Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
well so far the 2 women are what, 0 for 6 in having a named witness agree it happened? at what point do they lose credibility?
They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
Her own witnesses cause her to lose credibility.

And why scrub your previous words?
Any lawyer would direct their client to get off social media. They do that for high profile cases and divorce cases
it wasn't just facebook, slade. she tried to "ghost" her entire past. for that alone she's going to need to have very good reasons of why that happened. if you don't see that is a huge flag then yes, we are at an impasse.
Even if she is telling the truth, I don't believe its a big deal that he tried to dry hump a girl when he was 17...

I know that the Democrats are trying to derail any SC pick that Trump makes -- but..................Merrick Garland......the end...
They seem to think what they lack in quality they can make up in quantity.
No veracity to the original claim and none to this subsequent one.
But the left don’t care.
The charge of sexual predator/abuser requires more than one victim, particularly when the original has nothing, so they go out and fish for some more.
The latest accuser was reticent to accuse Kav because she acknowledged her 35 year old drunken memory was a mess of black holes, but six days with her lawyers somehow cured her of that problem.

Only an idiot would believe this transparent crap.
Don’t you find it a curious story to fabricate? I know you don’t like to speculate but in cases like these you have to look at the story and think things through. If she was going to make something up why not say he assaulted her when they were alone in a dorm room? Why leave so many gaps when she could easily fill in the blanks with more lies? They also would have had to plant the lie with several other classmates who have verified hearing about the event while in school. Who coordinates all of that and how do they do it?!

Q: "Who coordinates all of that and how do they do it?!"

A: etc...
Weak answer

Deny it if you want but these are /exactly/ the kinds of groups that organize this sort of shit, always have, always will.
I won’t deny it because I have no way of knowing. Same goes for you. So if you going to try and make the accusations you should be able to back them up with something that makes sense... more than a one word answer.

Ah, clearly I've misjudged your intelligence, my apologies. Let's try again, this time I'll explain for ya, and what the hell I'll even give ya a little more to chew on:

Q: "Who coordinates all of that and how do they do it?!"

A: Political groups would coordinate these kinds of opposition attacks. They often pay for buses to get voters to the booths, or even to get protesters on the streets. Protesters have also been paid by such organizations for their participation on numerous occasions - advertisements looking for protesters have been found as well (I believe the last one I saw was paying $15/hour.) Some have argued that the protesters are not "being paid" but rather that the organizations are paying their fees and bails - this supposedly was the case when the Kavanaugh protesters were arrested in the hearing just a few weeks ago. Considering this, it is not at all unfathomable that political organizations would be paying for "victims" to come forward in the same manner - be that paying them outright, or "just" paying their fees to do so. Not that it even requires payment for some folks, in other sexual assault and rape accusations we've had cases where women simply wanted attention.

As for the organization part; one could look at the political groups that were organizing and funding the violence of ANTIFA. It's not very hard to troll social media for folks willing to say something bad about Kavanaugh - especially when the far left not only absolutely hates Kavanaugh because of the lies the MSM has told them (aka he'll overturn Roe vs Wade!!!) but has also completely lost their grip on reality the past couple years; to the point of silencing any conservative views in colleges, mob reporting conservative YouTube and Twitters to get those folks banned, enacting violence upon folks attending Trump rally's, mobbing and harassing anyone that works for Trump in public (I hear they harassed Cruz at a public restaurant just yesterday,) a teacher brought a gun into their school and shot themselves in the foot to protest the 2nd, a lefty shot up a baseball game trying to kill republicans. You cannot tell me that you don't see that some of these folks are unhinged and acting stupid because of the MSM's bullshit riling them up... Given all that, how is it at all difficult to believe that some folks might lie for "the political cause"?
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They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
Her own witnesses cause her to lose credibility.

