Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

  • Yes, Trump Needed Russia to Win

    Votes: 23 16.4%
  • No, Hillary Lost on Her Own

    Votes: 114 81.4%
  • Meh, I Don't Care

    Votes: 3 2.1%

  • Total voters
if someone broke into your house but didn't take anything valuable.... should they still be charged? should they be considered criminals & punished so they don't feel like they can do it again?
Why wouldn’t they? You can’t be that stupid

it's pretty stupid to say that they should be.... but don't want russia held accountable for basically the same thing...since 'no votes were changed'.....

you couldn't figure out where that line of questioning was headed? go eat some more spinach- your brain has atrophied.
The problem you have, is you never proved the Russians broke in. Any fking day eh?

you never proved they didn't. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................... 17 intel agencies said they did. they have quite the detailed info too....

& you? lol......

Fake news still today thanks

neh 'eh. only fake news is what you're peddling, pops.
Based on the FACT that there is zero evidence, I'd have to say no at this time.
We have this thing called representative democracy, so we trust all our Representatives who say the evidence is incontrovertible.
DUH. Except brainwashed GOP conspiracy nut jobs.... The whole base it appears... Thanks Fox Rush Etc
if someone broke into your house but didn't take anything valuable.... should they still be charged? should they be considered criminals & punished so they don't feel like they can do it again?
Why wouldn’t they? You can’t be that stupid

it's pretty stupid to say that they should be.... but don't want russia held accountable for basically the same thing...since 'no votes were changed'.....

you couldn't figure out where that line of questioning was headed? go eat some more spinach- your brain has atrophied.
The problem you have, is you never proved the Russians broke in. Any fking day eh?

you never proved they didn't. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................... 17 intel agencies said they did. they have quite the detailed info too....

& you? lol......


Where is this info?

the unclassified version:

Here's What Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Said About Indicting Russian Intelligence Officers
Why wouldn’t they? You can’t be that stupid

it's pretty stupid to say that they should be.... but don't want russia held accountable for basically the same thing...since 'no votes were changed'.....

you couldn't figure out where that line of questioning was headed? go eat some more spinach- your brain has atrophied.
The problem you have, is you never proved the Russians broke in. Any fking day eh?

you never proved they didn't. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................... 17 intel agencies said they did. they have quite the detailed info too....

& you? lol......


Where is this info?

the unclassified version:

Here's What Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Said About Indicting Russian Intelligence Officers

Where's the evidence? You DO understand that that isn't evidence?
if someone broke into your house but didn't take anything valuable.... should they still be charged? should they be considered criminals & punished so they don't feel like they can do it again?
Why wouldn’t they? You can’t be that stupid

it's pretty stupid to say that they should be.... but don't want russia held accountable for basically the same thing...since 'no votes were changed'.....

you couldn't figure out where that line of questioning was headed? go eat some more spinach- your brain has atrophied.
The problem you have, is you never proved the Russians broke in. Any fking day eh?

you never proved they didn't. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................... 17 intel agencies said they did. they have quite the detailed info too....

& you? lol......

by the way, the fact you can’t prove they did is my evidence!

mueller isn't finished yet, dippy. but i'll put my faith in them over a con man turned failed reality star turned russian asset.
it's pretty stupid to say that they should be.... but don't want russia held accountable for basically the same thing...since 'no votes were changed'.....

you couldn't figure out where that line of questioning was headed? go eat some more spinach- your brain has atrophied.
The problem you have, is you never proved the Russians broke in. Any fking day eh?

you never proved they didn't. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................... 17 intel agencies said they did. they have quite the detailed info too....

& you? lol......


Where is this info?

the unclassified version:

Here's What Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Said About Indicting Russian Intelligence Officers

Where's the evidence? You DO understand that that isn't evidence?

the evidence is in the classified version... i didn't think you needed that explained to you.

i guess i was wrong.

when intel gathering becomes iron clad in the eyes of law enforcement... that's when indictments are given, because law enforcement believes the intel is now evidence & will hold up in court.

The problem you have, is you never proved the Russians broke in. Any fking day eh?

you never proved they didn't. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................... 17 intel agencies said they did. they have quite the detailed info too....

& you? lol......


