Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.
I don't know what if anything happened 40 years ago I do find the fact Dianne Feinstein had this letter back in July and said nothing about it till late last week very questionable I also find this woman bringing something up that might or might not have happened 40 years ago on the eve of his confirmation very questionable also. For the record if this was a Democrat Presidents nominee and someone came up with a 40 year old accusation out of the blue and a Republican Senator suddenly produced a letter they have had for months at the eleventh hour I would feel the same way.
I went through the horrible trauma of rape but can’t remember who, what, when, where, why and how. It does not matter though because it evokes bad feelings and libbies and MSM will run with it. The politics of personal destruction.
At this point, there is no reason to believe her. She waited 30 plus years, her star witness said it never happened, her students say she is unstable and vengeful.
Really? We'll see about this. I think that it is better to know about this guy before he gets on the Supreme Court and is in a position to totally screw up the lives and rights of female Americans. I met male whores when I was young, and I'm not surprised if they lie like hell. Scumbag then. Scumbag now.

Yes....tell that to the Duke Lacrosse know, the guys people like you knew, knew had raped that stripper....until it turned out she lied.

And the reason this accuser is foggy about where and when it happened...because she doesn't know exactly where kavanaugh she can't commit to a time and place on the chance he can prove he couldn't have been there......that would ruin the smear....
I’m still waiting for a link showing her saying that she doesn’t remember the details.

I gave you one....
So your thinking that since she doesn’t remember those details it means she is making the whole thing up?
----------------------------- i think that she is a lefty activist 'femi nazi' type on a mission Slade . -------------- just saying .
Really? We'll see about this. I think that it is better to know about this guy before he gets on the Supreme Court and is in a position to totally screw up the lives and rights of female Americans. I met male whores when I was young, and I'm not surprised if they lie like hell. Scumbag then. Scumbag now.

Yes....tell that to the Duke Lacrosse know, the guys people like you knew, knew had raped that stripper....until it turned out she lied.

And the reason this accuser is foggy about where and when it happened...because she doesn't know exactly where kavanaugh she can't commit to a time and place on the chance he can prove he couldn't have been there......that would ruin the smear....
I’m still waiting for a link showing her saying that she doesn’t remember the details.

I gave you one....
So your thinking that since she doesn’t remember those details it means she is making the whole thing up?
----------------------------- i think that she is a lefty activist 'femi nazi' type on a mission Slade . -------------- just saying .
So does that mean you think she made the whole thing up to block Kavanaughs nomination?
The poll is a good marker for the ratio of partisans on this site
Yeah like everybody who voted yes and no are partisans right? I mean what the hell do we know... maybe after they both testify and we hear both sides of the story we can make a judgement. But anybody doing it now is playing politics.
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Assassinating the messenger without evidence but with a good deal of detail made up by the assassin ^^^ Nice Try Picaro, or should I call you Pinocchio.

But, in your opinion, there is nothing wrong with her assassinating Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

If she didn't report it at the time because of whatever, why did she not come forward twelve years ago when he was appointed as a District Court of Appeals judge?
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?
She’s doesn’t remember where, what, when, why or how but only Who-sort of.
Libs even for you this is nonsense

So long as "she doesn't remember where, what, when, why, or how, but only Who-sort of" no one can come forward with concrete evidence that the party or whatever, never happened.
there is a female poster that thinks that 15 year old girls should keep attempted rape accusations to themselves because the police treat rape or molestation victims poorly :afro: . Her Aunt told her that bit of info . Course the widdle 15 year old could have reported as an 18 year old but waits until she is [what] 56 years of age JLaw . It is ridiculous that anyone takes this weak widdle women seriously JLaw .
Obviously, you don't know shit.

girls & women that are abused don't report every instance because nothing comes of it.

Now this woman sees tjis drun womank abuser being held up before our countrty asd the best person to on the USSC & speaks out. She wants people to now what kind of person thios is.
The main point is no longer that this high school kid got drunk (while in high school) and tried to force himself, it now is about his denial.

If this happened, Kavanaugh becomes a pathetic liar & not worthy.

Kavanaugh has a record of binge drinking, now starting in high school & going through Law School. People in Law School should have grown up enough not to participate in this behavior.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with today.


So your thinking that since she doesn’t remember those details it means she is making the whole thing up
Other women have called in on this and reported "You don't forget the details of a sexual assault" The lying bitch is a political operative. She scrubbed her social media to hide what? She owns a pussy hat, and has been seen in political #metoo marches.
We have no reason to think her claim is credible.

seriously if you were a woman and was assaulted would you wait almost 40 YEARS to say something?

It doesn't take a bloodhound to smell a rat here

Funny, you guys had no problem with Juanita Brodderick waiting 30 years to say something on the eve of impeachment.