And why scrub your previous words?
Any lawyer would direct their client to get off social media. They do that for high profile cases and divorce cases
‘Getting off’ social media isn’t what happened here though.
What happened?
I think I just said that this movement is rooted in blocking Kavanaughs nomination. I don’t think that is disputed. The dems are politicizing it best they can. That doesn’t mean all the claims are fake though.
well so far the 2 women are what, 0 for 6 in having a named witness agree it happened? at what point do they lose credibility?
They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
but she didn't go to the local law or let her attorney do it. she made it political by writing to a representative to FW *TO* DiFi. sending directly to DiFi would subject her to penalties for lying. so all this, given the "prep work" is 100% political.

and as for "hey - standard protocol" - not going to buy into that one. and even if so then again - pre-planned to be political and not legal in nature. you want justice, you go to the law enforcement agency. in this case, 36 years ago. if a "resister" hires a "resister" lawyer, deletes her social history, and works the system like she has, the yes slade this is political and ergo, i don't believe a word shes saying.
I agree it is very much political. If the assault happened I can find it very plausible that she came forward soley to block him from ascending to the Supreme Court. Just as a dozen ladies came out about Trump when he was running for Prez. I don’t think that just because The accusations are being used for political reasons it makes them automatically lies. You are fine to be more skeptical about them but they could very well be true.
well so far the 2 women are what, 0 for 6 in having a named witness agree it happened? at what point do they lose credibility?
They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
Her own witnesses cause her to lose credibility.

And why scrub your previous words?
Any lawyer would direct their client to get off social media. They do that for high profile cases and divorce cases
That's nice. Can you answer the question now?
well so far the 2 women are what, 0 for 6 in having a named witness agree it happened? at what point do they lose credibility?
They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
but she didn't go to the local law or let her attorney do it. she made it political by writing to a representative to FW *TO* DiFi. sending directly to DiFi would subject her to penalties for lying. so all this, given the "prep work" is 100% political.

and as for "hey - standard protocol" - not going to buy into that one. and even if so then again - pre-planned to be political and not legal in nature. you want justice, you go to the law enforcement agency. in this case, 36 years ago. if a "resister" hires a "resister" lawyer, deletes her social history, and works the system like she has, the yes slade this is political and ergo, i don't believe a word shes saying.
I agree it is very much political. If the assault happened I can find it very plausible that she came forward soley to block him from ascending to the Supreme Court. Just as a dozen ladies came out about Trump when he was running for Prez. I don’t think that just because The accusations are being used for political reasons it makes them automatically lies. You are fine to be more skeptical about them but they could very well be true.
i'd be a lot more inclined to believe her *if*
1) any of her named witnesses corroborated it
2) the 6 FBI background checks had found he's exhibited this behavior before
3) she wasn't a member of the RESIST movement with pics of her doing the NOT MY PRESIDENT thing
4) her lawyer wasn't an active part of RESIST as well
5) it didn't take 6 days to get a name out of the "next" witness

all of that is just shady as hell. i do agree the political process has gotten nastyass dirty but these tactics, if allowed, will only be amplified as we move forward. is that what you or anyone *really* wants? when the dems get to appoint someone again - and they will - do they not think the right will not do the very same shit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one-up it?

and around we'll continue to go down the drain.
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If the lying wench was so concerned about Kavanaugh being a Supreme Court judge, why wait until now to say something?

Why was it okay for him to be a federal judge at any level?

Why is SCOTUS the line that can’t be crossed?

very interesting...this bitch could talk herself into prison if she is not careful....
They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
Her own witnesses cause her to lose credibility.

And why scrub your previous words?
Any lawyer would direct their client to get off social media. They do that for high profile cases and divorce cases
it wasn't just facebook, slade. she tried to "ghost" her entire past. for that alone she's going to need to have very good reasons of why that happened. if you don't see that is a huge flag then yes, we are at an impasse.
I think it shows that she didn’t want her life picked apart by the media. I’m sure we can all understand that... I don’t think it is as nefarious of a move as many are trying to make it be.
Even if she is telling the truth, I don't believe its a big deal that he tried to dry hump a girl when he was 17...

