Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.

It is way passed time the this country, and the whole world faced this problem that female people have endured for centuries, having been laughed at and taught to remain silent. I love that the "Me, Too" movement has taken hold from the U.S., to Britain, France, over to India, Australia, and more. It's great to see us women finally raising our voices and taking control of the situation. Loved seeing the woman in Paris whose attacker was finally caught for harassing her on the street and then hitting her. Loved seeing the crowds in India marching against sex crimes.

And, yeah. I had my "Me, Too" moments when I was young. I didn't like being pinned up against a wall in an a Roman hotel as a teenager or in a ski lodge in Maine by people who wanted to grope me and find my tonsils. The people who want to deny that things like this happen are so full of shit that it's incredible.
Why did you put yourself in those situations why didn't you report them you self righteous piece o camel dung. oh I was molested while on spring break and drunk in a hotel someone should be held accountable a hole
Taking all his testimony together, we see a clear pattern emerge: Brett Kavanaugh has never appeared under oath before the U.S. Senate without lying.

As a onetime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I considered the truthfulness of judicial nominees as a non-negotiable quality. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court, and lies cannot remain unchallenged.

Of course if Republicans don't mind that Trump is a liar, why would they mind if this guy is too. They like his lies.

1. He is not a corporate partisan hack
2. He doesn't want to overturn Roe V Wade.

What has Judge Kavanaugh lied about? Please show us your reliable source and link. Thanks!
Typical response, until it happens. Say Bucky, why is it Mrs. Ford is refusing to come before Congress? Lie, and just like Russia, retards like you gobble it up.
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

What conditions do they need to set? She and her attorney said she was willing to testify before Congress. Now she has her chance on Monday.

My bet is she doesn’t. She has no other witness but her word.
I’ll be chuckling at you as soon as they announce her testimony
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).
Zactly and we all know what zactly smells like
Oh we're only interested in the truth !!!!! We can't possibly allow unredacted statements from crooked FBI agents working for HRC to be released. It would damage people who we knew were dirty and we lied and tried to cover it up after the Golden girl got her Pussy hat handed to her in 2016
Taking all his testimony together, we see a clear pattern emerge: Brett Kavanaugh has never appeared under oath before the U.S. Senate without lying.

As a onetime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I considered the truthfulness of judicial nominees as a non-negotiable quality. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court, and lies cannot remain unchallenged.

Of course if Republicans don't mind that Trump is a liar, why would they mind if this guy is too. They like his lies.

1. He is not a corporate partisan hack
2. He doesn't want to overturn Roe V Wade.

What has Judge Kavanaugh lied about? Please show us your reliable source and link. Thanks!
Really? You think I’ve gobbled up the stupid Russia thing?! Ok Mr Clueless, keep talking out of your ass, you might accidentally get something right one of these days.

You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

What conditions do they need to set? She and her attorney said she was willing to testify before Congress. Now she has her chance on Monday.

My bet is she doesn’t. She has no other witness but her word.
I’ll be chuckling at you as soon as they announce her testimony

That’s fine. Then you can be pissed when Kavanaugh is seated.
Taking all his testimony together, we see a clear pattern emerge: Brett Kavanaugh has never appeared under oath before the U.S. Senate without lying.

As a onetime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I considered the truthfulness of judicial nominees as a non-negotiable quality. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court, and lies cannot remain unchallenged.

Of course if Republicans don't mind that Trump is a liar, why would they mind if this guy is too. They like his lies.

1. He is not a corporate partisan hack
2. He doesn't want to overturn Roe V Wade.

What has Judge Kavanaugh lied about? Please show us your reliable source and link. Thanks!
You gobbled up enough to look stupid. You are blinded by whomever you watch on TV. Notice you don’t address Mrs. fords unwillingness to testify? You are a dumb sheep. Nothing more.
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

What conditions do they need to set? She and her attorney said she was willing to testify before Congress. Now she has her chance on Monday.

My bet is she doesn’t. She has no other witness but her word.
I’ll be chuckling at you as soon as they announce her testimony

That’s fine. Then you can be pissed when Kavanaugh is seated.
That wouldn’t piss me off. He doesn’t seem that bad
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.
So ‘compelled’ it took her 38 years?
And there’s no allegation of rape.
Black Fag has no clue about this woman. I've dealt with people who have serious PTSD problems and they all have pinpoint memory of the events that triggered their problems. This woman can not remember the YEAR, Time of year, what party it was, who was present, who the host of the party is.... Not only can no one investigate this kind of baseless garbage, it is in total conflict with people who really have PTSD. these people have freeze frame vision on the event and they can give you details in precise format.. this bimbo has none of that.. She is a liar.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.
So ‘compelled’ it took her 38 years?
And there’s no allegation of rape.
Yes. Many rape victims never speak out. I'm sure you'd try to destroy their lives as well if they did.
She’s not a rape victim, idiot. She’s not even claiming she was raped!
Dear Lord!
He watches MSNBC and CNN.. They all make shit up... and he is no different..
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.
So ‘compelled’ it took her 38 years?
And there’s no allegation of rape.
Black Fag has no clue about this woman. I've dealt with people who have serious PTSD problems and they all have pinpoint memory of the events that triggered their problems. This woman can not remember the YEAR, Time of year, what party it was, who was present, who the host of the party is.... Not only can no one investigate this kind of baseless garbage, it is in total conflict with people who really have PTSD. these people have freeze frame vision on the event and they can give you details in precise format.. this bimbo has none of that.. She is a liar.
What are you basing that genius analysis on?
Taking all his testimony together, we see a clear pattern emerge: Brett Kavanaugh has never appeared under oath before the U.S. Senate without lying.

