Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
It’s a known fact that women have lied about this kind of thing before. Men have gone to prison because of it.

It is in fact plausible that this woman is lying. She keeps naming witnesses who don’t support her claim.
What woman would deliberately put herself through all this bullshit?

This is just a typical right wing smear campaign they do on everybody that speaks the truth.

Non-partisan? Nah.

You're taking her story at face value without any corroboration at all. You assume for no reason that she's telling the truth because you don't think anyone would put themselves through something like this, then claim to be mystified that partisans would do exactly this kind of thing, thinking they were making a noble sacrifice for the good of the Party, or some such.

You believe her because you WANT to believe her, which blinds you to the holes in her story.

That's partisanship.
Why did Ford scrub her social media accounts just before the accusations surfaced?
I’d assume it was advised by her attorney as it’s standatd protocol when entering into a high profile case
For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.

Because there was nothing to do about it until the guy was appointed to the Supreme Court.

Nothing would ever have happened at the time. Prep school boy, good family. Dr. Ford was bright enough to know that at the time.

Even now, with all that’s come out over the past year, she’s being publically accused of lying. Her family has been credibly threatened and are in hiding. Why would a woman ever come forward to this treatment?
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).

The woman who accused Trump of assaulting her on the plane, Jessica Leeds has no connection to the Clinton Foundation.

This right wing lie circulated because Ms. Leeds home phone number is in the same area code and exchange as the Foundation. As usual, the right added 1 plus 1 and came up with “Hillary did it”.
Every time the Democrats can't bring somebody down with facts they accuse them of some sort of sexual misconduct. Happens every time.

Clarence Thomas
Donald Trump
Jim Jordan
Brett Kavanaugh

And the timing is always perfect, right at the last minute. Never any proof or evidence, just someone's word who usually turns out to have close ties to the DNC or some other left wing group. Example: The dyke who accused Trump of assaulting her on a plane was listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation. I'm sure the latest one will be exposed as another political activist as well (who will also disappear after the dust from their smear attempt settles).

The woman who accused Trump of assaulting her on the plane, Jessica Leeds has no connection to the Clinton Foundation.

This right wing lie circulated because Ms. Leeds home phone number is in the same area code and exchange as the Foundation. As usual, the right added 1 plus 1 and came up with “Hillary did it”.
She's listed as a staff member at the Clinton Foundation.
These days, if you are a Republican politician, it's almost a requirement to be some kind of pervert.
Someone who assaults women, someone who attempts rape, a pedophile,
In fact, those may be a plus to the GOP.
They think it makes them look "manly".

Okay, I see your point.

btw: This guy is funny.

This asshole is a Morman, where abusing females gets you tickets to planet Kolob.
How could anybody believe this pink pussy hat wearing kunt?

For Christ's sake, why would she wait for 40+ years to do anything about it?

This kind of nonsense is unbelievable, IMO.

Because there was nothing to do about it until the guy was appointed to the Supreme Court.

Nothing would ever have happened at the time. Prep school boy, good family. Dr. Ford was bright enough to know that at the time.

Even now, with all that’s come out over the past year, she’s being publically accused of lying. Her family has been credibly threatened and are in hiding. Why would a woman ever come forward to this treatment?

Because doing nothing puts other women at risk of the same thing. Sometimes the right thing to do is very hard.
No, it’s not an overly dramatic way of stating it at all.
It’s absurd to demand that Kav testifies first, for one example, absolutely absurd.

The accused needs and has the right to hear the accusation in full before he responds. (He also has the right to face his accuser but they’ve agreed that he won’t be present in the same room).

If you don’t find asking the accused to testify before he hears the allegations from his accuser somewhat weird, you’ll need to explain why.

Why do you think that him testifying first is one of their demands?
Agreed. She is the accuser, she should testify first. Asking for other witnesses, separate rooms, and an extra couple days were fair requests. I don’t see why the FBI can’t make a few calls and give an analysis but I guess there are those that don’t care to be thorough
How many times do you have to be told the FBI does not exist to investigate high school kids and what they did or did not do 36 years ago at a party at an unknown location?
Dear God, you really are like a broken record.

Now, since you whine ad infinitum that people don’t answer your questions, I feel obliged to point out that you haven’t answered mine.