I know that the Democrats are trying to derail any SC pick that Trump makes -- but..................Merrick Garland......the end...
See I agree with you there. I don’t think the accusation is a deal killer. But once he denied being at the party and I’m essence called Ford a liar he picked his side and if it comes out that the allegations are true he loses all credibility for truth telling and that IMO is disqualifying.
Don’t you find it a curious story to fabricate? I know you don’t like to speculate but in cases like these you have to look at the story and think things through. If she was going to make something up why not say he assaulted her when they were alone in a dorm room? Why leave so many gaps when she could easily fill in the blanks with more lies? They also would have had to plant the lie with several other classmates who have verified hearing about the event while in school. Who coordinates all of that and how do they do it?!

Q: "Who coordinates all of that and how do they do it?!"

A: etc...
Weak answer

Deny it if you want but these are /exactly/ the kinds of groups that organize this sort of shit, always have, always will.
I won’t deny it because I have no way of knowing. Same goes for you. So if you going to try and make the accusations you should be able to back them up with something that makes sense... more than a one word answer.

Ah, clearly I've misjudged your intelligence, my apologies. Let's try again, this time I'll explain for ya, and what the hell I'll even give ya a little more to chew on:

Q: "Who coordinates all of that and how do they do it?!"

A: Political groups would coordinate these kinds of opposition attacks. They often pay for buses to get voters to the booths, or even to get protesters on the streets. Protesters have also been paid by such organizations for their participation on numerous occasions - advertisements looking for protesters have been found as well (I believe the last one I saw was paying $15/hour.) Some have argued that the protesters are not "being paid" but rather that the organizations are paying their fees and bails - this supposedly was the case when the Kavanaugh protesters were arrested in the hearing just a few weeks ago. Considering this, it is not at all unfathomable that political organizations would be paying for "victims" to come forward in the same manner - be that paying them outright, or "just" paying their fees to do so. Not that it even requires payment for some folks, in other sexual assault and rape accusations we've had cases where women simply wanted attention.

As for the organization part; one could look at the political groups that were organizing and funding the violence of ANTIFA. It's not very hard to troll social media for folks willing to say something bad about Kavanaugh - especially when the far left not only absolutely hates Kavanaugh because of the lies the MSM has told them (aka he'll overturn Roe vs Wade!!!) but has also completely lost their grip on reality the past couple years; to the point of silencing any conservative views in colleges, mob reporting conservative YouTube and Twitters to get those folks banned, enacting violence upon folks attending Trump rally's, mobbing and harassing anyone that works for Trump in public (I hear they harassed Cruz at a public restaurant just yesterday,) a teacher brought a gun into their school and shot themselves in the foot to protest the 2nd, a lefty shot up a baseball game trying to kill republicans. You cannot tell me that you don't see that some of these folks are unhinged and acting stupid because of the MSM's bullshit riling them up... Given all that, how is it at all difficult to believe that some folks might lie for "the political cause"?
Well I do thank you for giving a real answer and explaining yourself. I respect that. I do feel that organizing protests and marketing campaigns is quite different than coordinating a conspiratorial lie to discredit a SCOTUS nominee that includes 6 year old records and Swiss cheese accounts, and calls for FBI investigations. If they made this thing up I’d assume they would cook up a more solid story, wouldn’t you? Accuse just Kavanaugh and put them in a one on one situation so it was truly he said she said. Why push so hard for the FBI to investigate if it’s a lie? That puts criminal charges into play. If I was cooking a lie I’d just play this thing out in the media and try to sway public opinion. Can you acknowledge that it is difficult to make sense out of the story and actions of this were all made up?! It would be the worst fabrication ever right above the dog ate my homework!
They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
Her own witnesses cause her to lose credibility.

And why scrub your previous words?
Any lawyer would direct their client to get off social media. They do that for high profile cases and divorce cases
That's nice. Can you answer the question now?
So you don’t give fuel to the media that will be looking for any reason to disparage your character
Even if she is telling the truth, I don't believe its a big deal that he tried to dry hump a girl when he was 17...

I know that the Democrats are trying to derail any SC pick that Trump makes -- but..................Merrick Garland......the end...
See I agree with you there. I don’t think the accusation is a deal killer. But once he denied being at the party and I’m essence called Ford a liar he picked his side and if it comes out that the allegations are true he loses all credibility for truth telling and that IMO is disqualifying.

