Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

She's been heard, and hasn't made a solid case that Kavenaugh is a rapist. You do know, don't you, that she didn't even say she was raped? Sounds like you're accusing without evidence.
Kavanaugh’s an evil creep. God knows how many women he raped that weren’t able to escape.

Yeah, they're lining up outside Feinsteins door! Good god how stupid are you?

Never mind, it's obvious
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Even she didn't make that claim. Are you sure you're following the same story?
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Yeah, they're lining up outside Feinsteins door! Good god how stupid are you?

Never mind, it's obvious
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
It’s only been a few days. Give it some time. Looks like the vote is going to be delayed.

That was the whole point. delay
No, the point is to torpedo the nomination of an evil man.

Who would that be?
Yes and no. I believe he might have been part of some group that did what she said.
If he doesn't recall any of that, I believe that should be investigated and resolved
where both parties agree who really did what she described.

It is obstructing justice and violating due process to punish either side
without first establishing agreement on the truth of who really did what wrong.

So that, I don't agree with.
I would push for both parties to reach agreement, and value that truth above all else.

They need to agree what happened, or agree to drop it.
This can only happen in an environment where people respect the truth
before any ulterior motive of trying to punish or judge someone.

The FBI has already investigated the letter and said it has nothing to do with any federal crime and it was so long ago that there is nothing to investigate. She says she doesn't remember the month, how she got to the party, where it was or anything else. Don't you think that's pretty convenient?
So does that mean you think she is making the whole thing up?

Like I said she was probably drunk and doesn't remember correctly.
I don’t see any way for you to know that or draw that conclusion from what’s been said. But if that’s what you think then great. Let’s see if more comes out to support that
Remember that it was the "conservative" "Republicans" who CHOSE to attack female Americans for at least a decade. It has been "conservative" "Republicans" who have selected to nominate people like Kavanaugh for high office even though they know that their nominees disrespect female Americans. Other, more decent people could have been nominated.

Please "conservatives," take some responsibility for your choices in front of our 320+ million nation, half of which is female.
Yeah I think you’re on to something. You should avoid me at all costs until you find proof that I’m not a rapist. See ya!

Typical response, until it happens. Say Bucky, why is it Mrs. Ford is refusing to come before Congress? Lie, and just like Russia, retards like you gobble it up.
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

Na, you will speak to why she can’t, and that will be becausssss, trump.
How do you get away with playing on a message board during school hours? Your teachers need to take your phone away so you can pay attention to their class.. maybe learn something.
Taking all his testimony together, we see a clear pattern emerge: Brett Kavanaugh has never appeared under oath before the U.S. Senate without lying.

As a onetime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I considered the truthfulness of judicial nominees as a non-negotiable quality. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court, and lies cannot remain unchallenged.

Of course if Republicans don't mind that Trump is a liar, why would they mind if this guy is too. They like his lies.

1. He is not a corporate partisan hack
2. He doesn't want to overturn Roe V Wade.

The short answer is: Yes. Actions have consequences. And the actions that Ford says Kavanaugh took in 1982 are alarming. She says a drunken Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her, grinded his body against her and attempted to take off her clothes, all while one of his friends looked on. When Ford attempted to scream, she says Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth to silence her ― something she believed might “inadvertently kill” her. Ford says she was able to escape when the friend jumped on top of her and Kavanaugh. (Kavanaugh has “categorically and unequivocally” denied Ford’s allegation.) To say that an allegation such as this might be disqualifying for a lifetime appointment to our nation’s highest office feels quite reasonable.


No one, except her, has ever said that they ever saw him drunk. Every woman that ever knew or worked with him have said he was a complete gentleman. SIX FBI investigations have made him out to be a Boy Scout.

Good Lord you are either Naive or Gullible. I'm guessing neither, just plain stupid.
He lies under oath. Trump won’t testify because so would he. You must love their agenda

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.
The real matter is how m an y women will believe her in the coming election and feel Trump did her wrong with this process.

You nailed the Dems motive to a tea. They only want this because it serves their narrative. They don’t care how many life’s are ruined as long as it drives a wedge between Republicans and Women.
Don’t blame us if the truth hurts. Remember you made Hillary out to be king of all liars then you elected the actual king

If the gop way benefits you or you think it does you’ll love whoever they pick. Even a rapist. Lol

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.
The real matter is how m an y women will believe her in the coming election and feel Trump did her wrong with this process.
They didn't believe Hillary.
Don’t blame Hillary blame voters and people who don’t
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.

