Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
her deleting her entire social history first, do you think that calls her accusation into question?
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?
dunno yet. i've heard 2 guys were attacking her and 4. i've heard she had no idea how she even got to the party but yet she now has a rock solid memory on who did what? i've heard kavenaughs name was mentioned to the therapist, i've heard it wasn't.

the only thing we do have is confusion.
I believe her actual account is in the post article so I’d go off that. The rest is media spin. She describes the event in pretty good detail. You’re fine to question it but you should also take all statements and scenarios into account. Like if she is making the whole thing up how do you explain the therapy notes? Are they fakes? Was the polygraph test a fake too?
in the story oldlady put up i believe that was her own account. this is where she doesn't remember when the party was, who's house it was, how she got there and so forth. i'm not saying something didn't happen but for someone to have so few details she's sure of, it seems convenient this one she *is* sure of.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?
her deleting her entire social history first, do you think that calls her accusation into question?
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!
her deleting her entire social history first, do you think that calls her accusation into question?
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!
did she name kavenaugh or did she not? her therapist has (4) attacking her and there were 2. i've not seen the notes from the therapist that had the name in it, just her husband saying he heard her say that.
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?
dunno yet. i've heard 2 guys were attacking her and 4. i've heard she had no idea how she even got to the party but yet she now has a rock solid memory on who did what? i've heard kavenaughs name was mentioned to the therapist, i've heard it wasn't.

the only thing we do have is confusion.
I believe her actual account is in the post article so I’d go off that. The rest is media spin. She describes the event in pretty good detail. You’re fine to question it but you should also take all statements and scenarios into account. Like if she is making the whole thing up how do you explain the therapy notes? Are they fakes? Was the polygraph test a fake too?
in the story oldlady put up i believe that was her own account. this is where she doesn't remember when the party was, who's house it was, how she got there and so forth. i'm not saying something didn't happen but for someone to have so few details she's sure of, it seems convenient this one she *is* sure of.
Here is what you are talking about...

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

At the time, Ford said, she knew Kavanaugh and Judge as “friendly acquaintances” in the private-school social circles of suburban Maryland. Her Holton-Arms friends mostly hung out with boys from the Landon School, she said, but for a period of several months socialized regularly with students from Georgetown Prep.

Ford said she does not remember how the gathering came together the night of the incident. She said she often spent time in the summer at the Columbia Country Club pool in Chevy Chase, where in those pre-cellphone days, teenagers learned about gatherings via word of mouth. She also doesn’t recall who owned the house or how she got there.

Ford said she remembers that it was in Montgomery County, not far from the country club, and that no parents were home at the time. Ford named two other teenagers who she said were at the party. Those individuals did not respond to messages on Sunday morning.

She said she recalls a small family room where she and a handful of others drank beer together that night. She said that each person had one beer but that Kavanaugh and Judge had started drinking earlier and were heavily intoxicated.

Ford said that on the night of the party, she left the family room to use the bathroom, which was at the top of a narrow stairway. She doesn’t remember whether Kavanaugh and Judge were behind her or already upstairs, but she remembers being pushed into a bedroom and then onto a bed. Rock-and-roll music was playing with the volume turned up high, she said.

She alleges that Kavanaugh — who played football and basketball at Georgetown Prep — held her down with the weight of his body and fumbled with her clothes, seemingly hindered by his intoxication. Judge stood across the room, she said, and both boys were laughing “maniacally.” She said she yelled, hoping that someone downstairs would hear her over the music, and Kavanaugh clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her.

At one point, she said, Judge jumped on top of them, and she tried unsuccessfully to wriggle free. Then Judge jumped on them again, toppling them, and she broke away, she said.

She said she locked herself in the bathroom and listened until she heard the boys “going down the stairs, hitting the walls.” She said that after five or 10 minutes, she unlocked the door and made her way through the living room and outside. She isn’t sure how she got home.
this entire drama should no be taken seriously mostly due to the age of accusations and Statutes of Limitation if that exists on rape charges .
------------------------------------------------------ Rule of Law is being abandoned in the USA . And everything that is being built by lefties in the USA is what you are going to be getting in the not too distant future . I call the new style in the USA as Rule by Emotion and its pretty third world like Slade .
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?
dunno yet. i've heard 2 guys were attacking her and 4. i've heard she had no idea how she even got to the party but yet she now has a rock solid memory on who did what? i've heard kavenaughs name was mentioned to the therapist, i've heard it wasn't.

the only thing we do have is confusion.
I believe her actual account is in the post article so I’d go off that. The rest is media spin. She describes the event in pretty good detail. You’re fine to question it but you should also take all statements and scenarios into account. Like if she is making the whole thing up how do you explain the therapy notes? Are they fakes? Was the polygraph test a fake too?
in the story oldlady put up i believe that was her own account. this is where she doesn't remember when the party was, who's house it was, how she got there and so forth. i'm not saying something didn't happen but for someone to have so few details she's sure of, it seems convenient this one she *is* sure of.
Here is what you are talking about...

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault

At the time, Ford said, she knew Kavanaugh and Judge as “friendly acquaintances” in the private-school social circles of suburban Maryland. Her Holton-Arms friends mostly hung out with boys from the Landon School, she said, but for a period of several months socialized regularly with students from Georgetown Prep.

