Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

Did she mention his name back then?

She may very well think it happened and she may also very well be wrong about who was there

Can’t say about the rest of the post, but that is a VERY good question. But she can’t even remember when and where it happened, so I doubt that question will even be asked in public.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.
She doesn't think a deplorable like him should sit on the high court. Neither do I. He is a liar.

We Know Brett Kavanaugh Has Lied Already | HuffPost

This nation is suffering a significant breakdown of civility, bipartisanship and ethical behavior. For the Trump administration and the Republican leaders who enable it, truth is no longer a cherished value. To them, lying seems to be part of the strategy, a cynical weapon to be used against their opponents.

This week, we are witnessing the full depth of that cynicism, as the White House and its supporters smear a woman who makes credible, significant accusations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. At the same time, another fact has become clear: Kavanaugh himself has a casual relationship with the truth ― and in that, he fits right in with the way President Donald Trump and his party behave.

Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court.

In fact, there’s clear evidence showing that Kavanaugh lied under oath during the 2006 confirmation hearing for his spot on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. I should know: I was one of the senators on the Judiciary Committee who questioned him.

Sen. Russ Feingold: My first question is this. Did you know that Judge Pickering planned to solicit letters of support in this manner before he did so? And if not, when did you become aware that Judge Pickering had solicited these letters of support?

Brett Kavanaugh: The answer to the first question, Senator, is no. This was not one of the judicial nominees that I was primarily handling.

But newly released emails show that Kavanaugh appeared to be the primary person handling Pickering’s nomination, at least by 2003, and was heavily involved in pushing for his confirmation as early as March 2002. There are emails showing that Kavanaugh coordinated meetings with and about Pickering; that he drafted remarks, letters to people on the Hill and at least one op-ed for then-White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales about Pickering; that he advised Gonzales on Pickering strategy; and much more.

One Department of Justice official even asked for Kavanaugh’s “blessings and instructions” before calling the nominee.

Others may have been involved, but Kavanaugh played a decisive leadership role in managing Pickering’s nomination and then lied to me about it.

So for all you people who say Clinton lied under oath and that's why he got impeached, please explain why you will appoint a judge who himself has lied under oath?

You don't care as long as he's your liar. Republicans don't care about the truth. Fake news my ass.

So I take it you endeavor to find the only people on the planet who have never lied so that you can vote them into office

LMAO I wish him luck with that impossible task.
One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

I'm wondering why she isn't after the other three she says were part of this attempted rape??

They get a pass??

What three guys? She claimed that Kavanaugh tried to rape her, and he might have succeeded if Kavanaugh's friend, Judge, hadn't jumped on him and stopped him. As far as I've read, there was only 2 at the time, and Judge was just watching until he stopped it.

Here..................a link from FOX News......................

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct?

But Ford publicly came forward in an interview with The Washington Post over the weekend, saying her “civic responsibility is outweighing my anguish and terror about retaliation.”

She has accused Kavanaugh of pinning her to a bed during a house party in Maryland in the early 1980s, attempting to remove her clothes and putting his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream. At the time of the alleged incident, Ford was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, she said, adding that Kavanaugh was drunk.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

She said she was able to escape when Mark Judge – a friend of Kavanaugh’s who has come to his defense after the allegations became public – jumped on top of them.

OMG buddy. Don't tell me you don't know about the four men. She says they locked her in a closet and there were four of them.

Holy shit. Look it up.

Post a link then. I did. Why can't you?

I’m feeling that over the next few days I’m thinking you will get plenty. Just remember, if it’s okay for an anonymous woman can do this to a SCOTUS nominee, will you feel the same if a woman where you work does this to you? Would you sit there and let it play out ?

Still no link to the 4 guys eh? I have another one which states the same thing that the first one did.....................and it's not from FOX. It states that Kavanagh and Judge forced her into a room, Kavanaugh jumped on her and tried to remove her clothes until stopped by Judge. She then locked herself in a bathroom until she could escape.

I've done a Google search with her name and 4 guys, but nothing came up except the articles that say it was just her, Kavanaugh and Judge. Nothing about 2 other guys.

Who is Christine Blasey Ford? Brett Kavanaugh's accuser revealed amid sexual assault claims | Daily Mail Online

Kavanaugh allegations
As reported by the The Washington Post, Christine Blasey Ford alleged that the incident occurred when Kavanaugh and a friend, Mark Judge, brought her up to a bedroom while they were all attending a party. She claimed that Kavanaugh pinned her to the bed, groped her, tried to take her clothes off and put his hand over her mouth when she screamed.