He may have been vetted six times, but there is a very good chance that he didn't have to disclose his high school whereabouts for the investigation.

When I got my Top Secret done, they had me go back 10 years from the date I enlisted, which is how far back the scope of those things go. Now, Kavanaugh is a lawyer, which means he went to college for 4 years to get his B.S., and another 4 years for his law degree. Then? He probably had to intern for a couple of years before getting to the point where he would be noticed by those high up in the government. That would take at least another 5 years before he would be put in a job that would require a clearance and investigation, which places his investigation to around his second year in college and forward. And yes, once you get a clearance, you are re-investigated every couple of years as long as you hold that clearance, or, whenever you are upgraded from say, Classified, to Top Secret, another investigation is done. Chances are that none of his high school time would have been investigated.

Me? I joined the Navy at 18, and had to go all the way back to when I was 8.
Typical response, until it happens. Say Bucky, why is it Mrs. Ford is refusing to come before Congress? Lie, and just like Russia, retards like you gobble it up.
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

Na, you will speak to why she can’t, and that will be becausssss, trump.
How do you get away with playing on a message board during school hours? Your teachers need to take your phone away so you can pay attention to their class.. maybe learn something.

Says the slave? All you do is post other people’s thoughts.
Taking all his testimony together, we see a clear pattern emerge: Brett Kavanaugh has never appeared under oath before the U.S. Senate without lying.

As a onetime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I considered the truthfulness of judicial nominees as a non-negotiable quality. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court, and lies cannot remain unchallenged.

Of course if Republicans don't mind that Trump is a liar, why would they mind if this guy is too. They like his lies.

1. He is not a corporate partisan hack
2. He doesn't want to overturn Roe V Wade.

The short answer is: Yes. Actions have consequences. And the actions that Ford says Kavanaugh took in 1982 are alarming. She says a drunken Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her, grinded his body against her and attempted to take off her clothes, all while one of his friends looked on. When Ford attempted to scream, she says Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth to silence her ― something she believed might “inadvertently kill” her. Ford says she was able to escape when the friend jumped on top of her and Kavanaugh. (Kavanaugh has “categorically and unequivocally” denied Ford’s allegation.) To say that an allegation such as this might be disqualifying for a lifetime appointment to our nation’s highest office feels quite reasonable.


No one, except her, has ever said that they ever saw him drunk. Every woman that ever knew or worked with him have said he was a complete gentleman. SIX FBI investigations have made him out to be a Boy Scout.

Good Lord you are either Naive or Gullible. I'm guessing neither, just plain stupid.
He lies under oath. Trump won’t testify because so would he. You must love their agenda

So every classmate that he had, which never saw him drunk are liars. The woman that went to school with him are liars, and the SIX FBI INVESTAGATIONS on him were lies as well?

You realize how stupid you sound? Or is it just that you don’t care?

Don't believe her.

Was that before or after Christine Blasey Ford publicly identified herself and fully told her story, alleging that Kavanaugh, then 17, locked her in a room and attempted to remove her clothes while putting his hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was 15 at the time.

Sorry, but I still don't believe her...

You are entitled to believe her if you feel the need to.
The real matter is how m an y women will believe her in the coming election and feel Trump did her wrong with this process.
They didn't believe Hillary.
Don’t blame Hillary blame voters and people who don’t

No, Hillary was to blame for her attacking sexual harassment victims, then acting like she deserved their votes.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.

He may have been vetted six times, but there is a very good chance that he didn't have to disclose his high school whereabouts for the investigation.

When I got my Top Secret done, they had me go back 10 years from the date I enlisted, which is how far back the scope of those things go. Now, Kavanaugh is a lawyer, which means he went to college for 4 years to get his B.S., and another 4 years for his law degree. Then? He probably had to intern for a couple of years before getting to the point where he would be noticed by those high up in the government. That would take at least another 5 years before he would be put in a job that would require a clearance and investigation, which places his investigation to around his second year in college and forward. And yes, once you get a clearance, you are re-investigated every couple of years as long as you hold that clearance, or, whenever you are upgraded from say, Classified, to Top Secret, another investigation is done. Chances are that none of his high school time would have been investigated.

Me? I joined the Navy at 18, and had to go all the way back to when I was 8.

So you are sayin now that if you took a job you would be okay with that? And after it was done, a fire in 1st grade claimed you try to rape her? Far as going back to when you were 8, I’m positive they weren’t checking out what you were doing, they were likely checking out your family. This woman has yet to set a time and date to testify in private or public.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.