Ford said she does not remember how the gathering came together the night of the incident. She said she often spent time in the summer at the Columbia Country Club pool in Chevy Chase, where in those pre-cellphone days, teenagers learned about gatherings via word of mouth. She also doesn’t recall who owned the house or how she got there.

Ford said she remembers that it was in Montgomery County, not far from the country club, and that no parents were home at the time. Ford named two other teenagers who she said were at the party. Those individuals did not respond to messages on Sunday morning.

She said she recalls a small family room where she and a handful of others drank beer together that night. She said that each person had one beer but that Kavanaugh and Judge had started drinking earlier and were heavily intoxicated.

Ford said that on the night of the party, she left the family room to use the bathroom, which was at the top of a narrow stairway. She doesn’t remember whether Kavanaugh and Judge were behind her or already upstairs, but she remembers being pushed into a bedroom and then onto a bed. Rock-and-roll music was playing with the volume turned up high, she said.

She alleges that Kavanaugh — who played football and basketball at Georgetown Prep — held her down with the weight of his body and fumbled with her clothes, seemingly hindered by his intoxication. Judge stood across the room, she said, and both boys were laughing “maniacally.” She said she yelled, hoping that someone downstairs would hear her over the music, and Kavanaugh clapped his hand over her mouth to silence her.

At one point, she said, Judge jumped on top of them, and she tried unsuccessfully to wriggle free. Then Judge jumped on them again, toppling them, and she broke away, she said.

She said she locked herself in the bathroom and listened until she heard the boys “going down the stairs, hitting the walls.” She said that after five or 10 minutes, she unlocked the door and made her way through the living room and outside. She isn’t sure how she got home.
yes and the question of did she name kavanaugh during her session or not is still in question.
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!
did she name kavenaugh or did she not? her therapist has (4) attacking her and there were 2. i've not seen the notes from the therapist that had the name in it, just her husband saying he heard her say that.
I haven’t seen the therapist notes so I can’t say. I believe there are notes from two different therapists though. She said that one therapist had the number of attackers incorrect in their notes. It will all come out
her deleting her entire social history first, do you think that calls her accusation into question?
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
this entire drama should no be taken seriously mostly due to the age of accusations and Statutes of Limitation if that exists on rape charges .
------------------------------------------------------ Rule of Law is being abandoned in the USA . And everything that is being built by lefties in the USA is what you are going to be getting in the not too distant future . I call the new style in the USA as Rule by Emotion and its pretty third world like Slade .
What are you talking about? Can you not handle our discussion? Is that why you divert to some random rant that ends with my name and reflects a total distortion of my views?
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.
Not one person can recall Brett Kavanaugh being drunk. Ever. Not in high school. Not in college. He got drunk only the one time. Is that what we are to believe?
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.

Then I will expect you won't post any further
i make a polite comment about this case and about the Abandonment of ACTUAL rule of law in the USA as lefties replace Rule of Law with Rule by Emotion and pretend science of 'therapy' and that is all Slade . I think that there is a Statute of Limitations which is good sound law being ignored by Most of YOU lefties Slade .
i mention your name because i am addressing YOU Slade . Plus you lefties ignore law called Statute of Limitation to discuss rumors and the drama of 36 year old possibly made up lying accusations Slade .
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?

Good lord. If you have youtube YOU CAN BEAT A POLYGRAPH. And for a PhD in Educational Psychology, you likely don't even need the YouTube training, YOU ARE EDUCATED IN THE MEANS!
Excellent so you figured that one out. So now the therapy notes. Were they premeditated or planted?!

They don't match her new allegations. And, since this was therapy for a marriage problem, the spouse with the problem, in this case the good Doctor, will often make stuff up to get pity from the Spouse. This is not uncommon, plus, in the session she never named names, just an important man in Washington D.C. There are like half a million of them.

Now, having dealt with many Rape and Sexual Assault Survivors in my life, you tell me, why she can remember trivial parts of the story, but can't remember the two things that can be investigated to tell if the story is true. Location and Date.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Sounds like you got it all figured out. I’m gonna wait until I hear a full account from each side before I make my call.
------------------------------------------------- a FULL account of 36 year accusations to judge Kavanaugh with eh Slade .
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Jesus Fuck buddy. You asswipes drag out Bill Clinton all the time for shit that happened decades ago.
Bill Clinton was president

Kavanaugh was 17 when this allegedly happened

I don't know about you but I hold an adult in the office of president to a higher standard than I do a pimply faced high school kid
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?
her deleting her entire social history first, do you think that calls her accusation into question?
That looks like she is trying to protect her private life as she knew she was about to get put through the ringer. I bet that was advised by her attorney and isn’t evidence of anything to do with the accusation. This is a mans life being effected to so the accusation does deserve question on that fact alone. I think everything is happening as it should except for those partisans that have already made up there minds.
i still question the timing. given this is a normal tactic for the left and previous judges, i question it even more. next time the dems lob out a nomination you can now expect this to be added to the theatrics.
So you think she made this whole thing up? Planted the story in therapy 6 years ago and then trained on how to pass a polygraph just in case he got nominated to the Supreme Court and is now using it to try and stop him?
I think she's exaggerating her drunken memories

For all we know she was so blotto she didn't know who was who or who was doing what

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