Do you believe insurrection has occurred and that the military should act?

The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.
Ding dong that fat orange man is done. No longer in the White House. You are hilarious but belong in a straitjacket.
You are welcome to your opinion, tape a quarter on it. Trump is out of the picture, unconcerned, playing golf at Maralago, patiently waiting for the military to do its thing. He will be back. Count on it. Never mind, I'm sure you can't count. :auiqs.jpg:
You still havent said when the military was going to do its thing. Why you afraid to tell us?
Don't think it will be long before I ignore the rancid idiot.
Youre missing a golden opportunity if you do that. Dude is fresh meat with plenty of wild ass conspiracy theories. Enjoy before he starts pulling back and pretending he never said this stuff.
You should see the crazy-ass rant that loser sent me in a PM. That guy makes crazy people look sane. The funniest part is he doesn't realize that is a badge of honor to me that I could so utterly defeat him in just a few short posts.

This one is a new kinda crazy. Wow
Has all the makings of a new King Looney Bird. Move over bripat.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.
Ding dong that fat orange man is done. No longer in the White House. You are hilarious but belong in a straitjacket.
You are welcome to your opinion, tape a quarter on it. Trump is out of the picture, unconcerned, playing golf at Maralago, patiently waiting for the military to do its thing. He will be back. Count on it. Never mind, I'm sure you can't count. :auiqs.jpg:
You still havent said when the military was going to do its thing. Why you afraid to tell us?
Don't think it will be long before I ignore the rancid idiot.
Youre missing a golden opportunity if you do that. Dude is fresh meat with plenty of wild ass conspiracy theories. Enjoy before he starts pulling back and pretending he never said this stuff.
You should see the crazy-ass rant that loser sent me in a PM. That guy makes crazy people look sane. The funniest part is he doesn't realize that is a badge of honor to me that I could so utterly defeat him in just a few short posts.

This one is a new kinda crazy. Wow
Has all the makings of a new King Looney Bird. Move over bripat.
And that's not an easy thing to do.
Do you believe insurrection has occurred and that the military should act?

The military has acted. Civil Affairs is on the job.

View attachment 454066
Oh, you poor misinformed.
Do you believe insurrection has occurred and that the military should act?

The military has acted. Civil Affairs is on the job.

View attachment 454066
Oh, you poor misinformed.
Nope, Joe is in charge of the military. You remain dumb as ever.
See you guys? Keep it up with the batshit crazy conspiracy theories and you along with the OP will be all be committed to the insane asylum together.
The only thing you and your Democrat doctors and your Democrat cops and Democrat lawyers and Democrat judges are "committing" is High Treason and that's enough to hang every last psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, social worker and pharmacist in the gallows for that unconcealed agenda of using a coercive social system of "mental health" to prosecute political "thoughtcrime." It is truly Orwellian and a Holocaust is the inevitable end. God help us; I hope they die before they succeed in killing us or even further ruining and destroying our short and troublesome lives.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

So you claim the military has irrefutable evidence of election fraud and foreign involvement? Biden's inauguration was over 2 weeks ago. If they have irrefutable evidence, what are they waiting for?

Oh, that that nonsense about seizing servers in Germany was debunked 15 minutes after it came out.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

So you claim the military has irrefutable evidence of election fraud and foreign involvement? Biden's inauguration was over 2 weeks ago. If they have irrefutable evidence, what are they waiting for?

Oh, that that nonsense about seizing servers in Germany was debunked 15 minutes after it came out.

Have you watched the Lindell video? Skip to 1hr 36 min.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

So you claim the military has irrefutable evidence of election fraud and foreign involvement? Biden's inauguration was over 2 weeks ago. If they have irrefutable evidence, what are they waiting for?

Oh, that that nonsense about seizing servers in Germany was debunked 15 minutes after it came out.
Debunked by what ... lying CNN saying so? Be as stupid as you like. As for what they are waiting for, well, getting rid of Biden is just the low-hanging fruit, what they will actually do is FAR FAR more ... the entire deep state will be removed as well as the New World Order completely destroyed. It is probably the most complex, most tightly-coordinated sting operation in world history. Once AGAIN ... WATCH THE VIDEO AND THINK!
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

I am not watching any 45 minute video put out by Qanon and their ilk. The fact that you claim the military has proof because they seized servers in Germany (didn't happen) tells me all I need to know.