‘I thought he might inadvertently kill me. He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing,’ she claimed, and revealed she was able to escape when Judge jumped on top of them. Christine then locked herself in the bathroom before running out of the house.
She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

Like what? What lends her story credibility. Serious question. This is what I heard so far, she said he tried to rape her, and another guys saw it. No location, ( she can’t remember) and that Ford guy who she said was there said none of her claims happened. Then there is the two months DIFI sat on it? Fine, hold everything up, but make this woman testify tomorrow under oath in public. She won’t. This is fake.
See how can I take you seriously when you have the story so scrambled up?!

She said he gropped her and tried to take her close off, he covered her mouth when she tried to scream. One guy was in the room with them, his name was Judge not Ford. Ford is her last name. She said the neighborhood and summer that the party took place and described the events of the night.

You are trying to shine a spotlight on possible holes while failing to acknowledge any of the substance. There’s also the therapy notes and the polygraph. Neither is undesirable evidence but they lend weight and credibility. Open your eyes and just try and be objective

Yet the other people who were there say that’s not what they remember, Kavanaugh sounds like he wasn’t even there, and she can’t say when it happened and where. Bitch has a history of being a loon, and is a liar.
She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

Did she mention his name back then?

She may very well think it happened and she may also very well be wrong about who was there
That’s a great theory. “She probably believes it but is just mistaken about who almost raped her” do you realize how desperate you sound? But sure I’ll give that a .1% chance of being the case so you hold on to that... tight
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

Did she mention his name back then?

She may very well think it happened and she may also very well be wrong about who was there
That’s a great theory. “She probably believes it but is just mistaken about who almost raped her” do you realize how desperate you sound? But sure I’ll give that a .1% chance of being the case so you hold on to that... tight

There was no almost rape

She was drunk at a party and got groped by some other drunk at the same party.

it is the most reasonable premise.
You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything up ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube
“Most likely” “possibility” yeah you’re not making anything up! Haha

No just my entire life experience at parties

It's beyond stupid to think her memory is beyond reproach
No memory is beyond reproach but what is stupid is to just assume she was drunk or is mistaken about identifying a guy that assaulted her. That shouldn’t be your default assumption
One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

I'm wondering why she isn't after the other three she says were part of this attempted rape??

They get a pass??

What three guys? She claimed that Kavanaugh tried to rape her, and he might have succeeded if Kavanaugh's friend, Judge, hadn't jumped on him and stopped him. As far as I've read, there was only 2 at the time, and Judge was just watching until he stopped it.

Here..................a link from FOX News......................

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct?

But Ford publicly came forward in an interview with The Washington Post over the weekend, saying her “civic responsibility is outweighing my anguish and terror about retaliation.”

She has accused Kavanaugh of pinning her to a bed during a house party in Maryland in the early 1980s, attempting to remove her clothes and putting his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream. At the time of the alleged incident, Ford was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, she said, adding that Kavanaugh was drunk.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

She said she was able to escape when Mark Judge – a friend of Kavanaugh’s who has come to his defense after the allegations became public – jumped on top of them.

OMG buddy. Don't tell me you don't know about the four men. She says they locked her in a closet and there were four of them.

Holy shit. Look it up.

Post a link then. I did. Why can't you?

Sure since you can't seem to look it up. LOL

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

My bad. Seems there were only two she alleges assaulted her and the notes said four.

The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

So why is she only after Kavanaugh and not the other boy??

Why is she only after Kavanaugh and not Judge or the other 2 guys who were at the party? Probably because the other 2 boys at the party WEREN'T in the room, just Kavanaugh and Judge.

Why didn't she go after Judge? Probably because he's the one who stopped Kavanaugh.
so , you approve of women being more equal and having SPECIAL Status over Men and thats what i argue against but want to see you admit in PUBLIC Slade .
One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

I'm wondering why she isn't after the other three she says were part of this attempted rape??

They get a pass??

What three guys? She claimed that Kavanaugh tried to rape her, and he might have succeeded if Kavanaugh's friend, Judge, hadn't jumped on him and stopped him. As far as I've read, there was only 2 at the time, and Judge was just watching until he stopped it.

Here..................a link from FOX News......................

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct?

But Ford publicly came forward in an interview with The Washington Post over the weekend, saying her “civic responsibility is outweighing my anguish and terror about retaliation.”

She has accused Kavanaugh of pinning her to a bed during a house party in Maryland in the early 1980s, attempting to remove her clothes and putting his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream. At the time of the alleged incident, Ford was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, she said, adding that Kavanaugh was drunk.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

She said she was able to escape when Mark Judge – a friend of Kavanaugh’s who has come to his defense after the allegations became public – jumped on top of them.