Where is this info?

the unclassified version:

Here's What Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein Said About Indicting Russian Intelligence Officers

Where's the evidence? You DO understand that that isn't evidence?

the evidence is in the classified version... i didn't think you needed that explained to you.

i guess i was wrong.

when intel gathering becomes iron clad in the eyes of law enforcement... that's when indictments are given, because law enforcement believes the intel is now evidence & will hold up in court.


Except when Mueller indicted the first group of Russians they showed up, much to Muellers surprise and demanded to see the evidence against them. Mueller had none. He still has none and you have none.


Lying fuck.

The Communist Party employed CROWD STRIKE, a "security company" (which was embroiled in corruption and malpractice 3 years later) to examine the server. No law enforcement ever had access to the DNC servers.

FBI says DNC rebuffed request to examine computer servers - CNNPolitics

they got the info from the servers. they did not have to move them, nor is the FBI unable to take possession of the info like you are trying to peddle. oh & there is this:

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server
Watch the latest video at
(Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight")
By Jason Devaney | Tuesday, 17 July 2018 10:22 PM

President Donald Trump said Tuesday he has the authority to order the FBI to examine a hacked Democratic National Committee Server at the center of Russian election meddling, and added the inspector general report on the bureau's Hillary Clinton probe had a "politically correct" conclusion.

Trump spoke with Fox News' Tucker Carlson after his summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and covered a variety of issues, including the U.S. intelligence community's assessment Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. election.

Part of that election interference purportedly involved Russians hacking into a DNC server and stealing emails during the campaign, but the FBI has never been given access to the server.

"The answer is absolutely it is possible and maybe at some point it will be done," Trump said in regard to whether he will order the FBI to seize and look at the server.

Trump Says He Can Order FBI to Look at Hacked DNC Server

so why hasn't he done it yet, 'eh? almost 2 years have gone by.... i'll tell you why, little doggie. to keep you &the rest your ilk trained like pavlov's dogs... salivate at anything he wants you to.

They didn't get nor ask for shit, lying fuck.

The FSB let the corrupt Communists just say "well, the third party we hired (wink wink nod) says it was them thar RUSKIES."

The corrupt motherfuckers never let ANY law enforcement examine the servers.

Now I WONDER why you Stalinists wouldn't let the FSB check the servers you claim were hacked? The RNC did - just not you Commie scum...

your posts remind me of charly brown's teacher....

You lied, got busted, and now blow smoke.

Such is the way of you Communists.

poor delusional muttski.

Oh, did you think I was claiming "WE GOT HIM NOW?" Because THAT is fucking delusional, little pathological Stalinist....
your posts remind me of charly brown's teacher....

Every post from you reminds me of Joseph Goebbels.

Hey, you might be a traitor and a disgusting liar, but at least you have no redeeming qualities...

poor angry delusional muttski.

Poor little lying fuck.

You know, you irrational psychopaths love to spew your moronic lies about "collusion." Of course you lying fucks can never get around to any evidence. BUT you know who IS a Soviet Spy? John Brennan. Fucking traitor Obama put a KNOWN Communist and advocate of Stalinism as head of the CIA.

Now what kind of piece of shit DOES THAT? :dunno:

Yet you scum lose your shit over "would" rather than "wouldn't."
Democrats always have a reason for not winning a Presidential Election outside of “We Lost”:

2000- hanging chads and Bush “stealing” the election

2004- Bush rigged the Diebold voting machines in Ohio.

2016 - Trump colluded with Russians

Democrats feel entitled to get their way and when it doesn’t happen, people are going to pay.
Duplicitous Duopoly

By "entitled," are you revealing that they are the slime that oozed out of the plutocrats' trophy wives?

Nice spew, Herr Goebbels, yet what he stated remains fact, unlike your demagoguery.
I Believe Based on Evidence, Mexico Tried to change Outcome of 2016 Election - but they failed.
Democrats always have a reason for not winning a Presidential Election outside of “We Lost”:

2000- hanging chads and Bush “stealing” the election

2004- Bush rigged the Diebold voting machines in Ohio.

2016 - Trump colluded with Russians

Democrats feel entitled to get their way and when it doesn’t happen, people are going to pay.
Duplicitous Duopoly

By "entitled," are you revealing that they are the slime that oozed out of the plutocrats' trophy wives?