However, unlike like you, I’m not gonna hound you and bore you to deat with demands ad nauseum as I don’t see any point in speculating about why they asked for that!
The FBI does exist to do background checks and vetting for Supreme Court nominees and when you have a story and controversy of this magnitude then who better to handle it?

I’ll answer any question you ask. Apologies if I missed one, I’ve been reading fast as my phone time has been limited this weekend.
They’ve already done 6+ background checks and nada.

In addition, now 3 of the accusers ‘witnesses’ have denied any knowledge of the matter.

And again, no, the FBI does not exist to investigate what high school kids do at parties, not now, nor those that happened in the very distant past.

The question was why on Earth do you think the accusers and her lawyers are making the unprecedented demand that the accused testifies first to answer the allegations before they have even officially been made to him?
They haven’t done a check on this claim which is an issue that has consumed this country for over a week, why wouldn’t they let our best professionals take a look? I haven’t heard of 3 witnesses denying the story. Who are they and what did they say in their denials?
If you’re going to put forth your views, the least you could do is keep up with the story!
Agreed. She is the accuser, she should testify first. Asking for other witnesses, separate rooms, and an extra couple days were fair requests. I don’t see why the FBI can’t make a few calls and give an analysis but I guess there are those that don’t care to be thorough
How many times do you have to be told the FBI does not exist to investigate high school kids and what they did or did not do 36 years ago at a party at an unknown location?
Dear God, you really are like a broken record.

Now, since you whine ad infinitum that people don’t answer your questions, I feel obliged to point out that you haven’t answered mine.

However, unlike like you, I’m not gonna hound you and bore you to deat with demands ad nauseum as I don’t see any point in speculating about why they asked for that!
The FBI does exist to do background checks and vetting for Supreme Court nominees and when you have a story and controversy of this magnitude then who better to handle it?

I’ll answer any question you ask. Apologies if I missed one, I’ve been reading fast as my phone time has been limited this weekend.

The FBI has already done several background checks on Kavanaugh. There’s no reason to do another one just because of a fabricated story where named “witnesses” have already denied the story is true or say they have no recollection of the event described.
Well there is a reason for the FBI to investigate because this story has delayed a SCOTUS nomination and consumed the news media for over a week. I can’t think of many issues that have been this controversial and despite your confidence there is no way for you to know that it is a fabricated story. So let’s vet it out make a call on what we believe and then move forward

'How many times do you need to IGNORE what the FBI said about it?

There is NOTHING to investigate as shown in my comment YOU and Billo-really have ignored which is just a few comments upthread.

ALL four of the named people deny they were there or that it didn't happen to them, even her long time friend contradicts her claim.


I’m beginning to think Slade has learning difficulties and can’t google or watch the news to keep up with a story he is apparently very interested in.
And how many times must one keep reposting the same info for the leftards to (willfully) ignore?
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They can’t take a couple of days to accommodate a lady whom is under death threats? They can’t ask the FBI to conduct a couple interviews/background checks? They won’t supenia other witnesses? Come on there are all kinds of games being played
They have already postponed the vote for more than a couple of days and have bent over backwards to accommodate the accuser.
The FBI do not investigate what teens get up to at high school parties, they have met with her regarding the alleged threats.
Come on, there are certainly all kinds of games being played, but not by the republicans as you claim.
Yeah they have really bent over backwards, I’m surprise the poor fellows can still stand! Haha
Lame, even for you, Slade.
He's pissed because he's getting his ass kicked all over this thread.
Not in my view. I’ve asked pretty straight forward questions, most of which people dodge, and the others like you say things that just make me laugh. I think you sound like a fool about this matter and I’m sure you think I do too. So to each their own.
You are asking people to speculate and basically read the mind of the accuser. Not everyone is as happy to engage in this as you are. No one is dodging reasonable questions.
How many times do you have to be told the FBI does not exist to investigate high school kids and what they did or did not do 36 years ago at a party at an unknown location?
Dear God, you really are like a broken record.

Now, since you whine ad infinitum that people don’t answer your questions, I feel obliged to point out that you haven’t answered mine.

However, unlike like you, I’m not gonna hound you and bore you to deat with demands ad nauseum as I don’t see any point in speculating about why they asked for that!
The FBI does exist to do background checks and vetting for Supreme Court nominees and when you have a story and controversy of this magnitude then who better to handle it?

