Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.

She was probably drunk and doesn't remember correctly.
Link where I said you were lying.
Haha, are you kidding me?! I’m not going to start playing your childish word games. You have a problem staying on subject and obvious insecurities that you try to fill through petty empty “victories” I’m not playing those games. Come back once you learn to step it up and want to have a substantive debate about the topics at hand
You will survive being bested.
Not sure what you think you won but congratulations. Go treat yourself to a cookie.
I won the discussion and the poll.

You're kinda slow, aintcha.
Good for you. Go have a cookie and celebrate your victory
It wasn't much of an accomplishment, slow guy.
Funny, you guys had no problem with Juanita Brodderick waiting 30 years to say something on the eve of impeachment.

You don't want her claim to be credible, it's really not the same thing.

That's a lie, she did not wait until the eve of impeachment. As you well know.
Mistaken Rube. Mark Judge Is the guy I was thinking of, not the stupid woman. By the way, you attempt to rape women all the time. Many have said so, they just don’t want to go public. One said you raped her in highschool. Another said it was just last week you raped her. See how that works? Could you imagine someone telling your boss that? Would you be cool with them not having to prove their case or their unwillingness to speak to the authorities? Nope.
Did I ever say I was cool with empty and false accusations? No. So don’t put words in my mouth. You don’t know what you’re talking about and that’s painfully obvious. Go take a nap or something. I’ve wasted enough of my time on you.

Nope, until you prove you aren’t a rapeo I got no time for you. The woman who have come out against you should be considered credible.

See how that works? Bull shit eh?
Yeah I think you’re on to something. You should avoid me at all costs until you find proof that I’m not a rapist. See ya!

Typical response, until it happens. Say Bucky, why is it Mrs. Ford is refusing to come before Congress? Lie, and just like Russia, retards like you gobble it up.
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
Did I ever say I was cool with empty and false accusations? No. So don’t put words in my mouth. You don’t know what you’re talking about and that’s painfully obvious. Go take a nap or something. I’ve wasted enough of my time on you.

Nope, until you prove you aren’t a rapeo I got no time for you. The woman who have come out against you should be considered credible.

See how that works? Bull shit eh?
Yeah I think you’re on to something. You should avoid me at all costs until you find proof that I’m not a rapist. See ya!

Typical response, until it happens. Say Bucky, why is it Mrs. Ford is refusing to come before Congress? Lie, and just like Russia, retards like you gobble it up.
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.
Yes and no. I believe he might have been part of some group that did what she said.
If he doesn't recall any of that, I believe that should be investigated and resolved
where both parties agree who really did what she described.

It is obstructing justice and violating due process to punish either side
without first establishing agreement on the truth of who really did what wrong.

So that, I don't agree with.
I would push for both parties to reach agreement, and value that truth above all else.

They need to agree what happened, or agree to drop it.
This can only happen in an environment where people respect the truth
before any ulterior motive of trying to punish or judge someone.

The FBI has already investigated the letter and said it has nothing to do with any federal crime and it was so long ago that there is nothing to investigate. She says she doesn't remember the month, how she got to the party, where it was or anything else. Don't you think that's pretty convenient?
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.
Yes and no. I believe he might have been part of some group that did what she said.
If he doesn't recall any of that, I believe that should be investigated and resolved
where both parties agree who really did what she described.

It is obstructing justice and violating due process to punish either side
without first establishing agreement on the truth of who really did what wrong.

So that, I don't agree with.
I would push for both parties to reach agreement, and value that truth above all else.

They need to agree what happened, or agree to drop it.
This can only happen in an environment where people respect the truth
before any ulterior motive of trying to punish or judge someone.

The FBI has already investigated the letter and said it has nothing to do with any federal crime and it was so long ago that there is nothing to investigate. She says she doesn't remember the month, how she got to the party, where it was or anything else. Don't you think that's pretty convenient?
So does that mean you think she is making the whole thing up?
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.

How did you get that from my post?
Yes and no. I believe he might have been part of some group that did what she said.
If he doesn't recall any of that, I believe that should be investigated and resolved
where both parties agree who really did what she described.

It is obstructing justice and violating due process to punish either side
without first establishing agreement on the truth of who really did what wrong.

So that, I don't agree with.
I would push for both parties to reach agreement, and value that truth above all else.

They need to agree what happened, or agree to drop it.
This can only happen in an environment where people respect the truth
before any ulterior motive of trying to punish or judge someone.

The FBI has already investigated the letter and said it has nothing to do with any federal crime and it was so long ago that there is nothing to investigate. She says she doesn't remember the month, how she got to the party, where it was or anything else. Don't you think that's pretty convenient?
So does that mean you think she is making the whole thing up?

Like I said she was probably drunk and doesn't remember correctly.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.

How did you get that from my post?

Get what? I was adding to how obvious this smear job is.

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.
The real matter is how m an y women will believe her in the coming election and feel Trump did her wrong with this process.

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.
The real matter is how m an y women will believe her in the coming election and feel Trump did her wrong with this process.

You nailed the Dems motive to a tea. They only want this because it serves their narrative. They don’t care how many life’s are ruined as long as it drives a wedge between Republicans and Women.

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.
The real matter is how m an y women will believe her in the coming election and feel Trump did her wrong with this process.
They didn't believe Hillary.
Nope, until you prove you aren’t a rapeo I got no time for you. The woman who have come out against you should be considered credible.

See how that works? Bull shit eh?
Yeah I think you’re on to something. You should avoid me at all costs until you find proof that I’m not a rapist. See ya!

Typical response, until it happens. Say Bucky, why is it Mrs. Ford is refusing to come before Congress? Lie, and just like Russia, retards like you gobble it up.
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

Na, you will speak to why she can’t, and that will be becausssss, trump.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.
This fucking kook is a typical liberal college professor political operative for the lunatic left. That’s all the professoriate is...a politicized wing of Socialist Party USA. Feinstein is one of the lowest pieces of shit in American political history. Jew who supports infanticide. Disgraceful.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.
She came forward after his nomination was going forward. She is scum.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

She's been heard, and hasn't made a solid case that Kavenaugh is a rapist. You do know, don't you, that she didn't even say she was raped? Sounds like you're accusing without evidence.
Kavanaugh’s an evil creep. God knows how many women he raped that weren’t able to escape.

Wow, that's stupid.

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