Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
She was never raped.
Do you have evidence that she was not raped, and attempted rape is still a felony?
Her word should be sufficient to prove that no rape occurred. Her allegation is that he was unable to get her clothes off or the swimsuit she had on under her clothes off. There was no penetration and therefore no rape. She also says that he was stumbling drunk. Attempted rape is a specific intent crime. If he was that drunk he could not have formed the intent to rape. Therefore even if you believe her, there was no attempted rape and certainly no rape. Do you believe her?
So, the Democrats new position, based upon what the lawyer for Ford has said, is that Ford will NOT testify before Congress until the FBI has fully investigated the matter.

So, no testimony until after the election at which time, no doubt, the entire matter will be dropped.

So, we now have their actual strategy articulated.

If she is a no-show on Monday, they should hold the vote that day and move to have a full Senate vote Tuesday.
---------------------- and just heard that she wants an investigation by FBI before she testifies .
Yep. I also just heard that China's Senator from California has now said that Ford may not have been fully truthful.

A CYA no doubt.
So, the Democrats new position, based upon what the lawyer for Ford has said, is that Ford will NOT testify before Congress until the FBI has fully investigated the matter.

So, no testimony until after the election at which time, no doubt, the entire matter will be dropped.

So, we now have their actual strategy articulated.

If she is a no-show on Monday, they should hold the vote that day and move to have a full Senate vote Tuesday.
---------------------- and just heard that she wants an investigation by FBI before she testifies .

They already investigated and there was nothing for them to investigate. She is losing credibility by the hour.

How many background checks has Judge Kavanaugh had so far? I've heard six.
We’ll see. Ford’s life faces annihilation from wealthy and powerful establishment republicans; will others risk that to stop this extremist/rapist Judge?

Then where are they? Never a better time while the issue's hot. Oh, maybe they're waiting to see if she even testifies? Looking less and less likely.
------------------------------------ sounds like they are going to treat her SPECIAL and let her talk in closed door . [is she even an adult of sound mind i wonder]
She faces absolute destruction of her life from conservative special interests and politicians. She is smart to try to protect herself from you rape enablers.

Of course you leave out she's trying to destroy someone with allegations that cannot be proven, forty years old, she's an obvious progressive hack and may have a personal vendetta going on.

He tried to rape her. She’s trying to keep him as a federal circuit Judge. Really can’t compare the 2, you rape enabler.

Got any proof of that?
She was never raped.
Do you have evidence that she was not raped, and attempted rape is still a felony?
Her word should be sufficient to prove that no rape occurred. Her allegation is that he was unable to get her clothes off or the swimsuit she had on under her clothes off. There was no penetration and therefore no rape. She also says that he was stumbling drunk. Attempted rape is a specific intent crime. If he was that drunk he could not have formed the intent to rape. Therefore even if you believe her, there was no attempted rape and certainly no rape. Do you believe her?
That is strange. I thought her original story was that they were all drunk and on a bed with others and that someone (who 36 years later happens to be a SC nominee) groped her.
Remember that it was the "conservative" "Republicans" who CHOSE to attack female Americans for at least a decade. It has been "conservative" "Republicans" who have selected to nominate people like Kavanaugh for high office even though they know that their nominees disrespect female Americans. Other, more decent people could have been nominated.

Please "conservatives," take some responsibility for your choices in front of our 320+ million nation, half of which is female.
Ted Kennedy called. He leaves women dead in ditches.

And Ted Kennedy is relevant today, how? Today's "conservatives" need to start taking some personal responsibility for their actions, particularly since they whine about "personal responsibility" all of the time. So take some. People who call themselves "conservatives" make their own choices. The rest of us are not responsible for the choices that they make, and the rest of us should not bear the burden of their misjudgments.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.