You don't want her claim to be credible, it's really not the same thing.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
At this point, there is no reason to believe her. She waited 30 plus years, her star witness said it never happened, her students say she is unstable and vengeful.
Really? We'll see about this. I think that it is better to know about this guy before he gets on the Supreme Court and is in a position to totally screw up the lives and rights of female Americans. I met male whores when I was young, and I'm not surprised if they lie like hell. Scumbag then. Scumbag now.
So you’re admiring that your entire belief of her honesty and his guilt is based on emotion. Thank you

Not "emotion." That's idiotic. It's called experience. Women know that many guys will do exactly as this guy is accused of. Back when I was young, they rarely got caught at it, but I have no doubt that most would lie about it. Ask detectives who interview suspects in rape cases. Ask me, when I, a teenager, had to tell my aunt how her 33-year-old treated me when she wasn't around. Ask all of the people finally telling of their experiences on Me, Too.

And remember the old defense to a paternity charge, before there was such a thing as DNA testing, that the mother slept with more than one guy, and the accused would have his buddies back him up by lying that they had slept with her, too.

SCOTUS already has four misogynists. Read the transcript of the oral argument in the Whole Women's Health case challenging the absurd Texas law regulating women's clinics. Except for a few procedural questions, they never asked a single question about the substance of the law while the state solicitor general was arguing the state's case. Nothing. Yet the state's case was so absurd that the female justices were able to shred it easily, and the amicus briefs filed by the leading medical associations all said that the law was based on a claim not supported by accepted medical experience.

When there already are four justices ready and willing to throw the rights of one half of the U.S. population under the bus due to their personal prejudices, we have a right to know whether the nominee holds an attitude that this half of the population are just toys. We have to snake out bias.
If the Left derails this nomination, Trump should give them Mile Lee R-UT or even Judge Andrew Napalitano L- FOX to pick from. Either is 100 times more conservative than Kavanaugh.
Collins and Murkowski sort of limit how far to the right the POTUS can go.... at least until there are more conservatives in the Senate after this election.

I dont think this ends derailed. Kavanaugh will be on the SCOTUS by next year, methinks.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
At this point, there is no reason to believe her. She waited 30 plus years, her star witness said it never happened, her students say she is unstable and vengeful.
Really? We'll see about this. I think that it is better to know about this guy before he gets on the Supreme Court and is in a position to totally screw up the lives and rights of female Americans. I met male whores when I was young, and I'm not surprised if they lie like hell. Scumbag then. Scumbag now.
So you’re admiring that your entire belief of her honesty and his guilt is based on emotion. Thank you

Not "emotion." That's idiotic. It's called experience. Women know that many guys will do exactly as this guy is accused of. Back when I was young, they rarely got caught at it, but I have no doubt that most would lie about it. Ask detectives who interview suspects in rape cases. Ask me, when I, a teenager, had to tell my aunt how her 33-year-old treated me when she wasn't around. Ask all of the people finally telling of their experiences on Me, Too.

And remember the old defense to a paternity charge, before there was such a thing as DNA testing, that the mother slept with more than one guy, and the accused would have his buddies back him up by lying that they had slept with her, too.

SCOTUS already has four misogynists. Read the transcript of the oral argument in the Whole Women's Health case challenging the absurd Texas law regulating women's clinics. Except for a few procedural questions, they never asked a single question about the substance of the law while the state solicitor general was arguing the state's case. Nothing. Yet the state's case was so absurd that the female justices were able to shred it easily, and the amicus briefs filed by the leading medical associations all said that the law was based on a claim not supported by accepted medical experience.

When there already are four justices ready and willing to throw the rights of one half of the U.S. population under the bus due to their personal prejudices, we have a right to know whether the nominee holds an attitude that this half of the population are just toys. We have to snake out bias.
I agree, emotion on this is idiotic. Why do you let that guide you? You have already decided that she is telling the truth. She has offered up nothing concrete, she cant be specific about anything, her star witness said it never happened. Only because you have an emotional view based on an experience you had years ago. Your whole tirade is about people you deem misogynists, because you don't agree with them ( emotion ). The justices sitting on the court now have nothing to do with this issue, they weren't part of the alleged incident.. But you want to bring that up as some sort of reasoning ( emotion ). We need to know the truth about what happened, you have decided that he is guilty until proven innocent ( emotion ).
We have no reason to think her claim is credible.

seriously if you were a woman and was assaulted would you wait almost 40 YEARS to say something?

It doesn't take a bloodhound to smell a rat here

Funny, you guys had no problem with Juanita Brodderick waiting 30 years to say something on the eve of impeachment.

You don't want her claim to be credible, it's really not the same thing.

I never said anything about Brodderick so don't tell me I did

Her claim is not credible in the least

The timing alone makes it suspect never mind the fact that none of can be corroborated in the least
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?
her deleting her entire social history first, do you think that calls her accusation into question?

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