He may have been vetted six times, but there is a very good chance that he didn't have to disclose his high school whereabouts for the investigation.

When I got my Top Secret done, they had me go back 10 years from the date I enlisted, which is how far back the scope of those things go. Now, Kavanaugh is a lawyer, which means he went to college for 4 years to get his B.S., and another 4 years for his law degree. Then? He probably had to intern for a couple of years before getting to the point where he would be noticed by those high up in the government. That would take at least another 5 years before he would be put in a job that would require a clearance and investigation, which places his investigation to around his second year in college and forward. And yes, once you get a clearance, you are re-investigated every couple of years as long as you hold that clearance, or, whenever you are upgraded from say, Classified, to Top Secret, another investigation is done. Chances are that none of his high school time would have been investigated.

Me? I joined the Navy at 18, and had to go all the way back to when I was 8.

My Brother also was investigated, and correct, the initial investigation may just be 10 years, but if they suspect anything that may have occurred prior to that time they have authority to go as far back as is necessary.

Being abusive to women would draw that kind of additional scrutiny.
By the way, for all you conservatives who are saying that Kavanaugh would never drink or party, you should know that the prep school he graduated from had the reputation as a party school. one of their yearbooks, they showed a picture of beer kegs that was captioned "100 kegs or bust". In their freaking YEARBOOK. Another picture in the yearbook asked about the legality of partying after school.

And, for those who think that Judge is such a good character witness, consider the book that he wrote called "Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk", in which he describes his own problem with drinking. Interestingly enough, there is a character in his book named "Bart O'Kavanaugh".

Still think Judge is a good character witness for Kavanaugh?

Kavanaugh's Character Witness Once Wrote About His Family for Washingtonian. Check Out What His Brother Wrote in to Rebut Him. | Washingtonian

Christine Blasey Ford says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school, and that Washington writer Mark Judge was in the room. Both were students at Georgetown Prep at the time. Judge denied the incident to the New York Times, saying “I never saw anything like what was described” and that, regarding Kavanaugh, “It is not who he is.”

As Stephanie Mencimer reported in Mother Jones, Judge’s 1997 memoir of his time at Georgetown Prep describes heavy drinking, at times to the point of blacking out. (It also features a cameo by a “Bart O’Kavanaugh,” who “puked in someone’s car the other night” and “passed out on his way back from a party.”)
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.

He may have been vetted six times, but there is a very good chance that he didn't have to disclose his high school whereabouts for the investigation.

When I got my Top Secret done, they had me go back 10 years from the date I enlisted, which is how far back the scope of those things go. Now, Kavanaugh is a lawyer, which means he went to college for 4 years to get his B.S., and another 4 years for his law degree. Then? He probably had to intern for a couple of years before getting to the point where he would be noticed by those high up in the government. That would take at least another 5 years before he would be put in a job that would require a clearance and investigation, which places his investigation to around his second year in college and forward. And yes, once you get a clearance, you are re-investigated every couple of years as long as you hold that clearance, or, whenever you are upgraded from say, Classified, to Top Secret, another investigation is done. Chances are that none of his high school time would have been investigated.

Me? I joined the Navy at 18, and had to go all the way back to when I was 8.

My Brother also was investigated, and correct, the initial investigation may just be 10 years, but if they suspect anything that may have occurred prior to that time they have authority to go as far back as is necessary.

Being abusive to women would draw that kind of additional scrutiny.

If there was nothing suspicious in his initial investigation, they wouldn't have gone back to his high school days. The only accounts of his abusive behavior towards women (so far) appear to be in his high school days, so the farthest back they would have gone would be to his Sophmore year of college.
By the way, for all you conservatives who are saying that Kavanaugh would never drink or party, you should know that the prep school he graduated from had the reputation as a party school. one of their yearbooks, they showed a picture of beer kegs that was captioned "100 kegs or bust". In their freaking YEARBOOK. Another picture in the yearbook asked about the legality of partying after school.

And, for those who think that Judge is such a good character witness, consider the book that he wrote called "Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk", in which he describes his own problem with drinking. Interestingly enough, there is a character in his book named "Bart O'Kavanaugh".

Still think Judge is a good character witness for Kavanaugh?

Kavanaugh's Character Witness Once Wrote About His Family for Washingtonian. Check Out What His Brother Wrote in to Rebut Him. | Washingtonian

Christine Blasey Ford says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school, and that Washington writer Mark Judge was in the room. Both were students at Georgetown Prep at the time. Judge denied the incident to the New York Times, saying “I never saw anything like what was described” and that, regarding Kavanaugh, “It is not who he is.”

