Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
Recollections of drunkenness from more than 30 years ago are hardly reliable

So your argument is that because she was drunk, it was okay for him to attempt to rape her?

You go with that buddy.... you totally go with that.

We have no reason to think her claim is credible.

seriously if you were a woman and was assaulted would you wait almost 40 YEARS to say something?

It doesn't take a bloodhound to smell a rat here

I agree. Hell I'd have called the police and been screaming bloody murder.

This whole thing doesn't pass the stink test.

Now she isn't going to testify and what happened to the other three men?? How come she isn't after them for something she says happened over 30 years ago.

Woman is looking more and more like a nut job to me. Why anyone left or right would believe her is beyond me.
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Jesus Fuck buddy. You asswipes drag out Bill Clinton all the time for shit that happened decades ago.
Bill Clinton was president

Kavanaugh was 17 when this allegedly happened

I don't know about you but I hold an adult in the office of president to a higher standard than I do a pimply faced high school kid
Some of the claims you had a fit about happened years before when he was still in Arkansas & you STILL bring them up.

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it, apologize & move on? Use that "but I was just a kid" excuse.

You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

She never named him. And why she wouldn't, given the Doctor/patient and Hipaa protections, is confusing. Also, she claimed it was 4 boys, now it's 1.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.

Probably the same reason I would be speaking out against my stepfather if he was to run for anything.

From the ages of 5 to 7, my mother was married to a real piece of work. He liked to go out and get drunk when he got off of work, come home, and then start in on my mother, myself, or my younger sister. Because I was the big brother and the oldest, I would generally get him to take his focus off of my sister and mother, and focus all of his anger and energy on me. That would often result in a broken nose, black eye, or severe beating for me. When my mother got divorced from him, she ended up in a car wreck and died when I was 8, and I became an orphan and lived with my Grandparents.

Well, nobody really kept tabs on my stepfather, and nobody knew where he went, but then again, all connections to him were severed when the divorce happened. I don't even know if he's still alive, and really don't care. BUT.........if that idiot were to ever surface and run for national office, I would step up and let everyone know what he did to my mother, sister, and myself during those years of my childhood. Had I ever reported it to the police myself? No. I was 5 to 7 at the time. Did my mother ever report the abuse? No, she was scared to death of my stepfather and didn't want to risk more abuse. When she saw that he would never change, that is when she decided on divorce. But, there is one time that he beat me so bad with a belt buckle, that pictures of my bruised and beaten back were taken by the school, so there is some kind of evidence.

I would also tell about the way he sexually abused my sister in front of me as well.

Here is the thing. Say your step was about to be seated as SCOTUS and there is Biker Sailer laying it all out. In your case going by your story there would be siblings to back your assertion, likely your Ma as well as a bunch of his old friends he used to go drinking with. So your claim could be investigated. This woman? None of that. Another thing you could provide is a time and place, this woman can’t do that. She can’t even bring witnesses because they won't her claim so far.

Actually, no, it can't. I don't know who Grissom went drinking with, nor was I introduced to any of his friends. Why? I was between 5 and 7 at the time. No, I don't know anyone he hung out with.

As far as my mother? I guess you missed the part of my post where I said I'd been orphaned at 8. There is no way she could testify, because she died back in 1972. And, there is a possibility that my sister wouldn't want to go through all the memories of the abuse because some of it was sexual, so it would just be me speaking out against him.

As far as police records? I was 5 to 7 years old. No, I didn't file any reports, and neither did my mother because she was scared of him. The only record I could possibly think of that MIGHT still exist are pictures the school nurse took of my back one day in school. But, that was back in 1970, or 1971, so the chances of that happening are pretty slim.

Nope, it would just be my word against his.

Don’t matter. You would make your claim, his people would call you a liar, your siblings and Ma would tell their side. What evidence there was could be born out and the rest of us could defied. Not so with this case. This woman can’t even name a time or place, and it’s not that witnesses can’t be found, it’s that they say she is full of shit. This is a game nothing more.

Again mother died in a car wreck in 1972. How the hell is she gonna tell her side? As far as my sister? Because there was sexual abuse that went along with the physical and mental abuse, chances are she wouldn't want to relive it.

