Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).

Their game is very known, they just switch the letter.

If you don't support them, you're either raCist, or raPist.
You left out Drumpfsexual, moron, idiot, and degenerate.

Says someone who failed abortion.
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).

Their game is very known, they just switch the letter.

If you don't support them, you're either raCist, or raPist.
You left out Drumpfsexual, moron, idiot, and degenerate.

Says someone who failed abortion.
Says someone that failed 1rst grade....twice.

I believe her over the horny frat boy trying to get laid
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

because she knows he is not worthy to become a member of the Supreme Court ...

She knows no such thing. Neither do you.
because she knows he is not worthy to become a member of the Supreme Court ...

She knows no such thing. Neither do you.

She knows no such thing ...

she does know, she was his victim and is not afraid to stand up to people like you who's only interest is to victimize the innocent.

For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

because she knows he is not worthy to become a member of the Supreme Court ...

She knows no such thing. Neither do you.
because she knows he is not worthy to become a member of the Supreme Court ...

She knows no such thing. Neither do you.

She knows no such thing ...

she does know, she was his victim and is not afraid to stand up to people like you who's only interest is to victimize the innocent.

What I get out of this is when they were in high school he tried to cop a feel one night

Shit if that makes you a sexual predator then every guy on the planet is guilty


You might have held a girl down against her will and groped her.

I never did.

I 've never held a girl down and groped her either.

In fact in High School I didn't even attend parties.

Later when I was in college and attending parties, I refused to have sexual relations with a young lady who gave off a fearful vibe, even though she was the one you initiated the sexual encounter.

I was raised to respect Women in word in deed.

it didn't prevent me from receiving a false sexual harassment complaint by a vengeful co-worker who knew there would be no repercussions from a female led upper management team.

since that day I am skeptical of any claim supported only by feelings and not by evidence.
Black Fag has no clue about this woman. I've dealt with people who have serious PTSD problems and they all have pinpoint memory of the events that triggered their problems. This woman can not remember the YEAR, Time of year, what party it was, who was present, who the host of the party is.... Not only can no one investigate this kind of baseless garbage, it is in total conflict with people who really have PTSD. these people have freeze frame vision on the event and they can give you details in precise format.. this bimbo has none of that.. She is a liar.
What are you basing that genius analysis on?
30 years in law enforcement and training in dealing with PTSD patients that I dealt with over the last 20 years. And my own personal experiences with this disease.
Ok and with all that experience what about the elements of this situation made you draw that conclusion
Simple.. This woman has made false claims before (check the police logs)...This is no different.. She is deceptive and can not remember key details, which she should see with precise clarity, which proves she is lying. Even Diane Finestien has come out and stated that she can not state the story is true.... Now why would she be backstroking? this thing is about to collapse and its going to take a whole bunch of criminal Democrats with it..
Now your credibility is going down. You can’t say that she should remember the date and location with precise clarity... you don’t have enough info about the situation to make that claim so it doesn’t prove anything.
You are also ignoring the therapy notes and polygraph. Are you taking any either of those into account?
You are clueless...

You have no grasp of the disease or how it affects memory...
Of course what she said is true. I don't think in the end it will matter to most conservatives because they are absolute hypocrites on the issue. For personal responsibility except when it concerns themselves and their personal failures. For the dignity of women except when one of themselves is accused of sexual misconduct. For a moral code except when that code is in conflict with their own debauchery.

So yeah he will be confirmed.

Why is what she said true, but the overwhelming mountain of evidence for Kavanaugh that says what she says is nothing but an agenda driven attempt to keep a emminently qualified justice from sitting the bench.

This one woman's statement is absolutely true, in your opinion, but the 65 women who testify exactly the opposite is false.

If you cannot see this for what it is, then you have zero credibility.

Kavanaugh got nominated on July 9. Feinstein got letter sometimes in July.

If Feinstein, or Democrats in general, really care about women, why would they hold on to this information for so long? She had a chance to pop the question during confirmation hearings.


If this accusation was let out too early and Kavanaugh drops, Trump had time to nominate someone else, and confirm before the elections. They've tried to delay any way they could, by asking for more records, by complaining for not having enough time to go thru records, by having disruptors during confirmation hearing. Nothing works, so they went back to their playbook, which is either "race card" or "rape card".

The ultimate goal is to delay the confirmation vote. The latest proof for that is accuser's refusal to testify, unless there is full blown FBI investigation opened. Why so? Because investigation would take months to complete. If there was rape attempt, why wouldn't you testify, why ultimatums?