As Stephanie Mencimer reported in Mother Jones, Judge’s 1997 memoir of his time at Georgetown Prep describes heavy drinking, at times to the point of blacking out. (It also features a cameo by a “Bart O’Kavanaugh,” who “puked in someone’s car the other night” and “passed out on his way back from a party.”)

1. My school had a reputation for hellacious keggers as well. Believe it or not, not everyone participated.

2. Mr. Judge is not a witness to something that did not happen.

You wasted a whole lot of words though.
It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.

We have time limits on certain alleged crimes because memories tend to not be accurate after decades and convictions cannot be upheld. Murder being one exception however, cold murder cases require much more detail and proof. In this case there are no witnesses to the alleged attack no hard evidence and hundreds of supporters of Kavenaugh. That is the problem with "Me Too"......A man's reputation and livlihood can be destroyed on one person's allegation. That is NOT the way the American justice system is supposed to work.

You forget, that the nominee had been vetted SIX times by the FBI.

He may have been vetted six times, but there is a very good chance that he didn't have to disclose his high school whereabouts for the investigation.

When I got my Top Secret done, they had me go back 10 years from the date I enlisted, which is how far back the scope of those things go. Now, Kavanaugh is a lawyer, which means he went to college for 4 years to get his B.S., and another 4 years for his law degree. Then? He probably had to intern for a couple of years before getting to the point where he would be noticed by those high up in the government. That would take at least another 5 years before he would be put in a job that would require a clearance and investigation, which places his investigation to around his second year in college and forward. And yes, once you get a clearance, you are re-investigated every couple of years as long as you hold that clearance, or, whenever you are upgraded from say, Classified, to Top Secret, another investigation is done. Chances are that none of his high school time would have been investigated.

Me? I joined the Navy at 18, and had to go all the way back to when I was 8.

My Brother also was investigated, and correct, the initial investigation may just be 10 years, but if they suspect anything that may have occurred prior to that time they have authority to go as far back as is necessary.

Being abusive to women would draw that kind of additional scrutiny.

If there was nothing suspicious in his initial investigation, they wouldn't have gone back to his high school days. The only accounts of his abusive behavior towards women (so far) appear to be in his high school days, so the farthest back they would have gone would be to his Sophmore year of college.

Then it speaks to a lack of a pattern of behavior. Which is key to 30 year old sex abuse allegations.

Without a pattern, you got no case.

Abusive males don’t wake up one day and become abusive, then decide the next not to be.
By the way, for all you conservatives who are saying that Kavanaugh would never drink or party, you should know that the prep school he graduated from had the reputation as a party school. one of their yearbooks, they showed a picture of beer kegs that was captioned "100 kegs or bust". In their freaking YEARBOOK. Another picture in the yearbook asked about the legality of partying after school.

And, for those who think that Judge is such a good character witness, consider the book that he wrote called "Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk", in which he describes his own problem with drinking. Interestingly enough, there is a character in his book named "Bart O'Kavanaugh".

Still think Judge is a good character witness for Kavanaugh?

Kavanaugh's Character Witness Once Wrote About His Family for Washingtonian. Check Out What His Brother Wrote in to Rebut Him. | Washingtonian

Christine Blasey Ford says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school, and that Washington writer Mark Judge was in the room. Both were students at Georgetown Prep at the time. Judge denied the incident to the New York Times, saying “I never saw anything like what was described” and that, regarding Kavanaugh, “It is not who he is.”

As Stephanie Mencimer reported in Mother Jones, Judge’s 1997 memoir of his time at Georgetown Prep describes heavy drinking, at times to the point of blacking out. (It also features a cameo by a “Bart O’Kavanaugh,” who “puked in someone’s car the other night” and “passed out on his way back from a party.”)

1. My school had a reputation for hellacious keggers as well. Believe it or not, not everyone participated.

2. Mr. Judge is not a witness to something that did not happen.

You wasted a whole lot of words though.

Well, chances are that if Judge participated in wild partying, his buddy Kavanaugh did as well.

As far as Judge not being a witness to anything? Mrs. Ford said she was almost raped, and the only reason she wasn't is because Judge stopped Kavanaugh from raping her! Yes, Judge IS a witness. You're just pissed because the prime character witness was a drunken slob in high school, and Kavanaugh probably was as well, because Judge was his best friend.

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