Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.
i make a polite comment about this case and about the Abandonment of ACTUAL rule of law in the USA as lefties replace Rule of Law with Rule by Emotion and pretend science of 'therapy' and that is all Slade . I think that there is a Statute of Limitations which is good sound law being ignored by Most of YOU lefties Slade .
When do I ignore the rule of Law? I respect the rule of law but I guess you want to make presumptions about my views instead of actually understanding. That’s fine if you want to play that game but I’m calling your BS
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.
------------------------------------------------- a FULL account of 36 year accusations to judge Kavanaugh with eh Slade .
Yeah, like hear her story and then hear his story. It’s not rocket science
Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
i make a polite comment about this case and about the Abandonment of ACTUAL rule of law in the USA as lefties replace Rule of Law with Rule by Emotion and pretend science of 'therapy' and that is all Slade . I think that there is a Statute of Limitations which is good sound law being ignored by Most of YOU lefties Slade .
When do I ignore the rule of Law? I respect the rule of law but I guess you want to make presumptions about my views instead of actually understanding. That’s fine if you want to play that game but I’m calling your BS
--------------------------------------- shouldn't be anything to discuss and mar Kavanaughs reputation with 36 year old possible lies and 'therapists' note . Plus the main thing to me is the thought that there is an [assumed] Statute of Limitations on rape and if there is then this woman should be ignored and she should be sued by the Kavanaugh for Slander of his good name Slade .
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
Agreed, and if she is caught lying or fabricating evidence or doing anything mischievous then she should be held accountable. She is taking an aweful big risk to push this “lie” that you apparently believe she is telling.
i make a polite comment about this case and about the Abandonment of ACTUAL rule of law in the USA as lefties replace Rule of Law with Rule by Emotion and pretend science of 'therapy' and that is all Slade . I think that there is a Statute of Limitations which is good sound law being ignored by Most of YOU lefties Slade .
When do I ignore the rule of Law? I respect the rule of law but I guess you want to make presumptions about my views instead of actually understanding. That’s fine if you want to play that game but I’m calling your BS
--------------------------------------- shouldn't be anything to discuss and mar Kavanaughs reputation with 36 year old possible lies and 'therapists' note . Plus the main thing to me is the thought that there is an [assumed] Statute of Limitations on rape and if there is then this woman should be ignored and she should be sued by the Kavanaugh for Slander of his good name Slade .
Ha, yeah let’s sue abuse victims for coming out past the statute of limitations. Brilliant idea!

Now if she is caught lying then yes, arrest or sue her ass... but your suggestion is absurd.

If Kavanaugh did what she said he did and is now lying about it then that is relevant. You’re an idiot if you try and argue otherwise.
They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
Agreed, and if she is caught lying or fabricating evidence or doing anything mischievous then she should be held accountable. She is taking an aweful big risk to push this “lie” that you apparently believe she is telling.

The story simply does not hold water. Now if she comes up with the location it's only after months of questioning? Oh my, could get ugly, and ugly fast.
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
--------------------------------------- and Perjury , they'd let he go due to her PTSD , weak mind and weak Constitution and suffering at the hands and other body parts of MEN. And thats White Men who are known as being the worst of the worst . Plus , she was fighting with a sense of duty so that she and her 'femi nazi' friends can defeat Kavanaugh with the help of the 'goddess' . Just ask her Therapist .
Last edited:
CLAIMED and maybe lying abuse victim Slade . Course the lying , and possible slander would need to be PROVED in a Court of American Real Law Slade .
They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
--------------------------------------- and Perjury , they'd let he go due to her PTSD , weak mind and weak Constitution and suffering at the hands and other body parts of MEN , and thats White Men known as being the worst of the worst . Plus , she was fighting with a sense of duty so that she and her 'femi nazi' friends can defeat Kavanaugh with the help of the 'goddess' . Just ask her Therapist .

This shit has to end, and end quickly.

Our Son's, our Nephews, our Grandsons will have to deal with this threat forever if we don't step up and end this lunacy. And those that have in the past, dutifully reported these crimes and went through with taking scum off the street. They are being shamefully used by these creeps for political gain.

