Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
lol now her story is getting more and more ridiculous and vague by the minute. Hilarious stuff. She's a Party hack, and they have no shame at all or mind lying. Now it's 'four rapes', but she can't remember when or where, or who raped her. lol lol lol what a loon, and of course the puppets and parrots are breathless and all 'outraged n stuff'!!!'

Please, just get on with deporting these vermin and get it over-with already. Get rid of them, send them to their wonderful Red China.

The reason they sat on her story? From the student reviews of her classes, she is likely fairly unreliable as a they didn't want to give anyone time to actually take a look at her and her history.....they had hoped something else would come up to derail his nomination.
They also needed the time to scrub her social networking accounts.
Have you not been paying attention? That question has been answered.

By late August, Ford had decided not to come forward, calculating that doing so would upend her life and probably would not affect Kavanaugh’s confirmation. “Why suffer through the annihilation if it’s not going to matter?” she said.

Her story leaked anyway. On Wednesday, the Intercept reported that Feinstein had a letter describing an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school and that Feinstein was refusing to share it with her Democratic colleagues.

Feinstein soon released a statement: “I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” she wrote. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault
She must've had another repressed memory and now doesn't want confidentiality, will (did) come forward, will press the matter.
Was that statement supposed to make sense?
To those with wit.
You have a funny definition of wit. And still a piss poor way of making an articulate point.
You were had pages ago with the court document. This is just my victory lap. :)

Yep. Good work.
I just heard on Fox that his mother did not rule on that case? I smell fake news
Her parents lost their house. Political and personal grudge.

Why would Fox report that his mother did not presided over that case? I literally just watched a program where the host brought up that point and was cut off by the producer who told her that the story was false and his mom was not on that case. What’s up with that?
The court documents tell a different story. You're probably lying like the almost raped lady.

Maybe you almost watched it. Go into regression therapy and you may remember it in 35 years.
Still think I’m lying and almost watched it? I accept your apology.

Link where I said you were lying.
Have you not been paying attention? That question has been answered.

By late August, Ford had decided not to come forward, calculating that doing so would upend her life and probably would not affect Kavanaugh’s confirmation. “Why suffer through the annihilation if it’s not going to matter?” she said.

Her story leaked anyway. On Wednesday, the Intercept reported that Feinstein had a letter describing an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school and that Feinstein was refusing to share it with her Democratic colleagues.

Feinstein soon released a statement: “I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court,” she wrote. “That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.”

California professor, writer of confidential Brett Kavanaugh letter, speaks out about her allegation of sexual assault
She must've had another repressed memory and now doesn't want confidentiality, will (did) come forward, will press the matter.
Was that statement supposed to make sense?
To those with wit.
You have a funny definition of wit. And still a piss poor way of making an articulate point.
You were had pages ago with the court document. This is just my victory lap. :)
Claim whatever fictitious victory you need to feel good about yourself. I don’t really care.
I just heard on Fox that his mother did not rule on that case? I smell fake news
Her parents lost their house. Political and personal grudge.

Why would Fox report that his mother did not presided over that case? I literally just watched a program where the host brought up that point and was cut off by the producer who told her that the story was false and his mom was not on that case. What’s up with that?
The court documents tell a different story. You're probably lying like the almost raped lady.

Maybe you almost watched it. Go into regression therapy and you may remember it in 35 years.
Still think I’m lying and almost watched it? I accept your apology.

Link where I said you were lying.

Haha, are you kidding me?! I’m not going to start playing your childish word games. You have a problem staying on subject and obvious insecurities that you try to fill through petty empty “victories” I’m not playing those games. Come back once you learn to step it up and want to have a substantive debate about the topics at hand
She’s doesn’t remember where, what, when, why or how but only Who-sort of.
Libs even for you this is nonsense
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
At this point, there is no reason to believe her. She waited 30 plus years, her star witness said it never happened, her students say she is unstable and vengeful.
Recollections of drunkenness from more than 30 years ago are hardly reliable

So your argument is that because she was drunk, it was okay for him to attempt to rape her?

You go with that buddy.... you totally go with that.

We have no reason to think her claim is credible.

seriously if you were a woman and was assaulted would you wait almost 40 YEARS to say something?

It doesn't take a bloodhound to smell a rat here

That is what "me too" is about. Also his Mom was a judge or attorney, really. You didn't all say anything when the ghosts of Clinton came out did you?
Me too movement is being torn apart from within. What does his mother being a judge have to do with it other than giving this goofball a reason for revenge.
She told her therapist that it was 4 boys. She said she was in her late teens. Now she says it was two
And she was 15. She went to the Washington Post first but the paper didn’t see enough evidence so then she went to Feinstein.

Ms. Ford is a registered Democrat. FBI doesn’t see it as a Federal Crime if there is a crime. The polygraph rest question was “is the assertion true” not is “the event true”.

She told her therapist that it was 4 boys. She said she was in her late teens. Now she says it was two
And she was 15. She went to the Washington Post first but the paper didn’t see enough evidence so then she went to Feinstein.

Ms. Ford is a registered Democrat. FBI doesn’t see it as a Federal Crime if there is a crime. The polygraph rest question was “is the assertion true” not is “the event true”.


She is another piece of pussy-hat progressive liberal.

So what's new.
there is a female poster that thinks that 15 year old girls should keep attempted rape accusations to themselves because the police treat rape or molestation victims poorly :afro: . Her Aunt told her that bit of info . Course the widdle 15 year old could have reported as an 18 year old but waits until she is [what] 56 years of age JLaw . It is ridiculous that anyone takes this weak widdle women seriously JLaw .
Obviously, you don't know shit.

girls & women that are abused don't report every instance because nothing comes of it.