As a onetime member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I considered the truthfulness of judicial nominees as a non-negotiable quality. Lying under oath cannot and must not be rewarded with a seat on the nation’s highest court, and lies cannot remain unchallenged.

Of course if Republicans don't mind that Trump is a liar, why would they mind if this guy is too. They like his lies.

1. He is not a corporate partisan hack
2. He doesn't want to overturn Roe V Wade.

What has Judge Kavanaugh lied about? Please show us your reliable source and link. Thanks!
If she doesn’t testify then I will speak to it. Her attorneys are obviously setting conditions for the hearing. Easy cowgirl, it will happen, don’t get your panties in a wad.

What conditions do they need to set? She and her attorney said she was willing to testify before Congress. Now she has her chance on Monday.

My bet is she doesn’t. She has no other witness but her word.
I’ll be chuckling at you as soon as they announce her testimony

That’s fine. Then you can be pissed when Kavanaugh is seated.
That wouldn’t piss me off. He doesn’t seem that bad
For a liar and guy who will play politics from the bench and be a corporate crony sure.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.
So ‘compelled’ it took her 38 years?
And there’s no allegation of rape.
Black Fag has no clue about this woman. I've dealt with people who have serious PTSD problems and they all have pinpoint memory of the events that triggered their problems. This woman can not remember the YEAR, Time of year, what party it was, who was present, who the host of the party is.... Not only can no one investigate this kind of baseless garbage, it is in total conflict with people who really have PTSD. these people have freeze frame vision on the event and they can give you details in precise format.. this bimbo has none of that.. She is a liar.
What are you basing that genius analysis on?
30 years in law enforcement and training in dealing with PTSD patients that I dealt with over the last 20 years. And my own personal experiences with this disease.
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.
So ‘compelled’ it took her 38 years?
And there’s no allegation of rape.
Black Fag has no clue about this woman. I've dealt with people who have serious PTSD problems and they all have pinpoint memory of the events that triggered their problems. This woman can not remember the YEAR, Time of year, what party it was, who was present, who the host of the party is.... Not only can no one investigate this kind of baseless garbage, it is in total conflict with people who really have PTSD. these people have freeze frame vision on the event and they can give you details in precise format.. this bimbo has none of that.. She is a liar.
What are you basing that genius analysis on?
30 years in law enforcement and training in dealing with PTSD patients that I dealt with over the last 20 years. And my own personal experiences with this disease.
Ok and with all that experience what about the elements of this situation made you draw that conclusion
She feels compelled to speak out against a rapist. God bless her and I hope she is heard.
So ‘compelled’ it took her 38 years?
And there’s no allegation of rape.
Black Fag has no clue about this woman. I've dealt with people who have serious PTSD problems and they all have pinpoint memory of the events that triggered their problems. This woman can not remember the YEAR, Time of year, what party it was, who was present, who the host of the party is.... Not only can no one investigate this kind of baseless garbage, it is in total conflict with people who really have PTSD. these people have freeze frame vision on the event and they can give you details in precise format.. this bimbo has none of that.. She is a liar.
What are you basing that genius analysis on?
30 years in law enforcement and training in dealing with PTSD patients that I dealt with over the last 20 years. And my own personal experiences with this disease.
Ok and with all that experience what about the elements of this situation made you draw that conclusion
Simple.. This woman has made false claims before (check the police logs)...This is no different.. She is deceptive and can not remember key details, which she should see with precise clarity, which proves she is lying. Even Diane Finestien has come out and stated that she can not state the story is true.... Now why would she be backstroking? this thing is about to collapse and its going to take a whole bunch of criminal Democrats with it..
So ‘compelled’ it took her 38 years?
And there’s no allegation of rape.
Black Fag has no clue about this woman. I've dealt with people who have serious PTSD problems and they all have pinpoint memory of the events that triggered their problems. This woman can not remember the YEAR, Time of year, what party it was, who was present, who the host of the party is.... Not only can no one investigate this kind of baseless garbage, it is in total conflict with people who really have PTSD. these people have freeze frame vision on the event and they can give you details in precise format.. this bimbo has none of that.. She is a liar.
What are you basing that genius analysis on?
30 years in law enforcement and training in dealing with PTSD patients that I dealt with over the last 20 years. And my own personal experiences with this disease.
Ok and with all that experience what about the elements of this situation made you draw that conclusion
Simple.. This woman has made false claims before (check the police logs)...This is no different.. She is deceptive and can not remember key details, which she should see with precise clarity, which proves she is lying. Even Diane Finestien has come out and stated that she can not state the story is true.... Now why would she be backstroking? this thing is about to collapse and its going to take a whole bunch of criminal Democrats with it..
Now your credibility is going down. You can’t say that she should remember the date and location with precise clarity... you don’t have enough info about the situation to make that claim so it doesn’t prove anything.
You are also ignoring the therapy notes and polygraph. Are you taking any either of those into account?
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).

Their game is very known, they just switch the letter.

If you don't support them, you're either raCist, or raPist.
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).

Their game is very known, they just switch the letter.

If you don't support them, you're either raCist, or raPist.
You left out Drumpfsexual, moron, idiot, and degenerate.

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