Those responsible for this need to be brought to justice.
but after PROVING , go after her and hang her for slander and that would send a message . What so special about being a lying and pretend abuse victim if that is Proven Slade ??
i make a polite comment about this case and about the Abandonment of ACTUAL rule of law in the USA as lefties replace Rule of Law with Rule by Emotion and pretend science of 'therapy' and that is all Slade . I think that there is a Statute of Limitations which is good sound law being ignored by Most of YOU lefties Slade .
When do I ignore the rule of Law? I respect the rule of law but I guess you want to make presumptions about my views instead of actually understanding. That’s fine if you want to play that game but I’m calling your BS
--------------------------------------- shouldn't be anything to discuss and mar Kavanaughs reputation with 36 year old possible lies and 'therapists' note . Plus the main thing to me is the thought that there is an [assumed] Statute of Limitations on rape and if there is then this woman should be ignored and she should be sued by the Kavanaugh for Slander of his good name Slade .
Ha, yeah let’s sue abuse victims for coming out past the statute of limitations. Brilliant idea!

Now if she is caught lying then yes, arrest or sue her ass... but your suggestion is absurd.

If Kavanaugh did what she said he did and is now lying about it then that is relevant. You’re an idiot if you try and argue otherwise.
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts wouldn't we all have a Merry Christmas?
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
Agreed, and if she is caught lying or fabricating evidence or doing anything mischievous then she should be held accountable. She is taking an aweful big risk to push this “lie” that you apparently believe she is telling.

The story simply does not hold water. Now if she comes up with the location it's only after months of questioning? Oh my, could get ugly, and ugly fast.
You are basing your knowledge of her account on an article that a reporter wrote. Do you have any further insight as to what other info has come out during questioning? Fact is you know very little yet you think you have it all figured out. That’s funny

Where are all her Girlfriends coming forward to tell as she took them aside and warned them about not going out with Kav and/or Judge?


Oh my, how stupid do the Dem's think we are?
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
--------------------------------------- and Perjury , they'd let he go due to her PTSD , weak mind and weak Constitution and suffering at the hands and other body parts of MEN , and thats White Men known as being the worst of the worst . Plus , she was fighting with a sense of duty so that she and her 'femi nazi' friends can defeat Kavanaugh with the help of the 'goddess' . Just ask her Therapist .

This shit has to end, and end quickly.

Our Son's, our Nephews, our Grandsons will have to deal with this threat forever if we don't step up and end this lunacy. And those that have in the past, dutifully reported these crimes and went through with taking scum off the street. They are being shamefully used by these creeps for political gain.

Those responsible for this need to be brought to justice.
------------------------------------- and remember the words of that 'OldFemale' from yesterday in this thread [think it was] --- And she wants payback on men , i think she was talking to Billy . And yep , sons , grandsons , nephews , young American boys azzez are going to be in the grinder if Rule of LAW keeps deteriorating in the USA .
Then I will expect you won't post any further
Sorry to disappoint. Perhaps you fail to grasp the concept of having a discussion. The difference between us is you ignorantly have your mind made up while I am attempting to simply discuss the situation.

I've, my friend, have time after time, shown the inconsistency of the charge against, who appears to be, an honorable man. No bullshit, just facts.

The good Doctor best be careful. Perjury before Congress is a serious charge.
Agreed, and if she is caught lying or fabricating evidence or doing anything mischievous then she should be held accountable. She is taking an aweful big risk to push this “lie” that you apparently believe she is telling.

The story simply does not hold water. Now if she comes up with the location it's only after months of questioning? Oh my, could get ugly, and ugly fast.
You are basing your knowledge of her account on an article that a reporter wrote. Do you have any further insight as to what other info has come out during questioning? Fact is you know very little yet you think you have it all figured out. That’s funny

If this was true, there would be DOZENS of her girlfriends that she advised not to hang out with Kav and/or Judge. WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?

You obviously didn't attend High School.

Give me a god damn break!
but after PROVING , go after her and hang her for slander and that would send a message . What so special about being a lying and pretend abuse victim if that is Proven Slade ??
Was that supposed to make sense? Hit the reply button if you are responding to a post so I know what you’re talking about... or else please write more clearly

Where are all her Girlfriends coming forward to tell as she took them aside and warned them about not going out with Kav and/or Judge?


Oh my, how stupid do the Dem's think we are?
I’m not a dem but after reading your posts I can say I do think you’re pretty stupid. So the answer is likely VERY. ;)

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