Do you believe Kamala's 'Kwanza' claims?

Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.
Yawn. This is what you find to complain about?

Compared to orange sociopath destroying the country, I’d say this is a big nada

trumpkins are funny
Time for another Conservatives butthurt over Kwanza thread.

You know....Kwanza is just a made up holiday

Educate yourself...

The Evil Truth About The Creator Of Kwanzaa Who Tortured Women

What does that have to do with celebrating Kwanza ?

Kwanzaa is a phony, made-up "holiday" celebrated mostly by white liberal women. It has nothing to do with African culture and is the ultra-radical, paramilitary, black nationalist cult's version of "Fesitivus."

So is Christmas and Easter
But Holidays are what you make them

Why would you be so outraged that Black Americans want to celebrate their own holiday?

Christmas and Easter are both Christian religious observations. Neither of them have anything to do with tying up cult slaves and poking them with hot soldering irons.

I find it curious that the same of you people who were so adamantly opposed to segregation, are also adamantly in favor of minorities having things that exclude other races.

All are based on “faith” meaning they are made up and not based on fact.
Kwanza is a cultural holiday with as much validity as any religious based observance
Absolute bullshit but that is what I have come to expect from your kind... you kind being America hating communists
Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.
Yawn. This is what you find to complain about?

Compared to orange sociopath destroying the country, I’d say this is a big nada

trumpkins are funny
When empowered by your Prog Socialist Regime I will go back to Jamaica and exterminate every fiber of her family and then go to the lands she was from before that to do the same.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.

A charade, biden's is just an idea. I accept your concession.

SO kayne is an "idiot" for successfully getting that black grandma released serving a life sentence for weed?

I disagree.
Based on who her parents are, it's very doubtful that Kwanza was a regular annual celebration in her household.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.

A charade, biden's is just an idea. I accept your concession.

SO kayne is an "idiot" for successfully getting that black grandma released serving a life sentence for weed?

I disagree.

I believe it was Kim K. who made the sacrifice of having the kidnapping photo-op with Trump to get "grandma" out of prison.

What did Trump do about getting rid of all future marijuana sentences?
Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.
Yawn. This is what you find to complain about?

Compared to orange sociopath destroying the country, I’d say this is a big nada

trumpkins are funny

I'm not complaining. Just 'fact-checking'.
So her growing up in a predominately black town has no influence on her? Oakland was where the holiday was originated.

The History, Principles, and Symbols of Kwanzaa
4 minutes
Updated: 20 July 2020
Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration held in the United States that honors African heritage in African-American culture. Kwanzaa is observed from December 26th to January 1st, and culminates in gift giving and a big feast.
The holiday is relatively new, compared to other holidays celebrated in the U.S. Dr. Maulana Karenga, professor and chairman of Africana Studies at California State University, first created Kwanzaa in 1966. He created this holiday in response to the Watts Riots in Los Angeles in 1965 as a way to bring African-Americans together as a community.
Dr. Karenga researched African harvest celebrations and combined aspects of several different celebrations, such as those of the Ashanti and those of the Zulu, to form the foundation of Kwanzaa. The name Kwanzaa is derived from the phrase matunda ya kwanza which means first fruits, or harvest, in Swahili. Celebrations often include singing and dancing, storytelling, poetry reading, African drumming, and feasting.
Dr. Karenga created seven guiding principles to be discussed during the week of Kwanzaa. The seven principles represent seven values of African culture that help build and reinforce community among African-Americans. Each day a different principle is discussed, and each day a candle is lit on the kinara (candleholder). On the first night, the center black candle is lit, and the principle of umoja, or unity is discussed. On the final day of Kwanzaa, families enjoy an African feast, called karamu.
Last edited:
Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.
Yawn. This is what you find to complain about?

Compared to orange sociopath destroying the country, I’d say this is a big nada

trumpkins are funny
Time for another Conservatives butthurt over Kwanza thread.

You know....Kwanza is just a made up holiday

Educate yourself...

The Evil Truth About The Creator Of Kwanzaa Who Tortured Women

What does that have to do with celebrating Kwanza ?

Since the holiday was invented by a rapist and torturer the holiday is caught in the proverbial #metoo, racial indignation trap. We are getting rid of names, people, statues and even holidays because people have no tolerance of rape, sexual abuse, torture, slavery or people associated with such disgusting vile crimes. It seems a little hypocritical to dismiss one and not dismiss others that are similar.
Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.
Yawn. This is what you find to complain about?

