Zone1 Do you believe in Free Speech

Lose the culture war, lose the country.
The country isn't yours to lose. If the country decides to change in ways you don't like, too bad. That's freedom.
The 1st amendment gives people the power, not the government, the government just gets to referee then.
It doesn't give the power to referee speech. That's the entire point of the freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment.

Your commitment to winning the culture war clearly trumps your commitment to free speech, or freedom in general.
I don't use Twatter, so it's none of my concern. I think it should all be banned. A position I've made clear.

More dodging. Again, do you think people should be banned for it?

Or do you think saying it is offensive enough were a person should be punished for saying it?
No, you just like what they are doing because they currently favor silencing your political opponents.
Don’t tell me what I like and don’t like. I’m perfectly capable of speaking for myself. You’re acting butthurt because you made a dumb comment and got called on it. If you want to make impactful arguments then be accurate not hyperbolic or misleading
The country isn't yours to lose. If the country decides to change in ways you don't like, too bad. That's freedom.

It doesn't give the power to referee speech. That's the entire point of the freedom of speech clause in the First Amendment.

Your commitment to winning the culture war clearly trumps your commitment to free speech, or freedom in general.

That's dystopian true "democracy".

It gives the government the responsibility to protect it, either by not passing laws, or passing laws.

Again, lose the war, lose the country with the current SJW winning side right now.
Don’t tell me what I like and don’t like. I’m perfectly capable of speaking for myself. You’re acting butthurt because you made a dumb comment and got called on it. If you want to make impactful arguments then be accurate not hyperbolic or misleading

Speaking, but not being truthful. Like most leftists you just refuse to say what you actually mean.
Free speech means the government cannot prosecute you for what you say

Doesn’t mean what you say can have no consequences.
Libel is still prosecutable
Making a threat is still prosecutable

Trump was free to say the election was stolen. If that was all he did he would not be in trouble

But a fake elector scheme is prosecutable
Pressuring state electors is prosecutable
Telling lies that create a riot

Not free speech
Yup, as I said break the rules lose your rights to participate

Again, you think the rules should apply to thoughtcrime, based on your posting history and your general disdain for anyone who has the nerve to think unlike you think.

It's unearned superiority, verging on narcissism.
Free speech means the government cannot prosecute you for what you say

Doesn’t mean what you say can have no consequences.
Libel is still prosecutable
Making a threat is still prosecutable

Trump was free to say the election was stolen. If that was all he did he would not be in trouble

But a fake elector scheme is prosecutable
Pressuring state electors is prosecutable
Telling lies that create a riot

Not free speech

What the left wants to do is extend past slander and threats, and move to wrongthink.

Look at rightwinger saying one thing, and then giving a list linking actions and words to mean the exact opposite.
That's dystopian true "democracy".

It gives the government the responsibility to protect it, either by not passing laws, or passing laws.

Again, lose the war, lose the country with the current SJW winning side right now.
Your victim mentality is tedious and unconstructive. :rolleyes:
What the left wants to do is extend past slander and threats, and move to wrongthink.

Look at rightwinger saying one thing, and then giving a list linking actions and words to mean the exact opposite.
Trump is being prosecuted for his actions
Not a first amendment issue
That's dystopian true "democracy".

It gives the government the responsibility to protect it, either by not passing laws, or passing laws.

Again, lose the war, lose the country with the current SJW winning side right now.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. The culture warriors are destroying this country. Tearing down the foundations of Constitutional government in a vain attempt to force their values on others.
Again, you think the rules should apply to thoughtcrime, based on your posting history and your general disdain for anyone who has the nerve to think unlike you think.

It's unearned superiority, verging on narcissism.
Stop telling me what I think. You’re obviously extremely poor at comprehending that.

Youve lost the argument and now are trying to make this about me. Going personal. Oldest trick in the book. Grow up

I don’t think that is a “right”. Anybody can solicite door to door, but equally a homeowner can tell them to leave,or post signs saying no solicitors or no trespassing.

It IS a right to be able to go door to door for politics and religion.
The "no soliciting" sign does not apply to religion or politics.
This has been through the SCOTUS, by the Jehovah's Witnesses already, and a done deal.
The owner can tell you to leave after they have identified themselves, but going to the front door and knocking can never be trespassing.
Marty cannot stand being told the truth: that free speech is restrained in American law.

But clearly the automated censor programs of the media, like Twitter, are totally illegal.
Twitter should not be censoring anything that is not criminal.
Like threats, slander, posting addresses of enemies, etc., are the only things that should be censored.

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