And, the only reason I can name the place, is because my mother made me memorize our address in case I got lost. I can also remember the 2 year general timeframe, because that was one of the more horrific times of my life, but if you asked me what day and date I got beaten with a belt buckle, or what day I was locked naked in the basement for 8 hours, or the several occasions my nose was broke, or when my eyes were blacked, I can't tell you. All I can tell is that it happened in Grand Junction between 1969 and 1971.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.

Probably the same reason I would be speaking out against my stepfather if he was to run for anything.

From the ages of 5 to 7, my mother was married to a real piece of work. He liked to go out and get drunk when he got off of work, come home, and then start in on my mother, myself, or my younger sister. Because I was the big brother and the oldest, I would generally get him to take his focus off of my sister and mother, and focus all of his anger and energy on me. That would often result in a broken nose, black eye, or severe beating for me. When my mother got divorced from him, she ended up in a car wreck and died when I was 8, and I became an orphan and lived with my Grandparents.

Well, nobody really kept tabs on my stepfather, and nobody knew where he went, but then again, all connections to him were severed when the divorce happened. I don't even know if he's still alive, and really don't care. BUT.........if that idiot were to ever surface and run for national office, I would step up and let everyone know what he did to my mother, sister, and myself during those years of my childhood. Had I ever reported it to the police myself? No. I was 5 to 7 at the time. Did my mother ever report the abuse? No, she was scared to death of my stepfather and didn't want to risk more abuse. When she saw that he would never change, that is when she decided on divorce. But, there is one time that he beat me so bad with a belt buckle, that pictures of my bruised and beaten back were taken by the school, so there is some kind of evidence.

I would also tell about the way he sexually abused my sister in front of me as well.

Here is the thing. Say your step was about to be seated as SCOTUS and there is Biker Sailer laying it all out. In your case going by your story there would be siblings to back your assertion, likely your Ma as well as a bunch of his old friends he used to go drinking with. So your claim could be investigated. This woman? None of that. Another thing you could provide is a time and place, this woman can’t do that. She can’t even bring witnesses because they won't her claim so far.
This story just broke. How do you know she’s got none of that? Why don’t we just wait and see

She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Jesus Fuck buddy. You asswipes drag out Bill Clinton all the time for shit that happened decades ago.
Bill Clinton was president

Kavanaugh was 17 when this allegedly happened

I don't know about you but I hold an adult in the office of president to a higher standard than I do a pimply faced high school kid
Some of the claims you had a fit about happened years before when he was still in Arkansas & you STILL bring them up.

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it, apologize & move on? Use that "but I was just a kid" excuse.

You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.

Probably the same reason I would be speaking out against my stepfather if he was to run for anything.

From the ages of 5 to 7, my mother was married to a real piece of work. He liked to go out and get drunk when he got off of work, come home, and then start in on my mother, myself, or my younger sister. Because I was the big brother and the oldest, I would generally get him to take his focus off of my sister and mother, and focus all of his anger and energy on me. That would often result in a broken nose, black eye, or severe beating for me. When my mother got divorced from him, she ended up in a car wreck and died when I was 8, and I became an orphan and lived with my Grandparents.

Well, nobody really kept tabs on my stepfather, and nobody knew where he went, but then again, all connections to him were severed when the divorce happened. I don't even know if he's still alive, and really don't care. BUT.........if that idiot were to ever surface and run for national office, I would step up and let everyone know what he did to my mother, sister, and myself during those years of my childhood. Had I ever reported it to the police myself? No. I was 5 to 7 at the time. Did my mother ever report the abuse? No, she was scared to death of my stepfather and didn't want to risk more abuse. When she saw that he would never change, that is when she decided on divorce. But, there is one time that he beat me so bad with a belt buckle, that pictures of my bruised and beaten back were taken by the school, so there is some kind of evidence.

I would also tell about the way he sexually abused my sister in front of me as well.