OMG buddy. Don't tell me you don't know about the four men. She says they locked her in a closet and there were four of them.

Holy shit. Look it up.

Post a link then. I did. Why can't you?

Sure since you can't seem to look it up. LOL

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

My bad. Seems there were only two she alleges assaulted her and the notes said four.

The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

So why is she only after Kavanaugh and not the other boy??
This has been answered. Because Kavanaugh is up for SCOTUS. Do you not get it?
Here is the real story on Kavanaugh from women that knew him in High School and even actually dated him.

The Democrats are liars.

I'm wondering why she isn't after the other three she says were part of this attempted rape??

They get a pass??

What three guys? She claimed that Kavanaugh tried to rape her, and he might have succeeded if Kavanaugh's friend, Judge, hadn't jumped on him and stopped him. As far as I've read, there was only 2 at the time, and Judge was just watching until he stopped it.

Here..................a link from FOX News......................

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct?

But Ford publicly came forward in an interview with The Washington Post over the weekend, saying her “civic responsibility is outweighing my anguish and terror about retaliation.”

She has accused Kavanaugh of pinning her to a bed during a house party in Maryland in the early 1980s, attempting to remove her clothes and putting his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream. At the time of the alleged incident, Ford was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, she said, adding that Kavanaugh was drunk.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

She said she was able to escape when Mark Judge – a friend of Kavanaugh’s who has come to his defense after the allegations became public – jumped on top of them.

OMG buddy. Don't tell me you don't know about the four men. She says they locked her in a closet and there were four of them.

Holy shit. Look it up.

Post a link then. I did. Why can't you?

Sure since you can't seem to look it up. LOL

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

My bad. Seems there were only two she alleges assaulted her and the notes said four.

The notes say four boys were involved, a discrepancy Ford says was an error on the therapist’s part. Ford said there were four boys at the party but only two in the room.

So why is she only after Kavanaugh and not the other boy??
This has been answered. Because Kavanaugh is up for SCOTUS. Do you not get it?

I think the reason she's not going after Judge is because he's the one that stopped Kavanaugh from raping her.

You don't try to fry your saviors.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

Like what? What lends her story credibility. Serious question. This is what I heard so far, she said he tried to rape her, and another guys saw it. No location, ( she can’t remember) and that Ford guy who she said was there said none of her claims happened. Then there is the two months DIFI sat on it? Fine, hold everything up, but make this woman testify tomorrow under oath in public. She won’t. This is fake.
See how can I take you seriously when you have the story so scrambled up?!

She said he gropped her and tried to take her close off, he covered her mouth when she tried to scream. One guy was in the room with them, his name was Judge not Ford. Ford is her last name. She said the neighborhood and summer that the party took place and described the events of the night.

You are trying to shine a spotlight on possible holes while failing to acknowledge any of the substance. There’s also the therapy notes and the polygraph. Neither is undesirable evidence but they lend weight and credibility. Open your eyes and just try and be objective

Yet the other people who were there say that’s not what they remember, Kavanaugh sounds like he wasn’t even there, and she can’t say when it happened and where. Bitch has a history of being a loon, and is a liar.
Whatever man, you thought there was a guy named Ford in the room so you are obviously confused and not paying attention to the facts. Best not engage in debates when you have no clue what you are talking about.
I'm wondering why she isn't after the other three she says were part of this attempted rape??

They get a pass??

What three guys? She claimed that Kavanaugh tried to rape her, and he might have succeeded if Kavanaugh's friend, Judge, hadn't jumped on him and stopped him. As far as I've read, there was only 2 at the time, and Judge was just watching until he stopped it.

Here..................a link from FOX News......................

Who is Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct?

But Ford publicly came forward in an interview with The Washington Post over the weekend, saying her “civic responsibility is outweighing my anguish and terror about retaliation.”

She has accused Kavanaugh of pinning her to a bed during a house party in Maryland in the early 1980s, attempting to remove her clothes and putting his hand over her mouth when she tried to scream. At the time of the alleged incident, Ford was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, she said, adding that Kavanaugh was drunk.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” Ford said. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

She said she was able to escape when Mark Judge – a friend of Kavanaugh’s who has come to his defense after the allegations became public – jumped on top of them.

OMG buddy. Don't tell me you don't know about the four men. She says they locked her in a closet and there were four of them.

Holy shit. Look it up.

Post a link then. I did. Why can't you?

I’m feeling that over the next few days I’m thinking you will get plenty. Just remember, if it’s okay for an anonymous woman can do this to a SCOTUS nominee, will you feel the same if a woman where you work does this to you? Would you sit there and let it play out ?

