virus'

Of course you refuse to use a link to prove what you are saying is a half truth of the matter because your Trumpettes have a hard time with the truth..
Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.

I'm very happy you signed off this comment [ Depends on the politics of the scientists, doesn't it Skippy?
After all they are part of your political game.
] with your nom de plume, "Idiot"; since that describes your post.

The hundreds of thousand nurses and doctors are not in the business of politics. They're in the business of saving lives, and protecting their family and themselves. You are playing Donald Trump's game, and he is definitely not concerned with the health and welfare of We the People.

Don't believe so, look at the crowd sitting side by side without masks at this moment on the WH lawn seeking to hear your president lie.
I see your 'word salad', Rye. So typical of you.
It really does depend on the politics of the 'scientists', no matter what you say.

I glad you see it, my post graduate work was in human relations and included a comprehensive examination in a course on Abnormal Psychology, going through each chapter in the then current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Donald Trump is not mentally and emotionally fit to be POTUS.

Would not your feelings, bigotry and bias play into your self proclaimed diagnosis? Your posts lead me to believe you are not fit to diagnose a radish. So, I guess we are done with your hate and bigotry.

Furthermore, Biden seems to forget his powers and could not shutdown the country if he wanted to, which leads me to believe he is spouting nonsense and really isn't fit to run a country.
Trump didn't even try and failed....'Just go to work and the virus will disappear' he said. (link below). I have a feeling Biden will give it his all.

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