Here is the thing. Say your step was about to be seated as SCOTUS and there is Biker Sailer laying it all out. In your case going by your story there would be siblings to back your assertion, likely your Ma as well as a bunch of his old friends he used to go drinking with. So your claim could be investigated. This woman? None of that. Another thing you could provide is a time and place, this woman can’t do that. She can’t even bring witnesses because they won't her claim so far.
This story just broke. How do you know she’s got none of that? Why don’t we just wait and see

She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
Recollections of drunkenness from more than 30 years ago are hardly reliable

So your argument is that because she was drunk, it was okay for him to attempt to rape her?

You go with that buddy.... you totally go with that.

We have no reason to think her claim is credible.

seriously if you were a woman and was assaulted would you wait almost 40 YEARS to say something?

It doesn't take a bloodhound to smell a rat here

I agree. Hell I'd have called the police and been screaming bloody murder.

This whole thing doesn't pass the stink test.

Now she isn't going to testify and what happened to the other three men?? How come she isn't after them for something she says happened over 30 years ago.

Woman is looking more and more like a nut job to me. Why anyone left or right would believe her is beyond me.
3 other men? You need to get your facts straight before criticizing others for being unreliable. There were two boys and her
Recollections of drunkenness from more than 30 years ago are hardly reliable

So your argument is that because she was drunk, it was okay for him to attempt to rape her?

You go with that buddy.... you totally go with that.

We have no reason to think her claim is credible.

seriously if you were a woman and was assaulted would you wait almost 40 YEARS to say something?

It doesn't take a bloodhound to smell a rat here

I agree. Hell I'd have called the police and been screaming bloody murder.

This whole thing doesn't pass the stink test.

Now she isn't going to testify and what happened to the other three men?? How come she isn't after them for something she says happened over 30 years ago.

Woman is looking more and more like a nut job to me. Why anyone left or right would believe her is beyond me.
3 other men? You need to get your facts straight before criticizing others for being unreliable. There were two boys and her

Like Shitting Bull you like spouting your bullshit without researching what you are talking about.

She said she got locked in a closet by four men. You really need to research before you make a fool of yourself.

Blow it out your ass.
Jesus Fuck buddy. You asswipes drag out Bill Clinton all the time for shit that happened decades ago.
Bill Clinton was president

Kavanaugh was 17 when this allegedly happened

I don't know about you but I hold an adult in the office of president to a higher standard than I do a pimply faced high school kid
Some of the claims you had a fit about happened years before when he was still in Arkansas & you STILL bring them up.

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it, apologize & move on? Use that "but I was just a kid" excuse.

You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything up ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube
Probably the same reason I would be speaking out against my stepfather if he was to run for anything.

From the ages of 5 to 7, my mother was married to a real piece of work. He liked to go out and get drunk when he got off of work, come home, and then start in on my mother, myself, or my younger sister. Because I was the big brother and the oldest, I would generally get him to take his focus off of my sister and mother, and focus all of his anger and energy on me. That would often result in a broken nose, black eye, or severe beating for me. When my mother got divorced from him, she ended up in a car wreck and died when I was 8, and I became an orphan and lived with my Grandparents.

Well, nobody really kept tabs on my stepfather, and nobody knew where he went, but then again, all connections to him were severed when the divorce happened. I don't even know if he's still alive, and really don't care. BUT.........if that idiot were to ever surface and run for national office, I would step up and let everyone know what he did to my mother, sister, and myself during those years of my childhood. Had I ever reported it to the police myself? No. I was 5 to 7 at the time. Did my mother ever report the abuse? No, she was scared to death of my stepfather and didn't want to risk more abuse. When she saw that he would never change, that is when she decided on divorce. But, there is one time that he beat me so bad with a belt buckle, that pictures of my bruised and beaten back were taken by the school, so there is some kind of evidence.

I would also tell about the way he sexually abused my sister in front of me as well.

Here is the thing. Say your step was about to be seated as SCOTUS and there is Biker Sailer laying it all out. In your case going by your story there would be siblings to back your assertion, likely your Ma as well as a bunch of his old friends he used to go drinking with. So your claim could be investigated. This woman? None of that. Another thing you could provide is a time and place, this woman can’t do that. She can’t even bring witnesses because they won't her claim so far.
This story just broke. How do you know she’s got none of that? Why don’t we just wait and see

She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.
Bill Clinton was president

Kavanaugh was 17 when this allegedly happened

I don't know about you but I hold an adult in the office of president to a higher standard than I do a pimply faced high school kid
Some of the claims you had a fit about happened years before when he was still in Arkansas & you STILL bring them up.