By entitled, I mean Democrats shit themselves when they lose and become vitriolic and violent.
Why wouldn’t they? You can’t be that stupid

it's pretty stupid to say that they should be.... but don't want russia held accountable for basically the same thing...since 'no votes were changed'.....

you couldn't figure out where that line of questioning was headed? go eat some more spinach- your brain has atrophied.
The problem you have, is you never proved the Russians broke in. Any fking day eh?

you never proved they didn't. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...................... 17 intel agencies said they did. they have quite the detailed info too....

& you? lol......

Fake news still today thanks

neh 'eh. only fake news is what you're peddling, pops.
Cause that’s all you’re sharing
I have to concluded Putin is controlling Mueller and his investigation as well. There is no other explanation as to why he has allowed Putin to run this country for 18 months without revealing this fact to the American people. I cant imagine he is allowing Putin to run this country by proxy simply because he is still building a case.

Mueller is not going to hand over evidence of collusion to a Republican majority. They have shown with Devin Nunes & several other Republican members of congress that they can't be trusted with information regarding the Russian investigation. IOW they would just bury it, or turn it into another conspiracy.


In fact, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was considering filing Obstruction of Justice charges on several Republican house members. He's clearly tired of their bullshit. Go to this link on this board.
Rosenstein calls for investigation of GOP House intelligence committee. Devin Nunes the target

Mueller is waiting for the midterm election cycle, and it looks promising that Democrats will take over the house, and possibly the Senate. When Democrats take over one or both houses of congress the open public hearings and testimony will begin, & then the impeachment proceedings will start. At that point no one, FOX NEWS, Sean Hannity or anyone else is going to be able to protect Trump. Nor will Trump be able to hide behind a Republican majority. This link on this board will explain the blue wave.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Then I would strongly suggest that you go to this link on this thread for the collusion. You can watch FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on national T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Mueller does not want to tip his hand until he has built a solid case

Revealing his evidence to Republicans now would allow them to tip off potential suspects[/Q
I have to concluded Putin is controlling Mueller and his investigation as well. There is no other explanation as to why he has allowed Putin to run this country for 18 months without revealing this fact to the American people. I cant imagine he is allowing Putin to run this country by proxy simply because he is still building a case.

Mueller is not going to hand over evidence of collusion to a Republican majority. They have shown with Devin Nunes & several other Republican members of congress that they can't be trusted with information regarding the Russian investigation. IOW they would just bury it, or turn it into another conspiracy.


In fact, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was considering filing Obstruction of Justice charges on several Republican house members. He's clearly tired of their bullshit. Go to this link on this board.
Rosenstein calls for investigation of GOP House intelligence committee. Devin Nunes the target

Mueller is waiting for the midterm election cycle, and it looks promising that Democrats will take over the house, and possibly the Senate. When Democrats take over one or both houses of congress the open public hearings and testimony will begin, & then the impeachment proceedings will start. At that point no one, FOX NEWS, Sean Hannity or anyone else is going to be able to protect Trump. Nor will Trump be able to hide behind a Republican majority. This link on this board will explain the blue wave.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Then I would strongly suggest that you go to this link on this thread for the collusion. You can watch FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admitting to obstruction of justice on national T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

Mueller does not want to tip his hand until he has built a solid case

Revealing his evidence to Republicans now would allow them to tip off potential suspects

Supposedly Mueller is looking at 5 more people to indict.

For how Vladimir Putin managed to get Trump elected go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

That time in the oval office when Trump gave the Russians classified information was no accident. Go to this link on this thread to find out more.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

For the evidence of collusion go to this link on this thread.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


To-date it's 34 Federal Grand Jury indictments, 5 guilty plea's, and hundreds of charges. But he is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

One of my favorite all time video's--:auiqs.jpg:

This is much for serious than Nixon. The Russian President has taken control of the oval office!

Pitching From the Stretch

That's what the KochBros' Daddy's John Birch Society said about Eisenhower!

That statement is about as clear as mud.

It's very clear that if Vladimir Putin didn't interfere into the 2016 election, that Trump wouldn't be POTUS today. James Clapper agrees with that assessment, and this link on this thread explains it.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


Russian adds placed on FACEBOOK and then shared by millions.

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