How will the allegations be proven true? 36 yrs ago. No credible witnesses. He said/She said? Are we bringing in mind readers? A time machine?
They lose credibility if they get caught in a lie. They lose or gain credibility as their story gets questioned and we hear them explain themselves
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
but she didn't go to the local law or let her attorney do it. she made it political by writing to a representative to FW *TO* DiFi. sending directly to DiFi would subject her to penalties for lying. so all this, given the "prep work" is 100% political.

and as for "hey - standard protocol" - not going to buy into that one. and even if so then again - pre-planned to be political and not legal in nature. you want justice, you go to the law enforcement agency. in this case, 36 years ago. if a "resister" hires a "resister" lawyer, deletes her social history, and works the system like she has, the yes slade this is political and ergo, i don't believe a word shes saying.
I agree it is very much political. If the assault happened I can find it very plausible that she came forward soley to block him from ascending to the Supreme Court. Just as a dozen ladies came out about Trump when he was running for Prez. I don’t think that just because The accusations are being used for political reasons it makes them automatically lies. You are fine to be more skeptical about them but they could very well be true.
i'd be a lot more inclined to believe her *if*
1) any of her named witnesses corroborated it
2) the 6 FBI background checks had found he's exhibited this behavior before
3) she wasn't a member of the RESIST movement with pics of her doing the NOT MY PRESIDENT thing
4) her lawyer wasn't an active part of RESIST as well
5) it didn't take 6 days to get a name out of the "next" witness

all of that is just shady as hell. i do agree the political process has gotten nastyass dirty but these tactics, if allowed, will only be amplified as we move forward. is that what you or anyone *really* wants? when the dems get to appoint someone again - and they will - do they not think the right will not do the very same shit in a "hold my beer" fashion to one-up it?

and around we'll continue to go down the drain.
I agree this is an ugly thing to amplify as a political tactic. The tit for tat game is on and I’m sure this is the Dems getting back for the Garland fiasco. That doesn’t justify it. I don’t know what’s going to stop it. Perhaps if we ever get a mature honorable leader that sets an example for proper etiquette and calls out the games. That is certainly not the current Presidents strong suit so unfortunately I see these games only getting worse
Even if she is telling the truth, I don't believe its a big deal that he tried to dry hump a girl when he was 17...

I know that the Democrats are trying to derail any SC pick that Trump makes -- but..................Merrick Garland......the end...
See I agree with you there. I don’t think the accusation is a deal killer. But once he denied being at the party and I’m essence called Ford a liar he picked his side and if it comes out that the allegations are true he loses all credibility for truth telling and that IMO is disqualifying.

How will the allegations be proven true? 36 yrs ago. No credible witnesses. He said/She said? Are we bringing in mind readers? A time machine?
They likely won’t prove it either way unless a witness comes forward. We will hear out each side and it will likely be ruled in the court of public opinion. 1/3 of the puppet partisans already have their minds made up on each side of the issue. So it will be the 1/3 that sit in the middle that it will have the biggest impact on.
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
Her own witnesses cause her to lose credibility.

And why scrub your previous words?
Any lawyer would direct their client to get off social media. They do that for high profile cases and divorce cases
‘Getting off’ social media isn’t what happened here though.
What happened?
It was erased.
By the way.................I have a question.......................

It's in reference to Kavanaugh's interview on FOX last night.

I went to high school. I was friends with some of the varsity football players, and damn near every one of the football players was getting laid on a regular basis.

Kavanaugh played varsity football in high school.

Do any of you believe that Kavanaugh was a virgin all through high school and college?
they lose cred when they scrub their history and attack someone esles.
If you are talking about deleting social media accounts then that is standard protocol that any attorney would direct their client to do. For your second point, I don’t see how making the accusation is something that causes one to lose credibility.
Her own witnesses cause her to lose credibility.

And why scrub your previous words?
Any lawyer would direct their client to get off social media. They do that for high profile cases and divorce cases
That's nice. Can you answer the question now?
So you don’t give fuel to the media that will be looking for any reason to disparage your character
Whilst busy disparaging someone else’s on the baisis of no evidence.

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