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it, apologize & move on? Use that "but I was just a kid" excuse.

You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything us ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube

Hey..................I went to a kegger and didn't drink when I was 15. I was told I could go by my guardians, but was told that if I drank, it would be the last one I went to.

Didn't drink, made the guardians happy, and I was able to go to parties after that without any kind of restrictions, but still didn't drink when I went. Preferred to be designated driver.
Some of the claims you had a fit about happened years before when he was still in Arkansas & you STILL bring them up.

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it, apologize & move on? Use that "but I was just a kid" excuse.

You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything us ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube

Hey..................I went to a kegger and didn't drink when I was 15. I was told I could go by my guardians, but was told that if I drank, it would be the last one I went to.

Didn't drink, made the guardians happy, and I was able to go to parties after that without any kind of restrictions, but still didn't drink when I went. Preferred to be designated driver.

Not everyone always does what they are told
Some of the claims you had a fit about happened years before when he was still in Arkansas & you STILL bring them up.

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it, apologize & move on? Use that "but I was just a kid" excuse.

You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything us ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube

Hey..................I went to a kegger and didn't drink when I was 15. I was told I could go by my guardians, but was told that if I drank, it would be the last one I went to.

Didn't drink, made the guardians happy, and I was able to go to parties after that without any kind of restrictions, but still didn't drink when I went. Preferred to be designated driver.

I'm with you. I'm not much of a drinker but am the DD when my friends go out.

Of course going to a party and not drinking isn't done by many.
Here is the thing. Say your step was about to be seated as SCOTUS and there is Biker Sailer laying it all out. In your case going by your story there would be siblings to back your assertion, likely your Ma as well as a bunch of his old friends he used to go drinking with. So your claim could be investigated. This woman? None of that. Another thing you could provide is a time and place, this woman can’t do that. She can’t even bring witnesses because they won't her claim so far.
This story just broke. How do you know she’s got none of that? Why don’t we just wait and see

She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.
i make a polite comment about this case and about the Abandonment of ACTUAL rule of law in the USA as lefties replace Rule of Law with Rule by Emotion and pretend science of 'therapy' and that is all Slade . I think that there is a Statute of Limitations which is good sound law being ignored by Most of YOU lefties Slade .
When do I ignore the rule of Law? I respect the rule of law but I guess you want to make presumptions about my views instead of actually understanding. That’s fine if you want to play that game but I’m calling your BS
--------------------------------------- shouldn't be anything to discuss and mar Kavanaughs reputation with 36 year old possible lies and 'therapists' note . Plus the main thing to me is the thought that there is an [assumed] Statute of Limitations on rape and if there is then this woman should be ignored and she should be sued by the Kavanaugh for --Slander of his good name Slade .
Ha, yeah let’s sue abuse victims for coming out past the statute of limitations. Brilliant idea!

Now if she is caught lying then yes, arrest or sue her ass... but your suggestion is absurd.

If Kavanaugh did what she said he did and is now lying about it then that is relevant. You’re an idiot if you try and argue otherwise.
------------------------------------------------ well , its YOU Slade , you want to make SPECIAL people of so called abuse victims .
This story just broke. How do you know she’s got none of that? Why don’t we just wait and see

She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

One of which is that she talked with this trauma with her therapist back in 2012 (there are records of this).

How diabolical would she have to be to tell it to her shrink, wait 6 years, and then try to sink Kavanaugh?

Like I said before, she probably didn't pursue it because she didn't want to contact Kavanaugh, nor did she know where he was at, and simply let it lay until he popped up on the national scene as a SC nominee.

I'm wondering why she isn't after the other three she says were part of this attempted rape??