But, again, why is the military waiting? Better weather?
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

So you claim the military has irrefutable evidence of election fraud and foreign involvement? Biden's inauguration was over 2 weeks ago. If they have irrefutable evidence, what are they waiting for?

Oh, that that nonsense about seizing servers in Germany was debunked 15 minutes after it came out.

Have you watched the Lindell video? Skip to 1hr 36 min.
That video has been removed from Youtube as has anything and everything else even remotely speaking about election fraud because they are deathly afraid of the truth getting out. If you can provide a link to somewhere where it is available, we will thank you sincerely.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

I am not watching any 45 minute video put out by Qanon and their ilk. The fact that you claim the military has proof because they seized servers in Germany (didn't happen) tells me all I need to know.

But, again, why is the military waiting? Better weather?
Well, I guess you can remain willfully ignorant. :cool:
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

I am not watching any 45 minute video put out by Qanon and their ilk. The fact that you claim the military has proof because they seized servers in Germany (didn't happen) tells me all I need to know.

But, again, why is the military waiting? Better weather?
Well, I guess you can remain willfully ignorant. :cool:

I will remain amused at your posts.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

I am not watching any 45 minute video put out by Qanon and their ilk. The fact that you claim the military has proof because they seized servers in Germany (didn't happen) tells me all I need to know.

But, again, why is the military waiting? Better weather?
Well, I guess you can remain willfully ignorant. :cool:

I will remain amused at your posts.
Well, your amusement will cease well within three months, almost certainly within two and quite possibly before end of February.
The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

So you claim the military has irrefutable evidence of election fraud and foreign involvement? Biden's inauguration was over 2 weeks ago. If they have irrefutable evidence, what are they waiting for?

Oh, that that nonsense about seizing servers in Germany was debunked 15 minutes after it came out.

Have you watched the Lindell video? Skip to 1hr 36 min.
That video has been removed from Youtube as has anything and everything else even remotely speaking about election fraud because they are deathly afraid of the truth getting out. If you can provide a link to somewhere where it is available, we will thank you sincerely.

Scroll down for video "Absolute Proof."

The military must be ordered to do so to act. Who will give the order?
Trump has already given the order. He invoked the Insurrection act of 1807 before leaving office, turning complete control over to the military to do their duty and uphold the Constitution. He also issued his Executive Order of 2018 authorizing the military that upon proof of election fraud and / or involvement in such by a foreign country to seize the assets of anyone, any corporation, any entity in any way involved (that includes Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, FOX and every other network that colluded through censorship of anything to do with election fraud). The military and our National Intelligence Service were both closely monitoring the Dominion machines and all data sent from them and received by them and the military has ALL of that as well as the report from the NSI proving extensive fraud and foreign involvement. So it is just a matter of time before massive arrests for treason occur.

I know the loony left won't like this, but I flat don't care.

If this is true, what are they waiting for? The Commander & Chief is now President Biden. The military will not be seizing assets or arresting people.
Watch the video, numbnuts. Then check out the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's Executive Order of 2018. :cool:
That is, if you can watch, listen and read. :cool:
Biden committed high treason when he accepted the inauguration which sealed his crime of participating in an utterly fraudulent election. The military has irrefutable hard proof of both election fraud as well as foreign involvement in it ... they have the actual Dominion data from the CIA servers that were seized in Germany. The next two or three months are going to rock your over-confident corrupt fraudulent asses. Biden will be either rotting in prison for life or using his Covid mask for a blindfold in front of a military firing squad.

I am not watching any 45 minute video put out by Qanon and their ilk. The fact that you claim the military has proof because they seized servers in Germany (didn't happen) tells me all I need to know.

But, again, why is the military waiting? Better weather?
Well, I guess you can remain willfully ignorant. :cool:

I will remain amused at your posts.
Well, your amusement will cease well within three months, almost certainly within two and quite possibly before end of February. FYI we are engaged in WWIII. The fraudulent election was like Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor ... and the reperccussions will be similar, unconditional surrender of the deep state. Your amusement is fixing to turn into shock, awe and utter disbelief.
Do you believe insurrection has occurred and that the military should act?

The use of the word insurrection is just plain silly, and plays into how stupid about history and politics Americans really are. If I had seen Trump-faction soldiers placing checkpoints at street corners and CNN surrounded by tanks, that would look like an insurrection. A coup is a tricky thing requiring many elements striking with lightning precision, and even very carefully planned ones usually fail.

What happened was a legitimate expression of anger over a stolen election in which things got out of hand a tragedy struck.

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