Do you agree with this statement

Do you agree with this statement

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A president of the United States must have full immunity, without which it would be impossible for him/her to properly function. Any mistake, even if well intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term end. Even events that 'cross the line' must fall under total immunity, or it will be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad.
A president of the United States must have full immunity, without which it would be impossible for him/her to properly function. Any mistake, even if well intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term end. Even events that 'cross the line' must fall under total immunity, or it will be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad.

The question is wrong. The President doesn't have "full immunity," they can be impeached. That is how they are held in check in office, not the legal system
Gee…. It was just yesterday that Trump Humpers were saying it was just his lawyer saying that.

That he didn’t speak for Trump

Well he is

Democrats are just so strange flipping positions based on the party in office as if no one notices, LOL. What a bunch of vermin you are, vermin
The question is wrong. The President doesn't have "full immunity," they can be impeached. That is how they are held in check in office, not the legal system
If the President's action is to machine gun the Republican members of Congress, thats not a real recourse.
You dont agree? Name any president and i promise you i can find multiple reasons to send them to prison for decisions made while in the Oval Office. Even my favorite presidents would be fair game if they didnt have immunity.
A president of the United States must have full immunity, without which it would be impossible for him/her to properly function. Any mistake, even if well intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term end. Even events that 'cross the line' must fall under total immunity, or it will be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad.

With the caveat: Unless Impeached by the House, and removed from Office by the Senate. After that he can be prosecuted for the crimes he was impeached and removed for, and those crimes only.
With the caveat: Unless Impeached by the House, and removed from Office by the Senate. After that he can be prosecuted for the crimes he was impeached and removed for, and those crimes only.

Except that has never been the accepted practice, has it.

Nixon needed a pardon from Ford after he resigned.
Clinton had to settle all outstanding issues related to his misconduct in the Paula Jones case before he left office.

The Presidency should NEVER be a blanket immunity from criminal charges.
You dont agree? Name any president and i promise you i can find multiple reasons to send them to prison for decisions made while in the Oval Office. Even my favorite presidents would be fair game if they didnt have immunity.
Especially your favorite Presidents
A president of the United States must have full immunity, without which it would be impossible for him/her to properly function. Any mistake, even if well intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term end. Even events that 'cross the line' must fall under total immunity, or it will be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad.
No one is above the law, including presidents.
Except that has never been the accepted practice, has it.

Nixon needed a pardon from Ford after he resigned.
Clinton had to settle all outstanding issues related to his misconduct in the Paula Jones case before he left office.

The Presidency should NEVER be a blanket immunity from criminal charges.

The Pardon was part of the deal with him Resigning instead of being Impeached, so it never was clarified.

Wasn't the Paula Jones stuff from BEFORE he was President?

Impeachment and Removal means there isn't blanket Immunity.
That depends on how well the President performed during his term. Some leeway should be given for good performance. It's hard to punish a President for overseeing a term of peace and prosperity, unless he totally fucked up and got us involved in the losing side of WW3.

Is this another silly thread trying to show there's no difference between Trump and Biden?
No, it's a thread demonstrating Trump, his lawyers, and supporters are wrong.

Presidential immunity is not 'absolute.'
Since any average person could easily do the job of the potus, everyone should be held to the same standards. Let's not make the job out to be harder than it really is.
With the caveat: Unless Impeached by the House, and removed from Office by the Senate. After that he can be prosecuted for the crimes he was impeached and removed for, and those crimes only.

so as long as their party control Congress there is nothing that a POTUS can do that they could be charged for.

Does not sound like a free country to me

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