Compared to orange sociopath destroying the country, I’d say this is a big nada

trumpkins are funny

The left has done nothing for the last four years but whine about a President they insisted was a liar.

They now out themselves as scumbag hypocrites by being so accepting of it from Harris...
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.

A charade, biden's is just an idea. I accept your concession.

SO kayne is an "idiot" for successfully getting that black grandma released serving a life sentence for weed?

I disagree.

I believe it was Kim K. who made the sacrifice of having the kidnapping photo-op with Trump to get "grandma" out of prison.

What did Trump do about getting rid of all future marijuana sentences?

More than biden and kamala combined, but they all suck, if your justifying kamala by trump your suggesting kamala is no better than trump, I agree.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.

A charade, biden's is just an idea. I accept your concession.

SO kayne is an "idiot" for successfully getting that black grandma released serving a life sentence for weed?

I disagree.

I believe it was Kim K. who made the sacrifice of having the kidnapping photo-op with Trump to get "grandma" out of prison.

What did Trump do about getting rid of all future marijuana sentences?

More than biden and kamala combined, but they all suck, if your justifying kamala by trump your suggesting kamala is no better than trump, I agree.

No, as previously discussed I think she is way better. Separating families, the stuff of Nazis.
Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.
Yawn. This is what you find to complain about?

Compared to orange sociopath destroying the country, I’d say this is a big nada

trumpkins are funny

I find both parties will and have been fascinated by nothings. Every time we have turned around for the last 20 years we have been bombarded with thoughts about the president, vice presidents and their kids.

I'm not sure why she needs to lie about Kwanza, but to each their own.
Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.

Kamala is a well known liar. She lies far more than Trump.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.

A charade, biden's is just an idea. I accept your concession.

SO kayne is an "idiot" for successfully getting that black grandma released serving a life sentence for weed?

I disagree.

I believe it was Kim K. who made the sacrifice of having the kidnapping photo-op with Trump to get "grandma" out of prison.

What did Trump do about getting rid of all future marijuana sentences?

More than biden and kamala combined, but they all suck, if your justifying kamala by trump your suggesting kamala is no better than trump, I agree.

No, as previously discussed I think she is way better. Separating families, the stuff of Nazis.

You mean how she refused to let exonerated prisoners out of her prisons?

You should research who you support more. She's the nazi.
Kwanza was first celebrated in 1966, and Ms Harris was born in 1964.

However, observance of Kwanza has always been limited to between 1% and 5% of the African American population.

Also, given that her mother was a practicing Hindu from Tamil Nadhu state in India and regularly brought her daughters to temple, it seems unlikely she was raised in a practice that began as a black segregationist observance.

I'm calling 'pants on fire' on this one.
Yawn. This is what you find to complain about?

Compared to orange sociopath destroying the country, I’d say this is a big nada

trumpkins are funny
Harris is a lying HO---and that is all she has ever been. To support her is to indeed be weak minded and foolish.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.

A charade, biden's is just an idea. I accept your concession.

SO kayne is an "idiot" for successfully getting that black grandma released serving a life sentence for weed?

I disagree.

I believe it was Kim K. who made the sacrifice of having the kidnapping photo-op with Trump to get "grandma" out of prison.

What did Trump do about getting rid of all future marijuana sentences?

More than biden and kamala combined, but they all suck, if your justifying kamala by trump your suggesting kamala is no better than trump, I agree.

No, as previously discussed I think she is way better. Separating families, the stuff of Nazis.

You mean how she refused to let exonerated prisoners out of her prisons?

You should research who you support more. She's the nazi.

She didn't run the prisons for starters. No, saying she refused to let "exonerated" prisoners out is not a true statement.

This is a good read to get an idea of the balancing act that is Kamala Harris' career is below. There are things I like about her and things I don't.

Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.
Didn't she lie about some other shit too?

Yeah, she told us Mexico would pay for it and that she's a stable genius. I think the Washington Post has like over 20k documented lies.

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy
She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.
She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality
She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

I can go on.

Trump ain't good, but she is a sociopath and is one stroke or alzheimer's incident away from the presidency,.

How many mothers went to jail?

Does that matter? If I say "puppies should be kicked" does that make my position less abhorrent if no puppies were kicked?

I note you ignored all the other points.

but to answer your question, plenty, too many

Doesn't matter? You are saying Kamala Harris is laughing about parents she put in jail for truancy. So, how many parents went to jail for this?