Still no link to the 4 guys eh? I have another one which states the same thing that the first one did.....................and it's not from FOX. It states that Kavanagh and Judge forced her into a room, Kavanaugh jumped on her and tried to remove her clothes until stopped by Judge. She then locked herself in a bathroom until she could escape.

I've done a Google search with her name and 4 guys, but nothing came up except the articles that say it was just her, Kavanaugh and Judge. Nothing about 2 other guys.

Who is Christine Blasey Ford? Brett Kavanaugh's accuser revealed amid sexual assault claims | Daily Mail Online

Kavanaugh allegations
As reported by the The Washington Post, Christine Blasey Ford alleged that the incident occurred when Kavanaugh and a friend, Mark Judge, brought her up to a bedroom while they were all attending a party. She claimed that Kavanaugh pinned her to the bed, groped her, tried to take her clothes off and put his hand over her mouth when she screamed.

‘I thought he might inadvertently kill me. He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing,’ she claimed, and revealed she was able to escape when Judge jumped on top of them. Christine then locked herself in the bathroom before running out of the house.

Still no answer. That’s because you know you would be like a deer in headlights. The only reason you give this any thought is because you see “anti trump” and you are blinded by it. Y’all will accept anything NOT TRUMP. You folks remind me of the Jim Jones people drinking the Kool-Aid. If they said to drink a gallon of gas to get rid of Trump y’all would do it.
Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything up ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube
“Most likely” “possibility” yeah you’re not making anything up! Haha

No just my entire life experience at parties

It's beyond stupid to think her memory is beyond reproach
No memory is beyond reproach but what is stupid is to just assume she was drunk or is mistaken about identifying a guy that assaulted her. That shouldn’t be your default assumption
----------------------------------- THE stupid thing is taking her 36 year old accusations seriously Slade .
Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything up ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube
“Most likely” “possibility” yeah you’re not making anything up! Haha

No just my entire life experience at parties

It's beyond stupid to think her memory is beyond reproach
No memory is beyond reproach but what is stupid is to just assume she was drunk or is mistaken about identifying a guy that assaulted her. That shouldn’t be your default assumption


Drunk at a party
and she admitted to drinking

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

She said she recalls a small family room where she and a handful of others drank beer together

So you see I can assume she was drunk and it's your belief that she was not drinking that is fiction
Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

Did she mention his name back then?

She may very well think it happened and she may also very well be wrong about who was there
That’s a great theory. “She probably believes it but is just mistaken about who almost raped her” do you realize how desperate you sound? But sure I’ll give that a .1% chance of being the case so you hold on to that... tight

There was no almost rape

She was drunk at a party and got groped by some other drunk at the same party.

it is the most reasonable premise.
How in the world can you know that?! See you keep just making shit up! I realize you think you are an expert based on your lifetime of epic party experiences but your commentary on this situation which you literally have zero first hand experience with is quite comical. You don’t actually believe the crap you are spewing do you?
Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

Like what? What lends her story credibility. Serious question. This is what I heard so far, she said he tried to rape her, and another guys saw it. No location, ( she can’t remember) and that Ford guy who she said was there said none of her claims happened. Then there is the two months DIFI sat on it? Fine, hold everything up, but make this woman testify tomorrow under oath in public. She won’t. This is fake.
See how can I take you seriously when you have the story so scrambled up?!

She said he gropped her and tried to take her close off, he covered her mouth when she tried to scream. One guy was in the room with them, his name was Judge not Ford. Ford is her last name. She said the neighborhood and summer that the party took place and described the events of the night.

You are trying to shine a spotlight on possible holes while failing to acknowledge any of the substance. There’s also the therapy notes and the polygraph. Neither is undesirable evidence but they lend weight and credibility. Open your eyes and just try and be objective

Yet the other people who were there say that’s not what they remember, Kavanaugh sounds like he wasn’t even there, and she can’t say when it happened and where. Bitch has a history of being a loon, and is a liar.
Whatever man, you thought there was a guy named Ford in the room so you are obviously confused and not paying attention to the facts. Best not engage in debates when you have no clue what you are talking about.

And you do ? You are a fucking rube. So if the dumb bitch is itching to tell her story, why she dragging her feet to testify?

Kavanaugh accuser has not yet agreed to attend hearing

Kavanaugh accuser has not yet agreed to attend hearing
so , you approve of women being more equal and having SPECIAL Status over Men and thats what i argue against but want to see you admit in PUBLIC Slade .
I have no clue what you’re rambling about now Pismoe. Sounds like more presumptive BS

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