Now this woman sees tjis drun womank abuser being held up before our countrty asd the best person to on the USSC & speaks out. She wants people to now what kind of person thios is.
The main point is no longer that this high school kid got drunk (while in high school) and tried to force himself, it now is about his denial.

If this happened, Kavanaugh becomes a pathetic liar & not worthy.

Kavanaugh has a record of binge drinking, now starting in high school & going through Law School. People in Law School should have grown up enough not to participate in this behavior.
there is a female poster that thinks that 15 year old girls should keep attempted rape accusations to themselves because the police treat rape or molestation victims poorly :afro: . Her Aunt told her that bit of info . Course the widdle 15 year old could have reported as an 18 year old but waits until she is [what] 56 years of age JLaw . It is ridiculous that anyone takes this weak widdle women seriously JLaw .
Obviously, you don't know shit.

girls & women that are abused don't report every instance because nothing comes of it.

Now this woman sees tjis drun womank abuser being held up before our countrty asd the best person to on the USSC & speaks out. She wants people to now what kind of person thios is.
The main point is no longer that this high school kid got drunk (while in high school) and tried to force himself, it now is about his denial.

If this happened, Kavanaugh becomes a pathetic liar & not worthy.

Kavanaugh has a record of binge drinking, now starting in high school & going through Law School. People in Law School should have grown up enough not to participate in this behavior.
You don’t know shit either. You weren’t there. Her witness says it never happened.
there is a female poster that thinks that 15 year old girls should keep attempted rape accusations to themselves because the police treat rape or molestation victims poorly :afro: . Her Aunt told her that bit of info . Course the widdle 15 year old could have reported as an 18 year old but waits until she is [what] 56 years of age JLaw . It is ridiculous that anyone takes this weak widdle women seriously JLaw .
Obviously, you don't know shit.

girls & women that are abused don't report every instance because nothing comes of it.

Now this woman sees tjis drun womank abuser being held up before our countrty asd the best person to on the USSC & speaks out. She wants people to now what kind of person thios is.
The main point is no longer that this high school kid got drunk (while in high school) and tried to force himself, it now is about his denial.

If this happened, Kavanaugh becomes a pathetic liar & not worthy.

Kavanaugh has a record of binge drinking, now starting in high school & going through Law School. People in Law School should have grown up enough not to participate in this behavior.
-------------------------------------------------------- yes , its all so hard eh or maybe the girls are lying eh ?? Not talking about Kavanaugh but Generally speaking all the raped need do is report to police with parent in tow and maybe a lawyer RDave . And then accuse , go to Court and maybe get a conviction if they CAN prove the rape . I think that many of the women and girls are weak and many are liars RDave .
plus i think that the woman want special treatment . The so called rapist is identified but i think that the rape accuser is hidden away . With ADULTS why would that happen RDave .
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).

After what they did to Herman Cain, I will never believe another accusation promoted by leftist parasites. If there isn't a video with penetration, go fuck yourself.

They have the absolute worst record when it comes to whose political whores committed the worst crimes, and actually have convictions. There are armies of women who have accused prominent democrooks who've never gone away and have won in court against them. There are all sorts of sick deviants in elected office in the democrook party, but when a republicrat is accused of "toe tapping" in an airport shitter, it gets him run out of public life.

So I don't care if Kavanaugh gratified the bitch with a cigar, and smoked it with Pinochet while feeding commies too sharks in the Pacific Ocean with a CIA helicopter.


The mother of Brett Kavanaugh was a MD district judge in 1996, was the judge in a foreclosure case in which Ford’s parents were the defendants.

Martha G. Kavanaugh, the mother of Brett Kavanaugh was a Maryland district judge in 1996. In an amazing coincidence, Martha Kavanaugh was the judge in a foreclosure case in which Christine Blasey-Ford’s parents were the defendants. Now it all becomes clear. Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh, not because of what he did in high school. Instead, Christine Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh out of spite and revenge for a case rulled on by Brett Kavanaugh mother. Martha Kavanaugh, Brett’s mother was Montgomery County Circuit Court judge from 1993 until she retired in 2001. During a 1996 foreclosure case, Martha Kavanaugh ruled against the parents of Christine Blasey-Ford in a foreclosure case.

The foreclosure case against Paula K. Blasey and Ralph G. Blasey was opened on August 8, 1996. The case number is 156006V.
JESUS FUCK!! You assholes fall for the dumbest fake articles & just keep passing it around like syphilis among the whoremongers.

Yes, the parents went through a eviction case & yes Kavanaugh's mother was a judge .

BUT. This is a really big but. Even bigger than Trump's fat butt.

This is what was said:

"A review of the filings shows that Judge Kavanaugh signed an order in 1997 dismissing the foreclosure after the Blaseys refinanced their home. The 10th item on the court docket reads, “ORDER OF COURT (KAVANAUGH, J./RICE, M.) THAT THE VOLUNTARY MOTION TO DISMISS IS HEREBY GRANTED WITH PREJUDICE AND THAT THE BOND FILED BY HARRY J. KELLY AS TRUSTEE SHALL BE RELEASED AND RETURNED FILED.”
plus i think that the woman want special treatment . The so called rapist is identified but i think that the rape accuser is hidden away . With ADULTS why would that happen RDave .
Well asswipe., There was no rape accusation. Victims often don't want everyone in the world know they were a victim.

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