I literally gave you a link, if you think it's funny ripping black kids away from their single mothers, then that's what your ok with, I am not.

Yeah, she didn't put any mothers in jail for truancy. In the meantime Trump tore apart families, possibly forever.

Are you infirm? not ok?

Harris cheerfully recounts the story of sending an attorney from her office to intimidate a homeless single mother whose children were missing school. She smiles as she recalls how she instructed her subordinates to “look really mean” so that the mother would take the threat of jail seriously. In separate footage, Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

In 2019, HuffPost reporter Molly Redden wrote about the families affected by this truancy program, including a Black mother named Cheree Peoples, who was arrested in April of 2013. She came on the show to help explain why this program, which initially launched without much criticism, ended up becoming so controversial, and why it disproportionately affected families of color. Here's the extended cut of our conversation, which has been edited and condensed for clarity.

The Human Costs Of Kamala Harris’ War On Truancy

On the morning of April 18, 2013, in the Los Angeles suburb of Buena Park, a throng of photographers positioned themselves on a street curb and watched as two police officers entered a squat townhouse. Minutes later, their cameras began clicking. The officers had re-emerged with a weary-looking woman in pajamas and handcuffs, and the photographers were jostling to capture her every step.

Concession taken.

Are you saying she was literally laughing at someone? She wasn't, she was laughing at a story told to her by a friend about his wife. She was laughing at the story which appeared to be humorous as it was told to Harris. Do I agree with her past truancy policy? No as on the state level some Republican DAs took it too far. Do I think truancy is a problem? Yes. Did truancy rates go down because of this policy? It appeared to. I still don't approve of that policy in most situations however as already noted nobody went to jail over it.

Now, which would I trust with policies not to destroy families. A truancy policy where no one went to jail or separating families forever? Not a difficult question to answer in the least.

So sometimes according to you, it's a laughable event to jail single black mothers if their kids are truant. I disagree.

Never said that, apparently you missed my point as well as add your own flavor to Harris' video about. We don't even know if the woman she is talking about is black.

Trumps policy was just as abhorrent. why do you think your whataboutism will work here?

Just as? As in thousands of kids separated from their parents and thrown in cages and locked away for months with hundreds possibly never seeing their families again. Vs. No jailtime.

It's not "just as abhorrent", it's not even close. What Trump did is something that dictatorships tend to do. Vs. no jailtime.

no I said she laughed about jailing truant single mostly black mothers. I never said she was laughing at a particular case. I will chalk that up to a simple error on your part.

She laughed about an anecdote told by a friend of hers about his wife telling his kids to go to school, nothing more, nothing less. I don't care for the policy myself as a general rule since many parents have other issues going on. If they just jailed shitty parents I would be fine with that...but, wait. Oh yeah, they didn't jail anyone. In the meantime Trump lost about 500 or so kids.

It's not difficult to make a decision here between the two.

So you think it was appropriate for kamala the sociopath to have had these women to be arrested in the first place?

It was a racist policy. do you support racist policies?

She laughed about it.

I already told you, no, I don't like the policy. I don't think it was racist either though. I'll take Harris as a whole over Trump any day. He tends to lose children while Harris was more bark than bite.

"Just as abhorrent" What a joke.

So you don't think the following things are just as abhorrent and are ok to do?

She laughed about putting mosty young single black mothers in prison for thier kids truancy

Covered, nobody went to jail, not as abhorrent as stripping thousands of children from their families and then losing the connection between them. That's straight up Nazi style shit.

She laughed about smoking weed as CA DA while being responsible for putting mostly young black men in prison for same.

Oh no. Times have changed. I wonder how many cops laughed about smoking weed growing up and then arresting people for possession. Ask me if I care about Harris or the cops attitudes changing when becoming adults.

However where are we now? Harris is for marijuana legalization, Trump at the very best gave it platitudes but did nothing. I'm for marijuana legalization regardless of who laughed at what and that would mean my position is closer to Harris.

She fought against the release of a judge declared innocent person, because of a technicality.

She fought against prison reform because she said California needed the free labor. (literally fought for slavery here).

Opinion | Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor’ - The New York Times (

read this article, she's a sociopath. a scumbag, a human trashbag,.

Harris is a mixed bag. DAs tend not to want to release anyone from jail since it can create political turmoil between different government agencies like the police and justice departments. So, not good on Harris however she also worked to find people jobs and no put them in jail. It truly is mixed and in some cases she did good in others bad.