REALLY! She is doing it out of spite or political motivation. He was 17, and he wasn’t qualified to be a Supreme then. It’s ridiculous to even talk about this alleged incident with respect to his confirmation, RIDICULOUS!
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

Na, you will speak to why she can’t, and that will be becausssss, trump.
How do you get away with playing on a message board during school hours? Your teachers need to take your phone away so you can pay attention to their class.. maybe learn something.

Says the slave? All you do is post other people’s thoughts.
I guess when your out of substantive arguments you just start making shit up. Whatever floats your boat man. You sound like a fool
Remember that it was the "conservative" "Republicans" who CHOSE to attack female Americans for at least a decade. It has been "conservative" "Republicans" who have selected to nominate people like Kavanaugh for high office even though they know that their nominees disrespect female Americans. Other, more decent people could have been nominated.

Please "conservatives," take some responsibility for your choices in front of our 320+ million nation, half of which is female.
Ted Kennedy called. He leaves women dead in ditches.

And Ted Kennedy is relevant today, how? Today's "conservatives" need to start taking some personal responsibility for their actions, particularly since they whine about "personal responsibility" all of the time. So take some. People who call themselves "conservatives" make their own choices. The rest of us are not responsible for the choices that they make, and the rest of us should not bear the burden of their misjudgments.
This from the team that just admitted in court to ignoring their own voters in order to install wifey of little girl island gold member.

Run along, Sally. Your time is up.
Remember that it was the "conservative" "Republicans" who CHOSE to attack female Americans for at least a decade. It has been "conservative" "Republicans" who have selected to nominate people like Kavanaugh for high office even though they know that their nominees disrespect female Americans. Other, more decent people could have been nominated.

Please "conservatives," take some responsibility for your choices in front of our 320+ million nation, half of which is female.
Ted Kennedy called. He leaves women dead in ditches.

And Ted Kennedy is relevant today, how? Today's "conservatives" need to start taking some personal responsibility for their actions, particularly since they whine about "personal responsibility" all of the time. So take some. People who call themselves "conservatives" make their own choices. The rest of us are not responsible for the choices that they make, and the rest of us should not bear the burden of their misjudgments.

Libs ignore the misdeeds of their own while demonizing Republicans for less heinous behavior.

Bill Clinton may very well have raped a woman and Hillary may very well have helped him get away with it, yet libs have nothing to say about it.

Kavanaugh may have, while drunk, attempted to have sex with a woman but didn’t. However, this woman may very well be lying since she’s seemingly avoiding testifying about it and apparently can’t accurately say where or when this incident supposedly happened.

If trying to force women to have sex with him was a part of his character, why is it that the Democrats had to resort to finding someone from his high school days to levy unprovable accusations? These accusations come with a very sketchy story behind them, by the way.

Libs should be made to be accountable for their self serving standards of morality and ethics that only apply when it’s convenient for their agendas.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.
she felt compelled to speak out for "the cause" obscure Dr of Psycho therapy with no credibility I bet Mr Shumer has some skeletons lets dig those out it would be as start
Taking all his testimony together, we see a clear pattern emerge: Brett Kavanaugh has never appeared under oath before the U.S. Senate without lying.

As a onetime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I considered the truthfulness of judicial nominees as a non-negotiable quality. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court, and lies cannot remain unchallenged.

Of course if Republicans don't mind that Trump is a liar, why would they mind if this guy is too. They like his lies.

1. He is not a corporate partisan hack
2. He doesn't want to overturn Roe V Wade.

What has Judge Kavanaugh lied about? Please show us your reliable source and link. Thanks!
Yeah I think you’re on to something. You should avoid me at all costs until you find proof that I’m not a rapist. See ya!

Typical response, until it happens. Say Bucky, why is it Mrs. Ford is refusing to come before Congress? Lie, and just like Russia, retards like you gobble it up.
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

What conditions do they need to set? She and her attorney said she was willing to testify before Congress. Now she has her chance on Monday.
I guess I could ask what conditions need to be set for the Trump Mueller interview as well but I think you already know the deal... why are you playing games with these questions?

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