They get a pass??
Bill Clinton was president

Kavanaugh was 17 when this allegedly happened

I don't know about you but I hold an adult in the office of president to a higher standard than I do a pimply faced high school kid
Some of the claims you had a fit about happened years before when he was still in Arkansas & you STILL bring them up.

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it, apologize & move on? Use that "but I was just a kid" excuse.

You know, he might have gotten through it a lot easier if he had just said that. Most people would understand, because a lot of us have done things as kids we'd rather not have exposed to the light of day, they might have given him a pass.

But the denial is what is gonna kill him. Especially if someone from his HS comes forward and says that he was a party animal.

And, let's not forget......................there are times she related this incident to her therapist all the way back in 2012. Are you going to say that she planted the seeds all the way back in 2012, knowing she would be using it in 2018 against Kavanaugh?

I don't think she could be that diabolical.

Why is her memory being considered reliable?
For all we know she was blind drunk and doesn't know who was who other than a vague recollection of some of the people who were at the party?
Stop making stuff up! You’re not doing yourself any favors, just sounding dumb

I'm not making anything up ASSHOLE.

She was 15 at a party she was most likely drinking and there is the absolute possibility that her memory is more than a little hazy

If you think she wasn't there drinking then you are a naive to the point of mental retardation rube
“Most likely” “possibility” yeah you’re not making anything up! Haha
Here is the thing. Say your step was about to be seated as SCOTUS and there is Biker Sailer laying it all out. In your case going by your story there would be siblings to back your assertion, likely your Ma as well as a bunch of his old friends he used to go drinking with. So your claim could be investigated. This woman? None of that. Another thing you could provide is a time and place, this woman can’t do that. She can’t even bring witnesses because they won't her claim so far.
This story just broke. How do you know she’s got none of that? Why don’t we just wait and see

She can’t remember time or place, and so far everyone she has pointed to as a witness says she is wrong.
Everyone she has pointed to says she is wrong? You mean the two boys that she is accusing of assault?! Can you be any more misleading?! She described the general time and place and I’m sure she will be questioned further about that along with who, if anybody, she told about it back in the day. There is much more to uncover and it is way too premature to be making a conclusion like you are. Makes your partisan colors shine bright.

Then she needs to expose this information ahead of time so it can be vetted prior to the hearing. If not, it simply looks like a stalling tactic.
The Left is going to politicize it because it is being used to block a SCOTUS nomination. No denying that. But that doesn’t mean everything should be dismissed. There are things that give credibility to her story so it needs to play out.

Like what? What lends her story credibility. Serious question. This is what I heard so far, she said he tried to rape her, and another guys saw it. No location, ( she can’t remember) and that Ford guy who she said was there said none of her claims happened. Then there is the two months DIFI sat on it? Fine, hold everything up, but make this woman testify tomorrow under oath in public. She won’t. This is fake.
i say , feck her and go after her for SLANDER . You say that she is a SPECIAL abuse victim in post number 355 .
i make a polite comment about this case and about the Abandonment of ACTUAL rule of law in the USA as lefties replace Rule of Law with Rule by Emotion and pretend science of 'therapy' and that is all Slade . I think that there is a Statute of Limitations which is good sound law being ignored by Most of YOU lefties Slade .
When do I ignore the rule of Law? I respect the rule of law but I guess you want to make presumptions about my views instead of actually understanding. That’s fine if you want to play that game but I’m calling your BS
--------------------------------------- shouldn't be anything to discuss and mar Kavanaughs reputation with 36 year old possible lies and 'therapists' note . Plus the main thing to me is the thought that there is an [assumed] Statute of Limitations on rape and if there is then this woman should be ignored and she should be sued by the Kavanaugh for --Slander of his good name Slade .
Ha, yeah let’s sue abuse victims for coming out past the statute of limitations. Brilliant idea!

Now if she is caught lying then yes, arrest or sue her ass... but your suggestion is absurd.

If Kavanaugh did what she said he did and is now lying about it then that is relevant. You’re an idiot if you try and argue otherwise.
------------------------------------------------ well , its YOU Slade , you want to make SPECIAL people of so called abuse victims .
Do I? How do I want to make special people out of abuse victims? By listening to them and taking their accusations seriously? Is that what you consider special?

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