Is she better than Trump which is all I care about. Yes, by far.

So kamala wasn't an adult when she was AG?

And no your lying now, I have shown you arrests. you are ignoring facts now.

and no, the prosecutors job is not to keep innocent people in prison.

heres another:

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted - Bloomberg

what a SCUMBAG this woman is.

The marijuana use was when she was young. A lot of people joke about things they did when they were young. She could do a half hour stand up special on joking about smoking pot as a youth and I honestly wouldn't care, it doesn't affect anything. Her stance is to legalize which is where we need to be now.

I'm sorry Trump lost, I'll go with the lesser of two evils and rejoice.


the fact she later laughs about smoking weed while an undergraduate while putting thousands in prison for same and fighting against prison and weed reform is sick as fuck, sociopathic.

I didn't vote for trump, nor would I.

Kamala is not a lesser evil, she is all evil, opportunist, duplicitous and a scumbag.

She wasn't laughing about currently smoking weed. Would I be mad if any cop joked about smoking weed before they were a cop? No, it affects me in no way whatsoever what someone did before they were in a position of authority. What I want is marijuana to be legal now and Harris is for legalization while Trump probably isn't, his first AG definitely wasn't and I don't think Mother's husband is either.

I think it's highly inappropriate to laugh about smoking weed while putting thousands of mostly young black men in prison for it. figting against prison and drug reform. you don't I guess that's how we differ.

Kamala is for whatever she thinks will advance her career.

She should be calling for the release of all non-violent drug offenders. but her history is one of a racist drug policy that she fought against reform.

Biden/Harris gets us closer

  • Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention. To accelerate criminal justice reform at the state and local levels, Biden will create a new grant program inspired by a proposal by the Brennan Center. States, counties, and cities will receive funding to invest in efforts proven to reduce crime and incarceration, including efforts to address some of the factors like illiteracy and child abuse that are correlated with incarceration. In order to receive this funding, states will have to eliminate mandatory minimums for non-violent crimes, institute earned credit programs, and take other steps to reduce incarceration rates without impacting public safety.


  • ??

Your kidding right?

First Step Act - Wikipedia

biden has a plan, seems trump signed a law. biden bragged about writing the 94 crime bill.

as for trump. here are the facts:

3,100 inmates to be released as Trump administration implements criminal justice reform - The Washington Post

Remember when kayne west went to the white house to talk prison reform? you all called him an "uncle tom"

Remember when Ice cube did the same with biden only biden said "no thanks", and he went to trump who listened to him, and you all called him too an "uncle tom"?

This is the problem with todays media, it's so tailored to you and you seem not interested in anything outside of your confirmation bias bubble that you are ignorant to these facts.

FIrst Step act is a charade

I never called Kanye West an 'uncle tom', I called him an idiot though.

A charade, biden's is just an idea. I accept your concession.

SO kayne is an "idiot" for successfully getting that black grandma released serving a life sentence for weed?

I disagree.

I believe it was Kim K. who made the sacrifice of having the kidnapping photo-op with Trump to get "grandma" out of prison.

What did Trump do about getting rid of all future marijuana sentences?

More than biden and kamala combined, but they all suck, if your justifying kamala by trump your suggesting kamala is no better than trump, I agree.

No, as previously discussed I think she is way better. Separating families, the stuff of Nazis.

You mean how she refused to let exonerated prisoners out of her prisons?

You should research who you support more. She's the nazi.

She didn't run the prisons for starters. No, saying she refused to let "exonerated" prisoners out is not a true statement.

This is a good read to get an idea of the balancing act that is Kamala Harris' career is below. There are things I like about her and things I don't.

from the article I linked:

In 2015, when the case reached the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco, Ms. Harris’s prosecutors defended the conviction. They pointed out that Mr. Gage, while forced to act as his own lawyer, had not properly raised the legal issue in the lower court, as the law required.

The appellate judges acknowledged this impediment and sent the case to mediation, a clear signal for Ms. Harris to dismiss the case. When she refused to budge, the court upheld the conviction on that technicality. Mr. Gage is still in prison serving a 70-year sentence.

That case is not an outlier. Ms. Harris also fought to keep Daniel Larsen in prison on a 28-year-to-life sentence for possession of a concealed weapon even though his trial lawyer was incompetent and there was compelling evidence of his innocence. Relying on a technicality again, Ms. Harris argued that Mr. Larsen failed to raise his legal arguments in a timely fashion. (This time, she lost.)

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