I’ll answer any question you ask. Apologies if I missed one, I’ve been reading fast as my phone time has been limited this weekend.

The FBI has already done several background checks on Kavanaugh. There’s no reason to do another one just because of a fabricated story where named “witnesses” have already denied the story is true or say they have no recollection of the event described.
Well there is a reason for the FBI to investigate because this story has delayed a SCOTUS nomination and consumed the news media for over a week. I can’t think of many issues that have been this controversial and despite your confidence there is no way for you to know that it is a fabricated story. So let’s vet it out make a call on what we believe and then move forward

'How many times do you need to IGNORE what the FBI said about it?

There is NOTHING to investigate as shown in my comment YOU and Billo-really have ignored which is just a few comments upthread.

ALL four of the named people deny they were there or that it didn't happen to them, even her long time friend contradicts her claim.


I’m beginning to think Slade has learning difficulties and can’t google or watch the news to keep up with a story he is apparently very interested in.
And how many times must one keep reposting the same info for the leftards to (willfully) ignore?
I was traveling this weekend and not keeping up with political news. Read an article on fake news cnn saying that none of Ford’s witnesses can account for the party. Not sure if I’m supposed to believe cnn but if that’s true then it’s not looking good for Ford.
The FBI does exist to do background checks and vetting for Supreme Court nominees and when you have a story and controversy of this magnitude then who better to handle it?

I’ll answer any question you ask. Apologies if I missed one, I’ve been reading fast as my phone time has been limited this weekend.

The FBI has already done several background checks on Kavanaugh. There’s no reason to do another one just because of a fabricated story where named “witnesses” have already denied the story is true or say they have no recollection of the event described.
Well there is a reason for the FBI to investigate because this story has delayed a SCOTUS nomination and consumed the news media for over a week. I can’t think of many issues that have been this controversial and despite your confidence there is no way for you to know that it is a fabricated story. So let’s vet it out make a call on what we believe and then move forward

'How many times do you need to IGNORE what the FBI said about it?

There is NOTHING to investigate as shown in my comment YOU and Billo-really have ignored which is just a few comments upthread.

ALL four of the named people deny they were there or that it didn't happen to them, even her long time friend contradicts her claim.


I’m beginning to think Slade has learning difficulties and can’t google or watch the news to keep up with a story he is apparently very interested in.
And how many times must one keep reposting the same info for the leftards to (willfully) ignore?
I was traveling this weekend and not keeping up with political news. Read an article on fake news cnn saying that none of Ford’s witnesses can account for the party. Not sure if I’m supposed to believe cnn but if that’s true then it’s not looking good for Ford.
Yes, my apologies, I hadn’t read your post about being incommunicado.

There are many sites which show the statements so you can read them for yourself. The people she claims are witnesses have no knowledge of what she is talking about.


On Monday, September 17, Chairman Grassley’s staff interviewed Judge Kavanaugh under penalty of felony. Democratic staff was invited to participate, and they could have asked any question they wanted to, but they declined. Judge Kavanaugh was forthright and emphatic in his testimony. He fully answered all questions. Chairman Grassley’s staff also contacted three alleged witnesses named by Dr. Ford and obtained two statements under penalty of perjury. These witnesses directly contradict Professor Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.

Judiciary Committee Continues Effort to Accommodate Testimony from Dr. Ford Next Week | United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary

She also named a female friend as a witness who has also come out and said she has no knowledge of the allegation whatsoever and doesn’t believe she’s ever been at a party at which Kav was also present.
Whether or not you "believe" is irrelevant.

The purpose is to delay or prevent Kavanaugh's confirmation.

If they succeed, you MUST admit they are the "get er done" go getters in the room....whether you like it or not.
I find it fascinating that the Left refuses to lose....while the silent Right refuses to fight at all.
What I get out of this is when they were in high school he tried to cop a feel one night

Shit if that makes you a sexual predator then every guy on the planet is guilty

While that may be true......they are not trying to prevent every guy on the planet from winning a nomination...only Kavanaugh, at this time.

And they may be winning......again.

MAN those Leftists have a fighting spirit! Can't deny that. By any means necessary.

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