It's becoming a rule, not an exception, that every time Democrats want to block a nomination, or prevent election, they have somewhere someone prepared to testify, and since it's happening so often, it looks more like a charade, than the serious thing.

Rape, and attempted rape is a serious crime and should be taken seriously. So is lying about it.
Could this have anything to do with it?

Martha G. Kavanaugh, the mother of Brett Kavanaugh was a Maryland district judge in 1996. In an amazing coincidence, Martha Kavanaugh was the judge in a foreclosure case in which Christine Blasey-Ford’s parents were the defendants. Now it all becomes clear. Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh, not because of what he did in high school. Instead, Christine Blasey-Ford is going after Brett Kavanaugh out of spite and revenge for a case ruled on by Brett Kavanaugh mother. Martha Kavanaugh, Brett’s mother was Montgomery County Circuit Court judge from 1993 until she retired in 2001. During a 1996 foreclosure case, Martha Kavanaugh ruled against the parents of Christine Blasey-Ford in a foreclosure case. The foreclosure case against Paula K. Blasey and Ralph G. Blasey was opened on August 8, 1996. The case number is 156006V. Isn’t it kind of amazing that all the media reports today didn’t mention this little conflict of interest for Blasey-Ford?

Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother, a Judge, Presided Over a Foreclose Case Involving Christine Blasey Ford’s Parents
Aren’t their documents and notes from her therapist visits from years ago that verify her story of the sexual encounter? If so how would that fit into your narrative?

The notes offer details she's attempting to change, such as the number of boys at the party. Also, she cannot name the time or place where this allegedly occurred, and Kavanaugh is not named in the notes.

It's a fill-in-the-blank lie.
She took a lie detector test. How are you so convinced that it’s a lie?
Former FBI agent administered it.

Did Clinton paid for it too?

Lefties are having lot of faith in "former" agents and spies.
I think she should be heard, publicly and under oath, before Congress.

First, her account was first relayed in 2012 in therapy. And she has the therapy notes to prove it. She also has witnesses that affirm that she cited Kavanaugh specifically years before his hearing. Eliminating the account being politically motivated.

Second, she took a lie detector test in August, administered by a former FBI agent.

She passed.

She has therapy notes. Was she her own therapist?

Lie detector test administered by former FBI agent. How convenient, and official. Don't tell me it was Comie...
It’s a libbie tactic that when things don’t go their way, claim sexual misconduct from 14 to 40 years ago. Hope that false Puritanism will kick in with your audience and demand the accused prove himself innocent. They do it with Trump. Prime element of a witch hunt.

Opposing attempted forcible rape is hardly 'puritanism'.

I'd like to know is there a rape that not forcible.
We have no reason to think her claim is credible.

seriously if you were a woman and was assaulted would you wait almost 40 YEARS to say something?

It doesn't take a bloodhound to smell a rat here

Funny, you guys had no problem with Juanita Brodderick waiting 30 years to say something on the eve of impeachment.

You don't want her claim to be credible, it's really not the same thing.

You're right. You're NOT credible if you:
* remember all the details
* if go public instead of writing a letter to Senator
* if you accuse Democrat of wrongdoing

30 years? He raped her in 1978. She accused him of rape when exactly?

She remembers every detail to today's date, 40 years later.

Nah, you're right. She's not credible.
What are you basing that genius analysis on?
30 years in law enforcement and training in dealing with PTSD patients that I dealt with over the last 20 years. And my own personal experiences with this disease.
Ok and with all that experience what about the elements of this situation made you draw that conclusion
Simple.. This woman has made false claims before (check the police logs)...This is no different.. She is deceptive and can not remember key details, which she should see with precise clarity, which proves she is lying. Even Diane Finestien has come out and stated that she can not state the story is true.... Now why would she be backstroking? this thing is about to collapse and its going to take a whole bunch of criminal Democrats with it..
Now your credibility is going down. You can’t say that she should remember the date and location with precise clarity... you don’t have enough info about the situation to make that claim so it doesn’t prove anything.
You are also ignoring the therapy notes and polygraph. Are you taking any either of those into account?
You are clueless...

You have no grasp of the disease or how it affects memory...
What if somebody drove her to the house and she wasn’t paying attention? What if it was a house she had never been to before? What if she left at night and wasn’t paying attention to it’s location. It’s not all that unbelieveable that a 15 year old wouldnt remember where a house was at. Like I said you don’t have enough info to make your conclusions... and you try to call me clueless.. ha

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